blob: 9159ea27433fc4b5fd23451bd2b4505d34033fed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2021 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// See Lewis, A Guide to Graph Colouring: Algorithms and Applications
// doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25730-3 for significant discussion of approaches.
package coloring
import (
// ErrInvalidPartialColoring is returned when a partial coloring
// is provided for a graph with inadmissible color assignments.
var ErrInvalidPartialColoring = errors.New("coloring: invalid partial coloring")
// Sets returns the mapping from colors to sets of node IDs. Each set of
// node IDs is sorted by ascending value.
func Sets(colors map[int64]int) map[int][]int64 {
sets := make(map[int][]int64)
for id, c := range colors {
sets[c] = append(sets[c], id)
for _, s := range sets {
sort.Slice(s, func(i, j int) bool { return s[i] < s[j] })
return sets
// Dsatur returns an approximate minimal chromatic number of g and a
// corresponding vertex coloring using the heuristic Dsatur coloring algorithm.
// If a partial coloring is provided the coloring will be consistent with
// that partial coloring if possible. Otherwise Dsatur will return
// ErrInvalidPartialColoring.
// See Brélaz doi:10.1145/359094.359101 for details of the algorithm.
func Dsatur(g graph.Undirected, partial map[int64]int) (k int, colors map[int64]int, err error) {
nodes := g.Nodes()
n := nodes.Len()
if n == 0 {
partial, ok := newPartial(partial, g)
if !ok {
return -1, nil, ErrInvalidPartialColoring
order := bySaturationDegree(nodes, g, partial)
order.heuristic = order.dsatur
k, colors = greedyColoringOf(g, order, order.colors)
return k, colors, nil
// Terminator is a cancellation-only context type. A context.Context
// may be used as a Terminator.
type Terminator interface {
// Done returns a channel that is closed when work
// should be terminated. Done may return nil if this
// work can never be canceled.
// Successive calls to Done should return the same value.
Done() <-chan struct{}
// If Done is not yet closed, Err returns nil.
// If Done is closed, Err returns a non-nil error
// explaining why.
// After Err returns a non-nil error, successive
// calls to Err should return the same error.
Err() error
// DsaturExact returns the exact minimal chromatic number of g and a
// corresponding vertex coloring using the branch-and-bound Dsatur coloring
// algorithm of Brélaz. If the provided terminator is cancelled or times out
// before completion, the terminator's reason for termination will be returned
// along with a potentially sub-optimal chromatic number and coloring. If
// term is nil, DsaturExact will run to completion.
// See Brélaz doi:10.1145/359094.359101 for details of the algorithm.
func DsaturExact(term Terminator, g graph.Undirected) (k int, colors map[int64]int, err error) {
// This is implemented essentially as described in algorithm 1 of
// doi:10.1002/net.21716 with the exception that we obtain a
// tighter upper bound by doing a single run of an approximate
// Brélaz Dsatur coloring, using the result if the recurrence is
// cancelled.
// We also use the initial maximum clique as a starting point for
// the exact search. If there is more than one maximum clique, we
// need to ensure that we pick the one that will lead us down the
// easiest branch of the search tree. This will be the maximum
// clique with the lowest degree into the remainder of the graph.
nodes := g.Nodes()
n := nodes.Len()
if n == 0 {
lb, maxClique, cliques := maximumClique(g)
if lb == n {
return lb, colorClique(maxClique), nil
order := bySaturationDegree(nodes, g, make(map[int64]int))
order.heuristic = order.dsatur
// Find initial coloring via Dsatur heuristic.
ub, initial := greedyColoringOf(g, order, order.colors)
if lb == ub {
return ub, initial, nil
selector := &order.saturationDegree
cand := newDsaturColoring(order.nodes, bestMaximumClique(g, cliques))
k, colors, err = dSaturExact(term, selector, cand, len(cand.colors), ub, nil)
if colors == nil {
return ub, initial, err
if k == lb {
err = nil
return k, colors, err
// dSaturColoring is a partial graph coloring.
type dSaturColoring struct {
colors map[int64]int
uncolored set.Int64s
// newDsaturColoring returns a dSaturColoring representing a partial coloring
// of a graph with the given nodes and colors.
func newDsaturColoring(nodes []graph.Node, colors map[int64]int) dSaturColoring {
uncolored := make(set.Int64s)
for _, v := range nodes {
vid := v.ID()
if _, ok := colors[vid]; !ok {
return dSaturColoring{
colors: colors,
uncolored: uncolored,
// color moves a node from the uncolored set to the colored set.
func (c dSaturColoring) color(id int64) {
if !c.uncolored.Has(id) {
if _, ok := c.colors[id]; ok {
panic("coloring: coloring already colored node")
panic("coloring: coloring non-existent node")
// The node has its uncolored mark removed, but is
// not explicitly colored until the dSaturExact
// caller has completed its recursive exploration
// of the feasible colors.
