blob: a7b10596f138d668d8adef2e1d24e04d3e26f885 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2016 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gen
import (
type UniformGenerator interface {
// Modify adjusts the graph based on the proposed edge. See the documentation
// for UniformEdges to see the required properties of Modify.
Modify(g GraphBuilder, from, to graph.Node)
// DefaultStart provides a default starting graph for the class if no graph
// has been provided.
DefaultStart() graph.Directed
// UniformEdges generates the edges of a directed graph uniformly at random across
// the class of graphs specified by class.
// UniformEdges runs a Markov chain starting with the graph specified by start
// and running a number of steps equal to steps. Each step in the markov chain
// proposes an edge from from to to. The class function modifies the graph
// according to the generation procedure. If start is nil, the initial graph
// will be that specified in class.DefaultStart().
// class cannot be an arbitrary function, it must obey specific properties in
// order for the generation probability to be uniform over the class of possible
// graphs. class must ensure that the implicit Markov chain is irreducible,
// aperiodic, and, importantly, doubly stochastic. Furthermore, every graph
// in the desired class must be reachable from the starting graph through
// individual edge modifications.
// step specifies the number of steps in the Markov chain. step should be
// sufficiently high to allow for convergence of the chain.
// src specifies the random number generator. If src is nil, math/rand is used.
// More information can be found in
// Ide, Jaime S., and Fabio G. Cozman. "Random generation of Bayesian networks."
// Brazilian symposium on artificial intelligence. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.
func UniformEdges(dst DirectedMutator, start graph.Directed, class UniformGenerator, steps int, src *rand.Rand) {
if steps <= 0 {
panic("gen: number of steps must be positive")
if start == nil {
start = class.DefaultStart()
var rnd func(int) int
if src == nil {
rnd = rand.Intn
} else {
rnd = src.Intn
// Copy the starting graph into the graph builder.
nodes := start.Nodes()
for _, node := range nodes {
tos := start.From(node)
for _, to := range tos {
edge := start.Edge(node, to)
nNodes := len(nodes)
// Run the MarkovChain, choosing an edge at random in each step.
for step := 0; step < steps; step++ {
i := rnd(nNodes)
j := rnd(nNodes - 1)
if j >= i {
class.Modify(dst, nodes[i], nodes[j])
// UniformDAG generates a graph uniformly at random over the set of directed
// acyclic graphs. It uses the algorithm described in
// Ide, Jaime S., and Fabio G. Cozman. "Random generation of Bayesian networks."
// Brazilian symposium on artificial intelligence. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.
type UniformDAG struct {
N int
EdgeGen func(from, to graph.Node) graph.Edge
func (u UniformDAG) DefaultStart() graph.Directed {
if u.N == 0 {
panic("uniformdag: number of edges must be positive")
// Starting graph is the line graph (A -> B -> C ...)
g := simple.NewDirectedGraph(0, math.NaN())
for i := simple.Node(0); i < simple.Node(u.N); i++ {
n := simple.Node(i)
if i != 0 {
edge := simple.Edge{
i - 1, i, 1,
return g
func (u UniformDAG) Modify(g DirectedMutator, from, to graph.Node) {
if g.HasEdgeFromTo(from, to) {
// If there an edge from -> to, delete it if it keeps the graph connected.
// The graph is still connected if there is an undirected path between
// from and to after delection.
e := g.Edge(from, to)
if !topo.PathExistsIn(graph.Undirect{G: g}, from, to) {
} else {
// If there is no edge from -> to, add it if the graph stays acyclic.
// This can be added if we cannot get from j to i.
if !topo.PathExistsIn(g, to, from) {
var e graph.Edge
if u.EdgeGen == nil {
e = u.EdgeGen(from, to)
} else {
e = simple.Edge{from, to, 1}