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// Copyright ©2015 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package distmv
import (
var (
badInputLength = "distmv: input slice length mismatch"
// Normal is a multivariate normal distribution (also known as the multivariate
// Gaussian distribution). Its pdf in k dimensions is given by
// (2 π)^(-k/2) |Σ|^(-1/2) exp(-1/2 (x-μ)'Σ^-1(x-μ))
// where μ is the mean vector and Σ the covariance matrix. Σ must be symmetric
// and positive definite. Use NewNormal to construct.
type Normal struct {
mu []float64
sigma mat.SymDense
chol mat.Cholesky
lower mat.TriDense
logSqrtDet float64
dim int
src *rand.Rand
// NewNormal creates a new Normal with the given mean and covariance matrix.
// NewNormal panics if len(mu) == 0, or if len(mu) != sigma.N. If the covariance
// matrix is not positive-definite, the returned boolean is false.
func NewNormal(mu []float64, sigma mat.Symmetric, src *rand.Rand) (*Normal, bool) {
if len(mu) == 0 {
dim := sigma.Symmetric()
if dim != len(mu) {
n := &Normal{
src: src,
dim: dim,
mu: make([]float64, dim),
copy(, mu)
ok := n.chol.Factorize(sigma)
if !ok {
return nil, false
n.sigma = *mat.NewSymDense(dim, nil)
n.logSqrtDet = 0.5 * n.chol.LogDet()
return n, true
// NewNormalChol creates a new Normal distribution with the given mean and
// covariance matrix represented by its Cholesky decomposition. NewNormalChol
// panics if len(mu) is not equal to chol.Size().
func NewNormalChol(mu []float64, chol *mat.Cholesky, src *rand.Rand) *Normal {
dim := len(mu)
if dim != chol.Size() {
n := &Normal{
src: src,
dim: dim,
mu: make([]float64, dim),
copy(, mu)
n.logSqrtDet = 0.5 * n.chol.LogDet()
return n
// NewNormalPrecision creates a new Normal distribution with the given mean and
// precision matrix (inverse of the covariance matrix). NewNormalPrecision
// panics if len(mu) is not equal to prec.Symmetric(). If the precision matrix
// is not positive-definite, NewNormalPrecision returns nil for norm and false
// for ok.
func NewNormalPrecision(mu []float64, prec *mat.SymDense, src *rand.Rand) (norm *Normal, ok bool) {
if len(mu) == 0 {
dim := prec.Symmetric()
if dim != len(mu) {
// TODO(btracey): Computing a matrix inverse is generally numerically instable.
// This only has to compute the inverse of a positive definite matrix, which
// is much better, but this still loses precision. It is worth considering if
// instead the precision matrix should be stored explicitly and used instead
// of the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix where appropriate.
var chol mat.Cholesky
ok = chol.Factorize(prec)
if !ok {
return nil, false
var sigma mat.SymDense
return NewNormal(mu, &sigma, src)
// ConditionNormal returns the Normal distribution that is the receiver conditioned
// on the input evidence. The returned multivariate normal has dimension
// n - len(observed), where n is the dimension of the original receiver. The updated
// mean and covariance are
// mu = mu_un + sigma_{ob,un}^T * sigma_{ob,ob}^-1 (v - mu_ob)
// sigma = sigma_{un,un} - sigma_{ob,un}^T * sigma_{ob,ob}^-1 * sigma_{ob,un}
// where mu_un and mu_ob are the original means of the unobserved and observed
// variables respectively, sigma_{un,un} is the unobserved subset of the covariance
// matrix, sigma_{ob,ob} is the observed subset of the covariance matrix, and
// sigma_{un,ob} are the cross terms. The elements of x_2 have been observed with
// values v. The dimension order is preserved during conditioning, so if the value
// of dimension 1 is observed, the returned normal represents dimensions {0, 2, ...}
// of the original Normal distribution.
// ConditionNormal returns {nil, false} if there is a failure during the update.
// Mathematically this is impossible, but can occur with finite precision arithmetic.
func (n *Normal) ConditionNormal(observed []int, values []float64, src *rand.Rand) (*Normal, bool) {
if len(observed) == 0 {
panic("normal: no observed value")
if len(observed) != len(values) {
for _, v := range observed {
if v < 0 || v >= n.Dim() {
panic("normal: observed value out of bounds")
_, mu1, sigma11 := studentsTConditional(observed, values, math.Inf(1),, &n.sigma)
if mu1 == nil {
return nil, false
return NewNormal(mu1, sigma11, src)
// CovarianceMatrix returns the covariance matrix of the distribution. Upon
// return, the value at element {i, j} of the covariance matrix is equal to
// the covariance of the i^th and j^th variables.
// covariance(i, j) = E[(x_i - E[x_i])(x_j - E[x_j])]
// If the input matrix is nil a new matrix is allocated, otherwise the result
// is stored in-place into the input.
func (n *Normal) CovarianceMatrix(s *mat.SymDense) *mat.SymDense {
if s == nil {
s = mat.NewSymDense(n.Dim(), nil)
sn := s.Symmetric()
if sn != n.Dim() {
panic("normal: input matrix size mismatch")
return s
// Dim returns the dimension of the distribution.
func (n *Normal) Dim() int {
return n.dim
// Entropy returns the differential entropy of the distribution.
func (n *Normal) Entropy() float64 {
return float64(n.dim)/2*(1+logTwoPi) + n.logSqrtDet
// LogProb computes the log of the pdf of the point x.
func (n *Normal) LogProb(x []float64) float64 {
dim := n.dim
if len(x) != dim {
c := -0.5*float64(dim)*logTwoPi - n.logSqrtDet
dst := stat.Mahalanobis(mat.NewVecDense(dim, x), mat.NewVecDense(dim,, &n.chol)
return c - 0.5*dst*dst
// MarginalNormal returns the marginal distribution of the given input variables.
