blob: 9b62f1ec8e13c0cf9eca7294c4e88a7aae123a05 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright ©2014 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package stat provides generalized statistical functions.
package stat // import ""
import (
// CumulantKind specifies the behavior for calculating the empirical CDF or Quantile
type CumulantKind int
const (
// Constant values should match the R nomenclature. See
// Empirical treats the distribution as the actual empirical distribution.
Empirical CumulantKind = 1
// bhattacharyyaCoeff computes the Bhattacharyya Coefficient for probability distributions given by:
// \sum_i \sqrt{p_i q_i}
// It is assumed that p and q have equal length.
func bhattacharyyaCoeff(p, q []float64) float64 {
var bc float64
for i, a := range p {
bc += math.Sqrt(a * q[i])
return bc
// Bhattacharyya computes the distance between the probability distributions p and q given by:
// -\ln ( \sum_i \sqrt{p_i q_i} )
// The lengths of p and q must be equal. It is assumed that p and q sum to 1.
func Bhattacharyya(p, q []float64) float64 {
if len(p) != len(q) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
bc := bhattacharyyaCoeff(p, q)
return -math.Log(bc)
// CDF returns the empirical cumulative distribution function value of x, that is
// the fraction of the samples less than or equal to q. The
// exact behavior is determined by the CumulantKind. CDF is theoretically
// the inverse of the Quantile function, though it may not be the actual inverse
// for all values q and CumulantKinds.
// The x data must be sorted in increasing order. If weights is nil then all
// of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then len(x) must equal len(weights).
// CumulantKind behaviors:
// - Empirical: Returns the lowest fraction for which q is greater than or equal
// to that fraction of samples
func CDF(q float64, c CumulantKind, x, weights []float64) float64 {
if weights != nil && len(x) != len(weights) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
if floats.HasNaN(x) {
return math.NaN()
if !sort.Float64sAreSorted(x) {
panic("x data are not sorted")
if q < x[0] {
return 0
if q >= x[len(x)-1] {
return 1
var sumWeights float64
if weights == nil {
sumWeights = float64(len(x))
} else {
sumWeights = floats.Sum(weights)
// Calculate the index
switch c {
case Empirical:
// Find the smallest value that is greater than that percent of the samples
var w float64
for i, v := range x {
if v > q {
return w / sumWeights
if weights == nil {
} else {
w += weights[i]
panic("stat: bad cumulant kind")
// ChiSquare computes the chi-square distance between the observed frequences 'obs' and
// expected frequences 'exp' given by:
// \sum_i (obs_i-exp_i)^2 / exp_i
// The lengths of obs and exp must be equal.
func ChiSquare(obs, exp []float64) float64 {
if len(obs) != len(exp) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
var result float64
for i, a := range obs {
b := exp[i]
if a == 0 && b == 0 {
result += (a - b) * (a - b) / b
return result
// CircularMean returns the circular mean of the dataset.
// atan2(\sum_i w_i * sin(alpha_i), \sum_i w_i * cos(alpha_i))
// If weights is nil then all of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then
// len(x) must equal len(weights).
func CircularMean(x, weights []float64) float64 {
if weights != nil && len(x) != len(weights) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
var aX, aY float64
if weights != nil {
for i, v := range x {
aX += weights[i] * math.Cos(v)
aY += weights[i] * math.Sin(v)
} else {
for _, v := range x {
aX += math.Cos(v)
aY += math.Sin(v)
return math.Atan2(aY, aX)
// Correlation returns the weighted correlation between the samples of x and y
// with the given means.
// sum_i {w_i (x_i - meanX) * (y_i - meanY)} / (stdX * stdY)
// The lengths of x and y must be equal. If weights is nil then all of the
// weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then len(x) must equal len(weights).
func Correlation(x, y, weights []float64) float64 {
// This is a two-pass corrected implementation. It is an adaptation of the
// algorithm used in the MeanVariance function, which applies a correction
// to the typical two pass approach.
if len(x) != len(y) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
xu := Mean(x, weights)
yu := Mean(y, weights)
var (
sxx float64
syy float64
sxy float64
xcompensation float64
ycompensation float64
if weights == nil {
for i, xv := range x {
yv := y[i]
xd := xv - xu
yd := yv - yu
sxx += xd * xd
syy += yd * yd
sxy += xd * yd
xcompensation += xd
ycompensation += yd
// xcompensation and ycompensation are from Chan, et. al.
