blob: 008cb100f8ff3bb7d201fe7ce365d92e6899ed74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Package delay provides a way to execute code outside of the scope of
a user request by using the Task Queue API.
To use a deferred function, you must register the function to be
deferred as a top-level var. For example,
var laterFunc = delay.MustRegister("key", myFunc)
func myFunc(ctx context.Context, a, b string) {...}
You can also inline with a function literal:
var laterFunc = delay.MustRegister("key", func(ctx context.Context, a, b string) {...})
In the above example, "key" is a logical name for the function.
The key needs to be globally unique across your entire application.
To invoke the function in a deferred fashion, call the top-level item:
laterFunc(ctx, "aaa", "bbb")
This will queue a task and return quickly; the function will be actually
run in a new request. The delay package uses the Task Queue API to create
tasks that call the reserved application path "/_ah/queue/go/delay".
This path may only be marked as "login: admin" or have no access
restriction; it will fail if marked as "login: required".
package delay // import ""
import (
stdctx "context"
stdlog "log"
// Function represents a function that may have a delayed invocation.
type Function struct {
fv reflect.Value // Kind() == reflect.Func
key string
err error // any error during initialization
const (
// The HTTP path for invocations.
path = "/_ah/queue/go/delay"
// Use the default queue.
queue = ""
type contextKey int
var (
// registry of all delayed functions
funcs = make(map[string]*Function)
// precomputed types
errorType = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
// errors
errFirstArg = errors.New("first argument must be context.Context")
errOutsideDelayFunc = errors.New("request headers are only available inside a delay.Func")
// context keys
headersContextKey contextKey = 0
stdContextType = reflect.TypeOf((*stdctx.Context)(nil)).Elem()
netContextType = reflect.TypeOf((*context.Context)(nil)).Elem()
func isContext(t reflect.Type) bool {
return t == stdContextType || t == netContextType
var modVersionPat = regexp.MustCompile("@v[^/]+")
// fileKey finds a stable representation of the caller's file path.
// For calls from package main: strip all leading path entries, leaving just the filename.
// For calls from anywhere else, strip $GOPATH/src, leaving just the package path and file path.
func fileKey(file string) (string, error) {
if !internal.IsSecondGen() {
return file, nil
// If the caller is in the same Dir as mainPath, then strip everything but the file name.
if filepath.Dir(file) == internal.MainPath {
return filepath.Base(file), nil
// If the path contains "gopath/src/", which is what the builder uses for
// apps which don't use go modules, strip everything up to and including src.
// Or, if the path starts with /tmp/staging, then we're importing a package
// from the app's module (and we must be using go modules), and we have a
// path like /tmp/staging1234/srv/... so strip everything up to and
// including the first /srv/.
// And be sure to look at the GOPATH, for local development.
s := string(filepath.Separator)
for _, s := range []string{filepath.Join("gopath", "src") + s, s + "srv" + s, filepath.Join(build.Default.GOPATH, "src") + s} {
if idx := strings.Index(file, s); idx > 0 {
return file[idx+len(s):], nil
// Finally, if that all fails then we must be using go modules, and the file is a module,
// so the path looks like /go/pkg/mod/
// So... remove everything up to and including mod, plus the @.... version string.
m := "/mod/"
if idx := strings.Index(file, m); idx > 0 {
file = file[idx+len(m):]
} else {
return file, fmt.Errorf("fileKey: unknown file path format for %q", file)
return modVersionPat.ReplaceAllString(file, ""), nil
// Func declares a new function that can be called in a deferred fashion.
// The second argument i must be a function with the first argument of
// type context.Context.
// To make the key globally unique, the SDK code will combine "key" with
// the filename of the file in which myFunc is defined
// (e.g., /some/path/myfile.go). This is convenient, but can lead to
// failed deferred tasks if you refactor your code, or change from
// GOPATH to go.mod, and then re-deploy with in-flight deferred tasks.
// This function Func must be called in a global scope to properly
// register the function with the framework.
// Deprecated: Use MustRegister instead.
func Func(key string, i interface{}) *Function {
// Derive unique, somewhat stable key for this func.
_, file, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
fk, err := fileKey(file)
if err != nil {
// Not fatal, but log the error
stdlog.Printf("delay: %v", err)
key = fk + ":" + key
f, err := registerFunction(key, i)
if err != nil {
return f
if old := funcs[f.key]; old != nil {
old.err = fmt.Errorf("multiple functions registered for %s", key)
funcs[f.key] = f
return f
// MustRegister declares a new function that can be called in a deferred fashion.
// The second argument i must be a function with the first argument of
// type context.Context.
// MustRegister requires the key to be globally unique.
// This function MustRegister must be called in a global scope to properly
// register the function with the framework.
