blob: f028bb8cb033b09adf92fd57041712a1a62c6dcb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright Β©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package linsolve
import (
const defaultTol = 1e-13
type testCase struct {
name string
mulVecTo func(*mat.VecDense, bool, mat.Vector) // Matrix-vector multiplication
b []float64 // Right-hand side vector
diag []float64 // Diagonal for the Jacobi preconditioner
tol float64 // Tolerance for the convergence criterion
want []float64 // Expected solution
func (tc *testCase) MulVecTo(dst *mat.VecDense, trans bool, x mat.Vector) {
tc.mulVecTo(dst, trans, x)
func (tc *testCase) PreconSolve(dst *mat.VecDense, trans bool, rhs mat.Vector) error {
if tc.diag == nil {
} else {
n := len(tc.diag)
diag := mat.NewVecDense(n, tc.diag)
dst.DivElemVec(rhs, diag)
return nil
func spdTestCases(rnd *rand.Rand) []testCase {
return []testCase{
newRandomSPD(1, rnd),
newRandomSPD(2, rnd),
newRandomSPD(3, rnd),
newRandomSPD(4, rnd),
newRandomSPD(5, rnd),
newRandomSPD(10, rnd),
newRandomSPD(20, rnd),
newRandomSPD(50, rnd),
newRandomDiagonal(2, rnd),
newRandomDiagonal(3, rnd),
newRandomDiagonal(4, rnd),
newRandomDiagonal(5, rnd),
newRandomDiagonal(10, rnd),
newRandomDiagonal(20, rnd),
newRandomDiagonal(50, rnd),
newGreenbaum41(24, 0.001, 1, 0.4, rnd),
newGreenbaum41(24, 0.001, 1, 0.6, rnd),
newGreenbaum41(24, 0.001, 1, 0.8, rnd),
newGreenbaum41(24, 0.001, 1, 1, rnd),
newPoisson1D(32, random(rnd)),
newPoisson2D(32, 32, one),
// newRandomSPD returns a test case with a random symmetric positive-definite
// matrix of order n, and a random right-hand side.
func newRandomSPD(n int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
// Generate a random matrix C.
c := make([]float64, n*n)
for i := range c {
c[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
C := mat.NewDense(n, n, c)
// Use C to generate a SPD matrix A.
var A mat.SymDense
A.SymOuterK(1, C)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
A.SetSym(i, i, A.At(i, i)+float64(n))
// Generate the right-hand side.
b := make([]float64, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = 1 / math.Sqrt(float64(n))
// Compute the solution using the Cholesky factorization.
var chol mat.Cholesky
ok := chol.Factorize(&A)
if !ok {
panic("bad test matrix")
want := make([]float64, n)
chol.SolveVecTo(mat.NewVecDense(n, want), mat.NewVecDense(n, b))
// Matrix-vector multiplication.
mulVecTo := func(dst *mat.VecDense, _ bool, x mat.Vector) {
if dst.Len() != n || x.Len() != n {
panic("mismatched vector length")
dst.MulVec(&A, x)
// Store the diagonal for preconditioning.
diag := make([]float64, n)
for i := range diag {
diag[i] = A.At(i, i)
return testCase{
name: fmt.Sprintf("Random SPD n=%v", n),
mulVecTo: mulVecTo,
b: b,
tol: defaultTol,
diag: diag,
want: want,
// newRandomDiagonal returns a test case with a diagonal matrix with random positive elements,
// a random right-hand side and a known solution.
func newRandomDiagonal(n int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
// Generate a diagonal matrix with random positive elements.
a := make([]float64, n)
diag := make([]float64, n)
for i := range a {
a[i] = 1 + 10*rnd.Float64()
diag[i] = a[i]
A := mat.NewDiagDense(n, a)
// Generate the right-hand side.
b := make([]float64, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = 1 / math.Sqrt(float64(n))
// Compute the reference solution.