// referenced in the MeanVariance function. They are analogous
// to the second term in (1.7) in that paper.
sxx -= xcompensation * xcompensation / float64(len(x))
syy -= ycompensation * ycompensation / float64(len(x))
return (sxy - xcompensation*ycompensation/float64(len(x))) / math.Sqrt(sxx*syy)
var sumWeights float64
for i, xv := range x {
w := weights[i]
yv := y[i]
xd := xv - xu
wxd := w * xd
yd := yv - yu
wyd := w * yd
sxx += wxd * xd
syy += wyd * yd
sxy += wxd * yd
xcompensation += wxd
ycompensation += wyd
sumWeights += w
// xcompensation and ycompensation are from Chan, et. al.
// referenced in the MeanVariance function. They are analogous
// to the second term in (1.7) in that paper, except they use
// the sumWeights instead of the sample count.
sxx -= xcompensation * xcompensation / sumWeights
syy -= ycompensation * ycompensation / sumWeights
return (sxy - xcompensation*ycompensation/sumWeights) / math.Sqrt(sxx*syy)
// Covariance returns the weighted covariance between the samples of x and y.
// sum_i {w_i (x_i - meanX) * (y_i - meanY)} / (sum_j {w_j} - 1)
// The lengths of x and y must be equal. If weights is nil then all of the
// weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then len(x) must equal len(weights).
func Covariance(x, y, weights []float64) float64 {
// This is a two-pass corrected implementation. It is an adaptation of the
// algorithm used in the MeanVariance function, which applies a correction
// to the typical two pass approach.
if len(x) != len(y) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
xu := Mean(x, weights)
yu := Mean(y, weights)
var (
ss float64
xcompensation float64
ycompensation float64
if weights == nil {
for i, xv := range x {
yv := y[i]
xd := xv - xu
yd := yv - yu
ss += xd * yd
xcompensation += xd
ycompensation += yd
// xcompensation and ycompensation are from Chan, et. al.
// referenced in the MeanVariance function. They are analogous
// to the second term in (1.7) in that paper.
return (ss - xcompensation*ycompensation/float64(len(x))) / float64(len(x)-1)
var sumWeights float64
for i, xv := range x {
w := weights[i]
yv := y[i]
wxd := w * (xv - xu)
yd := (yv - yu)
ss += wxd * yd
xcompensation += wxd
ycompensation += w * yd
sumWeights += w
// xcompensation and ycompensation are from Chan, et. al.
// referenced in the MeanVariance function. They are analogous
// to the second term in (1.7) in that paper, except they use
// the sumWeights instead of the sample count.
return (ss - xcompensation*ycompensation/sumWeights) / (sumWeights - 1)
// CrossEntropy computes the cross-entropy between the two distributions specified
// in p and q.
func CrossEntropy(p, q []float64) float64 {
if len(p) != len(q) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
var ce float64
for i, v := range p {
if v != 0 {
ce -= v * math.Log(q[i])
return ce
// Entropy computes the Shannon entropy of a distribution or the distance between
// two distributions. The natural logarithm is used.
// - sum_i (p_i * log_e(p_i))
func Entropy(p []float64) float64 {
var e float64
for _, v := range p {
if v != 0 { // Entropy needs 0 * log(0) == 0
e -= v * math.Log(v)
return e
// ExKurtosis returns the population excess kurtosis of the sample.
// The kurtosis is defined by the 4th moment of the mean divided by the squared
// variance. The excess kurtosis subtracts 3.0 so that the excess kurtosis of
// the normal distribution is zero.
