blob: 0af3d48dc740194fc3b1eb7bcd2c194a5170eb59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2014 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package multi
import (
var (
wug *WeightedUndirectedGraph
_ graph.Graph = wug
_ graph.Weighted = wug
_ graph.Undirected = wug
_ graph.WeightedUndirected = wug
_ graph.Multigraph = wug
_ graph.UndirectedMultigraph = wug
_ graph.WeightedUndirectedMultigraph = wug
_ graph.NodeAdder = wug
_ graph.NodeRemover = wug
_ graph.WeightedLineAdder = wug
_ graph.LineRemover = wug
// WeightedUndirectedGraph implements a generalized undirected graph.
type WeightedUndirectedGraph struct {
// EdgeWEightFunc is used to provide
// the WeightFunc function for WeightedEdge
// values returned by the graph.
// WeightFunc must accept a nil input.
EdgeWeightFunc func(graph.WeightedLines) float64
nodes map[int64]graph.Node
lines map[int64]map[int64]map[int64]graph.WeightedLine
nodeIDs uid.Set
lineIDs uid.Set
// NewWeightedUndirectedGraph returns an WeightedUndirectedGraph.
func NewWeightedUndirectedGraph() *WeightedUndirectedGraph {
return &WeightedUndirectedGraph{
nodes: make(map[int64]graph.Node),
lines: make(map[int64]map[int64]map[int64]graph.WeightedLine),
nodeIDs: uid.NewSet(),
lineIDs: uid.NewSet(),
// AddNode adds n to the graph. It panics if the added node ID matches an existing node ID.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) AddNode(n graph.Node) {
if _, exists := g.nodes[n.ID()]; exists {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("simple: node ID collision: %d", n.ID()))
g.nodes[n.ID()] = n
// Edge returns the edge from u to v if such an edge exists and nil otherwise.
// The node v must be directly reachable from u as defined by the From method.
// The returned graph.Edge is a multi.WeightedEdge if an edge exists.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) Edge(uid, vid int64) graph.Edge {
return g.WeightedEdge(uid, vid)
// EdgeBetween returns the edge between nodes x and y.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) EdgeBetween(xid, yid int64) graph.Edge {
return g.WeightedEdge(xid, yid)
// Edges returns all the edges in the graph. Each edge in the returned slice
// is a multi.Edge.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) Edges() graph.Edges {
if len(g.lines) == 0 {
return graph.Empty
var edges []graph.Edge
seen := make(map[int64]struct{})
for _, u := range g.lines {
for _, e := range u {
var lines []graph.WeightedLine
for _, l := range e {
lid := l.ID()
if _, ok := seen[lid]; ok {
seen[lid] = struct{}{}
lines = append(lines, l)
if len(lines) != 0 {
edges = append(edges, WeightedEdge{
F: g.Node(lines[0].From().ID()),
T: g.Node(lines[0].To().ID()),
WeightedLines: iterator.NewOrderedWeightedLines(lines),
WeightFunc: g.EdgeWeightFunc,
if len(edges) == 0 {
return graph.Empty
return iterator.NewOrderedEdges(edges)
// From returns all nodes in g that can be reached directly from n.
// The returned graph.Nodes is only valid until the next mutation of
// the receiver.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) From(id int64) graph.Nodes {
if len(g.lines[id]) == 0 {
return graph.Empty
return iterator.NewNodesByWeightedLines(g.nodes, g.lines[id])
// HasEdgeBetween returns whether an edge exists between nodes x and y.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) HasEdgeBetween(xid, yid int64) bool {
_, ok := g.lines[xid][yid]
return ok
// Lines returns the lines from u to v if such an edge exists and nil otherwise.
// The node v must be directly reachable from u as defined by the From method.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) Lines(uid, vid int64) graph.Lines {
return g.LinesBetween(uid, vid)
// LinesBetween returns the lines between nodes x and y.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) LinesBetween(xid, yid int64) graph.Lines {
edge := g.lines[xid][yid]
if len(edge) == 0 {
return graph.Empty
var lines []graph.Line
seen := make(map[int64]struct{})
for _, l := range edge {
lid := l.ID()
if _, ok := seen[lid]; ok {
seen[lid] = struct{}{}
lines = append(lines, l)
return iterator.NewOrderedLines(lines)
// NewNode returns a new unique Node to be added to g. The Node's ID does
// not become valid in g until the Node is added to g.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) NewNode() graph.Node {
if len(g.nodes) == 0 {
return Node(0)
if int64(len(g.nodes)) == uid.Max {
panic("simple: cannot allocate node: no slot")
return Node(g.nodeIDs.NewID())
// NewWeightedLine returns a new WeightedLine from the source to the destination node.
// The returned WeightedLine will have a graph-unique ID.
// The Line's ID does not become valid in g until the Line is added to g.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) NewWeightedLine(from, to graph.Node, weight float64) graph.WeightedLine {
return WeightedLine{F: from, T: to, W: weight, UID: g.lineIDs.NewID()}
// Node returns the node with the given ID if it exists in the graph,
// and nil otherwise.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) Node(id int64) graph.Node {
return g.nodes[id]
// Nodes returns all the nodes in the graph.
