Removed obsolete Assert*(a, b) helper methods. Use the new checker-based
methods Assert(...) and Check(...) instead.
diff --git a/helpers.go b/helpers.go
index be76484..bc364cb 100644
--- a/helpers.go
+++ b/helpers.go
@@ -2,11 +2,8 @@
 import (
-    "reflect"
-    "regexp"
-    "os"
@@ -112,162 +109,6 @@
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Equality testing.
-// Verify if the first value is equal to the second value.  In case
-// they're not equal, an error will be logged, the test will be marked as
-// failed, and the test execution will continue.  The extra arguments are
-// optional and, if provided, will be assembled together with fmt.Sprint()
-// and printed next to the reported problem in case of errors. The returned
-// value will be false in case the verification fails.
-func (c *C) CheckEqual(obtained interface{}, expected interface{},
-                       issue ...interface{}) bool {
-    summary := "CheckEqual(obtained, expected):"
-    return c.internalCheckEqual(obtained, expected, true, summary, issue...)
-// Verify if the first value is not equal to the second value.  In case
-// they are equal, an error will be logged, the test will be marked as
-// failed, and the test execution will continue.  The extra arguments are
-// optional and, if provided, will be assembled together with fmt.Sprint()
-// and printed next to the reported problem in case of errors. The returned
-// value will be false in case the verification fails.
-func (c *C) CheckNotEqual(obtained interface{}, expected interface{},
-                          issue ...interface{}) bool {
-    summary := "CheckNotEqual(obtained, unexpected):"
-    return c.internalCheckEqual(obtained, expected, false, summary, issue...)
-// Ensure that the first value is equal to the second value.  In case
-// they're not equal, an error will be logged, the test will be marked as
-// failed, and the test execution will stop.  The extra arguments are
-// optional and, if provided, will be assembled together with fmt.Sprint()
-// and printed next to the reported problem in case of errors.
-func (c *C) AssertEqual(obtained interface{}, expected interface{},
-                        issue ...interface{}) {
-    summary := "AssertEqual(obtained, expected):"
-    if !c.internalCheckEqual(obtained, expected, true, summary, issue...) {
-        c.stopNow()
-    }
-// Ensure that the first value is not equal to the second value.  In case
-// they are equal, an error will be logged, the test will be marked as
-// failed, and the test execution will stop.  The extra arguments are
-// optional and, if provided, will be assembled together with fmt.Sprint()
-// and printed next to the reported problem in case of errors.
-func (c *C) AssertNotEqual(obtained interface{}, expected interface{},
-                           issue ...interface{}) {
-    summary := "AssertNotEqual(obtained, unexpected):"
-    if !c.internalCheckEqual(obtained, expected, false, summary, issue...) {
-        c.stopNow()
-    }
-var usedDeprecatedChecks = false
-func (c *C) internalCheckEqual(a interface{}, b interface{}, equal bool,
-                               summary string, issue ...interface{}) bool {
-    usedDeprecatedChecks = true
-    typeA := reflect.Typeof(a)
-    typeB := reflect.Typeof(b)
-    if (typeA == typeB && checkEqual(a, b)) != equal {
-        c.logCaller(2, summary)
-        if equal {
-            c.logValue("Obtained", a)
-            c.logValue("Expected", b)
-        } else {
-            c.logValue("Both", a)
-        }
-        if len(issue) != 0 {
-            c.logString(fmt.Sprint(issue...))
-        }
-        c.logNewLine()
-        c.Fail()
-        return false
-    }
-    return true
-// This will use a fast path to check for equality of normal types,
-// and then fallback to reflect.DeepEqual if things go wrong.
-func checkEqual(a interface{}, b interface{}) (result bool) {
-    defer func() {
-        if recover() != nil {
-            result = reflect.DeepEqual(a, b)
-        }
-    }()
-    return (a == b)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// String matching testing.
-// Verify if the value provided matches with the given regular expression.
-// The value must be either a string, or a value which provides the String()
-// method. In case it doesn't match, an error will be logged, the test will
-// be marked as failed, and the test execution will continue. The extra
-// arguments are optional and, if provided, will be assembled together with
-// fmt.Sprint() and printed next to the reported problem in case of errors.
-func (c *C) CheckMatch(value interface{}, expression string,
-                       issue ...interface{}) bool {
-    summary := "CheckMatch(value, expression):"
-    return c.internalCheckMatch(value, expression, true, summary, issue...)
-// Ensure that the value provided matches with the given regular expression.
-// The value must be either a string, or a value which provides the String()
-// method. In case it doesn't match, an error will be logged, the test will
-// be marked as failed, and the test execution will stop. The extra
-// arguments are optional and, if provided, will be assembled together with
-// fmt.Sprint() and printed next to the reported problem in case of errors.