// If weights is nil then all of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then
// len(x) must equal len(weights).
func ExKurtosis(x, weights []float64) float64 {
mean, std := MeanStdDev(x, weights)
if weights == nil {
var e float64
for _, v := range x {
z := (v - mean) / std
e += z * z * z * z
mul, offset := kurtosisCorrection(float64(len(x)))
return e*mul - offset
var (
e float64
sumWeights float64
for i, v := range x {
z := (v - mean) / std
e += weights[i] * z * z * z * z
sumWeights += weights[i]
mul, offset := kurtosisCorrection(sumWeights)
return e*mul - offset
// n is the number of samples
// see
func kurtosisCorrection(n float64) (mul, offset float64) {
return ((n + 1) / (n - 1)) * (n / (n - 2)) * (1 / (n - 3)), 3 * ((n - 1) / (n - 2)) * ((n - 1) / (n - 3))
// GeometricMean returns the weighted geometric mean of the dataset
// \prod_i {x_i ^ w_i}
// This only applies with positive x and positive weights. If weights is nil
// then all of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then len(x) must equal
// len(weights).
func GeometricMean(x, weights []float64) float64 {
if weights == nil {
var s float64
for _, v := range x {
s += math.Log(v)
s /= float64(len(x))
return math.Exp(s)
if len(x) != len(weights) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
var (
s float64
sumWeights float64
for i, v := range x {
s += weights[i] * math.Log(v)
sumWeights += weights[i]
s /= sumWeights
return math.Exp(s)
// HarmonicMean returns the weighted harmonic mean of the dataset
// \sum_i {w_i} / ( sum_i {w_i / x_i} )
// This only applies with positive x and positive weights.
// If weights is nil then all of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then
// len(x) must equal len(weights).
func HarmonicMean(x, weights []float64) float64 {
if weights != nil && len(x) != len(weights) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
// TODO: Fix this to make it more efficient and avoid allocation
// This can be numerically unstable (for example if x is very small)
// W = \sum_i {w_i}
// hm = exp(log(W) - log(\sum_i w_i / x_i))
logs := make([]float64, len(x))
var W float64
for i := range x {
if weights == nil {
logs[i] = -math.Log(x[i])
logs[i] = math.Log(weights[i]) - math.Log(x[i])
W += weights[i]
// Sum all of the logs
v := floats.LogSumExp(logs) // this computes log(\sum_i { w_i / x_i})
return math.Exp(math.Log(W) - v)
// Hellinger computes the distance between the probability distributions p and q given by:
// \sqrt{ 1 - \sum_i \sqrt{p_i q_i} }
// The lengths of p and q must be equal. It is assumed that p and q sum to 1.
func Hellinger(p, q []float64) float64 {
if len(p) != len(q) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
bc := bhattacharyyaCoeff(p, q)
return math.Sqrt(1 - bc)
// Histogram sums up the weighted number of data points in each bin.
// The weight of data point x[i] will be placed into count[j] if
// dividers[j] <= x < dividers[j+1]. The "span" function in the floats package can assist
// with bin creation.
// The following conditions on the inputs apply:
// - The count variable must either be nil or have length of one less than dividers.
// - The values in dividers must be sorted (use the sort package).
// - The x values must be sorted.
// - If weights is nil then all of the weights are 1.
// - If weights is not nil, then len(x) must equal len(weights).
func Histogram(count, dividers, x, weights []float64) []float64 {
if weights != nil && len(x) != len(weights) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
if count == nil {
count = make([]float64, len(dividers)-1)
if len(dividers) < 2 {
panic("histogram: fewer than two dividers")
if len(count) != len(dividers)-1 {
panic("histogram: bin count mismatch")
if !sort.Float64sAreSorted(dividers) {
panic("histogram: dividers are not sorted")
if !sort.Float64sAreSorted(x) {
panic("histogram: x data are not sorted")
for i := range count {
count[i] = 0
if len(x) == 0 {
return count
if x[0] < dividers[0] {
panic("histogram: minimum x value is less than lowest divider")
if x[len(x)-1] >= dividers[len(dividers)-1] {
panic("histogram: minimum x value is greater than highest divider")
idx := 0
comp := dividers[idx+1]
if weights == nil {
for _, v := range x {
if v < comp {
// Still in the current bucket
// Find the next divider where v is less than the divider
for j := idx + 1; j < len(dividers); j++ {
if v < dividers[j+1] {
idx = j
comp = dividers[j+1]
return count
for i, v := range x {
if v < comp {
// Still in the current bucket
count[idx] += weights[i]
// Need to find the next divider where v is less than the divider.
for j := idx + 1; j < len(count); j++ {
if v < dividers[j+1] {
idx = j
comp = dividers[j+1]
count[idx] += weights[i]
return count
// JensenShannon computes the JensenShannon divergence between the distributions
// p and q. The Jensen-Shannon divergence is defined as
// m = 0.5 * (p + q)
// JS(p, q) = 0.5 ( KL(p, m) + KL(q, m) )
// Unlike Kullback-Liebler, the Jensen-Shannon distance is symmetric. The value
// is between 0 and ln(2).
