blob: ffccce8c45cdaf6ca61eaf9ec7a8b9eaa2a98228 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2015 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mat
// Solve solves the linear least squares problem
// minimize over x |b - A*x|_2
// where A is an m×n matrix, b is a given m element vector and x is n element
// solution vector. Solve assumes that A has full rank, that is
// rank(A) = min(m,n)
// If m >= n, Solve finds the unique least squares solution of an overdetermined
// system.
// If m < n, there is an infinite number of solutions that satisfy b-A*x=0. In
// this case Solve finds the unique solution of an underdetermined system that
// minimizes |x|_2.
// Several right-hand side vectors b and solution vectors x can be handled in a
// single call. Vectors b are stored in the columns of the m×k matrix B. Vectors
// x will be stored in-place into the n×k receiver.
// If the underlying matrix of a is a SolveToer, its SolveTo method is used,
// otherwise a Dense copy of a will be used for the solution.
// If A does not have full rank, a Condition error is returned. See the
// documentation for Condition for more information.
func (m *Dense) Solve(a, b Matrix) error {
aU, aTrans := untransposeExtract(a)
if a, ok := aU.(SolveToer); ok {
return a.SolveTo(m, aTrans, b)
ar, ac := a.Dims()
br, bc := b.Dims()
if ar != br {
m.reuseAsNonZeroed(ac, bc)
switch {
case ar == ac:
if a == b {
// x = I.
if ar == 1 {
m.mat.Data[0] = 1
return nil
for i := 0; i < ar; i++ {
v := m.mat.Data[i*m.mat.Stride : i*m.mat.Stride+ac]
v[i] = 1
return nil
var lu LU
return lu.SolveTo(m, false, b)
case ar > ac:
var qr QR
return qr.SolveTo(m, false, b)
var lq LQ
return lq.SolveTo(m, false, b)
// SolveVec solves the linear least squares problem
// minimize over x |b - A*x|_2
// where A is an m×n matrix, b is a given m element vector and x is n element
// solution vector. Solve assumes that A has full rank, that is
// rank(A) = min(m,n)
// If m >= n, Solve finds the unique least squares solution of an overdetermined
// system.
// If m < n, there is an infinite number of solutions that satisfy b-A*x=0. In
// this case Solve finds the unique solution of an underdetermined system that
// minimizes |x|_2.
// The solution vector x will be stored in-place into the receiver.
// If A does not have full rank, a Condition error is returned. See the
// documentation for Condition for more information.
func (v *VecDense) SolveVec(a Matrix, b Vector) error {
if _, bc := b.Dims(); bc != 1 {
_, c := a.Dims()
// The Solve implementation is non-trivial, so rather than duplicate the code,
// instead recast the VecDenses as Dense and call the matrix code.
if rv, ok := b.(RawVectorer); ok {
bmat := rv.RawVector()
if v != b {
m := v.asDense()
// We conditionally create bm as m when b and v are identical
// to prevent the overlap detection code from identifying m
// and bm as overlapping but not identical.
bm := m
if v != b {
b := VecDense{mat: bmat}
bm = b.asDense()
return m.Solve(a, bm)
m := v.asDense()
return m.Solve(a, b)