linsolve: add linsolve package
diff --git a/linsolve/bicg.go b/linsolve/bicg.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..042f75e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/bicg.go
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package linsolve
+import (
+	"math"
+	""
+// BiCG implements the Bi-Conjugate Gradient method with preconditioning for
+// solving systems of linear equations
+//  A * x = b,
+// where A is a nonsymmetric, nonsingular matrix. It uses limited memory storage
+// but the convergence may be irregular and the method may break down. BiCG
+// requires a multiplication with A and Aᵀ at each iteration. BiCGStab is a
+// related method that does not use Aᵀ.
+// References:
+//  - Barrett, R. et al. (1994). Section 2.3.5 BiConjugate Gradient (BiCG).
+//    In Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks
+//    for Iterative Methods (2nd ed.) (pp. 19-20). Philadelphia, PA: SIAM.
+//    Retrieved from
+type BiCG struct {
+	x     mat.VecDense
+	r, rt mat.VecDense
+	p, pt mat.VecDense
+	z, zt mat.VecDense
+	rho, rhoPrev float64
+	resume int
+// Init initializes the data for a linear solve. See the Method interface for more details.
+func (b *BiCG) Init(x, residual *mat.VecDense) {
+	dim := x.Len()
+	if residual.Len() != dim {
+		panic("bicg: vector length mismatch")
+	}
+	b.x.CloneVec(x)
+	b.r.CloneVec(residual)
+	b.rt.CloneVec(&b.r)
+	b.p.Reset()
+	b.p.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+	b.z.Reset()
+	b.z.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+	b.zt.Reset()
+	b.zt.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+	b.rhoPrev = 1
+	b.resume = 1
+// Iterate performs an iteration of the linear solve. See the Method interface for more details.
+// BiCG will command the following operations:
+//  MulVec
+//  MulVec|Trans
+//  PreconSolve
+//  PreconSolve|Trans
+//  CheckResidualNorm
+//  MajorIteration
+//  NoOperation
+func (b *BiCG) Iterate(ctx *Context) (Operation, error) {
+	switch b.resume {
+	case 1:
+		// Solve M^{-1} * r_{i-1}.
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(&b.r)
+		b.resume = 2
+		return PreconSolve, nil
+	case 2:
+		b.z.CopyVec(ctx.Dst)
+		// Solve M^{-T} * rt_{i-1}.
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(&b.rt)
+		b.resume = 3
+		return PreconSolve | Trans, nil
+	case 3:
+		b.zt.CopyVec(ctx.Dst)
+		b.rho = mat.Dot(&b.z, &b.rt)
+		if math.Abs(b.rho) < breakdownTol {
+			b.resume = 0
+			return NoOperation, &BreakdownError{math.Abs(b.rho), breakdownTol}
+		}
+		beta := b.rho / b.rhoPrev
+		b.p.AddScaledVec(&b.z, beta, &b.p)
+, beta, &
+		// Compute A * p.
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(&b.p)
+		b.resume = 4
+		return MulVec, nil
+	case 4:
+		// z is overwritten and reused.
+		b.z.CopyVec(ctx.Dst)
+		// Compute Aᵀ * pt.
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(&
+		b.resume = 5
+		return MulVec | Trans, nil
+	case 5:
+		// zt is overwritten and reused.
+		b.zt.CopyVec(ctx.Dst)
+		alpha := b.rho / mat.Dot(&, &b.z)
+		ctx.X.AddScaledVec(ctx.X, alpha, &b.p)
+		b.rt.AddScaledVec(&b.rt, -alpha, &b.zt)
+		b.r.AddScaledVec(&b.r, -alpha, &b.z)
+		ctx.ResidualNorm = mat.Norm(&b.r, 2)
+		b.resume = 6
+		return CheckResidualNorm, nil
+	case 6:
+		if ctx.Converged {
+			b.resume = 0
+			return MajorIteration, nil
+		}
+		b.rhoPrev = b.rho
+		b.resume = 1
+		return MajorIteration, nil
+	default:
+		panic("bicg: Init not called")
+	}
diff --git a/linsolve/bicgstab.go b/linsolve/bicgstab.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9046b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/bicgstab.go
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package linsolve
+import (
+	"math"
+	""
+// BiCGStab implements the BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized method with
+// preconditioning for solving systems of linear equations
+//  A * x = b,
+// where A is a nonsymmetric, nonsingular matrix. The method is a variant of
+// BiCG but offers a smoother convergence and does not require multiplication
+// with Aᵀ.
+// References:
+//  - Barrett, R. et al. (1994). Section 2.3.8 BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized (Bi-CGSTAB).
+//    In Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks
+//    for Iterative Methods (2nd ed.) (pp. 24-25). Philadelphia, PA: SIAM.
+//    Retrieved from
+type BiCGStab struct {
+	x     mat.VecDense
+	r, rt mat.VecDense
+	p     mat.VecDense
+	phat  mat.VecDense
+	shat  mat.VecDense
+	t     mat.VecDense
+	v     mat.VecDense
+	rho, rhoPrev float64
+	alpha        float64
+	omega        float64
+	resume int
+// Init initializes the data for a linear solve. See the Method interface for more details.
+func (b *BiCGStab) Init(x, residual *mat.VecDense) {
+	dim := x.Len()
+	if residual.Len() != dim {
+		panic("bicgstab: vector length mismatch")
+	}
+	b.x.CloneVec(x)
+	b.r.CloneVec(residual)
+	b.rt.CloneVec(&b.r)
+	b.p.Reset()
+	b.p.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+	b.phat.Reset()
+	b.phat.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+	b.shat.Reset()
+	b.shat.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+	b.t.Reset()
+	b.t.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+	b.v.Reset()
+	b.v.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+	b.rhoPrev = 1
+	b.alpha = 0
+ = 1
+	b.resume = 1
+// Iterate performs an iteration of the linear solve. See the Method interface for more details.
+// BiCGStab will command the following operations:
+//  MulVec
+//  PreconSolve
+//  CheckResidualNorm
+//  MajorIteration
+//  NoOperation
+func (b *BiCGStab) Iterate(ctx *Context) (Operation, error) {
+	switch b.resume {
+	case 1:
+		b.rho = mat.Dot(&b.rt, &b.r)
+		if math.Abs(b.rho) < breakdownTol {
+			b.resume = 0
+			return NoOperation, &BreakdownError{math.Abs(b.rho), breakdownTol}
+		}
+		// p_i = r_{i-1} + beta*(p_{i-1} - omega * v_{i-1})
+		beta := (b.rho / b.rhoPrev) * (b.alpha /
+		b.p.AddScaledVec(&b.p,, &b.v)
+		b.p.AddScaledVec(&b.r, beta, &b.p)
+		// Solve M^{-1} * p_i.
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(&b.p)
+		b.resume = 2
+		return PreconSolve, nil
+	case 2:
+		b.phat.CopyVec(ctx.Dst)
+		// Compute A * \hat{p}_i.
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(&b.phat)
+		b.resume = 3
+		return MulVec, nil
+	case 3:
+		b.v.CopyVec(ctx.Dst)
+		rtv := mat.Dot(&b.rt, &b.v)
+		if rtv == 0 {
+			b.resume = 0
+			return NoOperation, &BreakdownError{}
+		}
+		b.alpha = b.rho / rtv
+		// Form the residual and X so that we can check for tolerance early.
+		ctx.X.AddScaledVec(ctx.X, b.alpha, &b.phat)
+		b.r.AddScaledVec(&b.r, -b.alpha, &b.v)
+		ctx.ResidualNorm = mat.Norm(&b.r, 2)
+		b.resume = 4
+		return CheckResidualNorm, nil
+	case 4:
+		if ctx.Converged {
+			b.resume = 0
+			return MajorIteration, nil
+		}
+		// Solve M^{-1} * r_i.
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(&b.r)
+		b.resume = 5
+		return PreconSolve, nil
+	case 5:
+		b.shat.CopyVec(ctx.Dst)
+		// Compute A * \hat{s}_i.
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(&b.shat)
+		b.resume = 6
+		return MulVec, nil
+	case 6:
+		b.t.CopyVec(ctx.Dst)
+ = mat.Dot(&b.t, &b.r) / mat.Dot(&b.t, &b.t)
+		ctx.X.AddScaledVec(ctx.X,, &b.shat)
+		b.r.AddScaledVec(&b.r,, &b.t)
+		ctx.ResidualNorm = mat.Norm(&b.r, 2)
+		b.resume = 7
+		return CheckResidualNorm, nil
+	case 7:
+		if ctx.Converged {
+			b.resume = 0
+			return MajorIteration, nil
+		}
+		if math.Abs( < breakdownTol {
+			b.resume = 0
+			return NoOperation, &BreakdownError{math.Abs(, breakdownTol}
+		}
+		b.rhoPrev = b.rho
+		b.resume = 1
+		return MajorIteration, nil
+	default:
+		panic("bicgstab: Init not called")
+	}
diff --git a/linsolve/cg.go b/linsolve/cg.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97e13f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/cg.go
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package linsolve
+import (
+	""
+// CG implements the Conjugate Gradient iterative method with preconditioning
+// for solving systems of linear equations
+//  A * x = b,
+// where A is a symmetric positive definite matrix. It requires minimal memory
+// storage and is a good choice for symmetric positive definite problems.
+// References:
+//  - Barrett, Richard et al. (1994). Section 2.3.1 Conjugate Gradient Method (CG).
+//    In Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for
+//    Iterative Methods (2nd ed.) (pp. 12-15). Philadelphia, PA: SIAM.
+//    Retrieved from
+//  - Hestenes, M., and Stiefel, E. (1952). Methods of conjugate gradients for
+//    solving linear systems. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of
+//    Standards, 49(6), 409. doi:10.6028/jres.049.044
+//  - Málek, J. and Strakoš, Z. (2015). Preconditioning and the Conjugate Gradient
+//    Method in the Context of Solving PDEs. Philadelphia, PA: SIAM.
+type CG struct {
+	x mat.VecDense
+	r mat.VecDense
+	p mat.VecDense
+	rho, rhoPrev float64
+	resume int
+// Init initializes the data for a linear solve. See the Method interface for more details.
+func (cg *CG) Init(x, residual *mat.VecDense) {
+	dim := x.Len()
+	if residual.Len() != dim {
+		panic("cg: vector length mismatch")
+	}
+	cg.x.CloneVec(x)
+	cg.r.CloneVec(residual)
+	cg.p.Reset()
+	cg.p.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+	cg.rhoPrev = 1
+	cg.resume = 1
+// Iterate performs an iteration of the linear solve. See the Method interface for more details.
+// CG will command the following operations:
+//  MulVec
+//  PreconSolve
+//  CheckResidualNorm
+//  MajorIteration
+func (cg *CG) Iterate(ctx *Context) (Operation, error) {
+	switch cg.resume {
+	case 1:
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(&cg.r)
+		cg.resume = 2
+		// Compute z_{i-1} = M^{-1} * r_{i-1}.
+		return PreconSolve, nil
+	case 2:
+		z := ctx.Dst
+		cg.rho = mat.Dot(&cg.r, z)        // ρ_{i-1} = r_{i-1} · z_{i-1}
+		beta := cg.rho / cg.rhoPrev       // β_{i-1} = ρ_{i-1} / ρ_{i-2}
+		cg.p.AddScaledVec(z, beta, &cg.p) // p_i = z_{i-1} + β p_{i-1}
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(&cg.p)
+		cg.resume = 3
+		// Compute A * p_i.
