blob: a51bd24cb739a975a9d8890386684a63f1b3497e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2016 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package distmv
import (
// Bhattacharyya is a type for computing the Bhattacharyya distance between
// probability distributions.
// The Bhattacharyya distance is defined as
// D_B = -ln(BC(l,r))
// BC = \int_-∞^∞ (p(x)q(x))^(1/2) dx
// Where BC is known as the Bhattacharyya coefficient.
// The Bhattacharyya distance is related to the Hellinger distance by
// H = sqrt(1-BC)
// For more information, see
type Bhattacharyya struct{}
// DistNormal computes the Bhattacharyya distance between normal distributions l and r.
// The dimensions of the input distributions must match or DistNormal will panic.
// For Normal distributions, the Bhattacharyya distance is
// Σ = (Σ_l + Σ_r)/2
// D_B = (1/8)*(μ_l - μ_r)^T*Σ^-1*(μ_l - μ_r) + (1/2)*ln(det(Σ)/(det(Σ_l)*det(Σ_r))^(1/2))
func (Bhattacharyya) DistNormal(l, r *Normal) float64 {
dim := l.Dim()
if dim != r.Dim() {
var sigma mat.SymDense
sigma.AddSym(&l.sigma, &r.sigma)
sigma.ScaleSym(0.5, &sigma)
var chol mat.Cholesky
mahalanobis := stat.Mahalanobis(mat.NewVecDense(dim,, mat.NewVecDense(dim,, &chol)
mahalanobisSq := mahalanobis * mahalanobis
dl := l.chol.LogDet()
dr := r.chol.LogDet()
ds := chol.LogDet()
return 0.125*mahalanobisSq + 0.5*ds - 0.25*dl - 0.25*dr
// DistUniform computes the Bhattacharyya distance between uniform distributions l and r.
// The dimensions of the input distributions must match or DistUniform will panic.
func (Bhattacharyya) DistUniform(l, r *Uniform) float64 {
if len(l.bounds) != len(r.bounds) {
// BC = \int \sqrt(p(x)q(x)), which for uniform distributions is a constant
// over the volume where both distributions have positive probability.
// Compute the overlap and the value of sqrt(p(x)q(x)). The entropy is the
// negative log probability of the distribution (use instead of LogProb so
// it is not necessary to construct an x value).
// BC = volume * sqrt(p(x)q(x))
// logBC = log(volume) + 0.5*(logP + logQ)
// D_B = -logBC
return -unifLogVolOverlap(l.bounds, r.bounds) + 0.5*(l.Entropy()+r.Entropy())
// unifLogVolOverlap computes the log of the volume of the hyper-rectangle where
// both uniform distributions have positive probability.
func unifLogVolOverlap(b1, b2 []Bound) float64 {
var logVolOverlap float64
for dim, v1 := range b1 {
v2 := b2[dim]
// If the surfaces don't overlap, then the volume is 0
if v1.Max <= v2.Min || v2.Max <= v1.Min {
return math.Inf(-1)
vol := math.Min(v1.Max, v2.Max) - math.Max(v1.Min, v2.Min)
logVolOverlap += math.Log(vol)
return logVolOverlap
// CrossEntropy is a type for computing the cross-entropy between probability
// distributions.
// The cross-entropy is defined as
// - \int_x l(x) log(r(x)) dx = KL(l || r) + H(l)
// where KL is the Kullback-Leibler divergence and H is the entropy.
// For more information, see
type CrossEntropy struct{}
// DistNormal returns the cross-entropy between normal distributions l and r.
// The dimensions of the input distributions must match or DistNormal will panic.
func (CrossEntropy) DistNormal(l, r *Normal) float64 {
if l.Dim() != r.Dim() {
kl := KullbackLeibler{}.DistNormal(l, r)
return kl + l.Entropy()
// Hellinger is a type for computing the Hellinger distance between probability
// distributions.