func JensenShannon(p, q []float64) float64 {
if len(p) != len(q) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
var js float64
for i, v := range p {
qi := q[i]
m := 0.5 * (v + qi)
if v != 0 {
// add kl from p to m
js += 0.5 * v * (math.Log(v) - math.Log(m))
if qi != 0 {
// add kl from q to m
js += 0.5 * qi * (math.Log(qi) - math.Log(m))
return js
// KolmogorovSmirnov computes the largest distance between two empirical CDFs.
// Each dataset x and y consists of sample locations and counts, xWeights and
// yWeights, respectively.
// x and y may have different lengths, though len(x) must equal len(xWeights), and
// len(y) must equal len(yWeights). Both x and y must be sorted.
// Special cases are:
// = 0 if len(x) == len(y) == 0
// = 1 if len(x) == 0, len(y) != 0 or len(x) != 0 and len(y) == 0
func KolmogorovSmirnov(x, xWeights, y, yWeights []float64) float64 {
if xWeights != nil && len(x) != len(xWeights) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
if yWeights != nil && len(y) != len(yWeights) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
if len(x) == 0 || len(y) == 0 {
if len(x) == 0 && len(y) == 0 {
return 0
return 1
if floats.HasNaN(x) {
return math.NaN()
if floats.HasNaN(y) {
return math.NaN()
if !sort.Float64sAreSorted(x) {
panic("x data are not sorted")
if !sort.Float64sAreSorted(y) {
panic("y data are not sorted")
xWeightsNil := xWeights == nil
yWeightsNil := yWeights == nil
var (
maxDist float64
xSum, ySum float64
xCdf, yCdf float64
xIdx, yIdx int
if xWeightsNil {
xSum = float64(len(x))
} else {
xSum = floats.Sum(xWeights)
if yWeightsNil {
ySum = float64(len(y))
} else {
ySum = floats.Sum(yWeights)
xVal := x[0]
yVal := y[0]
// Algorithm description:
// The goal is to find the maximum difference in the empirical CDFs for the
// two datasets. The CDFs are piecewise-constant, and thus the distance
// between the CDFs will only change at the values themselves.
// To find the maximum distance, step through the data in ascending order
// of value between the two datasets. At each step, compute the empirical CDF
// and compare the local distance with the maximum distance.
// Due to some corner cases, equal data entries must be tallied simultaneously.
for {
switch {
case xVal < yVal:
xVal, xCdf, xIdx = updateKS(xIdx, xCdf, xSum, x, xWeights, xWeightsNil)
case yVal < xVal:
yVal, yCdf, yIdx = updateKS(yIdx, yCdf, ySum, y, yWeights, yWeightsNil)
case xVal == yVal:
newX := x[xIdx]
newY := y[yIdx]
if newX < newY {
xVal, xCdf, xIdx = updateKS(xIdx, xCdf, xSum, x, xWeights, xWeightsNil)
} else if newY < newX {
yVal, yCdf, yIdx = updateKS(yIdx, yCdf, ySum, y, yWeights, yWeightsNil)
} else {
// Update them both, they'll be equal next time and the right
// thing will happen
xVal, xCdf, xIdx = updateKS(xIdx, xCdf, xSum, x, xWeights, xWeightsNil)
yVal, yCdf, yIdx = updateKS(yIdx, yCdf, ySum, y, yWeights, yWeightsNil)
dist := math.Abs(xCdf - yCdf)
if dist > maxDist {
maxDist = dist
// Both xCdf and yCdf will equal 1 at the end, so if we have reached the
// end of either sample list, the distance is as large as it can be.
if xIdx == len(x) || yIdx == len(y) {
return maxDist
// updateKS gets the next data point from one of the set. In doing so, it combines
// the weight of all the data points of equal value. Upon return, val is the new
// value of the data set, newCdf is the total combined CDF up until this point,
// and newIdx is the index of the next location in that sample to examine.
func updateKS(idx int, cdf, sum float64, values, weights []float64, isNil bool) (val, newCdf float64, newIdx int) {
// Sum up all the weights of consecutive values that are equal
if isNil {
newCdf = cdf + 1/sum
} else {
newCdf = cdf + weights[idx]/sum
newIdx = idx + 1
for {
if newIdx == len(values) {
return values[newIdx-1], newCdf, newIdx
if values[newIdx-1] != values[newIdx] {
return values[newIdx], newCdf, newIdx
if isNil {
newCdf += 1 / sum
} else {
newCdf += weights[newIdx] / sum
// KullbackLeibler computes the Kullback-Leibler distance between the
// distributions p and q. The natural logarithm is used.
