blob: aa54c11b8f5309c2597c20b0a187e7f1444b0a54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2015 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package c128_test
import (
const (
msgVal = "%v: unexpected value at %v Got: %v Expected: %v"
msgGuard = "%v: Guard violated in %s vector %v %v"
var (
nan = math.NaN()
cnan = cmplx.NaN()
cinf = cmplx.Inf()
// TODO(kortschak): Harmonise the situation in asm/{f32,f64} and their sinks.
const testLen = 1e5
var x = make([]complex128, testLen)
// guardVector copies the source vector (vec) into a new slice with guards.
// Guards guarded[:gdLn] and guarded[len-gdLn:] will be filled with sigil value gdVal.
func guardVector(vec []complex128, gdVal complex128, gdLn int) (guarded []complex128) {
guarded = make([]complex128, len(vec)+gdLn*2)
copy(guarded[gdLn:], vec)
for i := 0; i < gdLn; i++ {
guarded[i] = gdVal
guarded[len(guarded)-1-i] = gdVal
return guarded
// isValidGuard will test for violated guards, generated by guardVector.
func isValidGuard(vec []complex128, gdVal complex128, gdLn int) bool {
for i := 0; i < gdLn; i++ {
if !cscalar.Same(vec[i], gdVal) || !cscalar.Same(vec[len(vec)-1-i], gdVal) {
return false
return true
// guardIncVector copies the source vector (vec) into a new incremented slice with guards.
// End guards will be length gdLen.
// Internal and end guards will be filled with sigil value gdVal.
func guardIncVector(vec []complex128, gdVal complex128, inc, gdLen int) (guarded []complex128) {
if inc < 0 {
inc = -inc
inrLen := len(vec) * inc
guarded = make([]complex128, inrLen+gdLen*2)
for i := range guarded {
guarded[i] = gdVal
for i, v := range vec {
guarded[gdLen+i*inc] = v
return guarded
// checkValidIncGuard will test for violated guards, generated by guardIncVector
func checkValidIncGuard(t *testing.T, vec []complex128, gdVal complex128, inc, gdLen int) {
srcLn := len(vec) - 2*gdLen
for i := range vec {
switch {
case cscalar.Same(vec[i], gdVal):
// Correct value
case (i-gdLen)%inc == 0 && (i-gdLen)/inc < len(vec):
// Ignore input values
case i < gdLen:
t.Errorf("Front guard violated at %d %v", i, vec[:gdLen])
case i > gdLen+srcLn:
t.Errorf("Back guard violated at %d %v", i-gdLen-srcLn, vec[gdLen+srcLn:])
t.Errorf("Internal guard violated at %d %v", i-gdLen, vec[gdLen:gdLen+srcLn])
// sameApprox tests for nan-aware equality within tolerance.
func sameApprox(a, b, tol float64) bool {
return scalar.Same(a, b) || scalar.EqualWithinAbsOrRel(a, b, tol, tol)
// sameCmplxApprox tests for nan-aware equality within tolerance.
func sameCmplxApprox(a, b complex128, tol float64) bool {
return cscalar.Same(a, b) || cscalar.EqualWithinAbsOrRel(a, b, tol, tol)
var ( // Offset sets for testing alignment handling in Unitary assembly functions.
align1 = []int{0, 1}