blob: e09193b7eef308cf474ee11626d559f873d0617a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2015 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gonum
import "math"
// Dlasq4 computes an approximation to the smallest eigenvalue using values of d
// from the previous transform.
// i0, n0, and n0in are zero-indexed.
// Dlasq4 is an internal routine. It is exported for testing purposes.
func (impl Implementation) Dlasq4(i0, n0 int, z []float64, pp int, n0in int, dmin, dmin1, dmin2, dn, dn1, dn2, tau float64, ttype int, g float64) (tauOut float64, ttypeOut int, gOut float64) {
const (
cnst1 = 0.563
cnst2 = 1.01
cnst3 = 1.05
cnstthird = 0.333 // TODO(btracey): Fix?
// A negative dmin forces the shift to take that absolute value
// ttype records the type of shift.
if dmin <= 0 {
tau = -dmin
ttype = -1
return tau, ttype, g
nn := 4*(n0+1) + pp - 1 // -1 for zero indexing
s := math.NaN() // Poison s so that failure to take a path below is obvious
if n0in == n0 {
// No eigenvalues deflated.
if dmin == dn || dmin == dn1 {
b1 := math.Sqrt(z[nn-3]) * math.Sqrt(z[nn-5])
b2 := math.Sqrt(z[nn-7]) * math.Sqrt(z[nn-9])
a2 := z[nn-7] + z[nn-5]
if dmin == dn && dmin1 == dn1 {
gap2 := dmin2 - a2 - dmin2/4
var gap1 float64
if gap2 > 0 && gap2 > b2 {
gap1 = a2 - dn - (b2/gap2)*b2
} else {
gap1 = a2 - dn - (b1 + b2)
if gap1 > 0 && gap1 > b1 {
s = math.Max(dn-(b1/gap1)*b1, 0.5*dmin)
ttype = -2
} else {
s = 0
if dn > b1 {
s = dn - b1
if a2 > b1+b2 {
s = math.Min(s, a2-(b1+b2))
s = math.Max(s, cnstthird*dmin)
ttype = -3
} else {
ttype = -4
s = dmin / 4
var gam float64
var np int
if dmin == dn {
gam = dn
a2 = 0
if z[nn-5] > z[nn-7] {
return tau, ttype, g
b2 = z[nn-5] / z[nn-7]
np = nn - 9
} else {
np = nn - 2*pp
gam = dn1
if z[np-4] > z[np-2] {
return tau, ttype, g
a2 = z[np-4] / z[np-2]
if z[nn-9] > z[nn-11] {
return tau, ttype, g
b2 = z[nn-9] / z[nn-11]
np = nn - 13
// Approximate contribution to norm squared from i < nn-1.
a2 += b2
for i4loop := np + 1; i4loop >= 4*(i0+1)-1+pp; i4loop -= 4 {
i4 := i4loop - 1
if b2 == 0 {
b1 = b2
if z[i4] > z[i4-2] {
return tau, ttype, g
b2 *= z[i4] / z[i4-2]
a2 += b2
if 100*math.Max(b2, b1) < a2 || cnst1 < a2 {
a2 *= cnst3
// Rayleigh quotient residual bound.
if a2 < cnst1 {
s = gam * (1 - math.Sqrt(a2)) / (1 + a2)
} else if dmin == dn2 {
ttype = -5
s = dmin / 4
// Compute contribution to norm squared from i > nn-2.
np := nn - 2*pp
b1 := z[np-2]
b2 := z[np-6]
gam := dn2
if z[np-8] > b2 || z[np-4] > b1 {
return tau, ttype, g
a2 := (z[np-8] / b2) * (1 + z[np-4]/b1)
// Approximate contribution to norm squared from i < nn-2.
if n0-i0 > 2 {
b2 = z[nn-13] / z[nn-15]
a2 += b2
for i4loop := (nn + 1) - 17; i4loop >= 4*(i0+1)-1+pp; i4loop -= 4 {
i4 := i4loop - 1
if b2 == 0 {
b1 = b2
if z[i4] > z[i4-2] {
return tau, ttype, g
b2 *= z[i4] / z[i4-2]
a2 += b2
if 100*math.Max(b2, b1) < a2 || cnst1 < a2 {
a2 *= cnst3
if a2 < cnst1 {
s = gam * (1 - math.Sqrt(a2)) / (1 + a2)
} else {
// Case 6, no information to guide us.
if ttype == -6 {
g += cnstthird * (1 - g)
} else if ttype == -18 {
g = cnstthird / 4
} else {
g = 1.0 / 4
s = g * dmin
ttype = -6
} else if n0in == (n0 + 1) {
// One eigenvalue just deflated. Use DMIN1, DN1 for DMIN and DN.
if dmin1 == dn1 && dmin2 == dn2 {
ttype = -7
s = cnstthird * dmin1
if z[nn-5] > z[nn-7] {
return tau, ttype, g
b1 := z[nn-5] / z[nn-7]
b2 := b1
if b2 != 0 {
for i4loop := 4*(n0+1) - 9 + pp; i4loop >= 4*(i0+1)-1+pp; i4loop -= 4 {
i4 := i4loop - 1
a2 := b1
if z[i4] > z[i4-2] {
return tau, ttype, g
b1 *= z[i4] / z[i4-2]
b2 += b1
if 100*math.Max(b1, a2) < b2 {
b2 = math.Sqrt(cnst3 * b2)
a2 := dmin1 / (1 + b2*b2)
gap2 := 0.5*dmin2 - a2
if gap2 > 0 && gap2 > b2*a2 {
s = math.Max(s, a2*(1-cnst2*a2*(b2/gap2)*b2))
} else {
s = math.Max(s, a2*(1-cnst2*b2))
ttype = -8
} else {
s = dmin1 / 4
if dmin1 == dn1 {
s = 0.5 * dmin1
ttype = -9
} else if n0in == (n0 + 2) {
// Two eigenvalues deflated. Use DMIN2, DN2 for DMIN and DN.
if dmin2 == dn2 && 2*z[nn-5] < z[nn-7] {
ttype = -10
s = cnstthird * dmin2
if z[nn-5] > z[nn-7] {
return tau, ttype, g
b1 := z[nn-5] / z[nn-7]
b2 := b1
if b2 != 0 {
for i4loop := 4*(n0+1) - 9 + pp; i4loop >= 4*(i0+1)-1+pp; i4loop -= 4 {
i4 := i4loop - 1
if z[i4] > z[i4-2] {
return tau, ttype, g
b1 *= z[i4] / z[i4-2]
b2 += b1
if 100*b1 < b2 {
b2 = math.Sqrt(cnst3 * b2)
a2 := dmin2 / (1 + b2*b2)
gap2 := z[nn-7] + z[nn-9] - math.Sqrt(z[nn-11])*math.Sqrt(z[nn-9]) - a2
if gap2 > 0 && gap2 > b2*a2 {
s = math.Max(s, a2*(1-cnst2*a2*(b2/gap2)*b2))
} else {
s = math.Max(s, a2*(1-cnst2*b2))
} else {
s = dmin2 / 4
ttype = -11
} else if n0in > n0+2 {
// Case 12, more than two eigenvalues deflated. No information.
s = 0
ttype = -12
tau = s
return tau, ttype, g