blob: 2f096aaf8e48fe5332a5c23732218e511333a400 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2015 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package f64
import (
const (
msgVal = "%v: unexpected value at %v Got: %v Expected: %v"
msgGuard = "%v: Guard violated in %s vector %v %v"
var axpyTests = []struct {
alpha float64
x []float64
y []float64
want []float64
wantRev []float64 // Result when x is traversed in reverse direction.
alpha: 0,
x: []float64{},
y: []float64{},
want: []float64{},
wantRev: []float64{},
alpha: 0,
x: []float64{2},
y: []float64{-3},
want: []float64{-3},
wantRev: []float64{-3},
alpha: 1,
x: []float64{2},
y: []float64{-3},
want: []float64{-1},
wantRev: []float64{-1},
alpha: 3,
x: []float64{2},
y: []float64{-3},
want: []float64{3},
wantRev: []float64{3},
alpha: -3,
x: []float64{2},
y: []float64{-3},
want: []float64{-9},
wantRev: []float64{-9},
alpha: 1,
x: []float64{1, 5},
y: []float64{2, -3},
want: []float64{3, 2},
wantRev: []float64{7, -2},
alpha: 1,
x: []float64{2, 3, 4},
y: []float64{-3, -2, -1},
want: []float64{-1, 1, 3},
wantRev: []float64{1, 1, 1},
alpha: 0,
x: []float64{0, 0, 1, 1, 2, -3, -4},
y: []float64{0, 1, 0, 3, -4, 5, -6},
want: []float64{0, 1, 0, 3, -4, 5, -6},
wantRev: []float64{0, 1, 0, 3, -4, 5, -6},
alpha: 1,
x: []float64{0, 0, 1, 1, 2, -3, -4},
y: []float64{0, 1, 0, 3, -4, 5, -6},
want: []float64{0, 1, 1, 4, -2, 2, -10},
wantRev: []float64{-4, -2, 2, 4, -3, 5, -6},
alpha: 3,
x: []float64{0, 0, 1, 1, 2, -3, -4},
y: []float64{0, 1, 0, 3, -4, 5, -6},
want: []float64{0, 1, 3, 6, 2, -4, -18},
wantRev: []float64{-12, -8, 6, 6, -1, 5, -6},
alpha: -3,
x: []float64{0, 0, 1, 1, 2, -3, -4, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, -3, -4},
y: []float64{0, 1, 0, 3, -4, 5, -6, 0, 1, 0, 3, -4, 5, -6},
want: []float64{0, 1, -3, 0, -10, 14, 6, 0, 1, -3, 0, -10, 14, 6},
wantRev: []float64{12, 10, -6, 0, -7, 5, -6, 12, 10, -6, 0, -7, 5, -6},
alpha: -5,
x: []float64{0, 0, 1, 1, 2, -3, -4, 5, 1, 2, -3, -4, 5},
y: []float64{0, 1, 0, 3, -4, 5, -6, 7, 3, -4, 5, -6, 7},
want: []float64{0, 1, -5, -2, -14, 20, 14, -18, -2, -14, 20, 14, -18},
wantRev: []float64{-25, 21, 15, -7, -9, -20, 14, 22, -7, -9, 0, -6, 7},
func TestAxpyUnitary(t *testing.T) {
const xGdVal, yGdVal = -1, 0.5
for i, test := range axpyTests {
for _, align := range align2 {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("Test %v (x:%v y:%v)", i, align.x, align.y)
xgLn, ygLn := 4+align.x, 4+align.y
xg, yg := guardVector(test.x, xGdVal, xgLn), guardVector(test.y, yGdVal, ygLn)
x, y := xg[xgLn:len(xg)-xgLn], yg[ygLn:len(yg)-ygLn]
AxpyUnitary(test.alpha, x, y)
for i := range test.want {
if !same(y[i], test.want[i]) {
t.Errorf(msgVal, prefix, i, y[i], test.want[i])
if !isValidGuard(xg, xGdVal, xgLn) {
t.Errorf(msgGuard, prefix, "x", xg[:xgLn], xg[len(xg)-xgLn:])
if !isValidGuard(yg, yGdVal, ygLn) {
t.Errorf(msgGuard, prefix, "y", yg[:ygLn], yg[len(yg)-ygLn:])
if !equalStrided(test.x, x, 1) {
t.Errorf("%v: modified read-only x argument", prefix)
func TestAxpyUnitaryTo(t *testing.T) {
const dstGdVal, xGdVal, yGdVal = 1, -1, 0.5
for i, test := range axpyTests {
for _, align := range align3 {
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("Test %v (x:%v y:%v dst:%v)", i, align.x, align.y, align.dst)
dgLn, xgLn, ygLn := 4+align.dst, 4+align.x, 4+align.y
dstOrig := make([]float64, len(test.x))
