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// Copyright ©2014 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package optimize
import (
const defaultGradientAbsTol = 1e-6
// Operation represents the set of operations commanded by Method at each
// iteration. It is a bitmap of various Iteration and Evaluation constants.
// Individual constants must NOT be combined together by the binary OR operator
// except for the Evaluation operations.
type Operation uint64
// Supported Operations.
const (
// NoOperation specifies that no evaluation or convergence check should
// take place.
NoOperation Operation = 0
// InitIteration is sent to Recorder to indicate the initial location.
// All fields of the location to record must be valid.
// Method must not return it.
InitIteration Operation = 1 << (iota - 1)
// PostIteration is sent to Recorder to indicate the final location
// reached during an optimization run.
// All fields of the location to record must be valid.
// Method must not return it.
// MajorIteration indicates that the next candidate location for
// an optimum has been found and convergence should be checked.
// FuncEvaluation specifies that the objective function
// should be evaluated.
// GradEvaluation specifies that the gradient
// of the objective function should be evaluated.
// HessEvaluation specifies that the Hessian
// of the objective function should be evaluated.
// Mask for the evaluating operations.
evalMask = FuncEvaluation | GradEvaluation | HessEvaluation
func (op Operation) isEvaluation() bool {
return op&evalMask != 0 && op&^evalMask == 0
func (op Operation) String() string {
if op&evalMask != 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("Evaluation(Func: %t, Grad: %t, Hess: %t, Extra: 0b%b)",
op&FuncEvaluation != 0,
op&GradEvaluation != 0,
op&HessEvaluation != 0,
s, ok := operationNames[op]
if ok {
return s
return fmt.Sprintf("Operation(%d)", op)
var operationNames = map[Operation]string{
NoOperation: "NoOperation",
InitIteration: "InitIteration",
MajorIteration: "MajorIteration",
PostIteration: "PostIteration",
// Location represents a location in the optimization procedure.
type Location struct {
X []float64
F float64
Gradient []float64
Hessian *mat.SymDense
// Result represents the answer of an optimization run. It contains the optimum
// location as well as the Status at convergence and Statistics taken during the
// run.
type Result struct {
Status Status
// Stats contains the statistics of the run.
type Stats struct {
MajorIterations int // Total number of major iterations
FuncEvaluations int // Number of evaluations of Func
GradEvaluations int // Number of evaluations of Grad
HessEvaluations int // Number of evaluations of Hess
Runtime time.Duration // Total runtime of the optimization
// complementEval returns an evaluating operation that evaluates fields of loc
// not evaluated by eval.
func complementEval(loc *Location, eval Operation) (complEval Operation) {
if eval&FuncEvaluation == 0 {
complEval = FuncEvaluation
if loc.Gradient != nil && eval&GradEvaluation == 0 {
complEval |= GradEvaluation
if loc.Hessian != nil && eval&HessEvaluation == 0 {
complEval |= HessEvaluation
return complEval
// Problem describes the optimization problem to be solved.
type Problem struct {
// Func evaluates the objective function at the given location. Func
// must not modify x.
Func func(x []float64) float64
// Grad evaluates the gradient at x and stores the result in-place in grad.
// Grad must not modify x.
Grad func(grad []float64, x []float64)
// Hess evaluates the Hessian at x and stores the result in-place in hess.
// Hess must not modify x.
Hess func(hess mat.MutableSymmetric, x []float64)
// Status reports the status of the objective function being optimized and any
// error. This can be used to terminate early, for example when the function is
// not able to evaluate itself. The user can use one of the pre-provided Status
// constants, or may call NewStatus to create a custom Status value.
Status func() (Status, error)
// TODO(btracey): Think about making this an exported function when the
// constraint interface is designed.
func (p Problem) satisfies(method Needser) error {
if method.Needs().Gradient && p.Grad == nil {
return errors.New("optimize: problem does not provide needed Grad function")
if method.Needs().Hessian && p.Hess == nil {
return errors.New("optimize: problem does not provide needed Hess function")
return nil
// Settings represents settings of the optimization run. It contains initial
// settings, convergence information, and Recorder information. In general, users
// should use DefaultSettings rather than constructing a Settings literal.
// If UseInitData is true, InitialValue, InitialGradient and InitialHessian
// specify function information at the initial location.
// If Recorder is nil, no information will be recorded.
type Settings struct {
UseInitialData bool // Use supplied information about the conditions at the initial x.
InitialValue float64 // Function value at the initial x.
InitialGradient []float64 // Gradient at the initial x.
InitialHessian *mat.SymDense // Hessian at the initial x.
// FunctionThreshold is the threshold for acceptably small values of the
// objective function. FunctionThreshold status is returned if
// the objective function is less than this value.
// The default value is -inf.
FunctionThreshold float64
// GradientThreshold determines the accuracy to which the minimum is found.
// GradientThreshold status is returned if the infinity norm of
// the gradient is less than this value.
// Has no effect if gradient information is not used.
// The default value is 1e-6.
GradientThreshold float64
// FunctionConverge tests that the function value decreases by a
// significant amount over the specified number of iterations.
// If f < f_best and
// f_best - f > FunctionConverge.Relative * maxabs(f, f_best) + FunctionConverge.Absolute
// then a significant decrease has occurred, and f_best is updated.
// If there is no significant decrease for FunctionConverge.Iterations
// major iterations, FunctionConvergence status is returned.
// If this is nil or if FunctionConverge.Iterations == 0, it has no effect.
FunctionConverge *FunctionConverge
// MajorIterations is the maximum number of iterations allowed.
// IterationLimit status is returned if the number of major iterations
// equals or exceeds this value.
// If it equals zero, this setting has no effect.
// The default value is 0.
MajorIterations int
// Runtime is the maximum runtime allowed. RuntimeLimit status is returned
// if the duration of the run is longer than this value. Runtime is only
// checked at iterations of the Method.
// If it equals zero, this setting has no effect.
// The default value is 0.
Runtime time.Duration
// FuncEvaluations is the maximum allowed number of function evaluations.
// FunctionEvaluationLimit status is returned if the total number of calls
// to Func equals or exceeds this number.
// If it equals zero, this setting has no effect.
// The default value is 0.
FuncEvaluations int
// GradEvaluations is the maximum allowed number of gradient evaluations.
// GradientEvaluationLimit status is returned if the total number of calls
// to Grad equals or exceeds this number.
// If it equals zero, this setting has no effect.
// The default value is 0.
GradEvaluations int
// HessEvaluations is the maximum allowed number of Hessian evaluations.
// HessianEvaluationLimit status is returned if the total number of calls
// to Hess equals or exceeds this number.
// If it equals zero, this setting has no effect.
// The default value is 0.
HessEvaluations int
Recorder Recorder
// Concurrent represents how many concurrent evaluations are possible.
Concurrent int
// DefaultSettings returns a new Settings struct containing the default settings.
func DefaultSettings() *Settings {
return &Settings{
GradientThreshold: defaultGradientAbsTol,
FunctionThreshold: math.Inf(-1),
FunctionConverge: &FunctionConverge{
Absolute: 1e-10,
Iterations: 20,
// resize takes x and returns a slice of length dim. It returns a resliced x
// if cap(x) >= dim, and a new slice otherwise.
func resize(x []float64, dim int) []float64 {
if dim > cap(x) {
return make([]float64, dim)
return x[:dim]
func resizeSymDense(m *mat.SymDense, dim int) *mat.SymDense {
if m == nil || cap(m.RawSymmetric().Data) < dim*dim {
return mat.NewSymDense(dim, nil)
return mat.NewSymDense(dim, m.RawSymmetric().Data[:dim*dim])