// sum_i(p_i * log(p_i / q_i))
// Note that the Kullback-Leibler distance is not symmetric;
// KullbackLeibler(p,q) != KullbackLeibler(q,p)
func KullbackLeibler(p, q []float64) float64 {
if len(p) != len(q) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
var kl float64
for i, v := range p {
if v != 0 { // Entropy needs 0 * log(0) == 0
kl += v * (math.Log(v) - math.Log(q[i]))
return kl
// LinearRegression computes the best-fit line
// y = alpha + beta*x
// to the data in x and y with the given weights. If origin is true, the
// regression is forced to pass through the origin.
// Specifically, LinearRegression computes the values of alpha and
// beta such that the total residual
// \sum_i w[i]*(y[i] - alpha - beta*x[i])^2
// is minimized. If origin is true, then alpha is forced to be zero.
// The lengths of x and y must be equal. If weights is nil then all of the
// weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then len(x) must equal len(weights).
func LinearRegression(x, y, weights []float64, origin bool) (alpha, beta float64) {
if len(x) != len(y) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
if weights != nil && len(weights) != len(x) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
w := 1.0
if origin {
var x2Sum, xySum float64
for i, xi := range x {
if weights != nil {
w = weights[i]
yi := y[i]
xySum += w * xi * yi
x2Sum += w * xi * xi
beta = xySum / x2Sum
return 0, beta
beta = Covariance(x, y, weights) / Variance(x, weights)
alpha = Mean(y, weights) - beta*Mean(x, weights)
return alpha, beta
// RSquared returns the coefficient of determination defined as
// R^2 = 1 - \sum_i w[i]*(y[i] - alpha - beta*x[i])^2 / \sum_i w[i]*(y[i] - mean(y))^2
// for the line
// y = alpha + beta*x
// and the data in x and y with the given weights.
// The lengths of x and y must be equal. If weights is nil then all of the
// weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then len(x) must equal len(weights).
func RSquared(x, y, weights []float64, alpha, beta float64) float64 {
if len(x) != len(y) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
if weights != nil && len(weights) != len(x) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
w := 1.0
yMean := Mean(y, weights)
var res, tot, d float64
for i, xi := range x {
if weights != nil {
w = weights[i]
yi := y[i]
fi := alpha + beta*xi
d = yi - fi
res += w * d * d
d = yi - yMean
tot += w * d * d
return 1 - res/tot
// RSquaredFrom returns the coefficient of determination defined as
// R^2 = 1 - \sum_i w[i]*(estimate[i] - value[i])^2 / \sum_i w[i]*(value[i] - mean(values))^2
// and the data in estimates and values with the given weights.
// The lengths of estimates and values must be equal. If weights is nil then
// all of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then len(values) must
// equal len(weights).
func RSquaredFrom(estimates, values, weights []float64) float64 {
if len(estimates) != len(values) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
if weights != nil && len(weights) != len(values) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
w := 1.0
mean := Mean(values, weights)
var res, tot, d float64
for i, val := range values {
if weights != nil {
w = weights[i]
d = val - estimates[i]
res += w * d * d
d = val - mean
tot += w * d * d
return 1 - res/tot
// RNoughtSquared returns the coefficient of determination defined as
// R₀^2 = \sum_i w[i]*(beta*x[i])^2 / \sum_i w[i]*y[i]^2
// for the line
// y = beta*x
// and the data in x and y with the given weights. RNoughtSquared should
// only be used for best-fit lines regressed through the origin.
// The lengths of x and y must be equal. If weights is nil then all of the
// weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then len(x) must equal len(weights).
func RNoughtSquared(x, y, weights []float64, beta float64) float64 {
if len(x) != len(y) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
if weights != nil && len(weights) != len(x) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
w := 1.0
var ssr, tot float64
for i, xi := range x {
if weights != nil {
w = weights[i]
fi := beta * xi
ssr += w * fi * fi
yi := y[i]
tot += w * yi * yi
return ssr / tot
// Mean computes the weighted mean of the data set.