// See the package notes above for more details.
func MustRegister(key string, i interface{}) *Function {
f, err := registerFunction(key, i)
if err != nil {
if old := funcs[f.key]; old != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("multiple functions registered for %q", key))
funcs[f.key] = f
return f
func registerFunction(key string, i interface{}) (*Function, error) {
f := &Function{fv: reflect.ValueOf(i)}
f.key = key
t := f.fv.Type()
if t.Kind() != reflect.Func {
f.err = errors.New("not a function")
return f, f.err
if t.NumIn() == 0 || !isContext(t.In(0)) {
f.err = errFirstArg
return f, errFirstArg
// Register the function's arguments with the gob package.
// This is required because they are marshaled inside a []interface{}.
// gob.Register only expects to be called during initialization;
// that's fine because this function expects the same.
for i := 0; i < t.NumIn(); i++ {
// Only concrete types may be registered. If the argument has
// interface type, the client is resposible for registering the
// concrete types it will hold.
if t.In(i).Kind() == reflect.Interface {
return f, nil
type invocation struct {
Key string
Args []interface{}
// Call invokes a delayed function.
// err := f.Call(c, ...)
// is equivalent to
// t, _ := f.Task(...)
// _, err := taskqueue.Add(c, t, "")
func (f *Function) Call(c context.Context, args ...interface{}) error {
t, err := f.Task(args...)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = taskqueueAdder(c, t, queue)
return err
// Task creates a Task that will invoke the function.
// Its parameters may be tweaked before adding it to a queue.
// Users should not modify the Path or Payload fields of the returned Task.
func (f *Function) Task(args ...interface{}) (*taskqueue.Task, error) {
if f.err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("delay: func is invalid: %v", f.err)
nArgs := len(args) + 1 // +1 for the context.Context
ft := f.fv.Type()
minArgs := ft.NumIn()
if ft.IsVariadic() {
if nArgs < minArgs {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("delay: too few arguments to func: %d < %d", nArgs, minArgs)
if !ft.IsVariadic() && nArgs > minArgs {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("delay: too many arguments to func: %d > %d", nArgs, minArgs)
// Check arg types.
for i := 1; i < nArgs; i++ {
at := reflect.TypeOf(args[i-1])
var dt reflect.Type
if i < minArgs {
// not a variadic arg
dt = ft.In(i)
} else {
// a variadic arg
dt = ft.In(minArgs).Elem()
// nil arguments won't have a type, so they need special handling.
if at == nil {
// nil interface
switch dt.Kind() {
case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Interface, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice:
continue // may be nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("delay: argument %d has wrong type: %v is not nilable", i, dt)
switch at.Kind() {
case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Interface, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice:
av := reflect.ValueOf(args[i-1])
if av.IsNil() {
// nil value in interface; not supported by gob, so we replace it
// with a nil interface value
args[i-1] = nil
if !at.AssignableTo(dt) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("delay: argument %d has wrong type: %v is not assignable to %v", i, at, dt)
inv := invocation{
Key: f.key,
Args: args,
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := gob.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(inv); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("delay: gob encoding failed: %v", err)
return &taskqueue.Task{
Path: path,
Payload: buf.Bytes(),
}, nil
// Request returns the special task-queue HTTP request headers for the current
// task queue handler. Returns an error if called from outside a delay.Func.
func RequestHeaders(c context.Context) (*taskqueue.RequestHeaders, error) {
if ret, ok := c.Value(headersContextKey).(*taskqueue.RequestHeaders); ok {
return ret, nil
return nil, errOutsideDelayFunc
var taskqueueAdder = taskqueue.Add // for testing
func init() {
http.HandleFunc(path, func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
runFunc(appengine.NewContext(req), w, req)
func runFunc(c context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
defer req.Body.Close()
c = context.WithValue(c, headersContextKey, taskqueue.ParseRequestHeaders(req.Header))
var inv invocation
if err := gob.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&inv); err != nil {
log.Errorf(c, "delay: failed decoding task payload: %v", err)
log.Warningf(c, "delay: dropping task")
f := funcs[inv.Key]
if f == nil {
log.Errorf(c, "delay: no func with key %q found", inv.Key)
log.Warningf(c, "delay: dropping task")
ft := f.fv.Type()
in := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(c)}
for _, arg := range inv.Args {
var v reflect.Value
if arg != nil {
v = reflect.ValueOf(arg)
} else {
// Task was passed a nil argument, so we must construct
// the zero value for the argument here.
n := len(in) // we're constructing the nth argument
var at reflect.Type
if !ft.IsVariadic() || n < ft.NumIn()-1 {
at = ft.In(n)
} else {
at = ft.In(ft.NumIn() - 1).Elem()
v = reflect.Zero(at)
in = append(in, v)
out := f.fv.Call(in)
if n := ft.NumOut(); n > 0 && ft.Out(n-1) == errorType {
if errv := out[n-1]; !errv.IsNil() {
log.Errorf(c, "delay: func failed (will retry): %v", errv.Interface())