+		return MulVec, nil
+	case 3:
+		ap := ctx.Dst
+		alpha := cg.rho / mat.Dot(&cg.p, ap)   // α_i = ρ_{i-1} / (p_i · A p_i)
+		cg.x.AddScaledVec(&cg.x, alpha, &cg.p) // x_i = x_{i-1} + α p_i
+		cg.r.AddScaledVec(&cg.r, -alpha, ap)   // r_i = r_{i-1} - α A p_i
+		ctx.ResidualNorm = mat.Norm(&cg.r, 2)
+		cg.resume = 4
+		return CheckResidualNorm, nil
+	case 4:
+		ctx.X.CopyVec(&cg.x)
+		if ctx.Converged {
+			cg.resume = 0
+			return MajorIteration, nil
+		}
+		cg.rhoPrev = cg.rho
+		cg.resume = 1
+		return MajorIteration, nil
+	default:
+		panic("cg: Init not called")
+	}
diff --git a/linsolve/doc.go b/linsolve/doc.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4b3364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/doc.go
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+Package linsolve provides iterative methods for solving linear systems.
+A system of linear equations can be written as
+ A * x = b,
+where A is a given n×n non-singular matrix, b is a given n-vector (the
+right-hand side), and x is an unknown n-vector.
+Direct methods such as the LU or QR decomposition compute (in the absence of
+roundoff errors) the exact solution after a finite number of steps. For a
+general matrix A they require O(n^3) arithmetic operations which becomes
+infeasible for large n due to excessive memory and time cost.
+Iterative methods, in contrast, generally do not compute the exact solution x.
+Starting from an initial estimate x_0, they instead compute a sequence x_i of
+increasingly accurate approximations to x. This iterative process is stopped
+when the estimated difference between x_i and the true x becomes smaller than a
+prescribed threshold. The number of iterations thus depends on the value of the
+threshold. If the desired threshold is very small, then the iterative methods
+may take as long or longer than a direct method. However, for many problems a
+decent approximation can be found in a small number of steps.
+The iterative methods implemented in this package do not access the elements of
+A directly, they instead ask for the result of matrix-vector products with A.
+For a general n×n matrix this requires O(n^2) operations, but can be much
+cheaper depending on the structure of the matrix (sparse, banded,
+block-stuctured, etc.). Such structure often arises in practical applications.
+An iterative method can thus be significantly cheaper than a direct method, by
+using a small number of iterations and taking advantage of matrix structure.
+Iterative methods are most often useful in the following situations:
+ - The system matrix A is sparse, blocked or has other special structure,
+ - The problem size is sufficiently large that a dense factorization of A is
+   costly in terms of compute time and/or memory storage,
+ - Computing the product of A (or A^T, if necessary) with a vector can be done
+   efficiently,
+ - An approximate solution is all that is required.
+Using linsolve
+The two most important elements of the API are the MulVecToer interface and the
+Iterative function.
+MulVecToer interface
+The MulVecToer interface represents the system matrix A. This abstracts the
+details of any particular matrix storage, and allows the user to exploit the
+properties of their particular matrix. Matrix types provided by gonum/mat and packages implement this interface.
+Note that methods in this package have only limited means for checking whether
+the provided MulVecToer represents a matrix that satisfies all assumptions made
+by the chosen Method, for example if the matrix is actually symmetric positive
+Iterative function
+The Iterative function is the entry point to the functionality provided by this
+package. It takes as parameters the matrix A (via the MulVecToer interface as
+discussed above), the right-hand side vector b, the iterative method and
+settings that control the iterative process and provide a way for reusing
+Choosing an iterative method
+The choice of an iterative method is typically guided by the properties of the
+matrix A including symmetry, definiteness, sparsity, conditioning, and block
+structure. In general, performance on symmetric matrices is well understood (see
+the references below), with the conjugate gradient method being a good starting
+point. Non-symmetric matrices are much more difficult to assess, where any
+suggestion of a 'best' method is usually accompanied by a recommendation to use
+Preconditioning is a family of techniques that attempt to transform the linear
+system into one that has the same solution but more favorable eigenspectrum. The
+transformation matrix is called a preconditioner. A good preconditioner will
+reduce the number of iterations needed to find a good approximate solution
+(hopefully enough to overcome the cost of applying the preconditioning!), and in
+some cases preconditioning is necessary to get any kind of convergence. In
+linsolve a preconditioner is specified by Settings.PreconSolve.
+Implementing Method interface
+This package allows external implementations of iterative solvers by means of
+the Method interface. It uses a reverse-communication style of API to
+"outsource" operations such as matrix-vector multiplication, preconditioner
+solve or convergence checks to the caller. The caller performs the commanded
+operation and passes the result again to Method. The matrix A and the right-hand
+side b are not directly available to Methods which encourages their cleaner
+implementation. See the documentation for Method, Operation, and Context for
+more information.
+Further details about computational practice and mathematical theory of
+iterative methods can be found in the following references:
+ - Barrett, Richard et al. (1994). Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems:
+   Building Blocks for Iterative Methods (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: SIAM.
+   Retrieved from
+ - Saad, Yousef (2003). Iterative methods for sparse linear systems (2nd ed.).
+   Philadelphia, PA: SIAM. Retrieved from
+ - Greenbaum, A. (1997). Iterative methods for solving linear systems.
+   Philadelphia, PA: SIAM.
+package linsolve
diff --git a/linsolve/gmres.go b/linsolve/gmres.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1a174b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/gmres.go
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package linsolve
+import (
+	"math"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+// GMRES implements the Generalized Minimum Residual method with the modified
+// Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization for solving systems of linear equations
+//  A * x = b,
+// where A is a nonsymmetric, nonsingular matrix. It may find a solution in
+// fewer iterations and with fewer matrix-vector products compared to BiCG or
+// BiCGStab at the price of much large memory storage. This implementation uses
+// restarts to limit the memory requirements. GMRES does not need the
+// multiplication with Aᵀ.
+// References:
+//  - Barrett, R. et al. (1994). Section 2.3.4 Generalized Minimal Residual
+//    (GMRES). In Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks
+//    for Iterative Methods (2nd ed.) (pp. 17-19). Philadelphia, PA: SIAM.
+//    Retrieved from
+//  - Saad, Y., and Schultz, M. (1986). GMRES: A generalized minimal residual
+//    algorithm for solving nonsymmetric linear systems. SIAM J. Sci. Stat.
+//    Comput., 7(3), 856. doi:10.6028/jres.049.044
+//    Retrieved from
+type GMRES struct {
+	// Restart is the restart parameter which limits the computation and
+	// storage costs. It must hold that
+	//  1 <= Restart <= n
+	// where n is the dimension of the problem. If Restart is 0, n will be
+	// used instead. This guarantees convergence of GMRES and increases
+	// robustness. Many specific problems however, particularly for large
+	// n, will benefit in efficiency by setting Restart to
+	// a problem-dependent value less than n.
+	Restart int
+	// m is the used value of Restart.
+	m int
+	// v is an n×(m+1) matrix V whose columns form an orthonormal basis of the
+	// Krylov subspace.
+	v mat.Dense
+	// h is an (m+1)×m upper Hessenberg matrix H.
+	h mat.Dense
+	// givs holds Givens rotations that are used to reduce H to upper triangular
+	// form.
+	givs []givens
+	x mat.VecDense
+	y mat.VecDense
+	s mat.VecDense
+	k      int // Loop variable for inner iterations.
+	resume int
+// Init initializes the data for a linear solve. See the Method interface for more details.
+func (g *GMRES) Init(x, residual *mat.VecDense) {
+	dim := x.Len()
+	if residual.Len() != dim {
+		panic("gmres: vector length mismatch")
+	}
+	g.m = g.Restart
+	if g.m == 0 {
+		g.m = dim
+	}
+	if g.m <= 0 || dim < g.m {
+		panic("gmres: invalid value of Restart")
+	}
+	g.v.Reset()
+	g.v.ReuseAs(dim, g.m+1)
+	// Store the residual in the first column of V.
+	g.vcol(0).CopyVec(residual)
+	g.h.Reset()
+	g.h.ReuseAs(g.m+1, g.m)
+	if cap(g.givs) < g.m {
+		g.givs = make([]givens, g.m)
+	} else {
+		g.givs = g.givs[:g.m]
+		for i := range g.givs {
+			g.givs[i].c = 0
+			g.givs[i].s = 0
+		}
+	}
+	g.x.CloneVec(x)
+	g.y.Reset()
+	g.y.ReuseAsVec(g.m + 1)
+	g.s.Reset()
+	g.s.ReuseAsVec(g.m + 1)
+	g.resume = 1
+// Iterate performs an iteration of the linear solve. See the Method interface for more details.
+// GMRES will command the following operations:
+//  MulVec
+//  PreconSolve
+//  CheckResidualNorm
+//  MajorIteration
+//  NoOperation
+func (g *GMRES) Iterate(ctx *Context) (Operation, error) {
+	switch g.resume {
+	case 1:
+		// The initial residual is in the first column of V.
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(g.vcol(0))
+		g.resume = 2
+		// Solve M^{-1} * r_0.
+		return PreconSolve, nil
+	case 2:
+		// v_0 = M^{-1} * r_0
+		v0 := g.vcol(0)
+		v0.CopyVec(ctx.Dst)
+		// Normalize v_0.
+		norm := mat.Norm(v0, 2)
+		v0.ScaleVec(1/norm, v0)
+		// Initialize s to the elementary vector e_1 scaled by norm.
+		g.s.Zero()
+		g.s.SetVec(0, norm)
+		// Begin the inner for-loop for k going from 0 to m-1.
+		g.k = 0
+		fallthrough
+	case 3:
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(g.vcol(g.k))
+		g.resume = 4
+		// Compute A * v_k.
+		return MulVec, nil
+	case 4:
+		ctx.Src.CopyVec(ctx.Dst)
+		g.resume = 5
+		// Solve M^{-1} * (A * v_k).
+		return PreconSolve, nil
+	case 5:
+		// v_{k+1} = M^{-1} * (A * v_k)
+		vk1 := g.vcol(g.k + 1)
+		vk1.CopyVec(ctx.Dst)
+		// Construct the k-th column of the upper Hessenberg matrix H
+		// using the modified Gram-Schmidt process to make v_{k+1}
+		// orthonormal to the first k+1 columns of V.
+		g.modifiedGS(g.k, &g.h, &g.v, vk1)
+		// Reduce H back to upper triangular form and update the vector s.
+		g.qr(g.k, g.givs, &g.h, &g.s)
+		// Check the approximate residual norm.
+		ctx.ResidualNorm = math.Abs(g.s.AtVec(g.k + 1))
+		g.resume = 6
+		return CheckResidualNorm, nil
+	case 6:
+		g.k++
+		if g.k < g.m && !ctx.Converged {
+			// Continue the inner for-loop.
+			g.resume = 3
+			return NoOperation, nil
+		}
+		// Either restarting or converged, we have to update the solution.
+		// Solve the upper triangular system H*y=s.
+		g.solveLeastSquares(g.k, &g.y, &g.h, &g.s)
+		// Compute x as a linear combination of columns of V.