// sum_i {w_i * x_i} / sum_i {w_i}
// If weights is nil then all of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then
// len(x) must equal len(weights).
func Mean(x, weights []float64) float64 {
if weights == nil {
return floats.Sum(x) / float64(len(x))
if len(x) != len(weights) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
var (
sumValues float64
sumWeights float64
for i, w := range weights {
sumValues += w * x[i]
sumWeights += w
return sumValues / sumWeights
// Mode returns the most common value in the dataset specified by x and the
// given weights. Strict float64 equality is used when comparing values, so users
// should take caution. If several values are the mode, any of them may be returned.
func Mode(x, weights []float64) (val float64, count float64) {
if weights != nil && len(x) != len(weights) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
if len(x) == 0 {
return 0, 0
m := make(map[float64]float64)
if weights == nil {
for _, v := range x {
} else {
for i, v := range x {
m[v] += weights[i]
var (
maxCount float64
max float64
for val, count := range m {
if count > maxCount {
maxCount = count
max = val
return max, maxCount
// Moment computes the weighted n^th moment of the samples,
// E[(x - μ)^N]
// No degrees of freedom correction is done.
// If weights is nil then all of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then
// len(x) must equal len(weights).
func Moment(moment float64, x, weights []float64) float64 {
mean := Mean(x, weights)
if weights == nil {
var m float64
for _, v := range x {
m += math.Pow(v-mean, moment)
return m / float64(len(x))
var (
m float64
sumWeights float64
for i, v := range x {
m += weights[i] * math.Pow(v-mean, moment)
sumWeights += weights[i]
return m / sumWeights
// MomentAbout computes the weighted n^th weighted moment of the samples about
// the given mean \mu,
// E[(x - μ)^N]
// No degrees of freedom correction is done.
// If weights is nil then all of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then
// len(x) must equal len(weights).
func MomentAbout(moment float64, x []float64, mean float64, weights []float64) float64 {
if weights == nil {
var m float64
for _, v := range x {
m += math.Pow(v-mean, moment)
m /= float64(len(x))
return m
if len(weights) != len(x) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
var (
m float64
sumWeights float64
for i, v := range x {
m += weights[i] * math.Pow(v-mean, moment)
sumWeights += weights[i]
return m / sumWeights
// Quantile returns the sample of x such that x is greater than or
// equal to the fraction p of samples. The exact behavior is determined by the
// CumulantKind, and p should be a number between 0 and 1. Quantile is theoretically
// the inverse of the CDF function, though it may not be the actual inverse
// for all values p and CumulantKinds.
// The x data must be sorted in increasing order. If weights is nil then all
// of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then len(x) must equal len(weights).
// CumulantKind behaviors:
// - Empirical: Returns the lowest value q for which q is greater than or equal
// to the fraction p of samples
func Quantile(p float64, c CumulantKind, x, weights []float64) float64 {
if !(p >= 0 && p <= 1) {
panic("stat: percentile out of bounds")
if weights != nil && len(x) != len(weights) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
if floats.HasNaN(x) {
return math.NaN() // This is needed because the algorithm breaks otherwise
if !sort.Float64sAreSorted(x) {
panic("x data are not sorted")
var sumWeights float64
if weights == nil {
sumWeights = float64(len(x))
} else {
sumWeights = floats.Sum(weights)
switch c {
case Empirical:
var cumsum float64
fidx := p * sumWeights
for i := range x {
if weights == nil {
} else {
cumsum += weights[i]
if cumsum >= fidx {
return x[i]
panic("stat: bad cumulant kind")
// Skew computes the skewness of the sample data.
// If weights is nil then all of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then
// len(x) must equal len(weights).
func Skew(x, weights []float64) float64 {
mean, std := MeanStdDev(x, weights)
if weights == nil {
var s float64
for _, v := range x {
z := (v - mean) / std
s += z * z * z
return s * skewCorrection(float64(len(x)))
var (
s float64
sumWeights float64
for i, v := range x {
z := (v - mean) / std
s += weights[i] * z * z * z
sumWeights += weights[i]
return s * skewCorrection(sumWeights)
// From: page 7
func skewCorrection(n float64) float64 {
return (n / (n - 1)) * (1 / (n - 2))
// SortWeighted rearranges the data in x along with their corresponding
// weights so that the x data are sorted. The data is sorted in place.
