blob: 97e13f66c9cf3b7e5aff55f8133e4546cfb3a2fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package linsolve
import (
// CG implements the Conjugate Gradient iterative method with preconditioning
// for solving systems of linear equations
// A * x = b,
// where A is a symmetric positive definite matrix. It requires minimal memory
// storage and is a good choice for symmetric positive definite problems.
// References:
// - Barrett, Richard et al. (1994). Section 2.3.1 Conjugate Gradient Method (CG).
// In Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for
// Iterative Methods (2nd ed.) (pp. 12-15). Philadelphia, PA: SIAM.
// Retrieved from
// - Hestenes, M., and Stiefel, E. (1952). Methods of conjugate gradients for
// solving linear systems. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of
// Standards, 49(6), 409. doi:10.6028/jres.049.044
// - Málek, J. and Strakoš, Z. (2015). Preconditioning and the Conjugate Gradient
// Method in the Context of Solving PDEs. Philadelphia, PA: SIAM.
type CG struct {
x mat.VecDense
r mat.VecDense
p mat.VecDense
rho, rhoPrev float64
resume int
// Init initializes the data for a linear solve. See the Method interface for more details.
func (cg *CG) Init(x, residual *mat.VecDense) {
dim := x.Len()
if residual.Len() != dim {
panic("cg: vector length mismatch")
cg.rhoPrev = 1
cg.resume = 1
// Iterate performs an iteration of the linear solve. See the Method interface for more details.
// CG will command the following operations:
// MulVec
// PreconSolve
// CheckResidualNorm
// MajorIteration
func (cg *CG) Iterate(ctx *Context) (Operation, error) {
switch cg.resume {
case 1:
cg.resume = 2
// Compute z_{i-1} = M^{-1} * r_{i-1}.
return PreconSolve, nil
case 2:
z := ctx.Dst
cg.rho = mat.Dot(&cg.r, z) // ρ_{i-1} = r_{i-1} · z_{i-1}
beta := cg.rho / cg.rhoPrev // β_{i-1} = ρ_{i-1} / ρ_{i-2}
cg.p.AddScaledVec(z, beta, &cg.p) // p_i = z_{i-1} + β p_{i-1}
cg.resume = 3
// Compute A * p_i.
return MulVec, nil
case 3:
ap := ctx.Dst
alpha := cg.rho / mat.Dot(&cg.p, ap) // α_i = ρ_{i-1} / (p_i · A p_i)
cg.x.AddScaledVec(&cg.x, alpha, &cg.p) // x_i = x_{i-1} + α p_i
cg.r.AddScaledVec(&cg.r, -alpha, ap) // r_i = r_{i-1} - α A p_i
ctx.ResidualNorm = mat.Norm(&cg.r, 2)
cg.resume = 4
return CheckResidualNorm, nil
case 4:
if ctx.Converged {
cg.resume = 0
return MajorIteration, nil
cg.rhoPrev = cg.rho
cg.resume = 1
return MajorIteration, nil
panic("cg: Init not called")