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// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
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package mat_test
import ""
// FAO is a dataset extracted from Food and Agriculture Organization of the
// United Nations "FAO Statistical Pocketbook: World Food and Agriculture 2015".
// pp49-52.
var FAO = struct {
Africa *mat.Dense
Asia *mat.Dense
LatinAmericaCaribbean *mat.Dense
Oceania *mat.Dense
Africa: mat.NewDense(21, 3, []float64{
// 1990, 2000, 2014
35.3, 38, 30.7, // Employment in agriculture (%)
9.2, 20.3, 25.2, // Employment in agriculture, female (%)
3163, 14718, 20667, // Energy consump, power irrigation (mln kWh)
2597, 2717, 2903, // Dietary energy supply (kcal/pc/day)
113, 116, 123, // Average dietary energy supply adequacy (%)
58, 55, 52, // Dietary en supp, cereals/roots/tubers (%)
18.6, 15, 10.8, // Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
8832, 10241, 13915, // GDP per capita (US$, PPP)
-0.4, -0.2, 50.7, // Cereal import dependency ratio (%)
78.5, 83, 88.7, // Improved water source (% pop)
// Production indices (2004-06=100)
73, 90, 121, // Net food
72, 89, 123, // Net crops
82, 92, 123, // Cereals
51, 77, 141, // Vegetable oils
74, 94, 119, // Roots and tubers
58, 86, 127, // Fruit and vegetables
86, 93, 132, // Sugar
76, 92, 115, // Livestock
83, 89, 114, // Milk
74, 91, 118, // Meat
72, 92, 119, // Fish
Asia: mat.NewDense(21, 3, []float64{
// 1990, 2000, 2014
30.9, 24.5, 27.6, // Employment in agriculture (%)
40.9, 29.4, 31.1, // Employment in agriculture, female (%)
7614, 38316, 82411, // Energy consump, power irrigation (mln kWh)
2320, 2402, 2581, // Dietary energy supply (kcal/pc/day)
107, 110, 117, // Average dietary energy supply adequacy (%)
66, 65, 63, // Dietary en supp, cereals/roots/tubers (%)
27.6, 25.7, 19.8, // Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
3315, 3421, 4575, // GDP per capita (US$, PPP)
25.9, 28.1, 42, // Cereal import dependency ratio (%)
55.5, 61.1, 68.7, // Improved water source (% pop)
// Production indices (2004-06=100)
60, 82, 129, // Net food
59, 82, 127, // Net crops
66, 79, 131, // Cereals
58, 79, 128, // Vegetable oils
50, 80, 133, // Roots and tubers
58, 82, 124, // Fruit and vegetables
76, 94, 114, // Sugar
65, 84, 126, // Livestock
59, 77, 125, // Milk
67, 87, 127, // Meat
65, 90, 119, // Fish
LatinAmericaCaribbean: mat.NewDense(14, 3, []float64{
// 1990, 2000, 2014
19.5, 14.2, 15.8, // Employment in agriculture (%)
13.7, 6.2, 7.6, // Employment in agriculture, female (%)
2669, 2787, 3069, // Dietary energy supply (kcal/pc/day)
117, 120, 129, // Average dietary energy supply adequacy (%)
42, 41, 40, // Dietary en supp, cereals/roots/tubers (%)
14.7, 12.1, 5.5, // Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
9837, 10976, 13915, // GDP per capita (US$, PPP)
13, 12, 49.7, // Cereal import dependency ratio (%)
85.1, 89.8, 94, // Improved water source (% pop)
// Production indices (2004-06=100)
60, 83, 129, // Net food
64, 83, 131, // Net crops
62, 88, 139, // Cereals
58, 84, 123, // Livestock
82, 107, 71, // Fish
Oceania: mat.NewDense(21, 3, []float64{
// 1990, 2000, 2014
6.2, 17.1, 3.8, // Employment in agriculture (%)
4.5, 3.9, 4.4, // Employment in agriculture, female (%)
415, 1028, 8667, // Energy consump, power irrigation (mln kWh)
2454, 2436, 2542, // Dietary energy supply (kcal/pc/day)
113, 112, 114, // Average dietary energy supply adequacy (%)
49, 50, 48, // Dietary en supp, cereals/roots/tubers (%)
15.7, 16.1, 14.2, // Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
2269, 2536, 3110, // GDP per capita (US$, PPP)
95.2, 95.9, 95.4, // Cereal import dependency ratio (%)
49.7, 53.2, 55.5, // Improved water source (% pop)
// Production indices (2004-06=100)
72, 99, 116, // Net food
69, 105, 126, // Net crops
77, 113, 117, // Cereals
41, 122, 215, // Vegetable oils
80, 90, 110, // Roots and tubers
66, 88, 104, // Fruit and vegetables
70, 104, 71, // Sugar
79, 97, 107, // Livestock
56, 92, 113, // Milk
79, 96, 105, // Meat
51, 78, 85, // Fish