blob: 5d4d0751ca1aa664c3da27fbb6a57a002c0adcc8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package topo
import (
// UndirectedCyclesIn returns a set of cycles that forms a cycle basis in the graph g.
// Any cycle in g can be constructed as a symmetric difference of its elements.
func UndirectedCyclesIn(g graph.Undirected) [][]graph.Node {
// From "An algorithm for finding a fundamental set of cycles of a graph"
var cycles [][]graph.Node
done := make(set.Int64s)
var tree linear.NodeStack
for _, n := range g.Nodes() {
id := n.ID()
if done.Has(id) {
tree = tree[:0]
from := sets{id: set.Int64s{}}
to := map[int64]graph.Node{id: n}
for tree.Len() != 0 {
u := tree.Pop()
uid := u.ID()
adj := from[uid]
for _, v := range g.From(uid) {
vid := v.ID()
switch {
case uid == vid:
cycles = append(cycles, []graph.Node{u})
case !from.has(vid):
to[vid] = u
from.add(uid, vid)
case !adj.Has(vid):
c := []graph.Node{v, u}
adj := from[vid]
p := to[uid]
for !adj.Has(p.ID()) {
c = append(c, p)
p = to[p.ID()]
c = append(c, p, c[0])
cycles = append(cycles, c)
return cycles
type sets map[int64]set.Int64s
func (s sets) add(uid, vid int64) {
e, ok := s[vid]
if !ok {
e = make(set.Int64s)
s[vid] = e
func (s sets) has(uid int64) bool {
_, ok := s[uid]
return ok