// The Hellinger distance is defined as
// H^2(l,r) = 1/2 * int_x (\sqrt(l(x)) - \sqrt(r(x)))^2 dx
// and is bounded between 0 and 1.
// The Hellinger distance is related to the Bhattacharyya distance by
// H^2 = 1 - exp(-Db)
// For more information, see
type Hellinger struct{}
// DistNormal returns the Hellinger distance between normal distributions l and r.
// The dimensions of the input distributions must match or DistNormal will panic.
// See the documentation of Bhattacharyya.DistNormal for the formula for Normal
// distributions.
func (Hellinger) DistNormal(l, r *Normal) float64 {
if l.Dim() != r.Dim() {
db := Bhattacharyya{}.DistNormal(l, r)
bc := math.Exp(-db)
return math.Sqrt(1 - bc)
// KullbackLiebler is a type for computing the Kullback-Leibler divergence from l to r.
// The Kullback-Liebler divergence is defined as
// D_KL(l || r ) = \int_x p(x) log(p(x)/q(x)) dx
// Note that the Kullback-Liebler divergence is not symmetric with respect to
// the order of the input arguments.
type KullbackLeibler struct{}
// DistNormal returns the KullbackLeibler distance between normal distributions l and r.
// The dimensions of the input distributions must match or DistNormal will panic.
// For two normal distributions, the KL divergence is computed as
// D_KL(l || r) = 0.5*[ln(|Σ_r|) - ln(|Σ_l|) + (μ_l - μ_r)^T*Σ_r^-1*(μ_l - μ_r) + tr(Σ_r^-1*Σ_l)-d]
func (KullbackLeibler) DistNormal(l, r *Normal) float64 {
dim := l.Dim()
if dim != r.Dim() {
mahalanobis := stat.Mahalanobis(mat.NewVecDense(dim,, mat.NewVecDense(dim,, &r.chol)
mahalanobisSq := mahalanobis * mahalanobis
// TODO(btracey): Optimize where there is a SolveCholeskySym
// TODO(btracey): There may be a more efficient way to just compute the trace
// Compute tr(Σ_r^-1*Σ_l) using the fact that Σ_l = U^T * U
var u mat.TriDense
var m mat.Dense
err := r.chol.Solve(&m, u.T())
if err != nil {
return math.NaN()
m.Mul(&m, &u)
tr := mat.Trace(&m)
return r.logSqrtDet - l.logSqrtDet + 0.5*(mahalanobisSq+tr-float64(l.dim))
// DistUniform returns the KullbackLeibler distance between uniform distributions
// l and r. The dimensions of the input distributions must match or DistUniform
// will panic.
func (KullbackLeibler) DistUniform(l, r *Uniform) float64 {
bl := l.Bounds(nil)
br := r.Bounds(nil)
if len(bl) != len(br) {
// The KL is ∞ if l is not completely contained within r, because then
// r(x) is zero when l(x) is non-zero for some x.
contained := true
for i, v := range bl {
if v.Min < br[i].Min || br[i].Max < v.Max {
contained = false
if !contained {
return math.Inf(1)
// The KL divergence is finite.
// KL defines 0*ln(0) = 0, so there is no contribution to KL where l(x) = 0.
// Inside the region, l(x) and r(x) are constant (uniform distribution), and
// this constant is integrated over l(x), which integrates out to one.
// The entropy is -log(p(x)).
logPx := -l.Entropy()
logQx := -r.Entropy()
return logPx - logQx
// Renyi is a type for computing the Rényi divergence of order α from l to r.
// The Rényi divergence with α > 0, α ≠ 1 is defined as
// D_α(l || r) = 1/(α-1) log(\int_-∞^∞ l(x)^α r(x)^(1-α)dx)
// The Rényi divergence has special forms for α = 0 and α = 1. This type does
// not implement α = ∞. For α = 0,
// D_0(l || r) = -log \int_-∞^∞ r(x)1{p(x)>0} dx
// that is, the negative log probability under r(x) that l(x) > 0.
// When α = 1, the Rényi divergence is equal to the Kullback-Leibler divergence.