+		g.updateSolution(g.k, &g.x, &g.v, &g.y)
+		ctx.X.CopyVec(&g.x)
+		if ctx.Converged {
+			g.resume = 0
+			return MajorIteration, nil
+		}
+		// We are restarting, so we have to also compute the residual.
+		g.resume = 7
+		return ComputeResidual, nil
+	case 7:
+		// Store the residual again in the first column of V.
+		g.vcol(0).CopyVec(ctx.Dst)
+		g.resume = 1
+		return MajorIteration, nil
+	default:
+		panic("gmres: Init not called")
+	}
+// modifiedGS orthonormalizes the vector w with respect to the first k+1 columns
+// of V using the modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm, and stores the computed
+// coefficients in the k-th column of H.
+func (g *GMRES) modifiedGS(k int, h, v *mat.Dense, w *mat.VecDense) {
+	hk := h.ColView(k).(*mat.VecDense)
+	for j := 0; j <= k; j++ {
+		vj := v.ColView(j).(*mat.VecDense)
+		hkj := mat.Dot(vj, w)
+		hk.SetVec(j, hkj)           // H[j,k] = v_j · w
+		w.AddScaledVec(w, -hkj, vj) // w -= H[j,k] * v_j
+	}
+	norm := mat.Norm(w, 2)
+	hk.SetVec(k+1, norm)  // H[k+1,k] = |w|
+	w.ScaleVec(1/norm, w) // Normalize w.
+// qr applies previous Givens rotations to the k-th column of H, computes the
+// next Givens rotation to zero out H[k+1,k] and applies it also to the vector s.
+func (g *GMRES) qr(k int, givs []givens, h *mat.Dense, s *mat.VecDense) {
+	// Apply previous Givens rotations to the k-th column of H.
+	hk := h.ColView(k).(*mat.VecDense)
+	for i, giv := range givs[:k] {
+		hki, hki1 := giv.apply(hk.AtVec(i), hk.AtVec(i+1))
+		hk.SetVec(i, hki)
+		hk.SetVec(i+1, hki1)
+	}
+	// Compute the k-th Givens rotation that zeros H[k+1,k].
+	givs[k].c, givs[k].s, _, _ = blas64.Rotg(hk.AtVec(k), hk.AtVec(k+1))
+	// Apply the k-th Givens rotation to (H[k,k], H[k+1,k]).
+	hkk, _ := givs[k].apply(hk.AtVec(k), hk.AtVec(k+1))
+	hk.SetVec(k, hkk)
+	// We don't call hk.SetVec(k+1, 0) because the element won't be accessed.
+	// Apply the k-th Givens rotation to (s[k], s[k+1]).
+	sk, sk1 := givs[k].apply(s.AtVec(k), s.AtVec(k+1))
+	s.SetVec(k, sk)
+	s.SetVec(k+1, sk1)
+// solveLeastSquares solves the upper triangular linear system
+//  H * y = s
+func (g *GMRES) solveLeastSquares(k int, y *mat.VecDense, h *mat.Dense, s *mat.VecDense) {
+	// Copy the first k elements of s into y.
+	y.CopyVec(s.SliceVec(0, k))
+	// Convert H into an upper triangular matrix.
+	hraw := h.RawMatrix()
+	htri := blas64.Triangular{
+		Uplo:   blas.Upper,
+		Diag:   blas.NonUnit,
+		N:      k,
+		Data:   hraw.Data,
+		Stride: hraw.Stride,
+	}
+	// Solve the upper triangular system storing the solution into y.
+	blas64.Trsv(blas.NoTrans, htri, y.RawVector())
+// updateSolution updates the current solution vector x with a linear
+// combination of the first k columns of V:
+//  x = x + V * y = x + \sum y_j * v_j
+func (g *GMRES) updateSolution(k int, x *mat.VecDense, v *mat.Dense, y *mat.VecDense) {
+	for j := 0; j < k; j++ {
+		vj := v.ColView(j)
+		x.AddScaledVec(x, y.AtVec(j), vj)
+	}
+// vcol returns a view of the j-th column of the matrix V.
+func (g *GMRES) vcol(j int) *mat.VecDense {
+	return g.v.ColView(j).(*mat.VecDense)
+// givens is a Givens rotation.
+type givens struct {
+	c, s float64
+func (giv *givens) apply(x, y float64) (float64, float64) {
+	return giv.c*x + giv.s*y, giv.c*y - giv.s*x
diff --git a/linsolve/internal/mmarket/reader.go b/linsolve/internal/mmarket/reader.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaf92d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/internal/mmarket/reader.go
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package mmarket provides a type to read Matrix Market format files.
+package mmarket
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"strings"
+	""
+var (
+	errBadFormat   = errors.New("mmarket: bad file format")
+	errUnsupported = errors.New("mmarket: matrix type not supported")
+type Reader struct {
+	s *bufio.Scanner
+func NewReader(r io.Reader) *Reader {
+	return &Reader{
+		s: bufio.NewScanner(r),
+	}
+// Read a real matrix in coordinate format and return its triplet representation.
+func (r *Reader) Read() (*triplet.Matrix, error) {
+	r.s.Scan()
+	if err := r.s.Err(); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	header := strings.Fields(r.s.Text())
+	if header[0] != "%%MatrixMarket" {
+		return nil, errBadFormat
+	}
+	if header[1] != "matrix" {
+		return nil, errBadFormat
+	}
+	if header[2] != "coordinate" {
+		return nil, errBadFormat
+	}
+	if header[3] != "real" {
+		return nil, errUnsupported
+	}
+	sym := header[4] == "symmetric"
+	var nr, nc, nnz int
+	for r.s.Scan() {
+		line := r.s.Text()
+		if line[0] == '%' {
+			continue
+		}
+		n, err := fmt.Sscan(line, &nr, &nc, &nnz)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		if n != 3 {
+			return nil, errBadFormat
+		}
+		break
+	}
+	if err := r.s.Err(); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if sym && nr != nc {
+		return nil, errBadFormat
+	}
+	m := triplet.NewMatrix(nr, nc)
+	for i := 0; i < nnz; i++ {
+		if !r.s.Scan() {
+			return nil, errBadFormat
+		}
+		var (
+			i, j int
+			v    float64
+		)
+		n, err := fmt.Sscan(r.s.Text(), &i, &j, &v)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		if n != 3 {
+			return nil, errBadFormat
+		}
+		if i < 1 || nr < i {
+			return nil, errBadFormat
+		}
+		if j < 1 || nc < j {
+			return nil, errBadFormat
+		}
+		m.Append(i-1, j-1, v)
+		if sym && i != j {
+			m.Append(j-1, i-1, v)
+		}
+	}
+	return m, nil
diff --git a/linsolve/internal/triplet/triplet.go b/linsolve/internal/triplet/triplet.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7718d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/internal/triplet/triplet.go
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package triplet provides triplet representation for sparse matrices.
+package triplet
+import ""
+type triplet struct {
+	i, j int
+	v    float64
+type Matrix struct {
+	r, c int
+	data []triplet
+func NewMatrix(r, c int) *Matrix {
+	if r <= 0 || c <= 0 {
+		panic("triplet: invalid shape")
+	}
+	return &Matrix{
+		r: r,
+		c: c,
+	}
+func (m *Matrix) Dims() (r, c int) {
+	return m.r, m.c
+// Append appends a non-zero element to the list of matrix elements without
+// checking whether it already exists.
+func (m *Matrix) Append(i, j int, v float64) {
+	if i < 0 || m.r <= i {
+		panic("triplet: row index out of range")
+	}
+	if j < 0 || m.c <= j {
+		panic("triplet: column index out of range")
+	}
+	if v == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+ = append(, triplet{i, j, v})
+func (m *Matrix) MulVecTo(dst *mat.VecDense, trans bool, x mat.Vector) {
+	dst.Zero()
+	if trans {
+		if m.c != dst.Len() || m.r != x.Len() {
+			panic("triplet: dimension mismatch")
+		}
+		for _, aij := range {
+			dst.SetVec(aij.j, dst.AtVec(aij.j)+aij.v*x.AtVec(aij.i))
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	if m.c != x.Len() || m.r != dst.Len() {
+		panic("triplet: dimension mismatch")
+	}
+	for _, aij := range {
+		dst.SetVec(aij.i, dst.AtVec(aij.i)+aij.v*x.AtVec(aij.j))
+	}
+func (m *Matrix) DenseCopy() *mat.Dense {
+	d := mat.NewDense(m.r, m.c, nil)
+	for _, aij := range {
+		d.Set(aij.i, aij.j, aij.v)
+	}
+	return d
diff --git a/linsolve/iterative.go b/linsolve/iterative.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c49f1c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/iterative.go
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package linsolve
+import (
+	"errors"
+	""
+const defaultTolerance = 1e-8
+// ErrIterationLimit is returned when a maximum number of iterations were done
+// without converging to a solution.
+var ErrIterationLimit = errors.New("linsolve: iteration limit reached")
+// MulVecToer represents a square matrix A by means of a matrix-vector
+// multiplication.
+type MulVecToer interface {
+	// MulVecTo computes A*x or Aᵀ*x and stores the result into dst.
+	MulVecTo(dst *mat.VecDense, trans bool, x mat.Vector)
+// Settings holds settings for solving a linear system.
+type Settings struct {
+	// InitX holds the initial guess. If it is nil or empty, the zero vector
+	// will be used, otherwise its length must be equal to the dimension of
+	// the system.
+	InitX *mat.VecDense
+	// Dst, if not nil, will be used for storing the approximate solution,
+	// otherwise a new vector will be allocated. In both cases the vector will
+	// also be returned in Result. If Dst is not empty, its length must be equal
+	// to the dimension of the system.
+	Dst *mat.VecDense
+	// Tolerance specifies error tolerance for the final (approximate)
+	// solution produced by the iterative method. The iteration will be
+	// stopped when
+	//  |r_i| < Tolerance * |b|
+	// where r_i is the residual at i-th iteration.
+	//
+	// If Tolerance is zero, a default value of 1e-8 will be used, otherwise
+	// it must be positive and less than 1.
+	Tolerance float64
+	// MaxIterations is the limit on the number of iterations. If it is
+	// zero, a default value of twice the dimension of the system will be
+	// used.
+	MaxIterations int
+	// PreconSolve describes a preconditioner solve that stores into dst the
+	// solution of the system
+	//  M  * dst = rhs, or
+	//  Mᵀ * dst = rhs,
+	// where M is the preconditioning matrix. If PreconSolve is nil, no
+	// preconditioning will be used (M is the identity).
+	PreconSolve func(dst *mat.VecDense, trans bool, rhs mat.Vector) error
+	// Work context can be provided to reduce memory allocation when solving
+	// multiple linear systems. If Work is not nil, its fields must be
+	// either empty or their length must be equal to the dimension of the
+	// system.
+	Work *Context
+// defaultSettings fills zero fields of s with default values.
