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// Copyright ©2016 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package distmv
import (
// StudentsT is a multivariate Student's T distribution. It is a distribution over
// ℝ^n with the probability density
// p(y) = (Γ((ν+n)/2) / Γ(ν/2)) * (νπ)^(-n/2) * |Ʃ|^(-1/2) *
// (1 + 1/ν * (y-μ)^T * Ʃ^-1 * (y-μ))^(-(ν+n)/2)
// where ν is a scalar greater than 2, μ is a vector in ℝ^n, and Ʃ is an n×n
// symmetric positive definite matrix.
// In this distribution, ν sets the spread of the distribution, similar to
// the degrees of freedom in a univariate Student's T distribution. As ν → ∞,
// the distribution approaches a multi-variate normal distribution.
// μ is the mean of the distribution, and the covariance is ν/(ν-2)*Ʃ.
// See and
// for more information.
type StudentsT struct {
nu float64
mu []float64
// If src is altered, rnd must be updated.
src rand.Source
rnd *rand.Rand
sigma mat.SymDense // only stored if needed
chol mat.Cholesky
lower mat.TriDense
logSqrtDet float64
dim int
// NewStudentsT creates a new StudentsT with the given nu, mu, and sigma
// parameters.
// NewStudentsT panics if len(mu) == 0, or if len(mu) != sigma.Symmetric(). If
// the covariance matrix is not positive-definite, nil is returned and ok is false.
func NewStudentsT(mu []float64, sigma mat.Symmetric, nu float64, src rand.Source) (dist *StudentsT, ok bool) {
if len(mu) == 0 {
dim := sigma.Symmetric()
if dim != len(mu) {
s := &StudentsT{
nu: nu,
mu: make([]float64, dim),
dim: dim,
src: src,
if src != nil {
s.rnd = rand.New(src)
copy(, mu)
ok = s.chol.Factorize(sigma)
if !ok {
return nil, false
s.sigma = *mat.NewSymDense(dim, nil)
s.logSqrtDet = 0.5 * s.chol.LogDet()
return s, true
// ConditionStudentsT returns the Student's T distribution that is the receiver
// conditioned on the input evidence, and the success of the operation.
// The returned Student's T has dimension
// n - len(observed), where n is the dimension of the original receiver.
// The dimension order is preserved during conditioning, so if the value
// of dimension 1 is observed, the returned normal represents dimensions {0, 2, ...}
// of the original Student's T distribution.
// ok indicates whether there was a failure during the update. If ok is false
// the operation failed and dist is not usable.
// Mathematically this is impossible, but can occur with finite precision arithmetic.
func (s *StudentsT) ConditionStudentsT(observed []int, values []float64, src rand.Source) (dist *StudentsT, ok bool) {
if len(observed) == 0 {
panic("studentst: no observed value")
if len(observed) != len(values) {
for _, v := range observed {
if v < 0 || v >= s.dim {
panic("studentst: observed value out of bounds")
newNu, newMean, newSigma := studentsTConditional(observed, values,,, &s.sigma)
if newMean == nil {
return nil, false
return NewStudentsT(newMean, newSigma, newNu, src)
// studentsTConditional updates a Student's T distribution based on the observed samples
// (see documentation for the public function). The Gaussian conditional update
// is treated as a special case when nu == math.Inf(1).
func studentsTConditional(observed []int, values []float64, nu float64, mu []float64, sigma mat.Symmetric) (newNu float64, newMean []float64, newSigma *mat.SymDense) {
dim := len(mu)
ob := len(observed)
unobserved := findUnob(observed, dim)
unob := len(unobserved)
if unob == 0 {
panic("stat: all dimensions observed")
mu1 := make([]float64, unob)
for i, v := range unobserved {
mu1[i] = mu[v]
mu2 := make([]float64, ob) // really v - mu2
for i, v := range observed {
mu2[i] = values[i] - mu[v]
var sigma11, sigma22 mat.SymDense
sigma11.SubsetSym(sigma, unobserved)
sigma22.SubsetSym(sigma, observed)
sigma21 := mat.NewDense(ob, unob, nil)
for i, r := range observed {
for j, c := range unobserved {
v := sigma.At(r, c)
sigma21.Set(i, j, v)
var chol mat.Cholesky
ok := chol.Factorize(&sigma22)
if !ok {
return math.NaN(), nil, nil
// Compute mu_1 + sigma_{2,1}^T * sigma_{2,2}^-1 (v - mu_2).
v := mat.NewVecDense(ob, mu2)
var tmp, tmp2 mat.VecDense
err := chol.SolveVec(&tmp, v)
if err != nil {
return math.NaN(), nil, nil
tmp2.MulVec(sigma21.T(), &tmp)
for i := range mu1 {
mu1[i] += tmp2.At(i, 0)
// Compute tmp4 = sigma_{2,1}^T * sigma_{2,2}^-1 * sigma_{2,1}.
// TODO(btracey): Should this be a method of SymDense?
var tmp3, tmp4 mat.Dense
err = chol.Solve(&tmp3, sigma21)
if err != nil {
return math.NaN(), nil, nil
tmp4.Mul(sigma21.T(), &tmp3)
// Compute sigma_{1,1} - tmp4
// TODO(btracey): If tmp4 can constructed with a method, then this can be
// replaced with SubSym.
for i := 0; i < len(unobserved); i++ {
for j := i; j < len(unobserved); j++ {
v := sigma11.At(i, j)
sigma11.SetSym(i, j, v-tmp4.At(i, j))
// The computed variables are accurate for a Normal.
if math.IsInf(nu, 1) {
return nu, mu1, &sigma11
// Compute beta = (v - mu_2)^T * sigma_{2,2}^-1 * (v - mu_2)^T
beta := mat.Dot(v, &tmp)
// Scale the covariance matrix
sigma11.ScaleSym((nu+beta)/(nu+float64(ob)), &sigma11)
return nu + float64(ob), mu1, &sigma11
// findUnob returns the unobserved variables (the complementary set to observed).
