blob: 1174995e6174fe3f2b6ff6c5de0d1f416f9f3272 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2015 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package path
import ""
// BellmanFordFrom returns a shortest-path tree for a shortest path from u to all nodes in
// the graph g, or false indicating that a negative cycle exists in the graph. If the graph
// does not implement Weighted, UniformCost is used.
// The time complexity of BellmanFordFrom is O(|V|.|E|).
func BellmanFordFrom(u graph.Node, g graph.Graph) (path Shortest, ok bool) {
if g.Node(u.ID()) == nil {
return Shortest{from: u}, true
var weight Weighting
if wg, ok := g.(Weighted); ok {
weight = wg.Weight
} else {
weight = UniformCost(g)
nodes := graph.NodesOf(g.Nodes())
path = newShortestFrom(u, nodes)
path.dist[path.indexOf[u.ID()]] = 0
// TODO(kortschak): Consider adding further optimisations
// from
for i := 1; i < len(nodes); i++ {
changed := false
for j, u := range nodes {
uid := u.ID()
for _, v := range graph.NodesOf(g.From(uid)) {
vid := v.ID()
k := path.indexOf[vid]
w, ok := weight(uid, vid)
if !ok {
panic("bellman-ford: unexpected invalid weight")
joint := path.dist[j] + w
if joint < path.dist[k] {
path.set(k, joint, j)
changed = true
if !changed {
for j, u := range nodes {
uid := u.ID()
for _, v := range graph.NodesOf(g.From(uid)) {
vid := v.ID()
k := path.indexOf[vid]
w, ok := weight(uid, vid)
if !ok {
panic("bellman-ford: unexpected invalid weight")
if path.dist[j]+w < path.dist[k] {
path.hasNegativeCycle = true
return path, false
return path, true