want := make([]float64, n)
for i := range want {
want[i] = b[i] / a[i]
// Matrix-vector multiplication.
mulVecTo := func(dst *mat.VecDense, _ bool, x mat.Vector) {
if dst.Len() != n || x.Len() != n {
panic("mismatched vector length")
dst.MulVec(A, x)
return testCase{
name: fmt.Sprintf("Random diagonal n=%v", n),
mulVecTo: mulVecTo,
b: b,
tol: defaultTol,
diag: diag,
want: want,
// newGreenbaum41 returns a test case with a symmetric positive definite matrix
// A defined as
// A = U * D * Uα΅€,
// where U is a random orthogonal matrix and D is a diagonal matrix with entries
// given by
// d_i = d_1 + (i-1)/(n-1)*(d_n-d_1)*rho^{n-i}, i = 2,...,n-1.
// This matrix is described in Section 4.1 of
// Greenbaum, A. (1997). Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems. SIAM.
func newGreenbaum41(n int, d1, dn, rho float64, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
if n < 2 || dn < d1 {
panic("bad test")
// Generate the diagonal.
d := make([]float64, n)
d[0] = d1
d[n-1] = dn
for i := 1; i < n-1; i++ {
d[i] = d1 + float64(i)/float64(n-1)*(dn-d1)*math.Pow(rho, float64(n-i-1))
// Generate the SPD matrix A.
a := make([]float64, n*n)
testlapack.Dlagsy(n, 0, d, a, n, rnd, make([]float64, 2*n))
A := mat.NewSymDense(n, a)
// Generate the right-hand side.
b := make([]float64, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
// Compute the solution using the Cholesky factorization.
var chol mat.Cholesky
ok := chol.Factorize(A)
if !ok {
panic("bad test matrix")
want := make([]float64, n)
chol.SolveVecTo(mat.NewVecDense(n, want), mat.NewVecDense(n, b))
// Matrix-vector multiplication.
mulVecTo := func(dst *mat.VecDense, _ bool, x mat.Vector) {
if dst.Len() != n || x.Len() != n {
panic("mismatched vector length")
dst.MulVec(A, x)
// Store the diagonal for preconditioning.
diag := make([]float64, n)
for i := range diag {
diag[i] = A.At(i, i)
return testCase{
name: fmt.Sprintf("Greenbaum 4.1 n=%v,d_1=%v,d_n=%v,rho=%v", n, d1, dn, rho),
mulVecTo: mulVecTo,
b: b,
tol: defaultTol,
diag: diag,
want: want,
func nonsym3x3() testCase {
return testCase{
name: "nonsym 3x3",
mulVecTo: func(dst *mat.VecDense, trans bool, x mat.Vector) {
A := mat.NewDense(3, 3, []float64{
5, -1, 3,
-1, 2, -2,
3, -2, 3,
if trans {
dst.MulVec(A.T(), x)
} else {
dst.MulVec(A, x)
b: []float64{7, -1, 4},
diag: []float64{5, 2, -3},
tol: defaultTol,
want: []float64{1, 1, 1},
func nonsymTridiag(n int) testCase {
A := triplet.NewMatrix(n, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if i > 0 {
A.Append(i, i-1, -2)
A.Append(i, i, 4)
if i < n-1 {
A.Append(i, i+1, -1)
b := make([]float64, n)
for i := range b {
switch i {
case 0:
b[i] = 3
b[i] = 1
case n - 1:
b[i] = 2
want := make([]float64, n)
for i := range want {
want[i] = 1
return testCase{
name: fmt.Sprintf("Nonsym tridiag n=%v", n),
mulVecTo: A.MulVecTo,
b: b,
tol: defaultTol,
want: want,
// newPoisson1D returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the Poisson equation
// - βˆ‚_x βˆ‚_x u = f
// on the interval [0,1].