// uncolor moves a node from the colored set to the uncolored set.
func (c dSaturColoring) uncolor(id int64) {
if _, ok := c.colors[id]; !ok {
if c.uncolored.Has(id) {
panic("coloring: uncoloring already uncolored node")
panic("coloring: uncoloring non-existent node")
delete(c.colors, id)
// dSaturExact recursively searches for an exact minimum vertex coloring of the
// full graph in cand. If no chromatic number lower than ub is found, colors is
// returned as nil.
func dSaturExact(term Terminator, selector *saturationDegree, cand dSaturColoring, k, ub int, best map[int64]int) (newK int, colors map[int64]int, err error) {
if len(cand.uncolored) == 0 {
// In the published algorithm, this is guarded by k < ub,
// but dSaturExact is never called with k >= ub; in the
// initial call we have excluded cases where k == ub and
// it cannot be greater, and in the recursive call, we
// have already checked that k < ub.
return k, clone(cand.colors), nil
if term != nil {
select {
case <-term.Done():
if best == nil {
return -1, nil, term.Err()
colors := make(set.Ints)
for _, c := range best {
return colors.Count(), best, term.Err()
// Select the next node.
vid := selector.nodes[selector.dsatur()].ID()
// If uncolor panics, we have failed to find a
// feasible color. This should never happen.
defer cand.uncolor(vid)
// Keep the adjacent colors set as it will be
// overwritten by child recurrences.
adjColors := selector.adjColors[selector.indexOf[vid]]
// Collect all feasible existing colors plus one, remembering it.
feasible := make(set.Ints)
for _, c := range cand.colors {
if adjColors.Has(c) {
var newCol int
for c := 0; c < ub; c++ {
if feasible.Has(c) || adjColors.Has(c) {
newCol = c
// Recur over every feasible color.
for c := range feasible {
cand.colors[vid] = c
effK := k
if c == newCol {
// In the published algorithm, the expression max(effK, lb) < ub is
// used, but lb < ub always since it is not updated and dSaturExact
// is not called if lb == ub, and it cannot be greater.
if effK < ub {
ub, best, err = dSaturExact(term, selector, cand, effK, ub, best)
if err != nil {
return ub, best, err
return ub, best, nil
// maximumClique returns a maximum clique in g and its order.
func maximumClique(g graph.Undirected) (k int, maxClique []graph.Node, cliques [][]graph.Node) {
cliques = topo.BronKerbosch(g)
for _, c := range topo.BronKerbosch(g) {
if len(c) > len(maxClique) {
maxClique = c
return len(maxClique), maxClique, cliques
// bestMaximumClique returns the maximum clique in g with the lowest degree into
// the remainder of the graph.
func bestMaximumClique(g graph.Undirected, cliques [][]graph.Node) (colors map[int64]int) {
switch len(cliques) {
case 0:
return nil
case 1:
return colorClique(cliques[0])
sort.Slice(cliques, func(i, j int) bool { return len(cliques[i]) > len(cliques[j]) })
maxClique := cliques[0]
minDegree := cliqueDegree(g, maxClique)
for _, c := range cliques[1:] {
if len(c) < len(maxClique) {
d := cliqueDegree(g, c)
if d < minDegree {
minDegree = d
maxClique = c
return colorClique(maxClique)
// cliqueDegree returns the degree of the clique to nodes outside the clique.
func cliqueDegree(g graph.Undirected, clique []graph.Node) int {
n := make(set.Int64s)
for _, u := range clique {
to := g.From(u.ID())
for to.Next() {
return n.Count() - len(clique)
// colorClique returns a valid coloring for the given clique.
func colorClique(clique []graph.Node) map[int64]int {
colors := make(map[int64]int, len(clique))
for c, u := range clique {
colors[u.ID()] = c
return colors
// Randomized returns an approximate minimal chromatic number of g and a
// corresponding vertex coloring using a greedy coloring algorithm with a
// random node ordering. If src is non-nil it will be used as the random
// source, otherwise the global random source will be used. If a partial
// coloring is provided the coloring will be consistent with that partial
// coloring if possible. Otherwise Randomized will return
// ErrInvalidPartialColoring.
