blob: ced5c50b0103bcf20d6b9c552b8d6dcf72abd166 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2019 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package card
import (
// exact is an exact cardinality accumulator.
type exact map[string]struct{}
func (e exact) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
if _, exists := e[string(b)]; exists {
return len(b), nil
e[string(b)] = struct{}{}
return len(b), nil
func (e exact) Count() float64 {
return float64(len(e))
type counter interface {
Count() float64
var counterTests = []struct {
name string
count float64
counter func() counter
tol float64
{name: "exact-1e5", count: 1e5, counter: func() counter { return make(exact) }, tol: 0},
{name: "HyperLogLog32-0-10-FNV-1a", count: 0, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog32(10, fnv.New32a())) }, tol: 0},
{name: "HyperLogLog64-0-10-FNV-1a", count: 0, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog64(10, fnv.New64a())) }, tol: 0},
{name: "HyperLogLog32-10-14-FNV-1a", count: 10, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog32(14, fnv.New32a())) }, tol: 0.0005},
{name: "HyperLogLog32-1e3-4-FNV-1a", count: 1e3, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog32(4, fnv.New32a())) }, tol: 0.1},
{name: "HyperLogLog32-1e4-6-FNV-1a", count: 1e4, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog32(6, fnv.New32a())) }, tol: 0.06},
{name: "HyperLogLog32-1e7-8-FNV-1a", count: 1e7, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog32(8, fnv.New32a())) }, tol: 0.03},
{name: "HyperLogLog64-1e7-8-FNV-1a", count: 1e7, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog64(8, fnv.New64a())) }, tol: 0.07},
{name: "HyperLogLog32-1e7-10-FNV-1a", count: 1e7, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog32(10, fnv.New32a())) }, tol: 0.06},
{name: "HyperLogLog64-1e7-10-FNV-1a", count: 1e7, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog64(10, fnv.New64a())) }, tol: 0.02},
{name: "HyperLogLog32-1e7-14-FNV-1a", count: 1e7, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog32(14, fnv.New32a())) }, tol: 0.005},
{name: "HyperLogLog64-1e7-14-FNV-1a", count: 1e7, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog64(14, fnv.New64a())) }, tol: 0.002},
{name: "HyperLogLog32-1e7-16-FNV-1a", count: 1e7, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog32(16, fnv.New32a())) }, tol: 0.005},
{name: "HyperLogLog64-1e7-16-FNV-1a", count: 1e7, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog64(16, fnv.New64a())) }, tol: 0.002},
{name: "HyperLogLog64-1e7-20-FNV-1a", count: 1e7, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog64(20, fnv.New64a())) }, tol: 0.001},
{name: "HyperLogLog64-1e3-20-FNV-1a", count: 1e3, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog64(20, fnv.New64a())) }, tol: 0.001},
func mustCounter(c counter, err error) counter {
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad test: %v", err))
return c
func TestCounters(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range counterTests {
test := test
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
var dst []byte
c := test.counter()
for i := 0; i < int(test.count); i++ {
dst = strconv.AppendUint(dst[:0], rnd.Uint64(), 16)
dst = append(dst, '-')
dst = strconv.AppendUint(dst, uint64(i), 16)
n, err := c.Write(dst)
if n != len(dst) {
t.Errorf("unexpected number of bytes written for %s: got:%d want:%d",, n, len(dst))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error for %s: %v",, err)
if got := c.Count(); !scalar.EqualWithinRel(got, test.count, test.tol) {
t.Errorf("unexpected count for %s: got:%.0f want:%.0f",, got, test.count)
func TestUnion(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range counterTests {
if strings.HasPrefix(, "exact") {
test := test
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
var dst []byte
var cs [2]counter
for j := range cs {
cs[j] = test.counter()
for i := 0; i < int(test.count); i++ {
dst = strconv.AppendUint(dst[:0], rnd.Uint64(), 16)
dst = append(dst, '-')