xg, yg := guardVector(test.x, xGdVal, xgLn), guardVector(test.y, yGdVal, ygLn)
dstg := guardVector(dstOrig, dstGdVal, dgLn)
x, y := xg[xgLn:len(xg)-xgLn], yg[ygLn:len(yg)-ygLn]
dst := dstg[dgLn : len(dstg)-dgLn]
AxpyUnitaryTo(dst, test.alpha, x, y)
for i := range test.want {
if !same(dst[i], test.want[i]) {
t.Errorf(msgVal, prefix, i, dst[i], test.want[i])
if !isValidGuard(xg, xGdVal, xgLn) {
t.Errorf(msgGuard, prefix, "x", xg[:xgLn], xg[len(xg)-xgLn:])
if !isValidGuard(yg, yGdVal, ygLn) {
t.Errorf(msgGuard, prefix, "y", yg[:ygLn], yg[len(yg)-ygLn:])
if !isValidGuard(dstg, dstGdVal, dgLn) {
t.Errorf(msgGuard, prefix, "dst", dstg[:dgLn], dstg[len(dstg)-dgLn:])
if !equalStrided(test.x, x, 1) {
t.Errorf("%v: modified read-only x argument", prefix)
if !equalStrided(test.y, y, 1) {
t.Errorf("%v: modified read-only y argument", prefix)
func TestAxpyInc(t *testing.T) {
const xGdVal, yGdVal = -1, 0.5
gdLn := 4
for i, test := range axpyTests {
n := len(test.x)
for _, inc := range newIncSet(-7, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) {
var ix, iy int
if inc.x < 0 {
ix = (-n + 1) * inc.x
if inc.y < 0 {
iy = (-n + 1) * inc.y
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("test %v, inc.x = %v, inc.y = %v", i, inc.x, inc.y)
xg := guardIncVector(test.x, xGdVal, inc.x, gdLn)
yg := guardIncVector(test.y, yGdVal, inc.y, gdLn)
x, y := xg[gdLn:len(xg)-gdLn], yg[gdLn:len(yg)-gdLn]
AxpyInc(test.alpha, x, y, uintptr(n),
uintptr(inc.x), uintptr(inc.y), uintptr(ix), uintptr(iy))
want := test.want
if inc.x*inc.y < 0 {
want = test.wantRev
if inc.y < 0 {
inc.y = -inc.y
for i := range want {
if !same(y[i*inc.y], want[i]) {
t.Errorf(msgVal, prefix, i, y[iy+i*inc.y], want[i])
if !equalStrided(test.x, x, inc.x) {
t.Errorf("%v: modified read-only x argument", prefix)
checkValidIncGuard(t, xg, xGdVal, inc.x, gdLn)
checkValidIncGuard(t, yg, yGdVal, inc.y, gdLn)
func TestAxpyIncTo(t *testing.T) {
const dstGdVal, xGdVal, yGdVal = 1, -1, 0.5
var want []float64
gdLn := 4
for i, test := range axpyTests {
n := len(test.x)
for _, inc := range newIncToSet(-7, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) {
var ix, iy, idst uintptr
if inc.x < 0 {
ix = uintptr((-n + 1) * inc.x)
if inc.y < 0 {
iy = uintptr((-n + 1) * inc.y)
if inc.dst < 0 {
idst = uintptr((-n + 1) * inc.dst)
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("Test %v: (x: %v, y: %v, dst:%v)", i, inc.x, inc.y, inc.dst)
dstOrig := make([]float64, len(test.want))
xg := guardIncVector(test.x, xGdVal, inc.x, gdLn)
yg := guardIncVector(test.y, yGdVal, inc.y, gdLn)
dstg := guardIncVector(dstOrig, dstGdVal, inc.dst, gdLn)
x, y := xg[gdLn:len(xg)-gdLn], yg[gdLn:len(yg)-gdLn]
dst := dstg[gdLn : len(dstg)-gdLn]
AxpyIncTo(dst, uintptr(inc.dst), idst,
test.alpha, x, y, uintptr(n),
uintptr(inc.x), uintptr(inc.y), ix, iy)
want = test.want
if inc.x*inc.y < 0 {
want = test.wantRev
var iW, incW int = 0, 1
if inc.y*inc.dst < 0 {
iW, incW = len(want)-1, -1
if inc.dst < 0 {
inc.dst = -inc.dst
for i := range want {
if !same(dst[i*inc.dst], want[iW+i*incW]) {
t.Errorf(msgVal, prefix, i, dst[i*inc.dst], want[iW+i*incW])
checkValidIncGuard(t, xg, xGdVal, inc.x, gdLn)
checkValidIncGuard(t, yg, yGdVal, inc.y, gdLn)
checkValidIncGuard(t, dstg, dstGdVal, inc.dst, gdLn)
if !equalStrided(test.x, x, inc.x) {
t.Errorf("%v: modified read-only x argument", prefix)
if !equalStrided(test.y, y, inc.y) {
t.Errorf("%v: modified read-only y argument", prefix)