blob: d722c40e8cb0e4228ab824eea287d28266108dc4 [file] [log] [blame]
# This is the official list of people who can contribute
# (and typically have contributed) code to the gonum
# repository.
# The AUTHORS file lists the copyright holders; this file
# lists people. For example, Google employees would be listed here
# but not in AUTHORS, because Google would hold the copyright.
# When adding J Random Contributor's name to this file,
# either J's name or J's organization's name should be
# added to the AUTHORS file.
# Names should be added to this file like so:
# Name <email address>
# Please keep the list sorted.
Brendan Tracey <>
Bill Gray <>
Bill Noon <>
Chih-Wei Chang <>
Chris Tessum <>
Dan Kortschak <> <>
David Samborski <>
Ethan Burns <>
Evert Lammerts <>
Facundo Gaich <>
Fazlul Shahriar <>
Iakov Davydov <>
Jalem Raj Rohit <>
James Bell <>
Jeff Juozapaitis <>
Jonathan J Lawlor <>
Jonathan Schroeder <>
Joseph Watson <>
Julien Roland <>
Kent English <>
Konstantin Shaposhnikov <>
Leonid Kneller <>
Lyron Winderbaum <>
Matthieu Di Mercurio <>
MinJae Kwon <>
Or Rikon <>
Pontus Melke <>
Renée French
Robin Eklind <>
Samuel Kelemen <>
Scott Holden <>
Sebastien Binet <>
Shawn Smith <>
Steve McCoy <>
Tobin Harding <>
Vladimír Chalupecký <>
Yevgeniy Vahlis <>