blob: 6d1317f77afe3ffded05d567237895aff5d0facd [file] [log] [blame]
// This file contains just a few generic helpers which are used by the
// other test files.
// Tests are distributed the following way:
// gochecker_test.go: This file. Just generic helpers.
// bootstrap_test.go: Tests breaking the chicken and egg problem of
// testing a testing framework with itself.
// foundation_test.go: Tests ensuring that the basics are working.
// fixture_test.go: Tests for the fixture logic (SetUp*/TearDown*).
// helpers_test.go: Tests for helper methods in *gocheck.T.
package gocheck_test
import (
gocheck_local "gocheck/local"
// We count the number of suites run at least to get a vague hint that the
// test suite is behaving as it should. Otherwise a bug introduced at the
// very core of the system could go unperceived.
const suitesRunExpected = 6
var suitesRun int = 0
func Test(t *testing.T) {
if suitesRun != suitesRunExpected &&
flag.Lookup("f").Value.String() == "" {
critical(fmt.Sprintf("Expected %d suites to run rather than %d",
suitesRunExpected, suitesRun))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions.
// Break down badly. This is used in test cases which can't yet assume
// that the fundamental bits are working.
func critical(error string) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "CRITICAL: " + error)
// Return the file line where it's called.
func getMyLine() int {
if _, _, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1); ok {
return line
return -1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper type implementing a basic io.Writer for testing output.
// Type implementing the io.Writer interface for analyzing output.
type String struct {
value string
// The only function required by the io.Writer interface. Will append
// written data to the String.value string.
func (s *String) Write(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
s.value += string(p)
return len(p), nil
// Trivial wrapper to test errors happening on a different file
// than the test itself.
func checkEqualWrapper(c *gocheck.C,
expected interface{},
obtained interface{}) (result bool, line int) {
return c.Check(expected, gocheck_local.Equals, obtained), getMyLine()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper suite for testing basic fail behavior.
type FailHelper struct {
testLine int
func (s *FailHelper) TestLogAndFail(c *gocheck.C) {
s.testLine = getMyLine()-1
c.Log("Expected failure!")
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper suite for testing basic success behavior.
type SuccessHelper struct{}
func (s *SuccessHelper) TestLogAndSucceed(c *gocheck.C) {
c.Log("Expected success!")
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper suite for testing ordering and behavior of fixture.
type FixtureHelper struct {
calls [64]string
n int
panicOn string
func (s *FixtureHelper) trace(name string) {
s.calls[s.n] = name
s.n += 1
if name == s.panicOn {
func (s *FixtureHelper) SetUpSuite(c *gocheck.C) {
func (s *FixtureHelper) TearDownSuite(c *gocheck.C) {
func (s *FixtureHelper) SetUpTest(c *gocheck.C) {
func (s *FixtureHelper) TearDownTest(c *gocheck.C) {
func (s *FixtureHelper) Test1(c *gocheck.C) {
func (s *FixtureHelper) Test2(c *gocheck.C) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper which checks the state of the test and ensures that it matches
// the given expectations. Depends on c.Errorf() working, so shouldn't
// be used to test this one function.
type expectedState struct {
name string
result interface{}
failed bool
log string
// Verify the state of the test. Note that since this also verifies if
// the test is supposed to be in a failed state, no other checks should
// be done in addition to what is being tested.
func checkState(c *gocheck.C, result interface{}, expected *expectedState) {
failed := c.Failed()
log := c.GetTestLog()
matched, matchError := regexp.MatchString("^" + expected.log + "$", log)
if matchError != nil {
c.Errorf("Error in matching expression used in testing %s",
} else if !matched {
c.Errorf("%s logged %#v which doesn't match %#v",, log, expected.log)
if result != expected.result {
c.Errorf("%s returned %#v rather than %#v",, result, expected.result)
if failed != expected.failed {
if failed {
c.Errorf("%s has failed when it shouldn't",
} else {
c.Errorf("%s has not failed when it should",