func Randomized(g graph.Undirected, partial map[int64]int, src rand.Source) (k int, colors map[int64]int, err error) {
nodes := g.Nodes()
n := nodes.Len()
if n == 0 {
partial, ok := newPartial(partial, g)
if !ok {
return -1, nil, ErrInvalidPartialColoring
k, colors = greedyColoringOf(g, randomize(nodes, src), partial)
return k, colors, nil
// randomize returns a graph.Node iterator that returns nodes in a random
// order.
func randomize(it graph.Nodes, src rand.Source) graph.Nodes {
nodes := graph.NodesOf(it)
var shuffle func(int, func(i, j int))
if src == nil {
shuffle = rand.Shuffle
} else {
shuffle = rand.New(src).Shuffle
shuffle(len(nodes), func(i, j int) {
nodes[i], nodes[j] = nodes[j], nodes[i]
return iterator.NewOrderedNodes(nodes)
// RecursiveLargestFirst returns an approximate minimal chromatic number
// of g and a corresponding vertex coloring using the Recursive Largest
// First coloring algorithm.
// See Leighton doi:10.6028/jres.084.024 for details of the algorithm.
func RecursiveLargestFirst(g graph.Undirected) (k int, colors map[int64]int) {
it := g.Nodes()
n := it.Len()
if n == 0 {
nodes := graph.NodesOf(it)
colors = make(map[int64]int)
// The names of variable here have been changed from the original PL-1
// for clarity, but the correspondence is as follows:
// E -> isolated
// F -> boundary
// L -> current
// COL -> k
// C -> colors
// Initialize the boundary vector to the node degrees.
boundary := make([]int, len(nodes))
indexOf := make(map[int64]int)
for i, u := range nodes {
uid := u.ID()
indexOf[uid] = i
boundary[i] = g.From(uid).Len()
deleteFrom := func(vec []int, idx int) {
vec[idx] = -1
to := g.From(nodes[idx].ID())
for to.Next() {
isolated := make([]int, len(nodes))
// If there are any uncolored nodes, initiate the assignment of the next color.
// Incrementing color happens at the end of the loop in this implementation.
var current int
for j := 0; j < n; {
// Reinitialize the isolated vector.
copy(isolated, boundary)
// Select the node in U₁ with maximal degree in U₁.
for i := range nodes {
if boundary[i] > boundary[current] {
current = i
// Color the node just selected and continue to
// color nodes with color k until U₁ is empty.
for isolated[current] >= 0 {
// Color node and modify U₁ and U₂ accordingly.
deleteFrom(isolated, current)
deleteFrom(boundary, current)
colors[nodes[current].ID()] = k
to := g.From(nodes[current].ID())
for to.Next() {
i := indexOf[to.Node().ID()]
if isolated[i] >= 0 {
deleteFrom(isolated, i)
// Find the first node in U₁, if any.
for i := range nodes {
if isolated[i] < 0 {
// If U₁ is not empty, select the next node for coloring.
current = i
currAvail := boundary[current] - isolated[current]
for j := i; j < n; j++ {
if isolated[j] < 0 {
nextAvail := boundary[j] - isolated[j]
switch {
case nextAvail > currAvail, nextAvail == currAvail && isolated[j] < isolated[current]:
current = j
currAvail = boundary[current] - isolated[current]
return k, colors
// SanSegundo returns an approximate minimal chromatic number of g and a
// corresponding vertex coloring using the PASS rule with a single run of a
// greedy coloring algorithm. If a partial coloring is provided the coloring
// will be consistent with that partial coloring if possible. Otherwise
// SanSegundo will return ErrInvalidPartialColoring.
// See San Segundo doi:10.1016/j.cor.2011.10.008 for details of the algorithm.
func SanSegundo(g graph.Undirected, partial map[int64]int) (k int, colors map[int64]int, err error) {
nodes := g.Nodes()
n := nodes.Len()
if n == 0 {
partial, ok := newPartial(partial, g)
if !ok {
return -1, nil, ErrInvalidPartialColoring
order := bySaturationDegree(nodes, g, partial)
order.heuristic = order.pass
k, colors = greedyColoringOf(g, order, order.colors)
return k, colors, nil
// WelshPowell returns an approximate minimal chromatic number of g and a
// corresponding vertex coloring using the Welsh and Powell coloring algorithm.
// If a partial coloring is provided the coloring will be consistent with that
// partial coloring if possible. Otherwise WelshPowell will return
// ErrInvalidPartialColoring.