+func defaultSettings(s *Settings, dim int) {
+	if s.InitX != nil && s.InitX.Len() == 0 {
+		s.InitX.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+	}
+	if s.Dst == nil {
+		s.Dst = mat.NewVecDense(dim, nil)
+	} else if s.Dst.Len() == 0 {
+		s.Dst.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+	}
+	if s.Tolerance == 0 {
+		s.Tolerance = defaultTolerance
+	}
+	if s.MaxIterations == 0 {
+		s.MaxIterations = 4 * dim
+	}
+	if s.PreconSolve == nil {
+		s.PreconSolve = NoPreconditioner
+	}
+	if s.Work == nil {
+		s.Work = NewContext(dim)
+	} else {
+		if s.Work.X.Len() == 0 {
+			s.Work.X.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+		}
+		if s.Work.Src.Len() == 0 {
+			s.Work.Src.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+		}
+		if s.Work.Dst.Len() == 0 {
+			s.Work.Dst.ReuseAsVec(dim)
+		}
+	}
+func checkSettings(s *Settings, dim int) {
+	if s.InitX != nil && s.InitX.Len() != dim {
+		panic("linsolve: mismatched length of initial guess")
+	}
+	if s.Dst.Len() != dim {
+		panic("linsolve: mismatched destination length")
+	}
+	if s.Tolerance <= 0 || 1 <= s.Tolerance {
+		panic("linsolve: invalid tolerance")
+	}
+	if s.MaxIterations <= 0 {
+		panic("linsolve: negative iteration limit")
+	}
+	if s.Work.X.Len() != dim || s.Work.Src.Len() != dim || s.Work.Dst.Len() != dim {
+		panic("linsolve: mismatched work context length")
+	}
+// Result holds the result of an iterative solve.
+type Result struct {
+	// X is the approximate solution.
+	X *mat.VecDense
+	// ResidualNorm is an approximation to the norm of the final residual.
+	ResidualNorm float64
+	// Stats holds statistics about the iterative solve.
+	Stats Stats
+// Stats holds statistics about an iterative solve.
+type Stats struct {
+	// Iterations is the number of iterations performed by Method.
+	Iterations int
+	// MulVec is the number of MulVec operations commanded by Method.
+	MulVec int
+	// PreconSolve is the number of PreconSolve operations commanded by Method.
+	PreconSolve int
+// Iterative finds an approximate solution of the system of n linear equations
+//  A*x = b,
+// where A is a nonsingular square matrix of order n and b is the right-hand
+// side vector, using an iterative method m. If m is nil, default GMRES will be
+// used.
+// settings provide means for adjusting parameters of the iterative process. See
+// the Settings documentation for more information. Iterative will not modify
+// the fields of Settings. If settings is nil, default settings will be used.
+// Note that the default choices of Method and Settings were chosen to provide
+// accuracy and robustness, rather than speed. There are many algorithms for
+// iterative linear solutions that have different tradeoffs, and can exploit
+// special structure in the A matrix. Similarly, in many cases the number of
+// iterations can be significantly reduced by using an appropriate
+// preconditioner or increasing the error tolerance. Combined, these choices can
+// significantly reduce computation time. Thus, while Iterative has supplied
+// defaults, users are strongly encouraged to adjust these defaults for their
+// problem.
+func Iterative(a MulVecToer, b *mat.VecDense, m Method, settings *Settings) (*Result, error) {
+	n := b.Len()
+	var s Settings
+	if settings != nil {
+		s = *settings
+	}
+	defaultSettings(&s, n)
+	checkSettings(&s, n)
+	var stats Stats
+	ctx := s.Work
+	rInit := mat.NewVecDense(n, nil)
+	if s.InitX != nil {
+		// Initial x is provided.
+		ctx.X.CloneVec(s.InitX)
+		computeResidual(rInit, a, b, ctx.X, &stats)
+	} else {
+		// Initial x is the zero vector.
+		ctx.X.Zero()
+		// Residual b-A*x is then equal to b.
+		rInit.CopyVec(b)
+	}
+	if m == nil {
+		m = &GMRES{}
+	}
+	var err error
+	ctx.ResidualNorm = mat.Norm(rInit, 2)
+	if ctx.ResidualNorm >= s.Tolerance {
+		err = iterate(a, b, rInit, s, m, &stats)
+	} else {
+		s.Dst.CopyVec(ctx.X)
+	}
+	return &Result{
+		X:            s.Dst,
+		ResidualNorm: ctx.ResidualNorm,
+		Stats:        stats,
+	}, err
+func iterate(a MulVecToer, b, initRes *mat.VecDense, settings Settings, method Method, stats *Stats) error {
+	bNorm := mat.Norm(b, 2)
+	if bNorm == 0 {
+		bNorm = 1
+	}
+	ctx := settings.Work
+	settings.Dst.CopyVec(ctx.X)
+	method.Init(ctx.X, initRes)
+	for {
+		op, err := method.Iterate(ctx)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		switch op {
+		case NoOperation:
+		case MulVec, MulVec | Trans:
+			stats.MulVec++
+			a.MulVecTo(ctx.Dst, op&Trans == Trans, ctx.Src)
+		case PreconSolve, PreconSolve | Trans:
+			stats.PreconSolve++
+			err = settings.PreconSolve(ctx.Dst, op&Trans == Trans, ctx.Src)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		case CheckResidualNorm:
+			ctx.Converged = ctx.ResidualNorm < settings.Tolerance*bNorm
+		case ComputeResidual:
+			computeResidual(ctx.Dst, a, b, ctx.X, stats)
+		case MajorIteration:
+			stats.Iterations++
+			if ctx.Converged {
+				settings.Dst.CopyVec(ctx.X)
+				return nil
+			}
+			if stats.Iterations == settings.MaxIterations {
+				settings.Dst.CopyVec(ctx.X)
+				return ErrIterationLimit
+			}
+		default:
+			panic("linsolve: invalid operation")
+		}
+	}
+// NoPreconditioner implements the identity preconditioner.
+func NoPreconditioner(dst *mat.VecDense, trans bool, rhs mat.Vector) error {
+	if dst.Len() != rhs.Len() {
+		panic("linsolve: mismatched vector length")
+	}
+	dst.CloneVec(rhs)
+	return nil
+func computeResidual(dst *mat.VecDense, a MulVecToer, b, x *mat.VecDense, stats *Stats) {
+	stats.MulVec++
+	a.MulVecTo(dst, false, x)
+	dst.AddScaledVec(b, -1, dst)
diff --git a/linsolve/iterative_example_test.go b/linsolve/iterative_example_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70b8d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/iterative_example_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Copyright ©2019 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package linsolve_test
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"math"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+// System represents a linear system with a symmetric band matrix
+//  A*x = b
+type System struct {
+	A *mat.SymBandDense
+	B *mat.VecDense
+// L2Projection returns a linear system whose solution is the L2 projection of f
+// into the space of piecewise linear functions defined on the given grid.
+// References:
+//  - M. Larson, F. Bengzon, The Finite Element Method: Theory,
+//    Implementations, and Applications. Springer (2013), Section 1.3, also
+//    available at:
+func L2Projection(grid []float64, f func(float64) float64) System {
+	n := len(grid)
+	// Assemble the symmetric banded mass matrix by iterating over all elements.
+	A := mat.NewSymBandDense(n, 1, nil)
+	for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
+		// h is the length of the i-th element.
+		h := grid[i+1] - grid[i]
+		// Add contribution from the i-th element.
+		A.SetSymBand(i, i, A.At(i, i)+h/3)
+		A.SetSymBand(i, i+1, h/6)
+		A.SetSymBand(i+1, i+1, A.At(i+1, i+1)+h/3)
+	}
+	// Assemble the load vector by iterating over all elements.
+	b := mat.NewVecDense(n, nil)
+	for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
+		h := grid[i+1] - grid[i]
+		b.SetVec(i, b.AtVec(i)+f(grid[i])*h/2)
+		b.SetVec(i+1, b.AtVec(i+1)+f(grid[i+1])*h/2)
+	}
+	return System{A, b}
+func ExampleIterative() {
+	const (
+		n  = 10
+		x0 = 0.0
+		x1 = 1.0
+	)
+	// Make a uniform grid.
+	grid := make([]float64, n+1)
+	floats.Span(grid, x0, x1)
+	sys := L2Projection(grid, func(x float64) float64 {
+		return x * math.Sin(x)
+	})
+	result, err := linsolve.Iterative(sys.A, sys.B, &linsolve.CG{}, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
+		return
+	}
+	fmt.Printf("# iterations: %v\n", result.Stats.Iterations)
+	fmt.Printf("Final solution: %.6f\n", mat.Formatted(result.X.T()))
+	// Output:
+	// # iterations: 11
+	// Final solution: [-0.003339   0.006677   0.036530   0.085606   0.152981   0.237072   0.337006   0.447616   0.578244   0.682719   0.920847]
diff --git a/linsolve/iterative_test.go b/linsolve/iterative_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4456a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/iterative_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package linsolve
+import (
+	"math"
+	"testing"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+func TestDefaultMethodDefaultSettings(t *testing.T) {
+	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
+	testCases := spdTestCases(rnd)
+	testCases = append(testCases,
+		nonsym3x3(),
+		nonsymTridiag(100),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 1, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 2, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(2, 4, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 0, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 20, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(50, 3, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum73(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDENonsymmetric(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang47(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang48(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang49(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang410(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang412(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang413(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang414(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang415(16, 16, rnd),
+	)
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		testMethodWithSettings(t, nil, nil, tc)
+	}
+func TestCG(t *testing.T) {
+	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
+	testCases := spdTestCases(rnd)
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		s := newTestSettings(rnd, tc)
+		testMethodWithSettings(t, &CG{}, s, tc)
+	}
+func TestCGDefaultSettings(t *testing.T) {
+	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
+	testCases := spdTestCases(rnd)
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		testMethodWithSettings(t, &CG{}, nil, tc)
+	}
+func TestBiCG(t *testing.T) {
+	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
+	testCases := spdTestCases(rnd)
+	testCases = append(testCases,
+		nonsym3x3(),
+		nonsymTridiag(100),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 1, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 2, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(2, 4, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 0, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 20, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(50, 3, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum73(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang47(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang48(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang410(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang413(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang414(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang415(16, 16, rnd),
+	)
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		s := newTestSettings(rnd, tc)
+		s.Tolerance = 1e-10
+		testMethodWithSettings(t, &BiCG{}, s, tc)
+	}
+func TestBiCGDefaultSettings(t *testing.T) {
+	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
+	testCases := spdTestCases(rnd)
+	testCases = append(testCases,
+		nonsym3x3(),
+		nonsymTridiag(100),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 1, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 2, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(2, 4, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 0, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 20, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(50, 3, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum73(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDENonsymmetric(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang47(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang48(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang410(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang413(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang414(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang415(16, 16, rnd),
+	)
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		testMethodWithSettings(t, &BiCG{}, nil, tc)
+	}
+func TestBiCGStab(t *testing.T) {
+	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
+	testCases := spdTestCases(rnd)
+	testCases = append(testCases,
+		nonsym3x3(),
+		nonsymTridiag(100),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 1, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 2, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(2, 4, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 0, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 20, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(50, 3, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum73(16, 16, rnd),
+	)
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		s := newTestSettings(rnd, tc)
+		testMethodWithSettings(t, &BiCGStab{}, s, tc)
+	}
+func TestBiCGStabDefaultSettings(t *testing.T) {
+	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
+	testCases := spdTestCases(rnd)
+	testCases = append(testCases,
+		nonsym3x3(),
+		nonsymTridiag(100),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 1, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 2, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(2, 4, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 0, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 20, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(50, 3, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum73(16, 16, rnd),
+	)
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		testMethodWithSettings(t, &BiCGStab{}, nil, tc)
+	}
+func TestGMRES(t *testing.T) {
+	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
+	testCases := spdTestCases(rnd)
+	testCases = append(testCases,
+		nonsym3x3(),
+		nonsymTridiag(100),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 1, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 2, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(2, 4, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 0, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 20, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(50, 3, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum73(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDENonsymmetric(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang47(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang48(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang49(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang410(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang412(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang413(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang414(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang415(16, 16, rnd),
+	)
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		s := newTestSettings(rnd, tc)
+		testMethodWithSettings(t, &GMRES{}, s, tc)
+	}
+func TestGMRESDefaultSettings(t *testing.T) {
+	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
+	testCases := spdTestCases(rnd)
+	testCases = append(testCases,
+		nonsym3x3(),
+		nonsymTridiag(100),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 1, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(1, 2, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(2, 4, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 0, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(10, 20, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum54(50, 3, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum73(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDENonsymmetric(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang47(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang48(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang49(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang410(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang412(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang413(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang414(16, 16, rnd),
+		newPDEYang415(16, 16, rnd),
+	)
+	for _, tc := range testCases {
+		testMethodWithSettings(t, &GMRES{}, nil, tc)
+	}
+func newTestSettings(rnd *rand.Rand, tc testCase) *Settings {
+	n := len(tc.b)
+	// Initial guess is a random vector.