func newPoisson1D(nx int, f func(float64, float64) float64) testCase {
tc := newPDE(nx, 1, negOne, nil, zero, nil, zero, f) = fmt.Sprintf("Poisson 1D nx=%v", nx)
return tc
// newPoisson2D returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the Poisson equation
// - Ξ”u = f
// on the unit square [0,1]Γ—[0,1].
func newPoisson2D(nx, ny int, f func(float64, float64) float64) testCase {
tc := newPDE(nx, ny, negOne, negOne, zero, zero, zero, f) = fmt.Sprintf("Poisson 2D nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
tc.tol = 1e-12
return tc
// newGreenbaum54 returns a test case with a general unsymmetric matrix
// A defined as
// A = V*D*V^{-1},
// where V is a random matrix and D is a block-diagonal matrix with n1 complex
// and n2 real eigenvalues.
// This matrix is described in Section 5.4 of
// Greenbaum, A. (1997). Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems. SIAM.
func newGreenbaum54(n1, n2 int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
n := 2*n1 + n2
// Generate the block-diagonal matrix D.
d := make([]float64, n*3)
// Generate n1 blocks with complex eigenvalues.
for i := 0; i < 2*n1; i += 2 {
// The 2x2 block will have eigenvalues aΒ±b*i.
// Real part of the eigenvalue is in [1,2).
a := rnd.Float64() + 1
// Imaginary part is in [-1,1).
b := 2*rnd.Float64() - 1
d[i*3+1] = a
d[i*3+2] = b
d[(i+1)*3] = -b
d[(i+1)*3+1] = a
// Generate n2 real eigenvalues.
for i := 2 * n1; i < n; i++ {
r := 9*rnd.Float64() + 1
if rnd.Intn(2) == 0 {
r *= -1
d[i*3+1] = r
D := mat.NewBandDense(n, n, 1, 1, d)
// Generate a random matrix V.
v := make([]float64, n*n)
for i := range v {
v[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
V := mat.NewDense(n, n, v)
var luV mat.LU
// Generate the right-hand side.
b := make([]float64, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
// Compute V*D and (V*D)^{-1} for computing the reference solution and for the matrix-vector operation.
var VD mat.Dense
VD.Mul(V, D)
var luVD mat.LU
// Compute the solution of V*D*V^{-1}*x = b.
// First, compute the solution of V*D*y = b.
want := make([]float64, n)
wantVec := mat.NewVecDense(n, want)
err := luVD.SolveVecTo(wantVec, false, mat.NewVecDense(n, b))
if err != nil {
panic("luVD.SolveVecTo(notrans) failed")
// Second, compute the solution of V^{-1}*x = y, which amounts to just
// computing x = V*y.
wantVec.MulVec(V, wantVec)
// Matrix-vector multiplication.
mulVecTo := func(dst *mat.VecDense, trans bool, x mat.Vector) {
if dst.Len() != n || x.Len() != n {
panic("mismatched vector length")
if trans {
// Multiply (V*D*V^{-1})α΅€ * x which can be
// rewritten as V^{-1}α΅€ * (V*D)α΅€ * x.
dst.MulVec(VD.T(), x)
err := luV.SolveVecTo(dst, true, dst)
if err != nil {
panic("luV.SolveVecTo(trans) failed")
} else {
// Multiply V*D*V^{-1} * x.
err := luV.SolveVecTo(dst, false, x)
if err != nil {
panic("luV.SolveVecTo(notrans) failed")
dst.MulVec(&VD, dst)
return testCase{
name: fmt.Sprintf("Greenbaum 5.4 n=%v,n1=%v,n2=%v", n, n1, n2),
mulVecTo: mulVecTo,
b: b,
tol: defaultTol,
want: want,
// newGreenbaum73 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the partial differential equation
// - Ξ”u + 40*(x*βˆ‚_x u + y*βˆ‚_y u) - 100*u = f
// This test problem is described in Section 7.3 of
// Greenbaum, A. (1997). Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems. SIAM.
