blob: 04873adf3544a62455ad1b2484e4f2f4cecd75be [file] [log] [blame]
package gocheck_test
import (
type CheckersS struct{}
var _ = gocheck.Suite(&CheckersS{})
func testInfo(c *gocheck.C, checker gocheck.Checker,
name, obtainedVarName, expectedVarName string) {
if checker.Name() != name {
c.Fatalf("Got name %s, expected %s", checker.Name(), name)
obtainedName, expectedName := checker.VarNames()
if obtainedName != obtainedVarName {
c.Fatalf("Got obtained label %#v, expected %#v",
obtainedName, obtainedVarName)
if expectedName != expectedVarName {
c.Fatalf("Got expected label %#v, expected %#v",
expectedName, expectedVarName)
func testCheck(c *gocheck.C, checker gocheck.Checker,
obtained, expected interface{},
wantedResult bool, wantedError string) {
result, error := checker.Check(obtained, expected)
if result != wantedResult || error != wantedError {
c.Fatalf("%s.Check(%#v, %#v) returned "+
"(%#v, %#v) rather than (%#v, %#v)",
checker.Name(), obtained, expected,
result, error, wantedResult, wantedError)
func (s *CheckersS) TestBug(c *gocheck.C) {
bug := gocheck.Bug("a %d bc", 42)
info := bug.GetBugInfo()
if info != "a 42 bc" {
c.Fatalf("Bug() returned %#v", info)
func (s *CheckersS) TestIsNil(c *gocheck.C) {
testInfo(c, gocheck.IsNil, "IsNil", "value", "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, nil, nil, true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, "a", nil, false, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, (chan int)(nil), nil, true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, make(chan int), nil, false, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, (os.Error)(nil), nil, true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, os.NewError(""), nil, false, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, ([]int)(nil), nil, true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, make([]int, 1), nil, false, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.IsNil, int(0), nil, false, "")
func (s *CheckersS) TestNotNil(c *gocheck.C) {
testInfo(c, gocheck.NotNil, "NotNil", "value", "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, nil, nil, false, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, "a", nil, true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, (chan int)(nil), nil, false, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, make(chan int), nil, true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, (os.Error)(nil), nil, false, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, os.NewError(""), nil, true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, ([]int)(nil), nil, false, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.NotNil, make([]int, 1), nil, true, "")
func (s *CheckersS) TestNot(c *gocheck.C) {
testInfo(c, gocheck.Not(gocheck.IsNil), "Not(IsNil)", "value", "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.Not(gocheck.IsNil), nil, nil, false, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.Not(gocheck.IsNil), "a", nil, true, "")
type simpleStruct struct {
i int
func (s *CheckersS) TestEquals(c *gocheck.C) {
testInfo(c, gocheck.Equals, "Equals", "obtained", "expected")
// The simplest.
testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, 42, 42, true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, 42, 43, false, "")
// Different native types.
testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, int32(42), int64(42), false, "")
// With nil.
testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, 42, nil, false, "")
// Arrays
testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, []byte{1, 2}, []byte{1, 2}, true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, []byte{1, 2}, []byte{1, 3}, false, "")
// Struct values
testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, simpleStruct{1}, simpleStruct{1}, true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, simpleStruct{1}, simpleStruct{2}, false, "")
// Struct pointers
testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, &simpleStruct{1}, &simpleStruct{1}, true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.Equals, &simpleStruct{1}, &simpleStruct{2}, false, "")
func (s *CheckersS) TestMatches(c *gocheck.C) {
testInfo(c, gocheck.Matches, "Matches", "value", "regex")
// Simple matching
testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, "abc", "abc", true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, "abc", "a.c", true, "")
// Must match fully
testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, "abc", "ab", false, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, "abc", "bc", false, "")
// String()-enabled values accepted
testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, os.NewError("abc"), "a.c", true, "")
testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, os.NewError("abc"), "a.d", false, "")
// Some error conditions.
testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, 1, "a.c", false,
"Obtained value is not a string and has no .String()")
testCheck(c, gocheck.Matches, "abc", "a[c", false,
"Can't compile regex: unmatched '['")