blob: 0a244a484473949cc4fed4b8055cec36600cbffd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2015 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gonum
import (
// Dlarft forms the triangular factor T of a block reflector H, storing the answer
// in t.
// H = I - V * T * V^T if store == lapack.ColumnWise
// H = I - V^T * T * V if store == lapack.RowWise
// H is defined by a product of the elementary reflectors where
// H = H_0 * H_1 * ... * H_{k-1} if direct == lapack.Forward
// H = H_{k-1} * ... * H_1 * H_0 if direct == lapack.Backward
// t is a k×k triangular matrix. t is upper triangular if direct = lapack.Forward
// and lower triangular otherwise. This function will panic if t is not of
// sufficient size.
// store describes the storage of the elementary reflectors in v. Please see
// Dlarfb for a description of layout.
// tau contains the scalar factors of the elementary reflectors H_i.
// Dlarft is an internal routine. It is exported for testing purposes.
func (Implementation) Dlarft(direct lapack.Direct, store lapack.StoreV, n, k int,
v []float64, ldv int, tau []float64, t []float64, ldt int) {
if n == 0 {
if n < 0 || k < 0 {
if direct != lapack.Forward && direct != lapack.Backward {
if store != lapack.RowWise && store != lapack.ColumnWise {
if len(tau) < k {
checkMatrix(k, k, t, ldt)
bi := blas64.Implementation()
// TODO(btracey): There are a number of minor obvious loop optimizations here.
// TODO(btracey): It may be possible to rearrange some of the code so that
// index of 1 is more common in the Dgemv.
if direct == lapack.Forward {
prevlastv := n - 1
for i := 0; i < k; i++ {
prevlastv = max(i, prevlastv)
if tau[i] == 0 {
for j := 0; j <= i; j++ {
t[j*ldt+i] = 0
var lastv int
if store == lapack.ColumnWise {
// skip trailing zeros
for lastv = n - 1; lastv >= i+1; lastv-- {
if v[lastv*ldv+i] != 0 {
for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
t[j*ldt+i] = -tau[i] * v[i*ldv+j]
j := min(lastv, prevlastv)
bi.Dgemv(blas.Trans, j-i, i,
-tau[i], v[(i+1)*ldv:], ldv, v[(i+1)*ldv+i:], ldv,
1, t[i:], ldt)
} else {
for lastv = n - 1; lastv >= i+1; lastv-- {
if v[i*ldv+lastv] != 0 {
for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
t[j*ldt+i] = -tau[i] * v[j*ldv+i]
j := min(lastv, prevlastv)
bi.Dgemv(blas.NoTrans, i, j-i,
-tau[i], v[i+1:], ldv, v[i*ldv+i+1:], 1,
1, t[i:], ldt)
bi.Dtrmv(blas.Upper, blas.NoTrans, blas.NonUnit, i, t, ldt, t[i:], ldt)
t[i*ldt+i] = tau[i]
if i > 1 {
prevlastv = max(prevlastv, lastv)
} else {
prevlastv = lastv
prevlastv := 0
for i := k - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if tau[i] == 0 {
for j := i; j < k; j++ {
t[j*ldt+i] = 0
var lastv int
if i < k-1 {
if store == lapack.ColumnWise {
for lastv = 0; lastv < i; lastv++ {
if v[lastv*ldv+i] != 0 {
for j := i + 1; j < k; j++ {
t[j*ldt+i] = -tau[i] * v[(n-k+i)*ldv+j]
j := max(lastv, prevlastv)
bi.Dgemv(blas.Trans, n-k+i-j, k-i-1,
-tau[i], v[j*ldv+i+1:], ldv, v[j*ldv+i:], ldv,
1, t[(i+1)*ldt+i:], ldt)
} else {
for lastv = 0; lastv < i; lastv++ {
if v[i*ldv+lastv] != 0 {
for j := i + 1; j < k; j++ {
t[j*ldt+i] = -tau[i] * v[j*ldv+n-k+i]
j := max(lastv, prevlastv)
bi.Dgemv(blas.NoTrans, k-i-1, n-k+i-j,
-tau[i], v[(i+1)*ldv+j:], ldv, v[i*ldv+j:], 1,
1, t[(i+1)*ldt+i:], ldt)
bi.Dtrmv(blas.Lower, blas.NoTrans, blas.NonUnit, k-i-1,
t[(i+1)*ldt+i+1:], ldt,
t[(i+1)*ldt+i:], ldt)
if i > 0 {
prevlastv = min(prevlastv, lastv)
} else {
prevlastv = lastv
t[i*ldt+i] = tau[i]