+	initX := mat.NewVecDense(n, nil)
+	for i := 0; i < initX.Len(); i++ {
+		initX.SetVec(i, rnd.NormFloat64())
+	}
+	// Allocate a destination vector and fill it with NaN.
+	dst := mat.NewVecDense(n, nil)
+	for i := 0; i < dst.Len(); i++ {
+		dst.SetVec(i, math.NaN())
+	}
+	// Preallocate a work context and fill it with NaN.
+	work := NewContext(n)
+	for i := 0; i < work.X.Len(); i++ {
+		work.X.SetVec(i, math.NaN())
+		work.Src.SetVec(i, math.NaN())
+		work.Dst.SetVec(i, math.NaN())
+	}
+	work.ResidualNorm = math.NaN()
+	return &Settings{
+		InitX:         initX,
+		Dst:           dst,
+		Tolerance:     tc.tol,
+		MaxIterations: 5 * n,
+		PreconSolve:   tc.PreconSolve,
+		Work:          work,
+	}
+func testMethodWithSettings(t *testing.T, m Method, s *Settings, tc testCase) {
+	wantTol := 1e-9
+	if s == nil {
+		// The default value of Settings.Tolerance is not as low as the tolerance in
+		// individual test cases, therefore we must use a higher tolerance for
+		// the expected accuracy of the computed solution.
+		wantTol = 1e-7
+	}
+	n := len(tc.b)
+	b := make([]float64, n)
+	copy(b, tc.b)
+	bVec := mat.NewVecDense(n, b)
+	result, err := Iterative(&tc, bVec, m, s)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("%v: unexpected error %v",, err)
+		return
+	}
+	if !floats.Equal(tc.b, b) {
+		t.Errorf("%v: unexpected modification of b",
+	}
+	wantVec := mat.NewVecDense(n, tc.want)
+	var diff mat.VecDense
+	diff.SubVec(result.X, wantVec)
+	dist := mat.Norm(&diff, 2) / mat.Norm(wantVec, 2)
+	if dist > wantTol {
+		t.Errorf("%v: unexpected solution, |want-got|/|want|=%v",, dist)
+	}
+	if s == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	if s.MaxIterations > 0 && result.Stats.Iterations > s.MaxIterations {
+		t.Errorf("%v: Result.Stats.Iterations greater than Settings.MaxIterations",
+	}
+	if s.Dst != nil {
+		if !mat.Equal(s.Dst, result.X) {
+			t.Errorf("%v: Settings.Dst and Result.X not equal\n%v\n%v",, s.Dst, result.X)
+		}
+		result.X.SetVec(0, 123456.7)
+		if s.Dst.AtVec(0) != result.X.AtVec(0) {
+			t.Errorf("%v: Settings.Dst and Result.X are not the same vector",
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/linsolve/linsolve.go b/linsolve/linsolve.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca95043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/linsolve.go
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package linsolve
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	""
+// BreakdownError signifies that a breakdown occured and the method cannot continue.
+type BreakdownError struct {
+	Value     float64
+	Tolerance float64
+func (e *BreakdownError) Error() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("linsolve: breakdown, value=%v tolerance=%v", e.Value, e.Tolerance)
+// Method is an iterative method that produces a sequence of vectors that
+// converge to the solution of the system of linear equations
+//  A * x = b,
+// where A is non-singular n×n matrix, and x and b are vectors of dimension n.
+// Method uses a reverse-communication interface between the iterative algorithm
+// and the caller. Method acts as a client that commands the caller to perform
+// needed operations via an Operation returned from the Iterate method. This
+// provides independence of Method on representation of the matrix A, and
+// enables automation of common operations like checking for convergence and
+// maintaining statistics.
+type Method interface {
+	// Init initializes the method for solving an n×n
+	// linear system with an initial estimate x and
+	// the corresponding residual vector.
+	//
+	// Method will not retain x or residual.
+	Init(x, residual *mat.VecDense)
+	// Iterate performs a step in converging to the
+	// solution of a linear system.
+	//
+	// Iterate retrieves data from Context, updates it,
+	// and returns the next operation. The caller must
+	// perform the Operation using data in Context, and
+	// depending on the state call Iterate again.
+	Iterate(*Context) (Operation, error)
+// Context mediates the communication between the Method and
+// the caller. The caller must not modify Context apart from
+// the commanded Operations.
+type Context struct {
+	// X will be set by Method to the current approximate
+	// solution when it commands ComputeResidual and MajorIteration.
+	X *mat.VecDense
+	// ResidualNorm is (an estimate of) a norm of
+	// the residual. Method will set it to the current
+	// value when it commands CheckResidualNorm.
+	ResidualNorm float64
+	// Converged indicates to Method whether ResidualNorm
+	// satisfies a stopping criterion as a result of
+	// CheckResidualNorm operation.
+	Converged bool
+	// Src and Dst are the source and destination vectors
+	// for various Operations. Src will be set by Method
+	// and the caller must store the result in Dst. See
+	// the Operation documentation for more information.
+	Src, Dst *mat.VecDense
+// NewContext returns a new Context for work on problems of dimension n.
+// NewContext will panic if n is not positive.
+func NewContext(n int) *Context {
+	if n <= 0 {
+		panic("linsolve: context size is not positive")
+	}
+	return &Context{
+		X:   mat.NewVecDense(n, nil),
+		Src: mat.NewVecDense(n, nil),
+		Dst: mat.NewVecDense(n, nil),
+	}
+// Reset reinitializes the Context for work on problems of dimension n.
+// Reset will panic if n is not positive.
+func (ctx *Context) Reset(n int) {
+	if n <= 0 {
+		panic("linsolve: dimension not positive")
+	}
+	ctx.X.Reset()
+	ctx.X.ReuseAsVec(n)
+	ctx.Src.Reset()
+	ctx.Src.ReuseAsVec(n)
+	ctx.Dst.Reset()
+	ctx.Dst.ReuseAsVec(n)
+// Operation specifies the type of operation.
+type Operation uint
+// Operations commanded by Method.Iterate.
+const (
+	NoOperation Operation = 0
+	// Compute A*x where x is stored in Context.Src. The
+	// result must be placed in Context.Dst.
+	MulVec Operation = 1 << (iota - 1)
+	// Perform a preconditioner solve
+	//  M z = r
+	// where r is stored in Context.Src. The solution z
+	// must be placed in Context.Dst.
+	PreconSolve
+	// Trans indicates that MulVec or PreconSolve
+	// operation must be performed wih the transpose,
+	// that is, compute Aᵀ*x or solve Mᵀ*z = r. Method
+	// will command Trans only in bitwise OR combination
+	// with MulVec and PreconSolve.
+	Trans
+	// Compute b-A*x where x is stored in Context.X,
+	// and store the result in Context.Dst.
+	ComputeResidual
+	// Check convergence using (an estimate of) a
+	// residual norm in Context.ResidualNorm. Context.X
+	// does not need to be valid. The caller must set
+	// Context.Converged to indicate whether convergence
+	// has been determined, and then it must call
+	// Method.Iterate again.
+	CheckResidualNorm
+	// MajorIteration indicates that Method has finished
+	// what it considers to be one iteration. Method
+	// will make sure that Context.X is updated.
+	// If Context.Converged is true, the caller must
+	// terminate the iterative process, otherwise it
+	// should call Method.Iterate again.
+	MajorIteration
+const (
+	// Machine epsilon.
+	eps = 1.0 / (1 << 53)
+	// Breakdown tolerance for BiCG and BiCGStab methods.
+	breakdownTol = eps * eps
diff --git a/linsolve/linsolve_test.go b/linsolve/linsolve_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f028bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/linsolve_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package linsolve
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"math"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+const defaultTol = 1e-13
+type testCase struct {
+	name string
+	mulVecTo func(*mat.VecDense, bool, mat.Vector) // Matrix-vector multiplication
+	b    []float64 // Right-hand side vector
+	diag []float64 // Diagonal for the Jacobi preconditioner
+	tol  float64   // Tolerance for the convergence criterion
+	want []float64 // Expected solution
+func (tc *testCase) MulVecTo(dst *mat.VecDense, trans bool, x mat.Vector) {
+	tc.mulVecTo(dst, trans, x)
+func (tc *testCase) PreconSolve(dst *mat.VecDense, trans bool, rhs mat.Vector) error {
+	if tc.diag == nil {
+		dst.CopyVec(rhs)
+	} else {
+		n := len(tc.diag)
+		diag := mat.NewVecDense(n, tc.diag)
+		dst.DivElemVec(rhs, diag)
+	}
+	return nil
+func spdTestCases(rnd *rand.Rand) []testCase {
+	return []testCase{
+		newRandomSPD(1, rnd),
+		newRandomSPD(2, rnd),
+		newRandomSPD(3, rnd),
+		newRandomSPD(4, rnd),
+		newRandomSPD(5, rnd),
+		newRandomSPD(10, rnd),
+		newRandomSPD(20, rnd),
+		newRandomSPD(50, rnd),
+		newRandomDiagonal(2, rnd),
+		newRandomDiagonal(3, rnd),
+		newRandomDiagonal(4, rnd),
+		newRandomDiagonal(5, rnd),
+		newRandomDiagonal(10, rnd),
+		newRandomDiagonal(20, rnd),
+		newRandomDiagonal(50, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum41(24, 0.001, 1, 0.4, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum41(24, 0.001, 1, 0.6, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum41(24, 0.001, 1, 0.8, rnd),
+		newGreenbaum41(24, 0.001, 1, 1, rnd),
+		newPoisson1D(32, random(rnd)),
+		newPoisson2D(32, 32, one),
+	}
+// newRandomSPD returns a test case with a random symmetric positive-definite
+// matrix of order n, and a random right-hand side.
+func newRandomSPD(n int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	// Generate a random matrix C.
+	c := make([]float64, n*n)
+	for i := range c {
+		c[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
+	}
+	C := mat.NewDense(n, n, c)
+	// Use C to generate a SPD matrix A.