// findUnob panics if any value repeated in observed.
func findUnob(observed []int, dim int) (unobserved []int) {
var setOb intsets.Sparse
for _, v := range observed {
var setAll intsets.Sparse
for i := 0; i < dim; i++ {
var setUnob intsets.Sparse
setUnob.Difference(&setAll, &setOb)
unobserved = setUnob.AppendTo(nil)
return unobserved
// CovarianceMatrix returns the covariance matrix of the distribution. Upon
// return, the value at element {i, j} of the covariance matrix is equal to
// the covariance of the i^th and j^th variables.
// covariance(i, j) = E[(x_i - E[x_i])(x_j - E[x_j])]
// If the input matrix is nil a new matrix is allocated, otherwise the result
// is stored in-place into the input.
func (st *StudentsT) CovarianceMatrix(s *mat.SymDense) *mat.SymDense {
if s == nil {
s = mat.NewSymDense(st.dim, nil)
sn := s.Symmetric()
if sn != st.dim {
panic("normal: input matrix size mismatch")
s.ScaleSym(, s)
return s
// Dim returns the dimension of the distribution.
func (s *StudentsT) Dim() int {
return s.dim
// LogProb computes the log of the pdf of the point x.
func (s *StudentsT) LogProb(y []float64) float64 {
if len(y) != s.dim {
nu :=
n := float64(s.dim)
lg1, _ := math.Lgamma((nu + n) / 2)
lg2, _ := math.Lgamma(nu / 2)
t1 := lg1 - lg2 - n/2*math.Log(nu*math.Pi) - s.logSqrtDet
shift := make([]float64, len(y))
copy(shift, y)
x := mat.NewVecDense(s.dim, shift)
var tmp mat.VecDense
s.chol.SolveVec(&tmp, x)
dot := mat.Dot(&tmp, x)
return t1 - ((nu+n)/2)*math.Log(1+dot/nu)
// MarginalStudentsT returns the marginal distribution of the given input variables,
// and the success of the operation.
// That is, MarginalStudentsT returns
// p(x_i) = \int_{x_o} p(x_i | x_o) p(x_o) dx_o
// where x_i are the dimensions in the input, and x_o are the remaining dimensions.
// See for more information.
// The input src is passed to the created StudentsT.
// ok indicates whether there was a failure during the marginalization. If ok is false
// the operation failed and dist is not usable.
// Mathematically this is impossible, but can occur with finite precision arithmetic.
func (s *StudentsT) MarginalStudentsT(vars []int, src rand.Source) (dist *StudentsT, ok bool) {
newMean := make([]float64, len(vars))
for i, v := range vars {
newMean[i] =[v]
var newSigma mat.SymDense
newSigma.SubsetSym(&s.sigma, vars)
return NewStudentsT(newMean, &newSigma,, src)
// MarginalStudentsT returns the marginal distribution of the given input variable.
// That is, MarginalStudentsT returns
// p(x_i) = \int_{x_o} p(x_i | x_o) p(x_o) dx_o
// where i is the input index, and x_o are the remaining dimensions.
// See for more information.
// The input src is passed to the call to NewStudentsT.
func (s *StudentsT) MarginalStudentsTSingle(i int, src rand.Source) distuv.StudentsT {
return distuv.StudentsT{
Sigma: math.Sqrt(s.sigma.At(i, i)),
Src: src,
// TODO(btracey): Implement marginal single. Need to modify univariate StudentsT
// to be three-parameter.
// Mean returns the mean of the probability distribution at x. If the
// input argument is nil, a new slice will be allocated, otherwise the result
// will be put in-place into the receiver.
func (s *StudentsT) Mean(x []float64) []float64 {
x = reuseAs(x, s.dim)
return x
// Nu returns the degrees of freedom parameter of the distribution.
func (s *StudentsT) Nu() float64 {
// Prob computes the value of the probability density function at x.
func (s *StudentsT) Prob(y []float64) float64 {
return math.Exp(s.LogProb(y))
// Rand generates a random number according to the distributon.
// If the input slice is nil, new memory is allocated, otherwise the result is stored
// in place.
func (s *StudentsT) Rand(x []float64) []float64 {
// If Y is distributed according to N(0,Sigma), and U is chi^2 with
// parameter ν, then
// X = mu + Y * sqrt(nu / U)
// X is distributed according to this distribution.
// Generate Y.
x = reuseAs(x, s.dim)
tmp := make([]float64, s.dim)
if s.rnd == nil {
for i := range x {
tmp[i] = rand.NormFloat64()
} else {
for i := range x {
tmp[i] = s.rnd.NormFloat64()
xVec := mat.NewVecDense(s.dim, x)
tmpVec := mat.NewVecDense(s.dim, tmp)
xVec.MulVec(&s.lower, tmpVec)
u := distuv.ChiSquared{K:, Src: s.src}.Rand()
floats.Scale(math.Sqrt(, x)
return x