| package gocheck_test |
| |
| import ( |
| "errors" |
| "launchpad.net/gocheck" |
| "reflect" |
| "runtime" |
| ) |
| |
| type CheckersS struct{} |
| |
| var _ = gocheck.Suite(&CheckersS{}) |
| |
| func testInfo(c *gocheck.C, checker gocheck.Checker, name string, paramNames []string) { |
| info := checker.Info() |
| if info.Name != name { |
| c.Fatalf("Got name %s, expected %s", info.Name, name) |
| } |
| if !reflect.DeepEqual(info.Params, paramNames) { |
| c.Fatalf("Got param names %#v, expected %#v", info.Params, paramNames) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func testCheck(c *gocheck.C, checker gocheck.Checker, result bool, error string, params ...interface{}) ([]interface{}, []string) { |
| info := checker.Info() |
| if len(params) != len(info.Params) { |
| c.Fatalf("unexpected param count in test; expected %d got %d", len(info.Params), len(params)) |
| } |
| names := append([]string{}, info.Params...) |
| result_, error_ := checker.Check(params, names) |
| if result_ != result || error_ != error { |
| c.Fatalf("%s.Check(%#v) returned (%#v, %#v) rather than (%#v, %#v)", |
| info.Name, params, result_, error_, result, error) |
| } |
| return params, names |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestComment(c *gocheck.C) { |
| bug := gocheck.Commentf("a %d bc", 42) |
| comment := bug.CheckCommentString() |
| if comment != "a 42 bc" { |
| c.Fatalf("Commentf returned %#v", comment) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestIsNil(c *gocheck.C) { |
| testInfo(c, gocheck.IsNil, "IsNil", []string{"value"}) |
| |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, true, "", nil) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, false, "", "a") |
| |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, true, "", (chan int)(nil)) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, false, "", make(chan int)) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, true, "", (error)(nil)) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, false, "", errors.New("")) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, true, "", ([]int)(nil)) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, false, "", make([]int, 1)) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, false, "", int(0)) |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestNotNil(c *gocheck.C) { |
| testInfo(c, gocheck.NotNil, "NotNil", []string{"value"}) |
| |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, false, "", nil) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, true, "", "a") |
| |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, false, "", (chan int)(nil)) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, true, "", make(chan int)) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, false, "", (error)(nil)) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, true, "", errors.New("")) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, false, "", ([]int)(nil)) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, true, "", make([]int, 1)) |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestNot(c *gocheck.C) { |
| testInfo(c, gocheck.Not(gocheck.IsNil), "Not(IsNil)", []string{"value"}) |
| |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Not(gocheck.IsNil), false, "", nil) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Not(gocheck.IsNil), true, "", "a") |
| } |
| |
| type simpleStruct struct { |
| i int |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestEquals(c *gocheck.C) { |
| testInfo(c, gocheck.Equals, "Equals", []string{"obtained", "expected"}) |
| |
| // The simplest. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, true, "", 42, 42) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, false, "", 42, 43) |
| |
| // Different native types. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, false, "", int32(42), int64(42)) |
| |
| // With nil. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, false, "", 42, nil) |
| |
| // Slices |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, false, "runtime error: comparing uncomparable type []uint8", []byte{1, 2}, []byte{1, 2}) |
| |
| // Struct values |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, true, "", simpleStruct{1}, simpleStruct{1}) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, false, "", simpleStruct{1}, simpleStruct{2}) |
| |
| // Struct pointers |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, false, "", &simpleStruct{1}, &simpleStruct{1}) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, false, "", &simpleStruct{1}, &simpleStruct{2}) |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestDeepEquals(c *gocheck.C) { |
| testInfo(c, gocheck.DeepEquals, "DeepEquals", []string{"obtained", "expected"}) |
| |
| // The simplest. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.DeepEquals, true, "", 42, 42) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.DeepEquals, false, "", 42, 43) |
| |
| // Different native types. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.DeepEquals, false, "", int32(42), int64(42)) |
| |
| // With nil. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.DeepEquals, false, "", 42, nil) |
| |
| // Slices |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.DeepEquals, true, "", []byte{1, 2}, []byte{1, 2}) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.DeepEquals, false, "", []byte{1, 2}, []byte{1, 3}) |
| |
| // Struct values |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.DeepEquals, true, "", simpleStruct{1}, simpleStruct{1}) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.DeepEquals, false, "", simpleStruct{1}, simpleStruct{2}) |
| |
| // Struct pointers |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.DeepEquals, true, "", &simpleStruct{1}, &simpleStruct{1}) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.DeepEquals, false, "", &simpleStruct{1}, &simpleStruct{2}) |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestHasLen(c *gocheck.C) { |
| testInfo(c, gocheck.HasLen, "HasLen", []string{"obtained", "n"}) |
| |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.HasLen, true, "", "abcd", 4) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.HasLen, true, "", []int{1, 2}, 2) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.HasLen, false, "", []int{1, 2}, 3) |
| |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.HasLen, false, "n must be an int", []int{1, 2}, "2") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.HasLen, false, "obtained value type has no length", nil, 2) |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestErrorMatches(c *gocheck.C) { |
| testInfo(c, gocheck.ErrorMatches, "ErrorMatches", []string{"value", "regex"}) |
| |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.ErrorMatches, false, "Error value is nil", nil, "some error") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.ErrorMatches, false, "Value is not an error", 1, "some error") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.ErrorMatches, true, "", errors.New("some error"), "some error") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.ErrorMatches, true, "", errors.New("some error"), "so.*or") |