+	var A mat.SymDense
+	A.SymOuterK(1, C)
+	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+		A.SetSym(i, i, A.At(i, i)+float64(n))
+	}
+	// Generate the right-hand side.
+	b := make([]float64, n)
+	for i := range b {
+		b[i] = 1 / math.Sqrt(float64(n))
+	}
+	// Compute the solution using the Cholesky factorization.
+	var chol mat.Cholesky
+	ok := chol.Factorize(&A)
+	if !ok {
+		panic("bad test matrix")
+	}
+	want := make([]float64, n)
+	chol.SolveVecTo(mat.NewVecDense(n, want), mat.NewVecDense(n, b))
+	// Matrix-vector multiplication.
+	mulVecTo := func(dst *mat.VecDense, _ bool, x mat.Vector) {
+		if dst.Len() != n || x.Len() != n {
+			panic("mismatched vector length")
+		}
+		dst.MulVec(&A, x)
+	}
+	// Store the diagonal for preconditioning.
+	diag := make([]float64, n)
+	for i := range diag {
+		diag[i] = A.At(i, i)
+	}
+	return testCase{
+		name:     fmt.Sprintf("Random SPD n=%v", n),
+		mulVecTo: mulVecTo,
+		b:        b,
+		tol:      defaultTol,
+		diag:     diag,
+		want:     want,
+	}
+// newRandomDiagonal returns a test case with a diagonal matrix with random positive elements,
+// a random right-hand side and a known solution.
+func newRandomDiagonal(n int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	// Generate a diagonal matrix with random positive elements.
+	a := make([]float64, n)
+	diag := make([]float64, n)
+	for i := range a {
+		a[i] = 1 + 10*rnd.Float64()
+		diag[i] = a[i]
+	}
+	A := mat.NewDiagDense(n, a)
+	// Generate the right-hand side.
+	b := make([]float64, n)
+	for i := range b {
+		b[i] = 1 / math.Sqrt(float64(n))
+	}
+	// Compute the reference solution.
+	want := make([]float64, n)
+	for i := range want {
+		want[i] = b[i] / a[i]
+	}
+	// Matrix-vector multiplication.
+	mulVecTo := func(dst *mat.VecDense, _ bool, x mat.Vector) {
+		if dst.Len() != n || x.Len() != n {
+			panic("mismatched vector length")
+		}
+		dst.MulVec(A, x)
+	}
+	return testCase{
+		name:     fmt.Sprintf("Random diagonal n=%v", n),
+		mulVecTo: mulVecTo,
+		b:        b,
+		tol:      defaultTol,
+		diag:     diag,
+		want:     want,
+	}
+// newGreenbaum41 returns a test case with a symmetric positive definite matrix
+// A defined as
+//  A = U * D * Uᵀ,
+// where U is a random orthogonal matrix and D is a diagonal matrix with entries
+// given by
+//  d_i = d_1 + (i-1)/(n-1)*(d_n-d_1)*rho^{n-i},   i = 2,...,n-1.
+// This matrix is described in Section 4.1 of
+//  Greenbaum, A. (1997). Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems. SIAM.
+func newGreenbaum41(n int, d1, dn, rho float64, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	if n < 2 || dn < d1 {
+		panic("bad test")
+	}
+	// Generate the diagonal.
+	d := make([]float64, n)
+	d[0] = d1
+	d[n-1] = dn
+	for i := 1; i < n-1; i++ {
+		d[i] = d1 + float64(i)/float64(n-1)*(dn-d1)*math.Pow(rho, float64(n-i-1))
+	}
+	// Generate the SPD matrix A.
+	a := make([]float64, n*n)
+	testlapack.Dlagsy(n, 0, d, a, n, rnd, make([]float64, 2*n))
+	A := mat.NewSymDense(n, a)
+	// Generate the right-hand side.
+	b := make([]float64, n)
+	for i := range b {
+		b[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
+	}
+	// Compute the solution using the Cholesky factorization.
+	var chol mat.Cholesky
+	ok := chol.Factorize(A)
+	if !ok {
+		panic("bad test matrix")
+	}
+	want := make([]float64, n)
+	chol.SolveVecTo(mat.NewVecDense(n, want), mat.NewVecDense(n, b))
+	// Matrix-vector multiplication.
+	mulVecTo := func(dst *mat.VecDense, _ bool, x mat.Vector) {
+		if dst.Len() != n || x.Len() != n {
+			panic("mismatched vector length")
+		}
+		dst.MulVec(A, x)
+	}
+	// Store the diagonal for preconditioning.
+	diag := make([]float64, n)
+	for i := range diag {
+		diag[i] = A.At(i, i)
+	}
+	return testCase{
+		name:     fmt.Sprintf("Greenbaum 4.1 n=%v,d_1=%v,d_n=%v,rho=%v", n, d1, dn, rho),
+		mulVecTo: mulVecTo,
+		b:        b,
+		tol:      defaultTol,
+		diag:     diag,
+		want:     want,
+	}
+func nonsym3x3() testCase {
+	return testCase{
+		name: "nonsym 3x3",
+		mulVecTo: func(dst *mat.VecDense, trans bool, x mat.Vector) {
+			A := mat.NewDense(3, 3, []float64{
+				5, -1, 3,
+				-1, 2, -2,
+				3, -2, 3,
+			})
+			if trans {
+				dst.MulVec(A.T(), x)
+			} else {
+				dst.MulVec(A, x)
+			}
+		},
+		b:    []float64{7, -1, 4},
+		diag: []float64{5, 2, -3},
+		tol:  defaultTol,
+		want: []float64{1, 1, 1},
+	}
+func nonsymTridiag(n int) testCase {
+	A := triplet.NewMatrix(n, n)
+	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+		if i > 0 {
+			A.Append(i, i-1, -2)
+		}
+		A.Append(i, i, 4)
+		if i < n-1 {
+			A.Append(i, i+1, -1)
+		}
+	}
+	b := make([]float64, n)
+	for i := range b {
+		switch i {
+		case 0:
+			b[i] = 3
+		default:
+			b[i] = 1
+		case n - 1:
+			b[i] = 2
+		}
+	}
+	want := make([]float64, n)
+	for i := range want {
+		want[i] = 1
+	}
+	return testCase{
+		name:     fmt.Sprintf("Nonsym tridiag n=%v", n),
+		mulVecTo: A.MulVecTo,
+		b:        b,
+		tol:      defaultTol,
+		want:     want,
+	}
+// newPoisson1D returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the Poisson equation
+//  - ∂_x ∂_x u = f
+// on the interval [0,1].
+func newPoisson1D(nx int, f func(float64, float64) float64) testCase {
+	tc := newPDE(nx, 1, negOne, nil, zero, nil, zero, f)
+ = fmt.Sprintf("Poisson 1D nx=%v", nx)
+	return tc
+// newPoisson2D returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the Poisson equation
+//  - Δu = f
+// on the unit square [0,1]×[0,1].
+func newPoisson2D(nx, ny int, f func(float64, float64) float64) testCase {
+	tc := newPDE(nx, ny, negOne, negOne, zero, zero, zero, f)
+ = fmt.Sprintf("Poisson 2D nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
+	tc.tol = 1e-12
+	return tc
+// newGreenbaum54 returns a test case with a general unsymmetric matrix
+// A defined as
+//  A = V*D*V^{-1},
+// where V is a random matrix and D is a block-diagonal matrix with n1 complex
+// and n2 real eigenvalues.
+// This matrix is described in Section 5.4 of
+//  Greenbaum, A. (1997). Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems. SIAM.
+func newGreenbaum54(n1, n2 int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	n := 2*n1 + n2
+	// Generate the block-diagonal matrix D.
+	d := make([]float64, n*3)
+	// Generate n1 blocks with complex eigenvalues.
+	for i := 0; i < 2*n1; i += 2 {
+		// The 2x2 block will have eigenvalues a±b*i.
+		// Real part of the eigenvalue is in [1,2).
+		a := rnd.Float64() + 1
+		// Imaginary part is in [-1,1).
+		b := 2*rnd.Float64() - 1
+		d[i*3+1] = a
+		d[i*3+2] = b
+		d[(i+1)*3] = -b
+		d[(i+1)*3+1] = a
+	}
+	// Generate n2 real eigenvalues.
+	for i := 2 * n1; i < n; i++ {
+		r := 9*rnd.Float64() + 1
+		if rnd.Intn(2) == 0 {
+			r *= -1
+		}
+		d[i*3+1] = r
+	}
+	D := mat.NewBandDense(n, n, 1, 1, d)
+	// Generate a random matrix V.
+	v := make([]float64, n*n)
+	for i := range v {
+		v[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
+	}
+	V := mat.NewDense(n, n, v)
+	var luV mat.LU
+	luV.Factorize(V)
+	// Generate the right-hand side.
+	b := make([]float64, n)
+	for i := range b {
+		b[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
+	}
+	// Compute V*D and (V*D)^{-1} for computing the reference solution and for the matrix-vector operation.
+	var VD mat.Dense
+	VD.Mul(V, D)
+	var luVD mat.LU
+	luVD.Factorize(&VD)
+	// Compute the solution of V*D*V^{-1}*x = b.
+	// First, compute the solution of V*D*y = b.
+	want := make([]float64, n)
+	wantVec := mat.NewVecDense(n, want)
+	err := luVD.SolveVecTo(wantVec, false, mat.NewVecDense(n, b))
+	if err != nil {
+		panic("luVD.SolveVecTo(notrans) failed")
+	}
+	// Second, compute the solution of V^{-1}*x = y, which amounts to just
+	// computing x = V*y.
+	wantVec.MulVec(V, wantVec)
+	// Matrix-vector multiplication.
+	mulVecTo := func(dst *mat.VecDense, trans bool, x mat.Vector) {
+		if dst.Len() != n || x.Len() != n {
+			panic("mismatched vector length")
+		}
+		if trans {
+			// Multiply (V*D*V^{-1})ᵀ * x which can be
+			// rewritten as V^{-1}ᵀ * (V*D)ᵀ * x.
+			dst.MulVec(VD.T(), x)
+			err := luV.SolveVecTo(dst, true, dst)
+			if err != nil {
+				panic("luV.SolveVecTo(trans) failed")
+			}
+		} else {
+			// Multiply V*D*V^{-1} * x.
+			err := luV.SolveVecTo(dst, false, x)
+			if err != nil {
+				panic("luV.SolveVecTo(notrans) failed")
+			}
+			dst.MulVec(&VD, dst)
+		}
+	}
+	return testCase{
+		name:     fmt.Sprintf("Greenbaum 5.4 n=%v,n1=%v,n2=%v", n, n1, n2),
+		mulVecTo: mulVecTo,
+		b:        b,
+		tol:      defaultTol,
+		want:     want,
+	}
+// newGreenbaum73 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the partial differential equation
+//  - Δu + 40*(x*∂_x u + y*∂_y u) - 100*u = f
+// This test problem is described in Section 7.3 of
+//  Greenbaum, A. (1997). Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems. SIAM.