// See Welsh and Powell doi:10.1093/comjnl/10.1.85 for details of the algorithm.
func WelshPowell(g graph.Undirected, partial map[int64]int) (k int, colors map[int64]int, err error) {
nodes := g.Nodes()
n := nodes.Len()
if n == 0 {
partial, ok := newPartial(partial, g)
if !ok {
return -1, nil, ErrInvalidPartialColoring
k, colors = greedyColoringOf(g, byDescendingDegree(nodes, g), partial)
return k, colors, nil
// byDescendingDegree returns a graph.Node iterator that returns nodes
// in order of descending degree.
func byDescendingDegree(it graph.Nodes, g graph.Undirected) graph.Nodes {
nodes := graph.NodesOf(it)
n := byDescDegree{nodes: nodes, degrees: make([]int, len(nodes))}
for i, u := range nodes {
n.degrees[i] = g.From(u.ID()).Len()
return iterator.NewOrderedNodes(nodes)
// byDescDegree sorts a slice of graph.Node descending by the corresponding
// value of the degrees slice.
type byDescDegree struct {
nodes []graph.Node
degrees []int
func (n byDescDegree) Len() int { return len(n.nodes) }
func (n byDescDegree) Less(i, j int) bool { return n.degrees[i] > n.degrees[j] }
func (n byDescDegree) Swap(i, j int) {
n.nodes[i], n.nodes[j] = n.nodes[j], n.nodes[i]
n.degrees[i], n.degrees[j] = n.degrees[j], n.degrees[i]
// newPartial returns a new valid partial coloring is valid for g. An empty
// partial coloring is valid. If the partial coloring is not valid, a nil map
// is returned, otherwise a new non-nil map is returned. If the input partial
// coloring is nil, a new map is created and returned.
func newPartial(partial map[int64]int, g graph.Undirected) (map[int64]int, bool) {
if partial == nil {
return make(map[int64]int), true
for id, c := range partial {
if g.Node(id) == nil {
return nil, false
to := g.From(id)
for to.Next() {
if oc, ok := partial[to.Node().ID()]; ok && c == oc {
return nil, false
return clone(partial), true
func clone(colors map[int64]int) map[int64]int {
new := make(map[int64]int, len(colors))
for id, c := range colors {
new[id] = c
return new
// greedyColoringOf returns the chromatic number and a graph coloring of g
// based on the sequential coloring of nodes given by order and starting from
// the given partial coloring.
func greedyColoringOf(g graph.Undirected, order graph.Nodes, partial map[int64]int) (k int, colors map[int64]int) {
colors = partial
constrained := false
for _, c := range colors {
if c > k {
k = c
constrained = true
// Next nodes are chosen by the specified heuristic in order.
for order.Next() {
uid := order.Node().ID()
used := colorsOf(g.From(uid), colors)
if c, ok := colors[uid]; ok {
if used.Has(c) {
return -1, nil
// Color the chosen vertex with the least possible
// (lowest numbered) color.
for c := 0; c <= k+1; c++ {
if !used.Has(c) {
colors[uid] = c
if c > k {
k = c
if !constrained {
return k + 1, colors
seen := make(set.Ints)
for _, c := range colors {
return seen.Count(), colors
// colorsOf returns all the colors in the coloring that are used by the
// given nodes.
func colorsOf(nodes graph.Nodes, coloring map[int64]int) set.Ints {
c := make(set.Ints, nodes.Len())
for nodes.Next() {
used, ok := coloring[nodes.Node().ID()]
if ok {
return c
// saturationDegreeIterator is a graph.Nodes iterator that returns nodes ordered
// by decreasing saturation degree.
type saturationDegreeIterator struct {
// cnt is the number of nodes that
// have been returned and curr is
// the current selection.
cnt, curr int
// heuristic determines the
// iterator's node selection
// heuristic. It can be either
// saturationDegree.dsatur or
// saturationDegree.pass.
heuristic func() int
// bySaturationDegree returns a new saturationDegreeIterator that will
// iterate over the node in it based on the given graph and partial coloring.
// The saturationDegreeIterator holds a reference to colors allowing
// greedyColoringOf to update its coloring.
func bySaturationDegree(it graph.Nodes, g graph.Undirected, colors map[int64]int) *saturationDegreeIterator {
return &saturationDegreeIterator{
cnt: -1, curr: -1,
saturationDegree: newSaturationDegree(it, g, colors),
// Len returns the number of elements remaining in the iterator.
