blob: d8c7f5e2aaad6df22b00e734bc58e0a2347f93ed [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build !plan9 && !solaris
// +build !plan9,!solaris
package fsnotify
import (
// Set soft open file limit to the maximum; on e.g. OpenBSD it's 512/1024.
// Go 1.19 will always do this when the os package is imported.
func init() {
func TestWatch(t *testing.T) {
tests := []testCase{
{"multiple creates", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
cat(t, "data", file)
rm(t, file)
touch(t, file) // Recreate the file
cat(t, "data", file) // Modify
cat(t, "data", file) // Modify
}, `
create /file
write /file
remove /file
create /file
write /file
write /file
{"dir only", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
beforeWatch := filepath.Join(tmp, "beforewatch")
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
touch(t, beforeWatch)
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
cat(t, "data", file)
rm(t, file)
rm(t, beforeWatch)
}, `
create /file
write /file
remove /file
remove /beforewatch
{"subdir", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
dir := filepath.Join(tmp, "sub")
dirfile := filepath.Join(tmp, "sub/file2")
mkdir(t, dir) // Create sub-directory
touch(t, file) // Create a file
touch(t, dirfile) // Create a file (Should not see this! we are not watching subdir)
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
rmAll(t, dir) // Make sure receive deletes for both file and sub-directory
rm(t, file)
}, `
create /sub
create /file
remove /sub
remove /file
# TODO: not sure why the REMOVE /sub is dropped.
create /sub
create /file
remove /file
# Windows includes a write for the /sub dir too, two of them even(?)
create /sub
create /file
write /sub
write /sub
remove /sub
remove /file
{"file in directory is not readable", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("attributes don't work on Windows")
touch(t, tmp, "file-unreadable")
chmod(t, 0, tmp, "file-unreadable")
touch(t, tmp, "file")
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
cat(t, "hello", tmp, "file")
rm(t, tmp, "file")
rm(t, tmp, "file-unreadable")
}, `
WRITE "/file"
REMOVE "/file"
REMOVE "/file-unreadable"
# We never set up a watcher on the unreadable file, so we don't get
# the REMOVE.
WRITE "/file"
REMOVE "/file"
{"watch same dir twice", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
touch(t, tmp, "file")
cat(t, "hello", tmp, "file")
rm(t, tmp, "file")
mkdir(t, tmp, "dir")
}, `
create /file
write /file
remove /file
create /dir
{"watch same file twice", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
touch(t, file)
addWatch(t, w, file)
addWatch(t, w, file)
cat(t, "hello", tmp, "file")
}, `
write /file
{"watch a symlink to a file", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
// WRITE "/private/var/folders/.../TestWatchwatch_a_symlink_to_a_file183391030/001/file"
// Pretty sure this is caused by the broken symlink-follow
// behaviour too.
t.Skip("broken on macOS")
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
link := filepath.Join(tmp, "link")
touch(t, file)
symlink(t, file, link)
addWatch(t, w, link)
cat(t, "hello", file)
}, `
write /link
# TODO: Symlinks followed on kqueue; it shouldn't do this, but I'm
# afraid changing it will break stuff. See #227, #390
write /file
# TODO: see if we can fix this.
{"watch a symlink to a dir", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
// CREATE "/private/var/.../TestWatchwatch_a_symlink_to_a_dir2551725268/001/dir/file"
// Pretty sure this is caused by the broken symlink-follow
// behaviour too.