+func newGreenbaum73(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	tc := newPDE(nx, ny,
+		negOne, negOne, // - ∂_x ∂_x u - ∂_y ∂_y u
+		func(x, _ float64) float64 { return 40 * x }, // 40 * x * ∂_x u
+		func(_, y float64) float64 { return 40 * y }, // 40 * y * ∂_y u
+		constant(-100), // -100 * u
+		random(rnd))
+ = fmt.Sprintf("Greenbaum 7.3 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
+	return tc
+// newPDENonsymmetric returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the partial differential equation
+//  Δu + henk*∂_x u + (∂_x henk/2)*u = f
+// where henk(x,y) := 20*exp(3.5*(x^2 + y^2))
+// This test case is adapted from
+func newPDENonsymmetric(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	tc := newPDE(nx, ny, one, one, henk, zero, dhenkdx, random(rnd))
+ = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Nonsymmetric nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
+	return tc
+func henk(x, y float64) float64 {
+	return 20 * math.Exp(3.5*(x*x+y*y))
+func dhenkdx(x, y float64) float64 {
+	return 70 * x * math.Exp(3.5*(x*x+y*y))
+// newPDEYang47 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the partial differential equation
+//  Δu + 1000*∂_x u = f
+// The large coefficient of ∂_xu causes a loss of diagonal dominance in the system matrix.
+// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.7 in
+//  Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
+func newPDEYang47(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	tc := newPDE(nx, ny, one, one, constant(1000), zero, zero, random(rnd))
+ = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.7 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
+	return tc
+// newPDEYang48 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the partial differential equation
+//  Δu + 1000*∂_y u = f
+// The large coefficient of ∂_yu causes a loss of diagonal dominance in the system matrix.
+// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.8 in
+//  Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
+func newPDEYang48(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	tc := newPDE(nx, ny, one, one, zero, constant(1000), zero, random(rnd))
+ = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.8 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
+	return tc
+// newPDEYang49 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the partial differential equation
+//  Δu + 1000*exp(x*y)*(∂_x u - ∂_y u) = f
+// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.9 in
+//  Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
+func newPDEYang49(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	tc := newPDE(16, 16,
+		one, one,
+		func(x, y float64) float64 { return 1000 * math.Exp(x*y) },
+		func(x, y float64) float64 { return -1000 * math.Exp(x*y) },
+		zero, random(rnd))
+ = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.9 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
+	return tc
+// newPDEYang410 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the partial differential equation
+//  ∂_x (exp(x*y) * ∂_x u) + ∂_y (exp(-x*y) * ∂_y u) - 500*(x + y)*∂_x u - (250*(1 + y) + 1/(1 + x + y))*u = f
+// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.10 in
+//  Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
+func newPDEYang410(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	tc := newPDE(nx, ny,
+		func(x, y float64) float64 { return math.Exp(x * y) },  // ∂_x (exp(x*y) * ∂_x u)
+		func(x, y float64) float64 { return math.Exp(-x * y) }, // ∂_y (exp(-x*y) * ∂_y u)
+		func(x, y float64) float64 { return -500 * (x + y) },   // -500*(x + y)*∂_x u
+		zero,
+		func(x, y float64) float64 { return -250*(1+y) - 1/(1+x+y) }, // - (250*(1 + y) + 1/(1+x+y)) * u
+		random(rnd))
+ = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.10 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
+	return tc
+// newPDEYang412 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the partial differential equation
+//  Δu - 100000*x^2*(∂_x u + ∂_y u) = f
+// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.12 in
+//  Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
+func newPDEYang412(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	tc := newPDE(nx, ny,
+		one, one,
+		func(x, _ float64) float64 { return -100000 * x * x },
+		func(x, _ float64) float64 { return -100000 * x * x },
+		zero, random(rnd))
+ = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.12 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
+	return tc
+// newPDEYang413 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the partial differential equation
+//  Δu - 1000*(1 + x^2)*∂_x u + 100*∂_y u = f
+// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.13 in
+//  Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
+func newPDEYang413(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	tc := newPDE(nx, ny,
+		one, one,
+		func(x, _ float64) float64 { return -1000 * (1 + x*x) },
+		constant(100),
+		zero, random(rnd))
+ = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.13 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
+	return tc
+// newPDEYang414 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the partial differential equation
+//  Δu - 1000*x^2*∂_x u + 1000*u = f
+// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.14 in
+//  Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
+func newPDEYang414(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	tc := newPDE(nx, ny,
+		one, one,
+		func(x, _ float64) float64 { return -1000 * x * x },
+		zero,
+		constant(1000), random(rnd))
+ = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.14 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
+	return tc
+// newPDEYang415 returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the partial differential equation
+//  Δu - 1000*(1 - 2*x)*∂_x u - 1000*(1 - 2*y)*∂_y u = f
+// This test case corresponds to Eq. 4.15 in
+//  Ulrike Meier Yang (1994), Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient-Like Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
+func newPDEYang415(nx, ny int, rnd *rand.Rand) testCase {
+	tc := newPDE(nx, ny,
+		one, one,
+		func(x, _ float64) float64 { return -1000 * (1 - 2*x) },
+		func(_, y float64) float64 { return -1000 * (1 - 2*y) },
+		zero, random(rnd))
+ = fmt.Sprintf("PDE Yang, Eq. 4.15 nx=%v,ny=%v", nx, ny)
+	return tc
+// newPDE returns a test case that arises from a finite-difference discretization
+// of the partial differential equation
+//  ∂_x (a ∂_x u) + ∂_y (b ∂_y u) + c ∂_x u + d ∂_y u + e u = f
+// on the unit square [0,1]×[0,1] with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.
+// nx and ny must be positive. If ny is 1, a 1D variant of the equation on [0,1]×{0} will be used,
+// and b and d will not be referenced.
+func newPDE(nx, ny int, a, b, c, d, e, f func(float64, float64) float64) testCase {
+	if nx <= 0 || ny <= 0 {
+		panic("invalid mesh size")
+	}
+	var (
+		A    *triplet.Matrix
+		rhs  []float64
+		diag []float64
+	)
+	if ny == 1 {
+		A, rhs, diag = newPDESystem1D(nx, a, c, e, f)
+	} else {
+		A, rhs, diag = newPDESystem2D(nx, ny, a, b, c, d, e, f)
+	}
+	// Use a dense solver to obtain a reference solution.
+	Ad := A.DenseCopy()
+	var lu mat.LU
+	lu.Factorize(Ad)
+	n := len(rhs)
+	want := make([]float64, n)
+	err := lu.SolveVecTo(mat.NewVecDense(n, want), false, mat.NewVecDense(n, rhs))
+	if err != nil {
+		panic("lu.SolveVec failed")
+	}
+	return testCase{
+		mulVecTo: A.MulVecTo,
+		b:        rhs,
+		tol:      defaultTol,
+		diag:     diag,
+		want:     want,
+	}
+// newPDESystem1D assembles and returns the matrix A, the right-hand side vector,
+// and the diagonal of A for a 1-dimensional PDE problem.
+func newPDESystem1D(nx int, a, b, c, f func(float64, float64) float64) (A *triplet.Matrix, rhs, diag []float64) {
+	h := 1 / float64(nx+1)
+	A = triplet.NewMatrix(nx, nx)
+	rhs = make([]float64, nx)
+	diag = make([]float64, nx)
+	var i int
+	for ix := 0; ix < nx; ix++ {
+		s := newStencil1D(ix, h, a, b, c)
+		// Add stencil elements to the system matrix, skipping boundary nodes.
+		if ix > 0 {
+			A.Append(i, i-1, s.left)
+		}
+		A.Append(i, i,
+		diag[i] =
+		if ix < nx-1 {
+			A.Append(i, i+1, s.right)
+		}
+		// Assemble the right-hand side.
+		x := float64(ix+1) * h
+		rhs[i] = f(x, 0) * h * h
+		i++
+	}
+	return A, rhs, diag
+type stencil1D struct {
+	left, right float64
+	center      float64
+// newStencil1D returns a finite difference stencil that approximates the differential operator
+//  ∂_x (a ∂_x u) + b ∂_x u + c u
+// at point [(i+1)*h] using the formula
+//    a(i+1/2,0)*(u(i+1) - u(i)) + a(i-1/2,0)*(u(i-1) - u(i))
+//  + (h/2)*b(i,0)*(u(i+1) - u(i-1))
+//  + h^2*c(i,0)*u(i)
+func newStencil1D(i int, h float64, a, b, c func(float64, float64) float64) (s stencil1D) {
+	x := float64(i+1) * h
+	coeff := a(x+0.5*h, 0)
+ -= coeff
+	s.right = coeff
+	coeff = a(x-0.5*h, 0)
+ -= coeff
+	s.left = coeff
+	coeff = b(x, 0)
+	s.right += 0.5 * h * coeff
+	s.left -= 0.5 * h * coeff
+ += h * h * c(x, 0)
+	return s
+// newPDESystem2D assembles and returns the matrix A, the right-hand side vector,
+// and the diagonal of A for a 2-dimensional PDE problem.
+func newPDESystem2D(nx, ny int, a, b, c, d, e, f func(float64, float64) float64) (A *triplet.Matrix, rhs, diag []float64) {
+	// Finite difference stencil:
+	//             * (ix,iy+1)
+	//             |
+	//             | (ix,iy)
+	//      * ---- * ---- *
+	// (ix-1,iy)   |   (ix+1,iy)
+	//             |
+	//             * (ix,iy-1)
+	// Node (ix,iy) is mapped to the index ix+iy*k.
+	h := 1 / float64(nx+1)
+	n := nx * ny
+	A = triplet.NewMatrix(n, n)
+	rhs = make([]float64, n)
+	diag = make([]float64, n)
+	var i int
+	for iy := 0; iy < ny; iy++ {
+		y := float64(iy+1) * h
+		for ix := 0; ix < nx; ix++ {
+			s := newStencil2D(ix, iy, h, a, b, c, d, e)
+			// Add the coefficients from the stencil to the system matrix, skipping boundary nodes.
+			if iy > 0 {
+				A.Append(i, i-nx, s.down)
+			}
+			if ix > 0 {
+				A.Append(i, i-1, s.left)
+			}
+			A.Append(i, i,
+			diag[i] =
+			if ix < nx-1 {
+				A.Append(i, i+1, s.right)
+			}
+			if iy < ny-1 {
+				A.Append(i, i+nx, s.up)
+			}
+			// Assemble the right-hand side.