// saturationDegreeIterator is an indeterminate iterator, so Len always
// returns -1. This is required to satisfy the graph.Iterator interface.
func (n *saturationDegreeIterator) Len() int { return -1 }
// Next advances the iterator to the next node and returns whether
// the next call to the Node method will return a valid Node.
func (n *saturationDegreeIterator) Next() bool {
if uint(n.cnt)+1 < uint(len(n.nodes)) {
switch n.cnt {
case 0:
max := -1
for i, d := range n.degrees {
if d > max {
max = d
n.curr = i
prev := n.Node().ID()
c := n.colors[prev]
to := n.g.From(prev)
for to.Next() {
chosen := n.heuristic()
if chosen < 0 || chosen == n.curr {
return false
n.curr = chosen
return true
n.cnt = len(n.nodes)
return false
// Node returns the current node.
func (n *saturationDegreeIterator) Node() graph.Node { return n.nodes[n.curr] }
// Reset implements the graph.Iterator interface. It should not be called.
func (n *saturationDegreeIterator) Reset() { panic("coloring: invalid call to Reset") }
// saturationDegree is a saturation degree node choice heuristic.
type saturationDegree struct {
// nodes is the set of nodes being
// iterated over.
nodes []graph.Node
// indexOf is a mapping between node
// IDs and elements of degree and
// adjColors. degrees holds the
// degree of each node and adjColors
// holds the current adjacent
// colors of each node.
indexOf map[int64]int
degrees []int
adjColors []set.Ints
// g and colors are the graph coloring.
// colors is held by both the iterator
// and greedyColoringOf.
g graph.Undirected
colors map[int64]int
// work is a temporary workspace.
work []int
// newSaturationDegree returns a saturationDegree heuristic based on the
// nodes in the given node iterator and graph, using the provided coloring.
func newSaturationDegree(it graph.Nodes, g graph.Undirected, colors map[int64]int) saturationDegree {
nodes := graph.NodesOf(it)
sd := saturationDegree{
nodes: nodes,
indexOf: make(map[int64]int, len(nodes)),
degrees: make([]int, len(nodes)),
adjColors: make([]set.Ints, len(nodes)),
g: g,
colors: colors,
for i, u := range nodes {
sd.degrees[i] = g.From(u.ID()).Len()
sd.adjColors[i] = make(set.Ints)
sd.indexOf[u.ID()] = i
for uid, c := range colors {
to := g.From(uid)
for to.Next() {
return sd
// reset re-initializes the saturation with the provided colors.
func (sd *saturationDegree) reset(colors map[int64]int) {
sd.colors = colors
for i := range sd.nodes {
sd.adjColors[i] = make(set.Ints)
for uid, c := range colors {
to := sd.g.From(uid)
for to.Next() {
// dsatur implements the Dsatur heuristic from Brélaz doi:10.1145/359094.359101.
func (sd *saturationDegree) dsatur() int {
maxSat, maxDeg, chosen := -1, -1, -1
for i, u := range sd.nodes {
uid := u.ID()
if _, ok := sd.colors[uid]; ok {
s := saturationDegreeOf(uid, sd.g, sd.colors)
d := sd.degrees[i]
switch {
// Choose a vertex with a maximal saturation degree.
// If there is an equality, choose any vertex of maximal
// degree in the uncolored subgraph.
case s > maxSat, s == maxSat && d > maxDeg:
maxSat = s
maxDeg = d
chosen = i
return chosen
// pass implements the PASS heuristic from San Segundo doi:10.1016/j.cor.2011.10.008.
func (sd *saturationDegree) pass() int {
maxSat, chosen := -1, -1 =[:0]
for i, u := range sd.nodes {
uid := u.ID()
if _, ok := sd.colors[uid]; ok {
s := saturationDegreeOf(uid, sd.g, sd.colors)
switch {
case s > maxSat:
maxSat = s =[:0]
case s == maxSat: = append(, i)
maxAvail := -1
for _, vs := range {
var avail int
for _, v := range {
if v != vs {
avail += sd.same(sd.adjColors[vs], sd.adjColors[v])
switch {
case avail > maxAvail, avail == maxAvail && sd.nodes[chosen].ID() < sd.nodes[vs].ID():
maxAvail = avail
chosen = vs
return chosen
// same implements the same function from San Segundo doi:10.1016/j.cor.2011.10.008.
func (sd *saturationDegree) same(vi, vj set.Ints) int {
valid := make(set.Ints)
for _, c := range sd.colors {
if !vi.Has(c) {
for c := range vj {
return valid.Count()
// saturationDegreeOf returns the saturation degree of the node corresponding to
// vid in g with the given coloring.
func saturationDegreeOf(vid int64, g graph.Undirected, colors map[int64]int) int {
if _, ok := colors[vid]; ok {
panic("coloring: saturation degree not defined for colored node")
adjColors := make(set.Ints)
to := g.From(vid)
for to.Next() {
if c, ok := colors[to.Node().ID()]; ok {
return adjColors.Count()