func newGreenbaum73(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
tc := newPDE(nx, ny,
negOne, negOne, // - βˆ‚_x βˆ‚_x u - βˆ‚_y βˆ‚_y u
func(x, _ float64) float64 { return 40 * x }, // 40 * x * βˆ‚_x u
func(_, y float64) float64 { return 40 * y }, // 40 * y * βˆ‚_y u
constant(-100), // -100 * u
random(rnd)) = fmt.Sprintf("Greenbaum 7.3 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
return tc
// newPDENonsymmetric returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the partial differential equation
// Ξ”u + henk*βˆ‚_x u + (βˆ‚_x henk/2)*u = f
// where henk(x,y) := 20*exp(3.5*(x^2 + y^2))
// This test case is adapted from
func newPDENonsymmetric(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
tc := newPDE(nx, ny, one, one, henk, zero, dhenkdx, random(rnd)) = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Nonsymmetric nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
return tc
func henk(x, y float64) float64 {
return 20 * math.Exp(3.5*(x*x+y*y))
func dhenkdx(x, y float64) float64 {
return 70 * x * math.Exp(3.5*(x*x+y*y))
// newPDEYang47 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the partial differential equation
// Ξ”u + 1000*βˆ‚_x u = f
// The large coefficient of βˆ‚_xu causes a loss of diagonal dominance in the system matrix.
// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.7 in
// Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
func newPDEYang47(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
tc := newPDE(nx, ny, one, one, constant(1000), zero, zero, random(rnd)) = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.7 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
return tc
// newPDEYang48 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the partial differential equation
// Ξ”u + 1000*βˆ‚_y u = f
// The large coefficient of βˆ‚_yu causes a loss of diagonal dominance in the system matrix.
// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.8 in
// Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
func newPDEYang48(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
tc := newPDE(nx, ny, one, one, zero, constant(1000), zero, random(rnd)) = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.8 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
return tc
// newPDEYang49 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the partial differential equation
// Ξ”u + 1000*exp(x*y)*(βˆ‚_x u - βˆ‚_y u) = f
// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.9 in
// Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
func newPDEYang49(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
tc := newPDE(16, 16,
one, one,
func(x, y float64) float64 { return 1000 * math.Exp(x*y) },
func(x, y float64) float64 { return -1000 * math.Exp(x*y) },
zero, random(rnd)) = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.9 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
return tc
// newPDEYang410 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the partial differential equation
// βˆ‚_x (exp(x*y) * βˆ‚_x u) + βˆ‚_y (exp(-x*y) * βˆ‚_y u) - 500*(x + y)*βˆ‚_x u - (250*(1 + y) + 1/(1 + x + y))*u = f
// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.10 in
// Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
func newPDEYang410(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
tc := newPDE(nx, ny,
func(x, y float64) float64 { return math.Exp(x * y) }, // βˆ‚_x (exp(x*y) * βˆ‚_x u)
func(x, y float64) float64 { return math.Exp(-x * y) }, // βˆ‚_y (exp(-x*y) * βˆ‚_y u)
func(x, y float64) float64 { return -500 * (x + y) }, // -500*(x + y)*βˆ‚_x u
func(x, y float64) float64 { return -250*(1+y) - 1/(1+x+y) }, // - (250*(1 + y) + 1/(1+x+y)) * u
random(rnd)) = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.10 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
return tc
// newPDEYang412 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the partial differential equation
// Ξ”u - 100000*x^2*(βˆ‚_x u + βˆ‚_y u) = f
// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.12 in
// Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
func newPDEYang412(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
tc := newPDE(nx, ny,
one, one,
func(x, _ float64) float64 { return -100000 * x * x },
func(x, _ float64) float64 { return -100000 * x * x },
zero, random(rnd)) = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.12 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