dst = strconv.AppendUint(dst, uint64(i), 16)
n, err := cs[j].Write(dst)
if n != len(dst) {
t.Errorf("unexpected number of bytes written for %s: got:%d want:%d",, n, len(dst))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error for %s: %v",, err)
u := test.counter()
var err error
switch u := u.(type) {
case *HyperLogLog32:
err = u.Union(cs[0].(*HyperLogLog32), cs[1].(*HyperLogLog32))
case *HyperLogLog64:
err = u.Union(cs[0].(*HyperLogLog64), cs[1].(*HyperLogLog64))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error from Union call: %v", err)
if got := u.Count(); !scalar.EqualWithinRel(got, 2*test.count, 2*test.tol) {
t.Errorf("unexpected count for %s: got:%.0f want:%.0f",, got, 2*test.count)
type resetCounter interface {
var counterResetTests = []struct {
name string
count int
resetCounter func() resetCounter
{name: "HyperLogLog32-1e3-4-FNV-1a", count: 1e3, resetCounter: func() resetCounter { return mustResetCounter(NewHyperLogLog32(4, fnv.New32a())) }},
{name: "HyperLogLog64-1e3-4-FNV-1a", count: 1e3, resetCounter: func() resetCounter { return mustResetCounter(NewHyperLogLog64(4, fnv.New64a())) }},
{name: "HyperLogLog32-1e4-6-FNV-1a", count: 1e4, resetCounter: func() resetCounter { return mustResetCounter(NewHyperLogLog32(6, fnv.New32a())) }},
{name: "HyperLogLog64-1e4-6-FNV-1a", count: 1e4, resetCounter: func() resetCounter { return mustResetCounter(NewHyperLogLog64(6, fnv.New64a())) }},
func mustResetCounter(c resetCounter, err error) resetCounter {
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad test: %v", err))
return c
func TestResetCounters(t *testing.T) {
var dst []byte
for _, test := range counterResetTests {
c := test.resetCounter()
var counts [2]float64
for k := range counts {
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
for i := 0; i < int(test.count); i++ {
dst = strconv.AppendUint(dst[:0], rnd.Uint64(), 16)
dst = append(dst, '-')
dst = strconv.AppendUint(dst, uint64(i), 16)
n, err := c.Write(dst)
if n != len(dst) {
t.Errorf("unexpected number of bytes written for %s: got:%d want:%d",, n, len(dst))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error for %s: %v",, err)
counts[k] = c.Count()
if counts[0] != counts[1] {
t.Errorf("unexpected counts for %s after reset: got:%.0f",, counts)
type counterEncoder interface {
var counterEncoderTests = []struct {
name string
count int
src, dst, zdst func() counterEncoder
name: "HyperLogLog32-4-4-FNV-1a", count: 1e3,
src: func() counterEncoder { return mustCounterEncoder(NewHyperLogLog32(4, fnv.New32a())) },
dst: func() counterEncoder { return mustCounterEncoder(NewHyperLogLog32(4, fnv.New32a())) },
zdst: func() counterEncoder { return &HyperLogLog32{} },
name: "HyperLogLog32-4-8-FNV-1a", count: 1e3,
src: func() counterEncoder { return mustCounterEncoder(NewHyperLogLog32(4, fnv.New32a())) },
dst: func() counterEncoder { return mustCounterEncoder(NewHyperLogLog32(8, fnv.New32a())) },
zdst: func() counterEncoder { return &HyperLogLog32{} },
name: "HyperLogLog32-8-4-FNV-1a", count: 1e3,
src: func() counterEncoder { return mustCounterEncoder(NewHyperLogLog32(8, fnv.New32a())) },
dst: func() counterEncoder { return mustCounterEncoder(NewHyperLogLog32(4, fnv.New32a())) },
zdst: func() counterEncoder { return &HyperLogLog32{} },
name: "HyperLogLog64-4-4-FNV-1a", count: 1e3,
src: func() counterEncoder { return mustCounterEncoder(NewHyperLogLog64(4, fnv.New64a())) },
dst: func() counterEncoder { return mustCounterEncoder(NewHyperLogLog64(4, fnv.New64a())) },
zdst: func() counterEncoder { return &HyperLogLog64{} },
name: "HyperLogLog64-4-8-FNV-1a", count: 1e3,
src: func() counterEncoder { return mustCounterEncoder(NewHyperLogLog64(4, fnv.New64a())) },
dst: func() counterEncoder { return mustCounterEncoder(NewHyperLogLog64(8, fnv.New64a())) },
zdst: func() counterEncoder { return &HyperLogLog64{} },
name: "HyperLogLog64-8-4-FNV-1a", count: 1e3,
src: func() counterEncoder { return mustCounterEncoder(NewHyperLogLog64(8, fnv.New64a())) },
dst: func() counterEncoder { return mustCounterEncoder(NewHyperLogLog64(4, fnv.New64a())) },
