blob: 529c3c9413f48ff12206b5f0f43d3b5d0c730289 [file] [log] [blame]
// These tests check that the foundations of gocheck are working properly.
// They already assume that fundamental failing is working already, though,
// since this was tested in bootstrap_test.go. Even then, some care may
// still have to be taken when using external functions, since they should
// of course not rely on functionality tested here.
package gocheck_test
import (
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Foundation test suite.
type FoundationS struct{}
var foundationS = gocheck.Suite(&FoundationS{})
func (s *FoundationS) TestCountSuite(c *gocheck.C) {
suitesRun += 1
func (s *FoundationS) TestErrorf(c *gocheck.C) {
// Do not use checkState() here. It depends on Errorf() working.
expectedLog := fmt.Sprintf("foundation_test.go:%d:\n" +
"... Error: Error message!\n", getMyLine()+1)
c.Errorf("Error %v!", "message")
failed := c.Failed()
if log := c.GetTestLog(); log != expectedLog {
c.Logf("Errorf() logged %#v rather than %#v", log, expectedLog)
if !failed {
c.Logf("Errorf() didn't put the test in a failed state")
func (s *FoundationS) TestError(c *gocheck.C) {
expectedLog := fmt.Sprintf("foundation_test.go:%d:\n" +
"... Error: Error message!\n", getMyLine()+1)
c.Error("Error ", "message!")
checkState(c, nil,
name: "Error(`Error `, `message!`)",
failed: true,
log: expectedLog,
func (s *FoundationS) TestFailNow(c *gocheck.C) {
defer (func() {
if !c.Failed() {
c.Error("FailNow() didn't fail the test")
} else {
c.CheckEqual(c.GetTestLog(), "")
c.Log("FailNow() didn't stop the test")
func (s *FoundationS) TestSucceedNow(c *gocheck.C) {
defer (func() {
if c.Failed() {
c.Error("SucceedNow() didn't succeed the test")
c.CheckEqual(c.GetTestLog(), "")
c.Log("SucceedNow() didn't stop the test")
func (s *FoundationS) TestFailureHeader(c *gocheck.C) {
output := String{}
failHelper := FailHelper{}
gocheck.Run(&failHelper, &gocheck.RunConf{Output: &output})
header := fmt.Sprintf(
"\n-----------------------------------" +
"-----------------------------------\n" +
"FAIL: gocheck_test.go:%d: FailHelper.TestLogAndFail\n",
if strings.Index(output.value, header) == -1 {
c.Errorf("Failure didn't print a proper header.\n" +
"... Got:\n%s... Expected something with:\n%s",
output.value, header)
func (s *FoundationS) TestFatal(c *gocheck.C) {
var line int
defer (func() {
if !c.Failed() {
c.Error("Fatal() didn't fail the test")
} else {
fmt.Sprintf("foundation_test.go:%d:\n" +
"... Error: Die now!\n", line))
line = getMyLine()+1
c.Fatal("Die ", "now!")
c.Log("Fatal() didn't stop the test")
func (s *FoundationS) TestFatalf(c *gocheck.C) {
var line int
defer (func() {
if !c.Failed() {
c.Error("Fatalf() didn't fail the test")
} else {
fmt.Sprintf("foundation_test.go:%d:\n" +
"... Error: Die now!\n", line))
line = getMyLine()+1
c.Fatalf("Die %s!", "now")
c.Log("Fatalf() didn't stop the test")
func (s *FoundationS) TestCallerLoggingInsideTest(c *gocheck.C) {
log := fmt.Sprintf(
"foundation_test.go:%d:\n" +
"\\.\\.\\. CheckEqual\\(obtained, expected\\):\n" +
"\\.\\.\\. Obtained \\(int\\): 10\n" +
"\\.\\.\\. Expected \\(int\\): 20\n\n",
result := c.CheckEqual(10, 20)
checkState(c, result,
name: "CheckEqual(10, 20)",
result: false,
failed: true,
log: log,
func (s *FoundationS) TestCallerLoggingInDifferentFile(c *gocheck.C) {
result, line := checkEqualWrapper(c, 10, 20)
testLine := getMyLine()-1
log := fmt.Sprintf(
"foundation_test.go:%d > gocheck_test.go:%d:\n" +
"\\.\\.\\. CheckEqual\\(obtained, expected\\):\n" +
"\\.\\.\\. Obtained \\(int\\): 10\n" +
"\\.\\.\\. Expected \\(int\\): 20\n\n",
testLine, line)
checkState(c, result,
name: "CheckEqual(10, 20)",
result: false,
failed: true,
log: log,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ExpectFailure() inverts the logic of failure.
type ExpectFailureHelper struct{}
func (s *ExpectFailureHelper) TestFail(c *gocheck.C) {
c.ExpectFailure("It booms!")
func (s *ExpectFailureHelper) TestSucceed(c *gocheck.C) {
c.ExpectFailure("Bug #XYZ")
func (s *FoundationS) TestExpectFailure(c *gocheck.C) {
helper := ExpectFailureHelper{}
output := String{}
gocheck.Run(&helper, &gocheck.RunConf{Output: &output})
expected :=
"^\n-+\n" +
"FAIL: foundation_test\\.go:[0-9]+:" +
" ExpectFailureHelper\\.TestSucceed\n\n" +
"\\.\\.\\. Error: Test succeeded, but was expected to fail\n" +
"\\.\\.\\. Reason: Bug #XYZ\n$"
matched, err := regexp.MatchString(expected, output.value)
if err != nil {
c.Error("Bad expression: ", expected)
} else if !matched {
c.Error("ExpectFailure() didn't log properly:\n", output.value)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ensure that suites with embedded types are working fine, including the
// the workaround for issue 906.
type EmbeddedInternalS struct {
called bool
type EmbeddedS struct {
var embeddedS = gocheck.Suite(&EmbeddedS{})
func (s *EmbeddedS) TestCountSuite(c *gocheck.C) {
suitesRun += 1
func (s *EmbeddedInternalS) TestMethod(c *gocheck.C) {
c.Error("TestMethod() of the embedded type was called!?")
func (s *EmbeddedS) TestMethod(c *gocheck.C) {
c.CheckEqual(s.called, false,
"The bug described in issue 906 is affecting the runner")
s.called = true