return tc
// newPDEYang413 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the partial differential equation
// Ξ”u - 1000*(1 + x^2)*βˆ‚_x u + 100*βˆ‚_y u = f
// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.13 in
// Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
func newPDEYang413(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
tc := newPDE(nx, ny,
one, one,
func(x, _ float64) float64 { return -1000 * (1 + x*x) },
zero, random(rnd)) = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.13 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
return tc
// newPDEYang414 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the partial differential equation
// Ξ”u - 1000*x^2*βˆ‚_x u + 1000*u = f
// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.14 in
// Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
func newPDEYang414(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
tc := newPDE(nx, ny,
one, one,
func(x, _ float64) float64 { return -1000 * x * x },
constant(1000), random(rnd)) = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.14 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
return tc
// newPDEYang415 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the partial differential equation
// Ξ”u - 1000*(1 - 2*x)*βˆ‚_x u - 1000*(1 - 2*y)*βˆ‚_y u = f
// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.15 in
// Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
func newPDEYang415(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
tc := newPDE(nx, ny,
one, one,
func(x, _ float64) float64 { return -1000 * (1 - 2*x) },
func(_, y float64) float64 { return -1000 * (1 - 2*y) },
zero, random(rnd)) = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.15 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
return tc
// newPDE returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
// of the partial differential equation
// βˆ‚_x (a βˆ‚_x u) + βˆ‚_y (b βˆ‚_y u) + c βˆ‚_x u + d βˆ‚_y u + e u = f
// on the unit square [0,1]Γ—[0,1] with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.
// nx and ny must be positive. If ny is 1, a 1D variant of the equation on [0,1]Γ—{0} will be used,
// and b and d will not be referenced.
func newPDE(nx, ny int, a, b, c, d, e, f func(float64, float64) float64) testCase {
if nx <= 0 || ny <= 0 {
panic("invalid mesh size")
var (
A *triplet.Matrix
rhs []float64
diag []float64
if ny == 1 {
A, rhs, diag = newPDESystem1D(nx, a, c, e, f)
} else {
A, rhs, diag = newPDESystem2D(nx, ny, a, b, c, d, e, f)
// Use a dense solver to obtain a reference solution.
Ad := A.DenseCopy()
var lu mat.LU
n := len(rhs)
want := make([]float64, n)
err := lu.SolveVecTo(mat.NewVecDense(n, want), false, mat.NewVecDense(n, rhs))
if err != nil {
panic("lu.SolveVec failed")
return testCase{
mulVecTo: A.MulVecTo,
b: rhs,
tol: defaultTol,
diag: diag,
want: want,
// newPDESystem1D assembles and returns the matrix A, the right-hand side vector,
// and the diagonal of A for a 1-dimensional PDE problem.
func newPDESystem1D(nx int, a, b, c, f func(float64, float64) float64) (A *triplet.Matrix, rhs, diag []float64) {
h := 1 / float64(nx+1)
A = triplet.NewMatrix(nx, nx)
rhs = make([]float64, nx)
diag = make([]float64, nx)
var i int
for ix := 0; ix < nx; ix++ {
s := newStencil1D(ix, h, a, b, c)
// Add stencil elements to the system matrix, skipping boundary nodes.
if ix > 0 {
A.Append(i, i-1, s.left)
A.Append(i, i,
diag[i] =
if ix < nx-1 {
A.Append(i, i+1, s.right)
// Assemble the right-hand side.
x := float64(ix+1) * h
rhs[i] = f(x, 0) * h * h
return A, rhs, diag
type stencil1D struct {
left, right float64
center float64
// newStencil1D returns a finite difference stencil that approximates the differential operator
// βˆ‚_x (a βˆ‚_x u) + b βˆ‚_x u + c u
// at point [(i+1)*h] using the formula
// a(i+1/2,0)*(u(i+1) - u(i)) + a(i-1/2,0)*(u(i-1) - u(i))
// + (h/2)*b(i,0)*(u(i+1) - u(i-1))
// + h^2*c(i,0)*u(i)
func newStencil1D(i int, h float64, a, b, c func(float64, float64) float64) (s stencil1D) {
x := float64(i+1) * h
coeff := a(x+0.5*h, 0) -= coeff
s.right = coeff
coeff = a(x-0.5*h, 0) -= coeff
s.left = coeff
coeff = b(x, 0)
s.right += 0.5 * h * coeff
s.left -= 0.5 * h * coeff += h * h * c(x, 0)
return s
// newPDESystem2D assembles and returns the matrix A, the right-hand side vector,
// and the diagonal of A for a 2-dimensional PDE problem.
