blob: 94847edf9b99de1c409de85fe453b1791264bad6 [file] [log] [blame]
package gocheck
import (
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test suite registry.
var allSuites []interface{}
// Register the given value as a test suite to be run. Any methods starting
// with the Test prefix in the given value will be considered as a test to
// be run.
func Suite(suite interface{}) interface{} {
allSuites = append(allSuites, suite)
return suite
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public running interface.
var filterFlag = flag.String("f", "",
"Regular expression selecting "+
"what to run (gocheck)")
var streamFlag = flag.Bool("vv", false,
"Super verbose mode without caching (gocheck)")
var verboseFlag *bool
func init() {
usage := "Verbose mode (gocheck)"
if v := flag.Lookup("v"); v != nil {
// Hijack -v from gotest.
verboseFlag = flag.Bool("vt", false, "Verbose mode (gotest)")
vt := flag.Lookup("vt")
vt.Value, v.Value = v.Value, vt.Value
v.Usage = usage
} else {
// Define brand new option.
verboseFlag = flag.Bool("v", false, usage)
// Run all test suites registered with the Suite() function, printing
// results to stdout, and reporting any failures back to the 'testing'
// module.
func TestingT(testingT *testing.T) {
result := RunAll(&RunConf{Filter: *filterFlag,
Verbose: *verboseFlag,
Stream: *streamFlag})
if !result.Passed() {
// Run all test suites registered with the Suite() function, using the
// given run configuration.
func RunAll(runConf *RunConf) *Result {
result := Result{}
for _, suite := range allSuites {
result.Add(Run(suite, runConf))
return &result
// Run the given test suite using the provided run configuration.
func Run(suite interface{}, runConf *RunConf) *Result {
runner := newSuiteRunner(suite, runConf)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Result methods.
func (r *Result) Add(other *Result) {
r.Succeeded += other.Succeeded
r.Skipped += other.Skipped
r.Failed += other.Failed
r.Panicked += other.Panicked
r.FixturePanicked += other.FixturePanicked
r.Missed += other.Missed
func (r *Result) Passed() bool {
return (r.Failed == 0 && r.Panicked == 0 &&
r.FixturePanicked == 0 && r.Missed == 0 &&
r.RunError == nil)
func (r *Result) String() string {
if r.RunError != nil {
return "ERROR: " + r.RunError.String()
var value string
if r.Failed == 0 && r.Panicked == 0 && r.FixturePanicked == 0 &&
r.Missed == 0 {
value = "OK: "
} else {
value = "OOPS: "
value += fmt.Sprintf("%d passed", r.Succeeded)
if r.Skipped != 0 {
value += fmt.Sprintf(", %d skipped", r.Skipped)
if r.ExpectedFailures != 0 {
value += fmt.Sprintf(", %d expected failures", r.ExpectedFailures)
if r.Failed != 0 {
value += fmt.Sprintf(", %d FAILED", r.Failed)
if r.Panicked != 0 {
value += fmt.Sprintf(", %d PANICKED", r.Panicked)
if r.FixturePanicked != 0 {
value += fmt.Sprintf(", %d FIXTURE-PANICKED", r.FixturePanicked)
if r.Missed != 0 {
value += fmt.Sprintf(", %d MISSED", r.Missed)
return value