blob: ca950435e48c305c9042520109440eba77868174 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package linsolve
import (
// BreakdownError signifies that a breakdown occured and the method cannot continue.
type BreakdownError struct {
Value float64
Tolerance float64
func (e *BreakdownError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("linsolve: breakdown, value=%v tolerance=%v", e.Value, e.Tolerance)
// Method is an iterative method that produces a sequence of vectors that
// converge to the solution of the system of linear equations
// A * x = b,
// where A is non-singular n×n matrix, and x and b are vectors of dimension n.
// Method uses a reverse-communication interface between the iterative algorithm
// and the caller. Method acts as a client that commands the caller to perform
// needed operations via an Operation returned from the Iterate method. This
// provides independence of Method on representation of the matrix A, and
// enables automation of common operations like checking for convergence and
// maintaining statistics.
type Method interface {
// Init initializes the method for solving an n×n
// linear system with an initial estimate x and
// the corresponding residual vector.
// Method will not retain x or residual.
Init(x, residual *mat.VecDense)
// Iterate performs a step in converging to the
// solution of a linear system.
// Iterate retrieves data from Context, updates it,
// and returns the next operation. The caller must
// perform the Operation using data in Context, and
// depending on the state call Iterate again.
Iterate(*Context) (Operation, error)
// Context mediates the communication between the Method and
// the caller. The caller must not modify Context apart from
// the commanded Operations.
type Context struct {
// X will be set by Method to the current approximate
// solution when it commands ComputeResidual and MajorIteration.
X *mat.VecDense
// ResidualNorm is (an estimate of) a norm of
// the residual. Method will set it to the current
// value when it commands CheckResidualNorm.
ResidualNorm float64
// Converged indicates to Method whether ResidualNorm
// satisfies a stopping criterion as a result of
// CheckResidualNorm operation.
Converged bool
// Src and Dst are the source and destination vectors
// for various Operations. Src will be set by Method
// and the caller must store the result in Dst. See
// the Operation documentation for more information.
Src, Dst *mat.VecDense
// NewContext returns a new Context for work on problems of dimension n.
// NewContext will panic if n is not positive.
func NewContext(n int) *Context {
if n <= 0 {
panic("linsolve: context size is not positive")
return &Context{
X: mat.NewVecDense(n, nil),
Src: mat.NewVecDense(n, nil),
Dst: mat.NewVecDense(n, nil),
// Reset reinitializes the Context for work on problems of dimension n.
// Reset will panic if n is not positive.
func (ctx *Context) Reset(n int) {
if n <= 0 {
panic("linsolve: dimension not positive")
// Operation specifies the type of operation.
type Operation uint
// Operations commanded by Method.Iterate.
const (
NoOperation Operation = 0
// Compute A*x where x is stored in Context.Src. The
// result must be placed in Context.Dst.
MulVec Operation = 1 << (iota - 1)
// Perform a preconditioner solve
// M z = r
// where r is stored in Context.Src. The solution z
// must be placed in Context.Dst.
// Trans indicates that MulVec or PreconSolve
// operation must be performed wih the transpose,
// that is, compute Aᵀ*x or solve Mᵀ*z = r. Method
// will command Trans only in bitwise OR combination
// with MulVec and PreconSolve.
// Compute b-A*x where x is stored in Context.X,
// and store the result in Context.Dst.
// Check convergence using (an estimate of) a
// residual norm in Context.ResidualNorm. Context.X
// does not need to be valid. The caller must set
// Context.Converged to indicate whether convergence
// has been determined, and then it must call
// Method.Iterate again.
// MajorIteration indicates that Method has finished
// what it considers to be one iteration. Method
// will make sure that Context.X is updated.
// If Context.Converged is true, the caller must
// terminate the iterative process, otherwise it
// should call Method.Iterate again.
const (
// Machine epsilon.
eps = 1.0 / (1 << 53)
// Breakdown tolerance for BiCG and BiCGStab methods.
breakdownTol = eps * eps