+			x := float64(ix+1) * h
+			rhs[i] = f(x, y) * h * h
+			i++
+		}
+	}
+	return A, rhs, diag
+type stencil2D struct {
+	left, right float64
+	up, down    float64
+	center      float64
+// newStencil2D returns a finite difference stencil that approximates the differential operator
+//  ∂_x (a ∂_x u) + ∂_y (b ∂_y u) + c ∂_x u + d ∂_y u + e u
+// at point [(i+1)*h,(j+1)*h] using the formula
+//    a(i+1/2,j)*(u(i+1,j) - u(i,j)) + a(i-1/2,j)*(u(i-1,j) - u(i,j))
+//  + b(i,j+1/2)*(u(i,j+1) - u(i,j)) + b(i,j-1/2)*(u(i,j-1) - u(i,j))
+//  + (h/2)*c(i,j)*(u(i+1,j) - u(i-1,j)) + (h/2)*d(i,j)*(u(i,j+1) - u(i,j-1))
+//  + h^2*e(i,j)*u(i,j)
+func newStencil2D(i, j int, h float64, a, b, c, d, e func(float64, float64) float64) (s stencil2D) {
+	x := float64(i+1) * h
+	y := float64(j+1) * h
+	coeff := a(x+0.5*h, y)
+ -= coeff
+	s.right = coeff
+	coeff = a(x-0.5*h, y)
+ -= coeff
+	s.left = coeff
+	coeff = b(x+0.5*h, y)
+ -= coeff
+	s.up = coeff
+	coeff = b(x-0.5*h, y)
+ -= coeff
+	s.down = coeff
+	coeff = c(x, y)
+	s.right += 0.5 * h * coeff
+	s.left -= 0.5 * h * coeff
+	coeff = d(x, y)
+	s.up += 0.5 * h * coeff
+	s.down -= 0.5 * h * coeff
+ += h * h * c(x, y)
+	return s
+func zero(_, _ float64) float64 {
+	return 0
+func one(_, _ float64) float64 {
+	return 1
+func negOne(_, _ float64) float64 {
+	return -1
+func constant(c float64) func(_, _ float64) float64 {
+	return func(_, _ float64) float64 {
+		return c
+	}
+func random(rnd *rand.Rand) func(_, _ float64) float64 {
+	return func(_, _ float64) float64 {
+		return rnd.NormFloat64()
+	}
diff --git a/linsolve/pde_example_test.go b/linsolve/pde_example_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..292c1ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linsolve/pde_example_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+// Copyright ©2019 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package linsolve_test
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"log"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+// AllenCahnFD implements a semi-implicit finite difference scheme for the
+// solution of the one-dimensional Allen-Cahn equation
+//   u_t = u_xx - 1/ξ²·f'(u)  in (0,L)×(0,T)
+//   u_x = 0                  on (0,T)
+//  u(0) = u0                 on (0,L)
+// where f is a double-well-shaped function with two minima at ±1
+//  f(s) = 1/4·(s²-1)²
+// The equation arises in materials science in the description of phase
+// transitions, e.g. solidification in crystal growth, but also in other areas
+// like image processing due to its connection to mean-curvature motion.
+// Starting the evolution from an initial distribution u0, the solution u
+// develops a thin steep layer, an interface between regions of the domain
+// (0,L) where u is constant and close to one of the minima of f.
+// AllenCahnFD approximates derivatives by finite differences and the solution
+// is advanced in time by a semi-implicit Euler scheme where the nonlinear term
+// is taken from the previous time step. Therefore, at each time step a linear
+// system must be solved.
+type AllenCahnFD struct {
+	// Xi is the ξ parameter that determines the interface width.
+	Xi float64
+	// InitCond is the initial condition u0.
+	InitCond func(x float64) float64
+	h   float64 // Spatial step size
+	tau float64 // Time step size
+	a *mat.SymBandDense
+	b *mat.VecDense
+	u *mat.VecDense
+	ls         linsolve.Method
+	lssettings linsolve.Settings
+// FPrime returns the value of the derivative of the double-well potential f at s.
+//  f'(s) = s·(s²-1)
+func FPrime(s float64) float64 {
+	return s * (s*s - 1)
+// Setup initializes the receiver for solving the Allen-Cahn equation on a
+// uniform grid with n+1 nodes on the spatial interval (0,L) and with the time
+// step size tau.
+func (ac *AllenCahnFD) Setup(n int, L float64, tau float64) {
+	ac.h = L / float64(n)
+	ac.tau = tau
+	// We solve this PDE numerically by replacing the derivatives with finite
+	// differences. For the spatial derivative, we use a central difference
+	// scheme, and for the time derivative derivative we use semi-implicit Euler
+	// integration where the non-linear term with f' is taken from the previous
+	// time step.
+	//
+	// After replacing the derivatives we get
+	//  1/tau*(u^{k+1}_i - u^k_i) = 1/h²*(u^{k+1}_{i-1} - 2*u^{k+1}_i + u^{k+1}_{i+1}) - 1/ξ²*f'(u^k_i)
+	// where tau is the time step size, h is the spatial step size, and u^k_i
+	// denotes the numerical solution that approximates u at time level k and
+	// grid node i, that is,
+	//  u^k_i ≅ u(k*tau,i*h)
+	// Multiplying the equation by tau and collecting the terms from the same
+	// time level on each side gives
+	//  -tau/h²*u^{k+1}_{i-1} + (1+2*tau/h²)*u^{k+1}_i - tau/h²*u^{k+1}_{i+1}) = u^k_i - tau/ξ²*f'(u^k_i)
+	// If we denote C:=tau/h² we can simplify this to
+	//  -C*u^{k+1}_{i-1} + (1+2*C)*u^{k+1}_i - C*u^{k+1}_{i+1} = u^k_i - tau/ξ²*f'(u^k_i)   (1)
+	// which must hold for all i=0,...,n.
+	//
+	// When i=0 or i=n, the expression (1) refers to values at nodes -1 and n+1
+	// which lie outside of the domain. We can eliminate them by using the fact
+	// that the first derivative is zero at the boundary. We approximate it by
+	// central difference:
+	//      -1/h*(u^{k+1}_{-1} - u^{k+1}_1) = 0
+	//  1/h*(u^{k+1}_{n+1} - u^{k+1}_{n-1}) = 0
+	// which after simplifying gives
+	//   u^{k+1}_{-1} = u^{k+1}_1
+	//  u^{k+1}_{n+1} = u^{k+1}_{n-1}
+	// By substituting these two expressions into (1) at i=0 and i=n values at
+	// outside nodes do not appear in the expressions. If we further divide them
+	// by 2 (to obtain a symmetric matrix), we finally get
+	//  (1/2+C)*u^{k+1}_0 - C*u^{k+1}_1 = 1/2*u^k_0 - 1/2*tau/ξ²*f'(u^k_0)                  (2)
+	//  -C*u^{k+1}_{n-1} + (1/2+C)*u^{k+1}_n = 1/2*u^k_n - 1/2*tau/ξ²*f'(u^k_n)             (3)
+	// Note that simply means that we treat values at the boundary nodes the
+	// same as the inner nodes.
+	//
+	// For a given k the equations (1),(2),(3) form a linear system for the
+	// unknown vector [u^{k+1}_i], i=0,...,n that must be solved at each step in
+	// order to advance the solution in time. The matrix of this system is
+	// tridiagonal and symmetric positive-definite:
+	//  ⎛1/2+C   -C    0    .    .    .    .     0⎞
+	//  ⎜   -C 1+2C   -C                         .⎟
+	//  ⎜    0   -C 1+2C   -C                    .⎟
+	//  ⎜    .        -C    .    .               .⎟
+	//  ⎜    .              .    .    .          .⎟
+	//  ⎜    .                   .    .   -C     0⎟
+	//  ⎜    .                       -C 1+2C    -C⎟
+	//  ⎝    0    .    .    .    .    0   -C 1/2+C⎠
+	// The right-hand side is:
+	//  ⎛1/2*u^k_0     - 1/2*tau/ξ²*f'(u^k_0)    ⎞
+	//  ⎜    u^k_1     -     tau/ξ²*f'(u^k_1)    ⎟
+	//  ⎜    u^k_2     -     tau/ξ²*f'(u^k_2)    ⎟
+	//  ⎜              .                         ⎟
+	//  ⎜              .                         ⎟
+	//  ⎜              .                         ⎟
+	//  ⎜    u^k_{n-1} -     tau/ξ²*f'(u^k_{n-1})⎟
+	//  ⎝1/2*u^k_n     - 1/2*tau/ξ²*f'(u^k_n)    ⎠
+	// Assemble the system matrix A based on the discretization scheme above.
+	// Since the matrix is symmetric, we only need to set elements in the upper
+	// triangle.
+	A := mat.NewSymBandDense(n+1, 1, nil)
+	c := ac.tau / ac.h / ac.h
+	// Boundary condition at the left node
+	A.SetSymBand(0, 0, 0.5+c)
+	A.SetSymBand(0, 1, -c)
+	// Interior nodes
+	for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
+		A.SetSymBand(i, i, 1+2*c)
+		A.SetSymBand(i, i+1, -c)
+	}
+	// Boundary condition at the right node
+	A.SetSymBand(n, n, 0.5+c)
+	ac.a = A
+	// Allocate the right-hand side b.
+	ac.b = mat.NewVecDense(n+1, nil)
+	// Allocate and set up the initial condition.
+	ac.u = mat.NewVecDense(n+1, nil)
+	for i := 0; i < ac.u.Len(); i++ {
+		ac.u.SetVec(i, ac.InitCond(float64(i)*ac.h))
+	}
+	// Allocate the linear solver and the settings.
+ = &linsolve.CG{}
+	ac.lssettings = linsolve.Settings{
+		// Solution from the previous time step will be a good initial estimate.
+		InitX: ac.u,
+		// Store the solution into the existing vector.
+		Dst: ac.u,
+		// Provide context to reduce memory allocation and GC pressure.
+		Work: linsolve.NewContext(n + 1),
+	}
+// Step advances the solution one step in time.
+func (ac *AllenCahnFD) Step() error {
+	// Assemble the right-hand side vector b.
+	tauXi2 := ac.tau / ac.Xi / ac.Xi
+	n := ac.u.Len()
+	for i := 0; i < ac.u.Len(); i++ {
+		ui := ac.u.AtVec(i)
+		bi := ui - tauXi2*FPrime(ui)
+		if i == 0 || i == n-1 {
+			bi *= 0.5
+		}
+		ac.b.SetVec(i, bi)
+	}
+	// Solve the system.
+	_, err := linsolve.Iterative(ac, ac.b,, &ac.lssettings)
+	return err
+// MulVecTo implements the MulVecToer interface.
+func (ac *AllenCahnFD) MulVecTo(dst *mat.VecDense, _ bool, x mat.Vector) {
+	dst.MulVec(ac.a, x)
+func (ac *AllenCahnFD) Solution() *mat.VecDense {
+	return ac.u
+func output(u mat.Vector, L float64, step int) error {
+	p, err := plot.New()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	p.Title.Text = fmt.Sprintf("Step %d", step)
+	p.X.Label.Text = "x"
+	p.X.Min = 0
+	p.X.Max = L
+	p.Y.Min = -1.1
+	p.Y.Max = 1.1
+	n := u.Len()
+	h := L / float64(n-1)
+	pts := make(plotter.XYs, n)
+	for i := 0; i < u.Len(); i++ {
+		pts[i].X = float64(i) * h
+		pts[i].Y = u.AtVec(i)
+	}
+	err = plotutil.AddLines(p, "u", pts)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	err = p.Save(20*vg.Centimeter, 10*vg.Centimeter, fmt.Sprintf("u%04d.png", step))
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil
+func ExampleIterative_evolutionPDE() {
+	const (
+		L   = 10.0
+		nx  = 1000
+		nt  = 200
+		tau = 0.1 * L / nx
+		xi  = 6.0 * L / nx
+	)
+	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
+	ac := AllenCahnFD{
+		Xi: xi,
+		InitCond: func(x float64) float64 {
+			// Initial condition is a perturbation of the (unstable) zero state
+			// (the peak in the double-well function f).
+			return 0.01 * rnd.NormFloat64()
+		},
+	}
+	ac.Setup(nx, L, tau)
+	for i := 1; i <= nt; i++ {
+		err := ac.Step()
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Fatal(err)
+		}
+		// Generate plots of u as PNG images that can be converted to video
+		// using for example
+		//  ffmpeg -i u%04d.png output.webm
+		err = output(ac.Solution(), L, i)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Fatal(err)
+		}
+	}