t.Skip("broken on macOS")
dir := filepath.Join(tmp, "dir")
link := filepath.Join(tmp, "link")
mkdir(t, dir)
symlink(t, dir, link)
addWatch(t, w, link)
touch(t, dir, "file")
}, `
create /link/file
# TODO: Symlinks followed on kqueue; it shouldn't do this, but I'm
# afraid changing it will break stuff. See #227, #390
create /dir/file
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
func TestWatchCreate(t *testing.T) {
tests := []testCase{
// Files
{"create empty file", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
touch(t, tmp, "file")
}, `
create /file
{"create file with data", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
cat(t, "data", tmp, "file")
}, `
create /file
write /file
// Directories
{"create new directory", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
mkdir(t, tmp, "dir")
}, `
create /dir
// Links
{"create new symlink to file", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
touch(t, tmp, "file")
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
symlink(t, filepath.Join(tmp, "file"), tmp, "link")
}, `
create /link
create /link
write /link
{"create new symlink to directory", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
symlink(t, tmp, tmp, "link")
}, `
create /link
create /link
write /link
{"create new named pipe", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("no named pipes on windows")
touch(t, tmp, "file")
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
mkfifo(t, tmp, "fifo")
}, `
create /fifo
// Device node
{"create new device node pipe", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("no device nodes on windows")
if isKqueue() {
t.Skip("needs root on BSD")
touch(t, tmp, "file")
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
mknod(t, 0, tmp, "dev")
}, `
create /dev
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
func TestWatchWrite(t *testing.T) {
tests := []testCase{
// Files
{"truncate file", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
cat(t, "data", file)
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
fp, err := os.Create(file)
if err != nil {
if err := fp.Sync(); err != nil {
if _, err := fp.Write([]byte("X")); err != nil {
if err := fp.Close(); err != nil {
}, `
write /file # truncate
write /file # write
# Truncate is chmod on kqueue, except NetBSD
write /file
chmod /file
write /file
{"multiple writes to a file", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
cat(t, "data", file)
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
fp, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_RDWR, 0)
if err != nil {
if _, err := fp.Write([]byte("X")); err != nil {
if err := fp.Sync(); err != nil {
if _, err := fp.Write([]byte("Y")); err != nil {
if err := fp.Close(); err != nil {
}, `
write /file # write X
write /file # write Y
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
func TestWatchRename(t *testing.T) {
tests := []testCase{
{"rename file in watched dir", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
cat(t, "asd", file)
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
mv(t, file, tmp, "renamed")
}, `
rename /file
create /renamed
{"rename from unwatched dir", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
unwatched := t.TempDir()
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
touch(t, unwatched, "file")
mv(t, filepath.Join(unwatched, "file"), tmp, "file")
}, `
create /file
{"rename to unwatched dir", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
if runtime.GOOS == "netbsd" && isCI() {
t.Skip("fails in CI; see #488")
unwatched := t.TempDir()
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
renamed := filepath.Join(unwatched, "renamed")
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
cat(t, "data", file)
mv(t, file, renamed)
cat(t, "data", renamed) // Modify the file outside of the watched dir
touch(t, file) // Recreate the file that was moved
}, `
create /file # cat data >file
write /file # ^
rename /file # mv file ../renamed
create /file # touch file
# Windows has REMOVE /file, rather than CREATE /file
create /file
write /file
remove /file
create /file
{"rename overwriting existing file", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
unwatched := t.TempDir()
file := filepath.Join(unwatched, "file")
touch(t, tmp, "renamed")
touch(t, file)
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
mv(t, file, tmp, "renamed")
}, `
# TODO: this should really be RENAME.
remove /renamed
create /renamed
# No remove event for inotify; inotify just sends MOVE_SELF.
create /renamed
# TODO: this is broken.
{"rename watched directory", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
dir := filepath.Join(tmp, "dir")
mkdir(t, dir)
addWatch(t, w, dir)
mv(t, dir, tmp, "dir-renamed")
touch(t, tmp, "dir-renamed/file")
}, `
CREATE "/dir" # mkdir
RENAME "/dir" # mv
CREATE "/dir-renamed"
RENAME "/dir"
CREATE "/dir/file" # touch
CREATE "/dir" # mkdir
RENAME "/dir" # mv
CREATE "/dir-renamed"
CREATE "/dir-renamed/file" # touch
# TODO: no results for the touch; this is probably a bug; windows
# was fixed in #370.
CREATE "/dir" # mkdir
CREATE "/dir-renamed" # mv
{"rename watched file", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
rename := filepath.Join(tmp, "rename-one")
touch(t, file)
addWatch(t, w, file)
mv(t, file, rename)
mv(t, rename, tmp, "rename-two")
}, `
# TODO: this should update the path. And even then, not clear what
# go renamed to what.
rename /file # mv file rename
rename /file # mv rename rename-two
# TODO: seems to lose the watch?
rename /file
# It's actually more correct on Windows.
rename /file
rename /rename-one
{"re-add renamed file", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
rename := filepath.Join(tmp, "rename")
touch(t, file)
addWatch(t, w, file)
mv(t, file, rename)
touch(t, file)
addWatch(t, w, file)
cat(t, "hello", rename)
cat(t, "hello", file)
