blob: 39956269894eb72c138eef3b7cf41aa3dae4b632 [file] [log] [blame]
testCover() {
# set the return value to 0 (succesful)
# get the directory to check from the parameter. Default to '.'
# skip if there are no Go files here
ls $d/*.go &> /dev/null || return $retval
# switch to the directory to check
pushd $d > /dev/null
# create the coverage profile
coverageresult=`go test -v $TAGS -coverprofile=$PROFILE_OUT`
# output the result so we can check the shell output
echo ${coverageresult}
# append the results to acc.out if coverage didn't fail, else set the retval to 1 (failed)
( [[ ${coverageresult} == *FAIL* ]] && retval=1 ) || ( [ -f $PROFILE_OUT ] && grep -v "mode: set" $PROFILE_OUT >> $ACC_OUT )
# return to our working dir
popd > /dev/null
# return our return value
return $retval
# Init acc.out
echo "mode: set" > $ACC_OUT
# Run test coverage on all directories containing go files except testlapack and testblas.
find . -type d -not -path '*testlapack*' -and -not -path '*testblas*' | while read d; do testCover $d || exit; done
# Upload the coverage profile to
[ -n "$COVERALLS_TOKEN" ] && goveralls -coverprofile=$ACC_OUT -service=travis-ci -repotoken $COVERALLS_TOKEN