// Weights may be nil, but if weights is non-nil then it must have the same
// length as x.
func SortWeighted(x, weights []float64) {
if weights == nil {
if len(x) != len(weights) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
x: x,
w: weights,
type weightSorter struct {
x []float64
w []float64
func (w weightSorter) Len() int { return len(w.x) }
func (w weightSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return w.x[i] < w.x[j] }
func (w weightSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
w.x[i], w.x[j] = w.x[j], w.x[i]
w.w[i], w.w[j] = w.w[j], w.w[i]
// SortWeightedLabeled rearranges the data in x along with their
// corresponding weights and boolean labels so that the x data are sorted.
// The data is sorted in place. Weights and labels may be nil, if either
// is non-nil it must have the same length as x.
func SortWeightedLabeled(x []float64, labels []bool, weights []float64) {
if labels == nil {
SortWeighted(x, weights)
if weights == nil {
if len(x) != len(labels) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
x: x,
l: labels,
if len(x) != len(labels) || len(x) != len(weights) {
panic("stat: slice length mismatch")
x: x,
l: labels,
w: weights,
type labelSorter struct {
x []float64
l []bool
func (a labelSorter) Len() int { return len(a.x) }
func (a labelSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return a.x[i] < a.x[j] }
func (a labelSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
a.x[i], a.x[j] = a.x[j], a.x[i]
a.l[i], a.l[j] = a.l[j], a.l[i]
type weightLabelSorter struct {
x []float64
l []bool
w []float64
func (a weightLabelSorter) Len() int { return len(a.x) }
func (a weightLabelSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return a.x[i] < a.x[j] }
func (a weightLabelSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
a.x[i], a.x[j] = a.x[j], a.x[i]
a.l[i], a.l[j] = a.l[j], a.l[i]
a.w[i], a.w[j] = a.w[j], a.w[i]
// StdDev returns the sample standard deviation.
func StdDev(x, weights []float64) float64 {
_, std := MeanStdDev(x, weights)
return std
// MeanStdDev returns the sample mean and standard deviation
func MeanStdDev(x, weights []float64) (mean, std float64) {
mean, variance := MeanVariance(x, weights)
return mean, math.Sqrt(variance)
// StdErr returns the standard error in the mean with the given values.
func StdErr(std, sampleSize float64) float64 {
return std / math.Sqrt(sampleSize)
// StdScore returns the standard score (a.k.a. z-score, z-value) for the value x
// with the givem mean and standard deviation, i.e.
// (x - mean) / std
func StdScore(x, mean, std float64) float64 {
return (x - mean) / std
// Variance computes the weighted sample variance:
// \sum_i w_i (x_i - mean)^2 / (sum_i w_i - 1)
// If weights is nil then all of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then
// len(x) must equal len(weights).
func Variance(x, weights []float64) float64 {
_, variance := MeanVariance(x, weights)
return variance
// MeanVariance computes the sample mean and variance, where the mean and variance are
// \sum_i w_i * x_i / (sum_i w_i)
// \sum_i w_i (x_i - mean)^2 / (sum_i w_i - 1)
// respectively.
// If weights is nil then all of the weights are 1. If weights is not nil, then
// len(x) must equal len(weights).
func MeanVariance(x, weights []float64) (mean, variance float64) {
// This uses the corrected two-pass algorithm (1.7), from "Algorithms for computing
// the sample variance: Analysis and recommendations" by Chan, Tony F., Gene H. Golub,
// and Randall J. LeVeque.
// note that this will panic if the slice lengths do not match
mean = Mean(x, weights)
var (
ss float64
compensation float64
if weights == nil {
for _, v := range x {
d := v - mean
ss += d * d
compensation += d
variance = (ss - compensation*compensation/float64(len(x))) / float64(len(x)-1)
var sumWeights float64
for i, v := range x {
w := weights[i]
d := v - mean
wd := w * d
ss += wd * d
compensation += wd
sumWeights += w
variance = (ss - compensation*compensation/sumWeights) / (sumWeights - 1)