}, `
rename /file # mv file rename
write /rename # cat hello >rename
write /file # cat hello >file
# TODO: wrong.
RENAME "/file"
WRITE "/file"
# TODO: wrong.
RENAME "/file"
WRITE "/file"
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
func TestWatchSymlink(t *testing.T) {
tests := []testCase{
{"create unresolvable symlink", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
symlink(t, filepath.Join(tmp, "target"), tmp, "link")
}, `
create /link
create /link
write /link
# No events at all on Dragonfly
# TODO: should fix this.
{"cyclic symlink", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
// This test is borked on macOS; it reports events outside the
// watched directory:
// create "/private/.../testwatchsymlinkcyclic_symlink3681444267/001/link"
// create "/link"
// write "/link"
// write "/private/.../testwatchsymlinkcyclic_symlink3681444267/001/link"
// kqueue.go does a lot of weird things with symlinks that I
// don't think are necessarily correct, but need to test a bit
// more.
symlink(t, ".", tmp, "link")
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
rm(t, tmp, "link")
cat(t, "foo", tmp, "link")
}, `
write /link
create /link
linux, windows:
remove /link
create /link
write /link
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
func TestWatchAttrib(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("attributes don't work on Windows")
tests := []testCase{
{"chmod", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
cat(t, "data", file)
addWatch(t, w, file)
chmod(t, 0o700, file)
}, `
CHMOD "/file"
{"write does not trigger CHMOD", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
cat(t, "data", file)
addWatch(t, w, file)
chmod(t, 0o700, file)
cat(t, "more data", file)
}, `
CHMOD "/file"
WRITE "/file"
{"chmod after write", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
cat(t, "data", file)
addWatch(t, w, file)
chmod(t, 0o700, file)
cat(t, "more data", file)
chmod(t, 0o600, file)
}, `
CHMOD "/file"
WRITE "/file"
CHMOD "/file"
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
func TestWatchRm(t *testing.T) {
tests := []testCase{
{"remove watched file", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
touch(t, file)
addWatch(t, w, file)
rm(t, file)
}, `
REMOVE "/file"
# unlink always emits a CHMOD on Linux.
CHMOD "/file"
REMOVE "/file"
{"remove watched file with open fd", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("Windows hard-locks open files so this will never work")
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
touch(t, file)
// Intentionally don't close the descriptor here so it stays around.
_, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
addWatch(t, w, file)
rm(t, file)
}, `
REMOVE "/file"
# inotify will just emit a CHMOD for the unlink, but won't actually
# emit a REMOVE until the descriptor is closed. Bit odd, but not much
# we can do about it. The REMOVE is tested in TestInotifyDeleteOpenFile()
CHMOD "/file"
{"remove watched directory", func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher, tmp string) {
if runtime.GOOS == "openbsd" || runtime.GOOS == "netbsd" {
t.Skip("behaviour is inconsistent on OpenBSD and NetBSD, and this test is flaky")
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
touch(t, file)
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
rmAll(t, tmp)
}, `
# OpenBSD, NetBSD
remove /file
remove|write /
remove|write "/"
remove ""
create "."
remove /file
remove|write /
remove /file
remove /
remove /file
remove /
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
func TestClose(t *testing.T) {
chanClosed := func(t *testing.T, w *Watcher) {
// Need a small sleep as Close() on kqueue does all sorts of things,
// which may take a little bit.
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "freebsd", "openbsd", "netbsd", "dragonfly", "darwin":
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
select {
t.Fatal("blocking on Events")
case _, ok := <-w.Events:
if ok {
t.Fatal("Events not closed")
select {
t.Fatal("blocking on Errors")
case _, ok := <-w.Errors:
if ok {
t.Fatal("Errors not closed")
t.Run("close", func(t *testing.T) {
w := newWatcher(t)
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
chanClosed(t, w)
var done int32
go func() {
atomic.StoreInt32(&done, 1)
if atomic.LoadInt32(&done) == 0 {
t.Fatal("double Close() test failed: second Close() call didn't return")
if err := w.Add(t.TempDir()); err == nil {
t.Fatal("expected error on Watch() after Close(), got nil")
// Make sure that Close() works even when the Events channel isn't being
// read.
t.Run("events not read", func(t *testing.T) {
tmp := t.TempDir()
w := newWatcher(t, tmp)
touch(t, tmp, "file")
rm(t, tmp, "file")
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
// TODO: windows backend doesn't work well here; can't easily fix it.
