blob: 5c54937705c158f847e62d1c07e13265b1582c39 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright ©2014 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package optimize
import (
// LBFGS implements the limited-memory BFGS method for gradient-based
// unconstrained minimization.
// It stores a modified version of the inverse Hessian approximation H
// implicitly from the last Store iterations while the normal BFGS method
// stores and manipulates H directly as a dense matrix. Therefore LBFGS is more
// appropriate than BFGS for large problems as the cost of LBFGS scales as
// O(Store * dim) while BFGS scales as O(dim^2). The "forgetful" nature of
// LBFGS may also make it perform better than BFGS for functions with Hessians
// that vary rapidly spatially.
type LBFGS struct {
// Linesearcher selects suitable steps along the descent direction.
// Accepted steps should satisfy the strong Wolfe conditions.
// If Linesearcher is nil, a reasonable default will be chosen.
Linesearcher Linesearcher
// Store is the size of the limited-memory storage.
// If Store is 0, it will be defaulted to 15.
Store int
ls *LinesearchMethod
dim int // Dimension of the problem
x []float64 // Location at the last major iteration
grad []float64 // Gradient at the last major iteration
// History
oldest int // Index of the oldest element of the history
y [][]float64 // Last Store values of y
s [][]float64 // Last Store values of s
rho []float64 // Last Store values of rho
a []float64 // Cache of Hessian updates
func (l *LBFGS) Init(loc *Location) (Operation, error) {
if l.Linesearcher == nil {
l.Linesearcher = &Bisection{}
if l.Store == 0 {
l.Store = 15
if == nil { = &LinesearchMethod{}
} = l.Linesearcher = l
func (l *LBFGS) Iterate(loc *Location) (Operation, error) {
func (l *LBFGS) InitDirection(loc *Location, dir []float64) (stepSize float64) {
dim := len(loc.X)
l.dim = dim
l.oldest = 0
l.a = resize(l.a, l.Store)
l.rho = resize(l.rho, l.Store)
l.y = l.initHistory(l.y)
l.s = l.initHistory(l.s)
l.x = resize(l.x, dim)
copy(l.x, loc.X)
l.grad = resize(l.grad, dim)
copy(l.grad, loc.Gradient)
copy(dir, loc.Gradient)
floats.Scale(-1, dir)
return 1 / floats.Norm(dir, 2)
func (l *LBFGS) initHistory(hist [][]float64) [][]float64 {
c := cap(hist)
if c < l.Store {
n := make([][]float64, l.Store-c)
hist = append(hist[:c], n...)
hist = hist[:l.Store]
for i := range hist {
hist[i] = resize(hist[i], l.dim)
for j := range hist[i] {
hist[i][j] = 0
return hist
func (l *LBFGS) NextDirection(loc *Location, dir []float64) (stepSize float64) {
// Uses two-loop correction as described in
// Nocedal, J., Wright, S.: Numerical Optimization (2nd ed). Springer (2006), chapter 7, page 178.
if len(loc.X) != l.dim {
panic("lbfgs: unexpected size mismatch")
if len(loc.Gradient) != l.dim {
panic("lbfgs: unexpected size mismatch")
if len(dir) != l.dim {
panic("lbfgs: unexpected size mismatch")
y := l.y[l.oldest]
floats.SubTo(y, loc.Gradient, l.grad)
s := l.s[l.oldest]
floats.SubTo(s, loc.X, l.x)
sDotY := floats.Dot(s, y)
l.rho[l.oldest] = 1 / sDotY
l.oldest = (l.oldest + 1) % l.Store
copy(l.x, loc.X)
copy(l.grad, loc.Gradient)
copy(dir, loc.Gradient)
// Start with the most recent element and go backward,
for i := 0; i < l.Store; i++ {
idx := l.oldest - i - 1
if idx < 0 {
idx += l.Store
l.a[idx] = l.rho[idx] * floats.Dot(l.s[idx], dir)
floats.AddScaled(dir, -l.a[idx], l.y[idx])
// Scale the initial Hessian.
gamma := sDotY / floats.Dot(y, y)
floats.Scale(gamma, dir)
// Start with the oldest element and go forward.
for i := 0; i < l.Store; i++ {
idx := i + l.oldest
if idx >= l.Store {
idx -= l.Store
beta := l.rho[idx] * floats.Dot(l.y[idx], dir)
floats.AddScaled(dir, l.a[idx]-beta, l.s[idx])
// dir contains H^{-1} * g, so flip the direction for minimization.
floats.Scale(-1, dir)
return 1
func (*LBFGS) Needs() struct {
Gradient bool
Hessian bool
} {
return struct {
Gradient bool
Hessian bool
}{true, false}