blob: 420b9cbb089ad5fd673b36adef80223bdb1930b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2016 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package distmat
import (
// Wishart is a distribution over d×d positive symmetric definite matrices. It
// is parametrized by a scalar degrees of freedom parameter ν and a d×d positive
// definite matrix V.
// The Wishart PDF is given by
// p(X) = [|X|^((ν-d-1)/2) * exp(-tr(V^-1 * X)/2)] / [2^(ν*d/2) * |V|^(ν/2) * Γ_d(ν/2)]
// where X is a d×d PSD matrix, ν > d-1, |·| denotes the determinant, tr is the
// trace and Γ_d is the multivariate gamma function.
// See for more information.
type Wishart struct {
nu float64
src rand.Source
dim int
cholv mat.Cholesky
logdetv float64
upper mat.TriDense
once sync.Once
v *mat.SymDense // only stored if needed
// NewWishart returns a new Wishart distribution with the given shape matrix and
// degrees of freedom parameter. NewWishart returns whether the creation was
// successful.
// NewWishart panics if nu <= d - 1 where d is the order of v.
func NewWishart(v mat.Symmetric, nu float64, src rand.Source) (*Wishart, bool) {
dim := v.Symmetric()
if nu <= float64(dim-1) {
panic("wishart: nu must be greater than dim-1")
var chol mat.Cholesky
ok := chol.Factorize(v)
if !ok {
return nil, false
var u mat.TriDense
w := &Wishart{
nu: nu,
src: src,
dim: dim,
cholv: chol,
logdetv: chol.LogDet(),
upper: u,
return w, true
// MeanSym returns the mean matrix of the distribution as a symmetric matrix.
// If x is nil, a new matrix is allocated and returned. If x is not nil, the
// result is stored in-place into x and MeanSym will panic if the order of x
// is not equal to the order of the receiver.
func (w *Wishart) MeanSym(x *mat.SymDense) *mat.SymDense {
if x == nil {
x = mat.NewSymDense(w.dim, nil)
d := x.Symmetric()
if d != w.dim {
x.ScaleSym(, x)
return x
// ProbSym returns the probability of the symmetric matrix x. If x is not positive
// definite (the Cholesky decomposition fails), it has 0 probability.
func (w *Wishart) ProbSym(x mat.Symmetric) float64 {
return math.Exp(w.LogProbSym(x))
// LogProbSym returns the log of the probability of the input symmetric matrix.
// LogProbSym returns -∞ if the input matrix is not positive definite (the Cholesky
// decomposition fails).
func (w *Wishart) LogProbSym(x mat.Symmetric) float64 {
dim := x.Symmetric()
if dim != w.dim {
var chol mat.Cholesky
ok := chol.Factorize(x)
if !ok {
return math.Inf(-1)
return w.logProbSymChol(&chol)
// LogProbSymChol returns the log of the probability of the input symmetric matrix
// given its Cholesky decomposition.
func (w *Wishart) LogProbSymChol(cholX *mat.Cholesky) float64 {
dim := cholX.Size()
if dim != w.dim {
return w.logProbSymChol(cholX)
func (w *Wishart) logProbSymChol(cholX *mat.Cholesky) float64 {
// The PDF is
// p(X) = [|X|^((ν-d-1)/2) * exp(-tr(V^-1 * X)/2)] / [2^(ν*d/2) * |V|^(ν/2) * Γ_d(ν/2)]
// The LogPDF is thus
// (ν-d-1)/2 * log(|X|) - tr(V^-1 * X)/2 - (ν*d/2)*log(2) - ν/2 * log(|V|) - log(Γ_d(ν/2))
logdetx := cholX.LogDet()
// Compute tr(V^-1 * X), using the fact that X = U^T * U.
var u mat.TriDense
var vinvx mat.Dense
err := w.cholv.Solve(&vinvx, u.T())
if err != nil {
return math.Inf(-1)
vinvx.Mul(&vinvx, &u)
tr := mat.Trace(&vinvx)
fnu := float64(
fdim := float64(w.dim)
return 0.5*((fnu-fdim-1)*logdetx-tr-fnu*fdim*math.Ln2-fnu*w.logdetv) - mathext.MvLgamma(0.5*fnu, w.dim)
// RandSym generates a random symmetric matrix from the distribution.
func (w *Wishart) RandSym(x *mat.SymDense) *mat.SymDense {
if x == nil {
x = &mat.SymDense{}
var c mat.Cholesky
return x
// RandChol generates the Cholesky decomposition of a random matrix from the distribution.
func (w *Wishart) RandChol(c *mat.Cholesky) *mat.Cholesky {
// TODO(btracey): Modify the code if the underlying data from c is exposed
// to avoid the dim^2 allocation here.
// Use the Bartlett Decomposition, which says that
// X ~ L A A^T L^T
// Where A is a lower triangular matrix in which the diagonal of A is
// generated from the square roots of χ^2 random variables, and the
// off-diagonals are generated from standard normal variables.
// The above gives the cholesky decomposition of X, where L_x = L A.
// mat64 works with the upper triagular decomposition, so we would like to do
// the same. We can instead say that
// U_x = L_x^T = (L * A)^T = A^T * L^T = A^T * U
// Instead, generate A^T, by using the procedure above, except as an upper
// triangular matrix.
norm := distuv.Normal{
Mu: 0,
Sigma: 1,
Src: w.src,
t := mat.NewTriDense(w.dim, mat.Upper, nil)
for i := 0; i < w.dim; i++ {
v := distuv.ChiSquared{
K: - float64(i),
Src: w.src,
t.SetTri(i, i, math.Sqrt(v))
for i := 0; i < w.dim; i++ {
for j := i + 1; j < w.dim; j++ {
t.SetTri(i, j, norm.Rand())
t.MulTri(t, &w.upper)
if c == nil {
c = &mat.Cholesky{}
return c
// setV computes and stores the covariance matrix of the distribution.
func (w *Wishart) setV() {
w.once.Do(func() {
w.v = mat.NewSymDense(w.dim, nil)