// Need to rewrite things a bit.
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
chanClosed(t, w)
// Make sure that calling Close() while REMOVE events are emitted doesn't race.
t.Run("close while removing files", func(t *testing.T) {
tmp := t.TempDir()
files := make([]string, 0, 200)
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
f := filepath.Join(tmp, fmt.Sprintf("file-%03d", i))
touch(t, f, noWait)
files = append(files, f)
w := newWatcher(t, tmp)
startC, stopC, errC := make(chan struct{}), make(chan struct{}), make(chan error)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-w.Errors:
case <-w.Events:
case <-stopC:
rmDone := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
for _, f := range files {
rm(t, f, noWait)
rmDone <- struct{}{}
go func() {
errC <- w.Close()
defer close(stopC)
if err := <-errC; err != nil {
// Make sure Close() doesn't race when called more than once; hard to write
// a good reproducible test for this, but running it 150 times seems to
// reproduce it in ~75% of cases and isn't too slow (~0.06s on my system).
t.Run("double close", func(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < 150; i++ {
w, err := NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "too many") { // syscall.EMFILE
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
go w.Close()
go w.Close()
go w.Close()
t.Run("closes channels after read", func(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "netbsd" {
t.Skip("flaky") // TODO
tmp := t.TempDir()
w := newCollector(t, tmp)
touch(t, tmp, "qwe")
touch(t, tmp, "asd")
if err := w.w.Close(); err != nil {
chanClosed(t, w.w)
func TestAdd(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("permission denied", func(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("attributes don't work on Windows")
tmp := t.TempDir()
dir := filepath.Join(tmp, "dir-unreadable")
mkdir(t, dir)
touch(t, dir, "/file")
chmod(t, 0, dir)
w := newWatcher(t)
defer func() {
chmod(t, 0o755, dir) // Make TempDir() cleanup work
err := w.Add(dir)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("error is nil")
if !errors.Is(err, internal.UnixEACCES) {
t.Errorf("not unix.EACCESS: %T %#[1]v", err)
if !errors.Is(err, internal.SyscallEACCES) {
t.Errorf("not syscall.EACCESS: %T %#[1]v", err)
// TODO: should also check internal state is correct/cleaned up; e.g. no
// left-over file descriptors or whatnot.
func TestRemove(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("works", func(t *testing.T) {
tmp := t.TempDir()
touch(t, tmp, "file")
w := newCollector(t)
addWatch(t, w.w, tmp)
if err := w.w.Remove(tmp); err != nil {
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
cat(t, "data", tmp, "file")
chmod(t, 0o700, tmp, "file")
have := w.stop(t)
if len(have) > 0 {
t.Errorf("received events; expected none:\n%s", have)
t.Run("remove same dir twice", func(t *testing.T) {
tmp := t.TempDir()
touch(t, tmp, "file")
w := newWatcher(t)
defer w.Close()
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
if err := w.Remove(tmp); err != nil {
err := w.Remove(tmp)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("no error")
if !errors.Is(err, ErrNonExistentWatch) {
t.Fatalf("wrong error: %T", err)
// Make sure that concurrent calls to Remove() don't race.
t.Run("no race", func(t *testing.T) {
tmp := t.TempDir()
touch(t, tmp, "file")
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
w := newWatcher(t)
defer w.Close()
addWatch(t, w, tmp)
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer func() { done <- struct{}{} }()
go func() {
defer func() { done <- struct{}{} }()
func TestEventString(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
in Event
want string
{Event{}, `[no events] ""`},
{Event{"/file", 0}, `[no events] "/file"`},
{Event{"/file", Chmod | Create},
`CREATE|CHMOD "/file"`},
{Event{"/file", Rename},
`RENAME "/file"`},
{Event{"/file", Remove},
`REMOVE "/file"`},
{Event{"/file", Write | Chmod},
`WRITE|CHMOD "/file"`},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
have :=
if have != tt.want {
t.Errorf("\nhave: %q\nwant: %q", have, tt.want)
func isKqueue() bool {
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "linux", "windows":
return false
return true
// Verify the watcher can keep up with file creations/deletions when under load.
func TestWatchStress(t *testing.T) {
// On NetBSD ioutil.ReadDir in sendDirectoryChangeEvents() returns EINVAL
// ~80% of the time:
// readdirent /tmp/TestWatchStress3584363325/001: invalid argument
// This ends up calling getdents(), the manpage says:
// [EINVAL] A directory was being read on NFS, but it was modified on the
// server while it was being read.
