blob: 6cf2bb35eaa69cbe2686c43f39c2cbed7d71a6c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2015 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package sampleuv
import (
const tol = 1e-2
type lhDist interface {
Quantile(float64) float64
CDF(float64) float64
func TestLatinHypercube(t *testing.T) {
for _, nSamples := range []int{1, 2, 5, 10, 20} {
samples := make([]float64, nSamples)
for _, dist := range []lhDist{
distuv.Uniform{Min: 0, Max: 1},
distuv.Uniform{Min: 0, Max: 10},
distuv.Normal{Mu: 5, Sigma: 3},
} {
LatinHypercube{Q: dist}.Sample(samples)
for i, v := range samples {
p := dist.CDF(v)
if p < float64(i)/float64(nSamples) || p > float64(i+1)/float64(nSamples) {
t.Errorf("probability out of bounds")
func TestImportance(t *testing.T) {
// Test by finding the expected value of a Normal.
trueMean := 3.0
target := distuv.Normal{Mu: trueMean, Sigma: 2}
proposal := distuv.Normal{Mu: 0, Sigma: 5}
nSamples := 100000
x := make([]float64, nSamples)
weights := make([]float64, nSamples)
Importance{Target: target, Proposal: proposal}.SampleWeighted(x, weights)
ev := stat.Mean(x, weights)
if !floats.EqualWithinAbsOrRel(ev, trueMean, tol, tol) {
t.Errorf("Mean mismatch: Want %v, got %v", trueMean, ev)
func TestRejection(t *testing.T) {
// Test by finding the expected value of a Normal.
trueMean := 3.0
target := distuv.Normal{Mu: trueMean, Sigma: 2}
proposal := distuv.Normal{Mu: 0, Sigma: 5}
nSamples := 20000
x := make([]float64, nSamples)
r := &Rejection{Target: target, Proposal: proposal, C: 100}
ev := stat.Mean(x, nil)
if !floats.EqualWithinAbsOrRel(ev, trueMean, tol, tol) {
t.Errorf("Mean mismatch: Want %v, got %v", trueMean, ev)
type condNorm struct {
Sigma float64
func (c condNorm) ConditionalRand(y float64) float64 {
return distuv.Normal{Mu: y, Sigma: c.Sigma}.Rand()
func (c condNorm) ConditionalLogProb(x, y float64) float64 {
return distuv.Normal{Mu: y, Sigma: c.Sigma}.LogProb(x)
func TestMetropolisHastings(t *testing.T) {
// Test by finding the expected value of a Normal.
trueMean := 3.0
target := distuv.Normal{Mu: trueMean, Sigma: 2}
proposal := condNorm{Sigma: 5}
burnin := 500
nSamples := 100000 + burnin
x := make([]float64, nSamples)
mh := MetropolisHastings{
Initial: 100,
Target: target,
Proposal: proposal,
BurnIn: burnin,
ev := stat.Mean(x, nil)
if !floats.EqualWithinAbsOrRel(ev, trueMean, tol, tol) {
t.Errorf("Mean mismatch: Want %v, got %v", trueMean, ev)