zdst: func() counterEncoder { return &HyperLogLog64{} },
func mustCounterEncoder(c counterEncoder, err error) counterEncoder {
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad test: %v", err))
return c
func TestBinaryEncoding(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
hashes = sync.Map{}
for _, test := range counterEncoderTests {
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
src := test.src()
for i := 0; i < int(test.count); i++ {
buf := strconv.AppendUint(nil, rnd.Uint64(), 16)
buf = append(buf, '-')
buf = strconv.AppendUint(buf, uint64(i), 16)
n, err := src.Write(buf)
if n != len(buf) {
t.Errorf("unexpected number of bytes written for %s: got:%d want:%d",, n, len(buf))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error for %s: %v",, err)
buf, err := src.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error marshaling binary for %s: %v",, err)
dst := test.dst()
err = dst.UnmarshalBinary(buf)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error unmarshaling binary for %s: %v",, err)
zdst := test.zdst()
err = zdst.UnmarshalBinary(buf)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error unmarshaling binary into zero receiver for %s: %v",, err)
gotSrc := src.Count()
gotDst := dst.Count()
gotZdst := zdst.Count()
if gotSrc != gotDst {
t.Errorf("unexpected count for %s: got:%.0f want:%.0f",, gotDst, gotSrc)
if gotSrc != gotZdst {
t.Errorf("unexpected count for %s into zero receiver: got:%.0f want:%.0f",, gotZdst, gotSrc)
var invalidRegisterTests = []struct {
fn interface{}
panics bool
{fn: int(0), panics: true},
{fn: func() {}, panics: true},
{fn: func(int) {}, panics: true},
{fn: func() int { return 0 }, panics: true},
{fn: func() hash.Hash { return fnv.New32a() }, panics: true},
{fn: func() hash.Hash32 { return fnv.New32a() }, panics: false},
{fn: func() hash.Hash { return fnv.New64a() }, panics: true},
{fn: func() hash.Hash64 { return fnv.New64a() }, panics: false},
func TestRegisterInvalid(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range invalidRegisterTests {
var r interface{}
func() {
defer func() {
r = recover()
panicked := r != nil
if panicked != test.panics {
if panicked {
t.Errorf("unexpected panic for %T", test.fn)
} else {
t.Errorf("expected panic for %T", test.fn)
var rhoQTests = []struct {
bits uint
q uint8
want uint8
{bits: 0xff, q: 8, want: 1},
{bits: 0xfe, q: 8, want: 1},
{bits: 0x0f, q: 8, want: 5},
{bits: 0x1f, q: 8, want: 4},
{bits: 0x00, q: 8, want: 9},
func TestRhoQ(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range rhoQTests {
got := rho32q(uint32(test.bits), test.q)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("unexpected rho32q for %0*b: got:%d want:%d", test.q, test.bits, got, test.want)
got = rho64q(uint64(test.bits), test.q)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("unexpected rho64q for %0*b: got:%d want:%d", test.q, test.bits, got, test.want)
var counterBenchmarks = []struct {
name string
count int
counter func() counter
{name: "exact-1e6", count: 1e6, counter: func() counter { return make(exact) }},
{name: "HyperLogLog32-1e6-8-FNV-1a", count: 1e6, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog32(8, fnv.New32a())) }},
{name: "HyperLogLog64-1e6-8-FNV-1a", count: 1e6, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog64(8, fnv.New64a())) }},
{name: "HyperLogLog32-1e6-16-FNV-1a", count: 1e6, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog32(16, fnv.New32a())) }},
{name: "HyperLogLog64-1e6-16-FNV-1a", count: 1e6, counter: func() counter { return mustCounter(NewHyperLogLog64(16, fnv.New64a())) }},
func BenchmarkCounters(b *testing.B) {
for _, bench := range counterBenchmarks {
c := bench.counter()
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
var dst []byte
b.Run(, func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
for j := 0; j < int(bench.count); j++ {
dst = strconv.AppendUint(dst[:0], rnd.Uint64(), 16)
dst = append(dst, '-')
dst = strconv.AppendUint(dst, uint64(j), 16)
_, _ = c.Write(dst)
_ = c.Count()