-func (c *C) AssertMatch(value interface{}, expression string,
-                        issue ...interface{}) {
-    summary := "AssertMatch(value, expression):"
-    if !c.internalCheckMatch(value, expression, true, summary, issue...) {
-        c.stopNow()
-    }
-func (c *C) internalCheckMatch(value interface{}, expression string,
-                               equal bool, summary string,
-                               issue ...interface{}) bool {
-    usedDeprecatedChecks = true
-    valueStr, valueIsStr := value.(string)
-    if !valueIsStr {
-        if valueWithStr, valueHasStr := value.(hasString); valueHasStr {
-            valueStr, valueIsStr = valueWithStr.String(), true
-        }
-    }
-    var err os.Error
-    var matches bool
-    if valueIsStr {
-        matches, err = regexp.MatchString("^" + expression + "$", valueStr)
-    }
-    if !matches || err != nil {
-        c.logCaller(2, summary)
-        var msg string
-        if !matches {
-            c.logValue("Value", value)
-            msg = fmt.Sprintf("Expected to match expression: %#v", expression)
-        } else {
-            msg = fmt.Sprintf("Can't compile match expression: %#v", expression)
-        }
-        c.logString(msg)
-        if len(issue) != 0 {
-            c.logString(fmt.Sprint(issue...))
-        }
-        c.logNewLine()
-        c.Fail()
-        return false
-    }
-    return true
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Generic checks and assertions based on checkers.
 // Verify if the first value matches with the expected value.  What
diff --git a/helpers_test.go b/helpers_test.go
index dbf86f6..3be97a5 100644
--- a/helpers_test.go
+++ b/helpers_test.go
@@ -325,306 +325,6 @@
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Old tests for Assert*() and Check*() helpers not based on checkers.
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckEqualFailing(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ CheckEqual\\(obtained, expected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Obtained \\(int\\): 10\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected \\(int\\): 20\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "CheckEqual(10, 20)", false, false, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckEqual(10, 20)
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckEqualFailingWithDiffTypes(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ CheckEqual\\(obtained, expected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Obtained \\(int\\): 10\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected \\(uint\\): 0xa\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "CheckEqual(10, uint(10))", false, false, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckEqual(10, uint(10))
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckEqualFailingWithNil(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ CheckEqual\\(obtained, expected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Obtained \\(int\\): 10\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected \\(nil\\): nil\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "CheckEqual(10, nil)", false, false, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckEqual(10, nil)
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckEqualWithBugInfo(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ CheckEqual\\(obtained, expected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Obtained \\(int\\): 10\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected \\(int\\): 20\n" +
-           "\\.+ That's clearly WRONG!\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "CheckEqual(10, 20, issue)", false, false, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckEqual(10, 20, "That's clearly ", "WRONG!")
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckNotEqualSucceeding(c *gocheck.C) {
-    testHelperSuccess(c, "CheckNotEqual(10, 20)", true, func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckNotEqual(10, 20)
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckNotEqualSucceedingWithNil(c *gocheck.C) {
-    testHelperSuccess(c, "CheckNotEqual(10, nil)", true, func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckNotEqual(10, nil)
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckNotEqualFailing(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ CheckNotEqual\\(obtained, unexpected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Both \\(int\\): 10\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "CheckNotEqual(10, 10)", false, false, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckNotEqual(10, 10)
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckNotEqualWithBugInfo(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ CheckNotEqual\\(obtained, unexpected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Both \\(int\\): 10\n" +
-           "\\.+ That's clearly WRONG!\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "CheckNotEqual(10, 10, issue)", false, false, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckNotEqual(10, 10, "That's clearly ", "WRONG!")
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertEqualSucceeding(c *gocheck.C) {
-    testHelperSuccess(c, "AssertEqual(10, 10)", nil, func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertEqual(10, 10)
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertEqualFailing(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ AssertEqual\\(obtained, expected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Obtained \\(int\\): 10\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected \\(int\\): 20\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "AssertEqual(10, 20)", nil, true, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertEqual(10, 20)
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertEqualWithMessage(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ AssertEqual\\(obtained, expected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Obtained \\(int\\): 10\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected \\(int\\): 20\n" +
-           "\\.+ That's clearly WRONG!\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "AssertEqual(10, 20, issue)", nil, true, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertEqual(10, 20, "That's clearly ", "WRONG!")
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertNotEqualSucceeding(c *gocheck.C) {
-    testHelperSuccess(c, "AssertNotEqual(10, 20)", nil, func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertNotEqual(10, 20)
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertNotEqualFailing(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ AssertNotEqual\\(obtained, unexpected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Both \\(int\\): 10\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "AssertNotEqual(10, 10)", nil, true, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertNotEqual(10, 10)
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertNotEqualWithMessage(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ AssertNotEqual\\(obtained, unexpected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Both \\(int\\): 10\n" +
-           "\\.+ That's clearly WRONG!\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "AssertNotEqual(10, 10, issue)", nil, true, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertNotEqual(10, 10, "That's clearly ", "WRONG!")