| |
| // Verify params mutation |
| params, names := testCheck(c, gocheck.ErrorMatches, false, "", errors.New("some error"), "other error") |
| c.Assert(params[0], gocheck.Equals, "some error") |
| c.Assert(names[0], gocheck.Equals, "error") |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestMatches(c *gocheck.C) { |
| testInfo(c, gocheck.Matches, "Matches", []string{"value", "regex"}) |
| |
| // Simple matching |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, true, "", "abc", "abc") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, true, "", "abc", "a.c") |
| |
| // Must match fully |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, false, "", "abc", "ab") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, false, "", "abc", "bc") |
| |
| // String()-enabled values accepted |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, true, "", reflect.ValueOf("abc"), "a.c") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, false, "", reflect.ValueOf("abc"), "a.d") |
| |
| // Some error conditions. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, false, "Obtained value is not a string and has no .String()", 1, "a.c") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, false, "Can't compile regex: error parsing regexp: missing closing ]: `[c$`", "abc", "a[c") |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestPanics(c *gocheck.C) { |
| testInfo(c, gocheck.Panics, "Panics", []string{"function", "expected"}) |
| |
| // Some errors. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Panics, false, "Function has not panicked", func() bool { return false }, "BOOM") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Panics, false, "Function must take zero arguments", 1, "BOOM") |
| |
| // Plain strings. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Panics, true, "", func() { panic("BOOM") }, "BOOM") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Panics, false, "", func() { panic("KABOOM") }, "BOOM") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Panics, true, "", func() bool { panic("BOOM") }, "BOOM") |
| |
| // Error values. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Panics, true, "", func() { panic(errors.New("BOOM")) }, errors.New("BOOM")) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Panics, false, "", func() { panic(errors.New("KABOOM")) }, errors.New("BOOM")) |
| |
| type deep struct{ i int } |
| // Deep value |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Panics, true, "", func() { panic(&deep{99}) }, &deep{99}) |
| |
| // Verify params/names mutation |
| params, names := testCheck(c, gocheck.Panics, false, "", func() { panic(errors.New("KABOOM")) }, errors.New("BOOM")) |
| c.Assert(params[0], gocheck.ErrorMatches, "KABOOM") |
| c.Assert(names[0], gocheck.Equals, "panic") |
| |
| // Verify a nil panic |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Panics, true, "", func() { panic(nil) }, nil) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Panics, false, "", func() { panic(nil) }, "NOPE") |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestPanicMatches(c *gocheck.C) { |
| testInfo(c, gocheck.PanicMatches, "PanicMatches", []string{"function", "expected"}) |
| |
| // Error matching. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.PanicMatches, true, "", func() { panic(errors.New("BOOM")) }, "BO.M") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.PanicMatches, false, "", func() { panic(errors.New("KABOOM")) }, "BO.M") |
| |
| // Some errors. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.PanicMatches, false, "Function has not panicked", func() bool { return false }, "BOOM") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.PanicMatches, false, "Function must take zero arguments", 1, "BOOM") |
| |
| // Plain strings. |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.PanicMatches, true, "", func() { panic("BOOM") }, "BO.M") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.PanicMatches, false, "", func() { panic("KABOOM") }, "BOOM") |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.PanicMatches, true, "", func() bool { panic("BOOM") }, "BO.M") |
| |
| // Verify params/names mutation |
| params, names := testCheck(c, gocheck.PanicMatches, false, "", func() { panic(errors.New("KABOOM")) }, "BOOM") |
| c.Assert(params[0], gocheck.Equals, "KABOOM") |
| c.Assert(names[0], gocheck.Equals, "panic") |
| |
| // Verify a nil panic |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.PanicMatches, false, "Panic value is not a string or an error", func() { panic(nil) }, "") |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestFitsTypeOf(c *gocheck.C) { |
| testInfo(c, gocheck.FitsTypeOf, "FitsTypeOf", []string{"obtained", "sample"}) |
| |
| // Basic types |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.FitsTypeOf, true, "", 1, 0) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.FitsTypeOf, false, "", 1, int64(0)) |
| |
| // Aliases |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.FitsTypeOf, false, "", 1, errors.New("")) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.FitsTypeOf, false, "", "error", errors.New("")) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.FitsTypeOf, true, "", errors.New("error"), errors.New("")) |
| |
| // Structures |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.FitsTypeOf, false, "", 1, simpleStruct{}) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.FitsTypeOf, false, "", simpleStruct{42}, &simpleStruct{}) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.FitsTypeOf, true, "", simpleStruct{42}, simpleStruct{}) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.FitsTypeOf, true, "", &simpleStruct{42}, &simpleStruct{}) |
| |
| // Some bad values |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.FitsTypeOf, false, "Invalid sample value", 1, interface{}(nil)) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.FitsTypeOf, false, "", interface{}(nil), 0) |
| } |
| |
| func (s *CheckersS) TestImplements(c *gocheck.C) { |
| testInfo(c, gocheck.Implements, "Implements", []string{"obtained", "ifaceptr"}) |
| |
| var e error |
| var re runtime.Error |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Implements, true, "", errors.New(""), &e) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Implements, false, "", errors.New(""), &re) |
| |
| // Some bad values |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Implements, false, "ifaceptr should be a pointer to an interface variable", 0, errors.New("")) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Implements, false, "ifaceptr should be a pointer to an interface variable", 0, interface{}(nil)) |
| testCheck(c, gocheck.Implements, false, "", interface{}(nil), &e) |
| } |