// The Rényi divergence is also equal to half the Bhattacharyya distance when α = 0.5.
// The parameter α must be in 0 ≤ α < ∞ or the distance functions will panic.
type Renyi struct {
Alpha float64
// DistNormal returns the Rényi divergence between normal distributions l and r.
// The dimensions of the input distributions must match or DistNormal will panic.
// For two normal distributions, the Rényi divergence is computed as
// Σ_α = (1-α) Σ_l + αΣ_r
// D_α(l||r) = α/2 * (μ_l - μ_r)'*Σ_α^-1*(μ_l - μ_r) + 1/(2(α-1))*ln(|Σ_λ|/(|Σ_l|^(1-α)*|Σ_r|^α))
// For a more nicely formatted version of the formula, see Eq. 15 of
// Kolchinsky, Artemy, and Brendan D. Tracey. "Estimating Mixture Entropy
// with Pairwise Distances." arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.02419 (2017).
// Note that the this formula is for Chernoff divergence, which differs from
// Rényi divergence by a factor of 1-α. Also be aware that most sources in
// the literature report this formula incorrectly.
func (renyi Renyi) DistNormal(l, r *Normal) float64 {
if renyi.Alpha < 0 {
panic("renyi: alpha < 0")
dim := l.Dim()
if dim != r.Dim() {
if renyi.Alpha == 0 {
return 0
if renyi.Alpha == 1 {
return KullbackLeibler{}.DistNormal(l, r)
logDetL := l.chol.LogDet()
logDetR := r.chol.LogDet()
// Σ_α = (1-α)Σ_l + αΣ_r.
sigA := mat.NewSymDense(dim, nil)
for i := 0; i < dim; i++ {
for j := i; j < dim; j++ {
v := (1-renyi.Alpha)*l.sigma.At(i, j) + renyi.Alpha*r.sigma.At(i, j)
sigA.SetSym(i, j, v)
var chol mat.Cholesky
ok := chol.Factorize(sigA)
if !ok {
return math.NaN()
logDetA := chol.LogDet()
mahalanobis := stat.Mahalanobis(mat.NewVecDense(dim,, mat.NewVecDense(dim,, &chol)
mahalanobisSq := mahalanobis * mahalanobis
return (renyi.Alpha/2)*mahalanobisSq + 1/(2*(1-renyi.Alpha))*(logDetA-(1-renyi.Alpha)*logDetL-renyi.Alpha*logDetR)
// Wasserstein is a type for computing the Wasserstein distance between two
// probability distributions.
// The Wasserstein distance is defined as
// W(l,r) := inf 𝔼(||X-Y||_2^2)^1/2
// For more information, see
type Wasserstein struct{}
// DistNormal returns the Wasserstein distance between normal distributions l and r.
// The dimensions of the input distributions must match or DistNormal will panic.
// The Wasserstein distance for Normal distributions is
// d^2 = ||m_l - m_r||_2^2 + Tr(Σ_l + Σ_r - 2(Σ_l^(1/2)*Σ_r*Σ_l^(1/2))^(1/2))
// For more information, see
func (Wasserstein) DistNormal(l, r *Normal) float64 {
dim := l.Dim()
if dim != r.Dim() {
d := floats.Distance(,, 2)
d = d * d
// Compute Σ_l^(1/2)
var ssl mat.SymDense
ssl.PowPSD(&l.sigma, 0.5)
// Compute Σ_l^(1/2)*Σ_r*Σ_l^(1/2)
var mean mat.Dense
mean.Mul(&ssl, &r.sigma)
mean.Mul(&mean, &ssl)
// Reinterpret as symdense, and take Σ^(1/2)
meanSym := mat.NewSymDense(dim, mean.RawMatrix().Data)
ssl.PowPSD(meanSym, 0.5)
tr := mat.Trace(&r.sigma)
tl := mat.Trace(&l.sigma)
tm := mat.Trace(&ssl)
return d + tl + tr - 2*tm