func newPDESystem2D(nx, ny int, a, b, c, d, e, f func(float64, float64) float64) (A *triplet.Matrix, rhs, diag []float64) {
// Finite difference stencil:
// * (ix,iy+1)
// |
// | (ix,iy)
// * ---- * ---- *
// (ix-1,iy) | (ix+1,iy)
// |
// * (ix,iy-1)
// Node (ix,iy) is mapped to the index ix+iy*k.
h := 1 / float64(nx+1)
n := nx * ny
A = triplet.NewMatrix(n, n)
rhs = make([]float64, n)
diag = make([]float64, n)
var i int
for iy := 0; iy < ny; iy++ {
y := float64(iy+1) * h
for ix := 0; ix < nx; ix++ {
s := newStencil2D(ix, iy, h, a, b, c, d, e)
// Add the coefficients from the stencil to the system matrix, skipping boundary nodes.
if iy > 0 {
A.Append(i, i-nx, s.down)
if ix > 0 {
A.Append(i, i-1, s.left)
A.Append(i, i,
diag[i] =
if ix < nx-1 {
A.Append(i, i+1, s.right)
if iy < ny-1 {
A.Append(i, i+nx, s.up)
// Assemble the right-hand side.
x := float64(ix+1) * h
rhs[i] = f(x, y) * h * h
return A, rhs, diag
type stencil2D struct {
left, right float64
up, down float64
center float64
// newStencil2D returns a finite difference stencil that approximates the differential operator
// βˆ‚_x (a βˆ‚_x u) + βˆ‚_y (b βˆ‚_y u) + c βˆ‚_x u + d βˆ‚_y u + e u
// at point [(i+1)*h,(j+1)*h] using the formula
// a(i+1/2,j)*(u(i+1,j) - u(i,j)) + a(i-1/2,j)*(u(i-1,j) - u(i,j))
// + b(i,j+1/2)*(u(i,j+1) - u(i,j)) + b(i,j-1/2)*(u(i,j-1) - u(i,j))
// + (h/2)*c(i,j)*(u(i+1,j) - u(i-1,j)) + (h/2)*d(i,j)*(u(i,j+1) - u(i,j-1))
// + h^2*e(i,j)*u(i,j)
func newStencil2D(i, j int, h float64, a, b, c, d, e func(float64, float64) float64) (s stencil2D) {
x := float64(i+1) * h
y := float64(j+1) * h
coeff := a(x+0.5*h, y) -= coeff
s.right = coeff
coeff = a(x-0.5*h, y) -= coeff
s.left = coeff
coeff = b(x+0.5*h, y) -= coeff
s.up = coeff
coeff = b(x-0.5*h, y) -= coeff
s.down = coeff
coeff = c(x, y)
s.right += 0.5 * h * coeff
s.left -= 0.5 * h * coeff
coeff = d(x, y)
s.up += 0.5 * h * coeff
s.down -= 0.5 * h * coeff += h * h * c(x, y)
return s
func zero(_, _ float64) float64 {
return 0
func one(_, _ float64) float64 {
return 1
func negOne(_, _ float64) float64 {
return -1
func constant(c float64) func(_, _ float64) float64 {
return func(_, _ float64) float64 {
return c
func random(rnd *rand.Rand) func(_, _ float64) float64 {
return func(_, _ float64) float64 {
return rnd.NormFloat64()