blob: 75b99fd19624304cca1a004a410796cb86fcbfd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2018 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package dualcmplx
import (
// Number is a float64 precision anti-commutative dual complex number.
type Number struct {
Real, Dual complex128
// Format implements fmt.Formatter.
func (d Number) Format(fs fmt.State, c rune) {
prec, pOk := fs.Precision()
if !pOk {
prec = -1
width, wOk := fs.Width()
if !wOk {
width = -1
switch c {
case 'v':
if fs.Flag('#') {
fmt.Fprintf(fs, "%T{Real:%#v, Dual:%#v}", d, d.Real, d.Dual)
if fs.Flag('+') {
fmt.Fprintf(fs, "{Real:%+v, Dual:%+v}", d.Real, d.Dual)
c = 'g'
prec = -1
case 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g', 'G':
fre := fmtString(fs, c, prec, width, false)
fim := fmtString(fs, c, prec, width, true)
fmt.Fprintf(fs, fmt.Sprintf("(%s+%[2]sϵ)", fre, fim), d.Real, d.Dual)
fmt.Fprintf(fs, "%%!%c(%T=%[2]v)", c, d)
// This is horrible, but it's what we have.
func fmtString(fs fmt.State, c rune, prec, width int, wantPlus bool) string {
var b strings.Builder
for _, f := range "0+- " {
if fs.Flag(int(f)) || (f == '+' && wantPlus) {
if width >= 0 {
fmt.Fprint(&b, width)
if prec >= 0 {
if prec > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(&b, prec)
return b.String()
// Add returns the sum of x and y.
func Add(x, y Number) Number {
return Number{
Real: x.Real + y.Real,
Dual: x.Dual + y.Dual,
// Sub returns the difference of x and y, x-y.
func Sub(x, y Number) Number {
return Number{
Real: x.Real - y.Real,
Dual: x.Dual - y.Dual,
// Mul returns the dual product of x and y, x×y.
func Mul(x, y Number) Number {
return Number{
Real: x.Real * y.Real,
Dual: x.Real*y.Dual + x.Dual*cmplx.Conj(y.Real),
// Inv returns the dual inverse of d.
func Inv(d Number) Number {
return Number{
Real: 1 / d.Real,
Dual: -d.Dual / (d.Real * cmplx.Conj(d.Real)),
// Conj returns the conjugate of d₁+d₂ϵ, d̅₁+d₂ϵ.
func Conj(d Number) Number {
return Number{
Real: cmplx.Conj(d.Real),
Dual: d.Dual,
// Scale returns d scaled by f.
func Scale(f float64, d Number) Number {
return Number{Real: complex(f, 0) * d.Real, Dual: complex(f, 0) * d.Dual}
// Abs returns the absolute value of d.
func Abs(d Number) float64 {
return cmplx.Abs(d.Real)
// PowReal returns d**p, the base-d exponential of p.
// Special cases are (in order):
// PowReal(NaN+xϵ, ±0) = 1+NaNϵ for any x
// Pow(0+xϵ, y) = 0+Infϵ for all y < 1.
// Pow(0+xϵ, y) = 0 for all y > 1.