// That is, MarginalNormal returns
// p(x_i) = \int_{x_o} p(x_i | x_o) p(x_o) dx_o
// where x_i are the dimensions in the input, and x_o are the remaining dimensions.
// See for more information.
// The input src is passed to the call to NewNormal.
func (n *Normal) MarginalNormal(vars []int, src *rand.Rand) (*Normal, bool) {
newMean := make([]float64, len(vars))
for i, v := range vars {
newMean[i] =[v]
var s mat.SymDense
s.SubsetSym(&n.sigma, vars)
return NewNormal(newMean, &s, src)
// MarginalNormalSingle returns the marginal of the given input variable.
// That is, MarginalNormal returns
// p(x_i) = \int_{x_¬i} p(x_i | x_¬i) p(x_¬i) dx_¬i
// where i is the input index.
// See for more information.
// The input src is passed to the constructed distuv.Normal.
func (n *Normal) MarginalNormalSingle(i int, src *rand.Rand) distuv.Normal {
return distuv.Normal{
Sigma: math.Sqrt(n.sigma.At(i, i)),
Source: src,
// Mean returns the mean of the probability distribution at x. If the
// input argument is nil, a new slice will be allocated, otherwise the result
// will be put in-place into the receiver.
func (n *Normal) Mean(x []float64) []float64 {
x = reuseAs(x, n.dim)
return x
// Prob computes the value of the probability density function at x.
func (n *Normal) Prob(x []float64) float64 {
return math.Exp(n.LogProb(x))
// Quantile returns the multi-dimensional inverse cumulative distribution function.
// If x is nil, a new slice will be allocated and returned. If x is non-nil,
// len(x) must equal len(p) and the quantile will be stored in-place into x.
// All of the values of p must be between 0 and 1, inclusive, or Quantile will panic.
func (n *Normal) Quantile(x, p []float64) []float64 {
dim := n.Dim()
if len(p) != dim {
if x == nil {
x = make([]float64, dim)
if len(x) != len(p) {
// Transform to a standard normal and then transform to a multivariate Gaussian.
tmp := make([]float64, len(x))
for i, v := range p {
tmp[i] = distuv.UnitNormal.Quantile(v)
n.TransformNormal(x, tmp)
return x
// Rand generates a random number according to the distributon.
// If the input slice is nil, new memory is allocated, otherwise the result is stored
// in place.
func (n *Normal) Rand(x []float64) []float64 {
x = reuseAs(x, n.dim)
tmp := make([]float64, n.dim)
if n.src == nil {
for i := range x {
tmp[i] = rand.NormFloat64()
} else {
for i := range x {
tmp[i] = n.src.NormFloat64()
n.transformNormal(x, tmp)
return x
// ScoreInput returns the gradient of the log-probability with respect to the
// input x. That is, ScoreInput computes
// ∇_x log(p(x))
// If score is nil, a new slice will be allocated and returned. If score is of
// length the dimension of Normal, then the result will be put in-place into score.
// If neither of these is true, ScoreInput will panic.
func (n *Normal) ScoreInput(score, x []float64) []float64 {
// Normal log probability is
// c - 0.5*(x-μ)' Σ^-1 (x-μ).
// So the derivative is just
// -Σ^-1 (x-μ).
if len(x) != n.Dim() {
if score == nil {
score = make([]float64, len(x))
if len(score) != len(x) {
tmp := make([]float64, len(x))
copy(tmp, x)
n.chol.SolveVec(mat.NewVecDense(len(score), score), mat.NewVecDense(len(tmp), tmp))
floats.Scale(-1, score)
return score
// SetMean changes the mean of the normal distribution. SetMean panics if len(mu)
// does not equal the dimension of the normal distribution.
func (n *Normal) SetMean(mu []float64) {
if len(mu) != n.Dim() {
copy(, mu)
// TransformNormal transforms the vector, normal, generated from a standard
// multidimensional normal into a vector that has been generated under the
// distribution of the receiver.
// If dst is non-nil, the result will be stored into dst, otherwise a new slice
// will be allocated. TransformNormal will panic if the length of normal is not
// the dimension of the receiver, or if dst is non-nil and len(dist) != len(normal).
func (n *Normal) TransformNormal(dst, normal []float64) []float64 {
if len(normal) != n.dim {
dst = reuseAs(dst, n.dim)
if len(dst) != len(normal) {
n.transformNormal(dst, normal)
return dst
// transformNormal performs the same operation as TransformNormal except no
// safety checks are performed and both input slices must be non-nil.
func (n *Normal) transformNormal(dst, normal []float64) []float64 {
srcVec := mat.NewVecDense(n.dim, normal)
dstVec := mat.NewVecDense(n.dim, dst)
dstVec.MulVec(&n.lower, srcVec)
return dst