blob: 60869c73dd0280654b6cc69fcd07947c413e08d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2016 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package distmv
import (
// Dirichlet implements the Dirichlet probability distribution.
// The Dirichlet distribution is a continuous probability distribution that
// generates elements over the probability simplex, i.e. ||x||_1 = 1. The Dirichlet
// distribution is the conjugate prior to the categorical distribution and the
// multivariate version of the beta distribution. The probability of a point x is
// 1/Beta(α) \prod_i x_i^(α_i - 1)
// where Beta(α) is the multivariate Beta function (see the mathext package).
// For more information see
type Dirichlet struct {
alpha []float64
dim int
src rand.Source
lbeta float64
sumAlpha float64
// NewDirichlet creates a new dirichlet distribution with the given parameters alpha.
// NewDirichlet will panic if len(alpha) == 0, or if any alpha is <= 0.
func NewDirichlet(alpha []float64, src rand.Source) *Dirichlet {
dim := len(alpha)
if dim == 0 {
for _, v := range alpha {
if v <= 0 {
panic("dirichlet: non-positive alpha")
a := make([]float64, len(alpha))
copy(a, alpha)
d := &Dirichlet{
alpha: a,
dim: dim,
src: src,
d.lbeta, d.sumAlpha = d.genLBeta(a)
return d
// CovarianceMatrix returns the covariance matrix of the distribution. Upon
// return, the value at element {i, j} of the covariance matrix is equal to
// the covariance of the i^th and j^th variables.
// covariance(i, j) = E[(x_i - E[x_i])(x_j - E[x_j])]
// If the input matrix is nil a new matrix is allocated, otherwise the result
// is stored in-place into the input.
func (d *Dirichlet) CovarianceMatrix(cov *mat.SymDense) *mat.SymDense {
if cov == nil {
cov = mat.NewSymDense(d.Dim(), nil)
} else if cov.Symmetric() == 0 {
*cov = *(cov.GrowSquare(d.dim).(*mat.SymDense))
} else if cov.Symmetric() != d.dim {
panic("normal: input matrix size mismatch")
scale := 1 / (d.sumAlpha * d.sumAlpha * (d.sumAlpha + 1))
for i := 0; i < d.dim; i++ {
ai := d.alpha[i]
v := ai * (d.sumAlpha - ai) * scale
cov.SetSym(i, i, v)
for j := i + 1; j < d.dim; j++ {
aj := d.alpha[j]
v := -ai * aj * scale
cov.SetSym(i, j, v)
return cov
// genLBeta computes the generalized LBeta function.
func (d *Dirichlet) genLBeta(alpha []float64) (lbeta, sumAlpha float64) {
for _, alpha := range d.alpha {
lg, _ := math.Lgamma(alpha)
lbeta += lg
sumAlpha += alpha
lg, _ := math.Lgamma(sumAlpha)
return lbeta - lg, sumAlpha
// Dim returns the dimension of the distribution.
func (d *Dirichlet) Dim() int {
return d.dim
// LogProb computes the log of the pdf of the point x.
// It does not check that ||x||_1 = 1.
func (d *Dirichlet) LogProb(x []float64) float64 {
dim := d.dim
if len(x) != dim {
var lprob float64
for i, x := range x {
lprob += (d.alpha[i] - 1) * math.Log(x)
lprob -= d.lbeta
return lprob
// Mean returns the mean of the probability distribution at x. If the
// input argument is nil, a new slice will be allocated, otherwise the result
// will be put in-place into the receiver.
func (d *Dirichlet) Mean(x []float64) []float64 {
x = reuseAs(x, d.dim)
copy(x, d.alpha)
floats.Scale(1/d.sumAlpha, x)
return x
// Prob computes the value of the probability density function at x.
func (d *Dirichlet) Prob(x []float64) float64 {
return math.Exp(d.LogProb(x))
// Rand generates a random number according to the distributon.
// If the input slice is nil, new memory is allocated, otherwise the result is stored
// in place.
func (d *Dirichlet) Rand(x []float64) []float64 {
x = reuseAs(x, d.dim)
for i := range x {
x[i] = distuv.Gamma{Alpha: d.alpha[i], Beta: 1, Src: d.src}.Rand()
sum := floats.Sum(x)
floats.Scale(1/sum, x)
return x