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckEqualArraySucceeding(c *gocheck.C) {
-    testHelperSuccess(c, "CheckEqual([]byte, []byte)", true, func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckEqual([]byte{1,2}, []byte{1,2})
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckEqualArrayFailing(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ CheckEqual\\(obtained, expected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Obtained \\(\\[\\]uint8\\): \\[\\]byte{0x1, 0x2}\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected \\(\\[\\]uint8\\): \\[\\]byte{0x1, 0x3}\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "CheckEqual([]byte{2}, []byte{3})", false, false, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckEqual([]byte{1,2}, []byte{1,3})
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckNotEqualArraySucceeding(c *gocheck.C) {
-    testHelperSuccess(c, "CheckNotEqual([]byte, []byte)", true,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckNotEqual([]byte{1,2}, []byte{1,3})
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckNotEqualArrayFailing(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ CheckNotEqual\\(obtained, unexpected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Both \\(\\[\\]uint8\\): \\[\\]byte{0x1, 0x2}\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "CheckNotEqual([]byte{2}, []byte{3})", false, false,
-                      log, func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckNotEqual([]byte{1,2}, []byte{1,2})
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertEqualArraySucceeding(c *gocheck.C) {
-    testHelperSuccess(c, "AssertEqual([]byte, []byte)", nil,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertEqual([]byte{1,2}, []byte{1,2})
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertEqualArrayFailing(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ AssertEqual\\(obtained, expected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Obtained \\(\\[\\]uint8\\): \\[\\]byte{0x1, 0x2}\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected \\(\\[\\]uint8\\): \\[\\]byte{0x1, 0x3}\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "AssertEqual([]byte{2}, []byte{3})", nil, true, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertEqual([]byte{1,2}, []byte{1,3})
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertNotEqualArraySucceeding(c *gocheck.C) {
-    testHelperSuccess(c, "AssertNotEqual([]byte, []byte)", nil,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertNotEqual([]byte{1,2}, []byte{1,3})
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertNotEqualArrayFailing(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ AssertNotEqual\\(obtained, unexpected\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Both \\(\\[\\]uint8\\): \\[\\]byte{0x1, 0x2}\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "AssertNotEqual([]byte{2}, []byte{3})", nil, true,
-                      log, func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertNotEqual([]byte{1,2}, []byte{1,2})
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckMatchSucceeding(c *gocheck.C) {
-    testHelperSuccess(c, "CheckErr('foo', 'fo*')", true, func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckMatch("foo", "fo*")
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckMatchFailing(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ CheckMatch\\(value, expression\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Value \\(string\\): \"foo\"\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected to match expression: \"bar\"\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "CheckMatch('foo', 'bar')", false, false, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckMatch("foo", "bar")
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestCheckMatchFailingWithMessage(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ CheckMatch\\(value, expression\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Value \\(string\\): \"foo\"\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected to match expression: \"bar\"\n" +
-           "\\.+ Foo bar!\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "CheckMatch('foo', 'bar')", false, false, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        return c.CheckMatch("foo", "bar", "Foo", " bar!")
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertMatchSucceeding(c *gocheck.C) {
-    testHelperSuccess(c, "AssertMatch(s, exp)", nil, func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertMatch("str error", "str.*r")
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertMatchSucceedingWithError(c *gocheck.C) {
-    testHelperSuccess(c, "AssertMatch(os.Error, exp)", nil, func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertMatch(os.Errno(13), "perm.*denied")
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertMatchFailing(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ AssertMatch\\(value, expression\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Value \\(os\\.Errno\\): 13 \\(permission denied\\)\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected to match expression: \"foo\"\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "AssertMatch(error, foo)", nil, true, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertMatch(os.Errno(13), "foo")
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertMatchFailingWithPureStrMatch(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ AssertMatch\\(value, expression\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Value \\(string\\): \"foobar\"\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected to match expression: \"foobaz\"\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "AssertMatch('foobar', 'foobaz')", nil, true, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertMatch("foobar", "foobaz")
-        return nil
-    })
-func (s *HelpersS) TestAssertMatchFailingWithMessage(c *gocheck.C) {
-    log := "helpers_test.go:[0-9]+ > helpers_test.go:[0-9]+:\n" +
-           "\\.+ AssertMatch\\(value, expression\\):\n" +
-           "\\.+ Value \\(string\\): \"foobar\"\n" +
-           "\\.+ Expected to match expression: \"foobaz\"\n" +
-           "\\.+ That's clearly WRONG!\n\n"
-    testHelperFailure(c, "AssertMatch('foobar', 'foobaz')", nil, true, log,
-                      func() interface{} {
-        c.AssertMatch("foobar", "foobaz", "That's clearly ", "WRONG!")
-        return nil
-    })
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // MakeDir() tests.
 type MkDirHelper struct {
diff --git a/run.go b/run.go
index e4a6e7f..a32c145 100644
--- a/run.go
+++ b/run.go
@@ -36,14 +36,6 @@
 func TestingT(testingT *testing.T) {
     result := RunAll(&RunConf{Filter: *filterFlag, Verbose: *verboseFlag})
-    if usedDeprecatedChecks {
-        println("WARNING: The Check/AssertEqual() and Check/AssertMatch() " +
-                "family of functions\n         is deprecated, and will be " +
-                "removed in the future.  Assert() and\n         Check() " +
-                "are both more comfortable and more powerful.  See the\n" +
-                "         documentation at for " +
-                "more details.\n")
-    }
     if !result.Passed() {