// Which is, eh, odd? Maybe I read the code wrong and it's calling another
// function too(?)
// Because this happens on the Errors channel we can't "skip" it like with
// other kqueue platorms, so just skip the entire test for now.
// TODO: fix this.
if runtime.GOOS == "netbsd" {
t.Skip("broken on NetBSD")
Errorf := func(t *testing.T, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
if !isKqueue() {
t.Errorf(msg, args...)
// On kqueue platforms it doesn't seem to sync properly; see comment for
// the sleep below.
// TODO: fix this.
t.Logf(msg, args...)
t.Skip("flaky on kqueue; allowed to fail")
tmp := t.TempDir()
w := newCollector(t, tmp)
fmtNum := func(n int) string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%09d", n)
return s[:3] + "_" + s[3:6] + "_" + s[6:]
var (
numFiles = 1_500_000
runFor = 30 * time.Second
if testing.Short() {
runFor = time.Second
// Otherwise platforms with low limits such as as OpenBSD and NetBSD will
// fail, since every watched file uses a file descriptor. Need superuser
// permissions and twiddling with /etc/login.conf to adjust them, so we
// can't "just increase it".
if isKqueue() && uint64(numFiles) > internal.Maxfiles() {
numFiles = int(internal.Maxfiles()) - 100
t.Logf("limiting files to %d due to max open files limit", numFiles)
var (
prefix = "xyz-prefix-"
done = make(chan struct{})
// testing.Short()
go func() {
numFiles = createFiles(t, tmp, prefix, numFiles, runFor)
// TODO: this shouldn't be needed; and if this is too short some very
// odd events happen:
// fsnotify_test.go:837: saw 42 unexpected events:
// REMOVE ""
// CREATE "."
// REMOVE ""
// CREATE "."
// REMOVE ""
// ...
// fsnotify_test.go:848: expected the following 3175 events, but didn't see them (showing first 100 only)
// REMOVE "/xyz-prefix-000_015_080"
// REMOVE "/xyz-prefix-000_014_536"
// CREATE "/xyz-prefix-000_015_416"
// CREATE "/xyz-prefix-000_015_406"
// ...
// Should really add a Sync() method which processes all outstanding
// events.
if isKqueue() {
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
if !testing.Short() {
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
for i := 0; i < numFiles; i++ {
rm(t, tmp, prefix+fmtNum(i), noWait)
have := w.stopWait(t, 10*time.Second)
// Do some work to get reasonably nice error reports; what cmpEvents() gives
// us is nice if you have just a few events, but with thousands it qiuckly
// gets unwieldy.
want := make(map[Event]struct{})
for i := 0; i < numFiles; i++ {
n := "/" + prefix + fmtNum(i)
want[Event{Name: n, Op: Remove}] = struct{}{}
want[Event{Name: n, Op: Create}] = struct{}{}
var extra Events
for _, h := range have {
h.Name = filepath.ToSlash(strings.TrimPrefix(h.Name, tmp))
_, ok := want[h]
if ok {
delete(want, h)
} else {
extra = append(extra, h)
if len(extra) > 0 {
if len(extra) > 100 {
Errorf(t, "saw %d unexpected events (showing first 100 only):\n%s", len(extra), extra[:100])
} else {
Errorf(t, "saw %d unexpected events:\n%s", len(extra), extra)
if len(want) != 0 {
wantE := make(Events, 0, len(want))
for k := range want {
wantE = append(wantE, k)
if len(wantE) > 100 {
Errorf(t, "expected the following %d events, but didn't see them (showing first 100 only)\n%s", len(wantE), wantE[:100])
} else {
Errorf(t, "expected the following %d events, but didn't see them\n%s", len(wantE), wantE)
func TestWatchList(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// TODO: probably should I guess...
t.Skip("WatchList has always beek broken on Windows and I don't feel like fixing it")
tmp := t.TempDir()
file := filepath.Join(tmp, "file")
other := filepath.Join(tmp, "other")
touch(t, file)
touch(t, other)
w := newWatcher(t, file, tmp)
defer w.Close()
have := w.WatchList()
want := []string{tmp, file}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) {
t.Errorf("\nhave: %s\nwant: %s", have, want)