| # This is the official list of gonum authors for copyright purposes. |
| # This file is distinct from the CONTRIBUTORS files. |
| # See the latter for an explanation. |
| |
| # Names should be added to this file as |
| # Name or Organization <email address> |
| # The email address is not required for organizations. |
| |
| # Please keep the list sorted. |
| |
| Brendan Tracey <tracey.brendan@gmail.com> |
| Bill Gray <wgray@gogray.com> |
| Bill Noon <noon.bill@gmail.com> |
| Chad Kunde <kunde21@gmail.com> |
| Chih-Wei Chang <bert.cwchang@gmail.com> |
| Chris Tessum <ctessum@gmail.com> |
| Dan Kortschak <dan.kortschak@adelaide.edu.au> <dan@kortschak.io> |
| Daniel Fireman <danielfireman@gmail.com> |
| David Samborski <bloggingarrow@gmail.com> |
| Davor Kapsa <davor.kapsa@gmail.com> |
| Ekaterina Efimova <katerina.efimova@gmail.com> |
| Ethan Burns <burns.ethan@gmail.com> |
| Evert Lammerts <evert.lammerts@gmail.com> |
| Facundo Gaich <facugaich@gmail.com> |
| Fazlul Shahriar <fshahriar@gmail.com> |
| Francesc Campoy <campoy@golang.org> |
| Google Inc |
| Gustaf Johansson <gustaf@pinon.se> |
| Iakov Davydov <iakov.davydov@unil.ch> |
| Jalem Raj Rohit <jrajrohit33@gmail.com> |
| James Bell <james@stellentus.com> |
| James Bowman <james.edward.bowman@gmail.com> |
| James Holmes <32bitkid@gmail.com> |
| Janne Snabb <snabb@epipe.com> |
| Jeff Juozapaitis <jjjuozap@email.arizona.edu> |
| Jeremy Atkinson <jchatkinson@gmail.com> |
| Jonas Kahler <jonas@derkahler.de> |
| Jonathan J Lawlor <jonathan.lawlor@gmail.com> |
| Jonathan Schroeder <jd.schroeder@gmail.com> |
| Joseph Watson <jtwatson@linux-consulting.us> |
| Josh Wilson <josh.craig.wilson@gmail.com> |
| Julien Roland <juroland@gmail.com> |
| Kent English <kent.english@gmail.com> |
| Kevin C. Zimmerman <kevinczimmerman@gmail.com> |
| Konstantin Shaposhnikov <k.shaposhnikov@gmail.com> |
| Leonid Kneller <recondite.matter@gmail.com> |
| Lyron Winderbaum <lyron.winderbaum@student.adelaide.edu.au> |
| Matthieu Di Mercurio <matthieu.dimercurio@gmail.com> |
| Max Halford <maxhalford25@gmail.com> |
| MinJae Kwon <k239507@gmail.com> |
| Or Rikon <rikonor@gmail.com> |
| Pontus Melke <pontusmelke@gmail.com> |
| Renée French |
| Robin Eklind <r.eklind.87@gmail.com> |
| Samuel Kelemen <Samuel@Kelemen.us> |
| Sam Zaydel <szaydel@gmail.com> |
| Scott Holden <scott@sshconnection.com> |
| Sebastien Binet <seb.binet@gmail.com> |
| source{d} <hello@sourced.tech> |
| Shawn Smith <shawnpsmith@gmail.com> |
| Spencer Lyon <spencerlyon2@gmail.com> |
| Steve McCoy <mccoyst@gmail.com> |
| The University of Adelaide |
| The University of Minnesota |
| The University of Washington |
| Tobin Harding <me@tobin.cc> |
| Vladimír Chalupecký <vladimir.chalupecky@gmail.com> |
| Yevgeniy Vahlis <evahlis@gmail.com> |