// The returned graph.Nodes is only valid until the next mutation of
// the receiver.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) Nodes() graph.Nodes {
if len(g.nodes) == 0 {
return graph.Empty
return iterator.NewNodes(g.nodes)
// RemoveLine removes the line with the given end point and line IDs from the graph,
// leaving the terminal nodes. If the line does not exist it is a no-op.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) RemoveLine(fid, tid, id int64) {
if _, ok := g.nodes[fid]; !ok {
if _, ok := g.nodes[tid]; !ok {
delete(g.lines[fid][tid], id)
if len(g.lines[fid][tid]) == 0 {
delete(g.lines[fid], tid)
delete(g.lines[tid][fid], id)
if len(g.lines[tid][fid]) == 0 {
delete(g.lines[tid], fid)
// RemoveNode removes the node with the given ID from the graph, as well as any edges attached
// to it. If the node is not in the graph it is a no-op.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) RemoveNode(id int64) {
if _, ok := g.nodes[id]; !ok {
delete(g.nodes, id)
for from := range g.lines[id] {
delete(g.lines[from], id)
delete(g.lines, id)
// SetWeightedLine adds l, a line from one node to another. If the nodes do not exist, they are added
// and are set to the nodes of the line otherwise.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) SetWeightedLine(l graph.WeightedLine) {
var (
from = l.From()
fid = from.ID()
to = l.To()
tid = to.ID()
lid = l.ID()
if _, ok := g.nodes[fid]; !ok {
} else {
g.nodes[fid] = from
if _, ok := g.nodes[tid]; !ok {
} else {
g.nodes[tid] = to
switch {
case g.lines[fid] == nil:
g.lines[fid] = map[int64]map[int64]graph.WeightedLine{tid: {lid: l}}
case g.lines[fid][tid] == nil:
g.lines[fid][tid] = map[int64]graph.WeightedLine{lid: l}
g.lines[fid][tid][lid] = l
switch {
case g.lines[tid] == nil:
g.lines[tid] = map[int64]map[int64]graph.WeightedLine{fid: {lid: l}}
case g.lines[tid][fid] == nil:
g.lines[tid][fid] = map[int64]graph.WeightedLine{lid: l}
g.lines[tid][fid][lid] = l
// Weight returns the weight for the lines between x and y summarised by the receiver's
// EdgeWeightFunc. Weight returns true if an edge exists between x and y, false otherwise.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) Weight(xid, yid int64) (w float64, ok bool) {
lines := g.WeightedLines(xid, yid)
return WeightedEdge{WeightedLines: lines, WeightFunc: g.EdgeWeightFunc}.Weight(), lines != graph.Empty
// WeightedEdge returns the weighted edge from u to v if such an edge exists and nil otherwise.
// The node v must be directly reachable from u as defined by the From method.
// The returned graph.WeightedEdge is a multi.WeightedEdge if an edge exists.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) WeightedEdge(uid, vid int64) graph.WeightedEdge {
lines := g.WeightedLines(uid, vid)
if lines == graph.Empty {
return nil
return WeightedEdge{
F: g.Node(uid), T: g.Node(vid),
WeightedLines: lines,
WeightFunc: g.EdgeWeightFunc,
// WeightedEdgeBetween returns the weighted edge between nodes x and y.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) WeightedEdgeBetween(xid, yid int64) graph.WeightedEdge {
return g.WeightedEdge(xid, yid)
// WeightedEdges returns all the edges in the graph. Each edge in the returned slice
// is a multi.Edge.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) WeightedEdges() graph.WeightedEdges {
if len(g.lines) == 0 {
return graph.Empty
var edges []graph.WeightedEdge
seen := make(map[int64]struct{})
for _, u := range g.lines {
for _, e := range u {
var lines []graph.WeightedLine
for _, l := range e {
lid := l.ID()
if _, ok := seen[lid]; ok {
seen[lid] = struct{}{}
lines = append(lines, l)
if len(lines) != 0 {
edges = append(edges, WeightedEdge{
F: g.Node(lines[0].From().ID()),
T: g.Node(lines[0].To().ID()),
WeightedLines: iterator.NewOrderedWeightedLines(lines),
WeightFunc: g.EdgeWeightFunc,
if len(edges) == 0 {
return graph.Empty
return iterator.NewOrderedWeightedEdges(edges)
// WeightedLines returns the lines from u to v if such an edge exists and nil otherwise.
// The node v must be directly reachable from u as defined by the From method.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) WeightedLines(uid, vid int64) graph.WeightedLines {
return g.WeightedLinesBetween(uid, vid)
// WeightedLinesBetween returns the lines between nodes x and y.
func (g *WeightedUndirectedGraph) WeightedLinesBetween(xid, yid int64) graph.WeightedLines {
edge := g.lines[xid][yid]
if len(edge) == 0 {
return graph.Empty
var lines []graph.WeightedLine
seen := make(map[int64]struct{})
for _, l := range edge {
lid := l.ID()
if _, ok := seen[lid]; ok {
seen[lid] = struct{}{}
if l.From().ID() != xid {
l = l.ReversedLine().(graph.WeightedLine)
lines = append(lines, l)
return iterator.NewOrderedWeightedLines(lines)