// PowReal(x, ±0) = 1 for any x
// PowReal(1+xϵ, y) = 1+xyϵ for any y
// Pow(Inf, y) = +Inf+NaNϵ for y > 0
// Pow(Inf, y) = +0+NaNϵ for y < 0
// PowReal(x, 1) = x for any x
// PowReal(NaN+xϵ, y) = NaN+NaNϵ
// PowReal(x, NaN) = NaN+NaNϵ
// PowReal(-1, ±Inf) = 1
// PowReal(x+0ϵ, +Inf) = +Inf+NaNϵ for |x| > 1
// PowReal(x+yϵ, +Inf) = +Inf for |x| > 1
// PowReal(x, -Inf) = +0+NaNϵ for |x| > 1
// PowReal(x, +Inf) = +0+NaNϵ for |x| < 1
// PowReal(x+0ϵ, -Inf) = +Inf+NaNϵ for |x| < 1
// PowReal(x, -Inf) = +Inf-Infϵ for |x| < 1
// PowReal(+Inf, y) = +Inf for y > 0
// PowReal(+Inf, y) = +0 for y < 0
// PowReal(-Inf, y) = Pow(-0, -y)
func PowReal(d Number, p float64) Number {
switch {
case p == 0:
switch {
case cmplx.IsNaN(d.Real):
return Number{Real: 1, Dual: cmplx.NaN()}
case d.Real == 0, cmplx.IsInf(d.Real):
return Number{Real: 1}
case p == 1:
if cmplx.IsInf(d.Real) {
d.Dual = cmplx.NaN()
return d
case math.IsInf(p, 1):
if d.Real == -1 {
return Number{Real: 1, Dual: cmplx.NaN()}
if Abs(d) > 1 {
if d.Dual == 0 {
return Number{Real: cmplx.Inf(), Dual: cmplx.NaN()}
return Number{Real: cmplx.Inf(), Dual: cmplx.Inf()}
return Number{Real: 0, Dual: cmplx.NaN()}
case math.IsInf(p, -1):
if d.Real == -1 {
return Number{Real: 1, Dual: cmplx.NaN()}
if Abs(d) > 1 {
return Number{Real: 0, Dual: cmplx.NaN()}
if d.Dual == 0 {
return Number{Real: cmplx.Inf(), Dual: cmplx.NaN()}
return Number{Real: cmplx.Inf(), Dual: cmplx.Inf()}
case math.IsNaN(p):
return Number{Real: cmplx.NaN(), Dual: cmplx.NaN()}
case d.Real == 0:
if p < 1 {
return Number{Real: d.Real, Dual: cmplx.Inf()}
return Number{Real: d.Real}
case cmplx.IsInf(d.Real):
if p < 0 {
return Number{Real: 0, Dual: cmplx.NaN()}
return Number{Real: cmplx.Inf(), Dual: cmplx.NaN()}
return Pow(d, Number{Real: complex(p, 0)})
// Pow returns d**p, the base-d exponential of p.
func Pow(d, p Number) Number {
return Exp(Mul(p, Log(d)))
// Sqrt returns the square root of d.
// Special cases are:
// Sqrt(+Inf) = +Inf
// Sqrt(±0) = (±0+Infϵ)
// Sqrt(x < 0) = NaN
// Sqrt(NaN) = NaN
func Sqrt(d Number) Number {
return PowReal(d, 0.5)
// Exp returns e**q, the base-e exponential of d.
// Special cases are:
// Exp(+Inf) = +Inf
// Exp(NaN) = NaN
// Very large values overflow to 0 or +Inf.
// Very small values underflow to 1.
func Exp(d Number) Number {
fn := cmplx.Exp(d.Real)
if imag(d.Real) == 0 {
return Number{Real: fn, Dual: fn * d.Dual}
conj := cmplx.Conj(d.Real)
return Number{
Real: fn,
Dual: ((fn - cmplx.Exp(conj)) / (d.Real - conj)) * d.Dual,
// Log returns the natural logarithm of d.
// Special cases are:
// Log(+Inf) = (+Inf+0ϵ)
// Log(0) = (-Inf±Infϵ)
// Log(x < 0) = NaN
// Log(NaN) = NaN
func Log(d Number) Number {
fn := cmplx.Log(d.Real)
switch {
case d.Real == 0:
return Number{
Real: fn,
Dual: complex(math.Copysign(math.Inf(1), real(d.Real)), math.NaN()),
case imag(d.Real) == 0:
return Number{
Real: fn,
Dual: d.Dual / d.Real,
case cmplx.IsInf(d.Real):
return Number{
Real: fn,
Dual: 0,
conj := cmplx.Conj(d.Real)
return Number{
Real: fn,
Dual: ((fn - cmplx.Log(conj)) / (d.Real - conj)) * d.Dual,