blob: b207fb693e46fc30e6458cd426908d60b2094cc5 [file] [log] [blame]
package daemon
import (
containertypes ""
timetypes ""
// ContainerLogs copies the container's log channel to the channel provided in
// the config. If ContainerLogs returns an error, no messages have been copied.
// and the channel will be closed without data.
// if it returns nil, the config channel will be active and return log
// messages until it runs out or the context is canceled.
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerLogs(ctx context.Context, containerName string, config *types.ContainerLogsOptions) (<-chan *backend.LogMessage, error) {
lg := logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"module": "daemon",
"method": "(*Daemon).ContainerLogs",
"container": containerName,
if !(config.ShowStdout || config.ShowStderr) {
return nil, errors.New("You must choose at least one stream")
container, err := daemon.GetContainer(containerName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if container.RemovalInProgress || container.Dead {
return nil, errors.New("can not get logs from container which is dead or marked for removal")
if container.HostConfig.LogConfig.Type == "none" {
return nil, logger.ErrReadLogsNotSupported
cLog, err := daemon.getLogger(container)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
logReader, ok := cLog.(logger.LogReader)
if !ok {
return nil, logger.ErrReadLogsNotSupported
follow := config.Follow && container.IsRunning()
tailLines, err := strconv.Atoi(config.Tail)
if err != nil {
tailLines = -1
var since time.Time
if config.Since != "" {
s, n, err := timetypes.ParseTimestamps(config.Since, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
since = time.Unix(s, n)
readConfig := logger.ReadConfig{
Since: since,
Tail: tailLines,
Follow: follow,
logs := logReader.ReadLogs(readConfig)
// past this point, we can't possibly return any errors, so we can just
// start a goroutine and return to tell the caller not to expect errors
// (if the caller wants to give up on logs, they have to cancel the context)
// this goroutine functions as a shim between the logger and the caller.
messageChan := make(chan *backend.LogMessage, 1)
go func() {
// set up some defers
defer func() {
// ok so this function, originally, was placed right after that
// logger.ReadLogs call above. I THINK that means it sets off the
// chain of events that results in the logger needing to be closed.
// i do not know if an error in time parsing above causing an early
// return will result in leaking the logger. if that is the case,
// it would also have been a bug in the original code
if cLog != container.LogDriver {
// Since the logger isn't cached in the container, which
// occurs if it is running, it must get explicitly closed
// here to avoid leaking it and any file handles it has.
if err := cLog.Close(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Error closing logger: %v", err)
// close the messages channel. closing is the only way to signal above
// that we're doing with logs (other than context cancel i guess).
defer close(messageChan)
lg.Debug("begin logs")
for {
select {
// i do not believe as the system is currently designed any error
// is possible, but we should be prepared to handle it anyway. if
// we do get an error, copy only the error field to a new object so
// we don't end up with partial data in the other fields
case err := <-logs.Err:
lg.Errorf("Error streaming logs: %v", err)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case messageChan <- &backend.LogMessage{Err: err}:
case <-ctx.Done():
lg.Debug("logs: end stream, ctx is done: %v", ctx.Err())
case msg, ok := <-logs.Msg:
// there is some kind of pool or ring buffer in the logger that
// produces these messages, and a possible future optimization
// might be to use that pool and reuse message objects
if !ok {
lg.Debug("end logs")
m := msg.AsLogMessage() // just a pointer conversion, does not copy data
// there could be a case where the reader stops accepting
// messages and the context is canceled. we need to check that
// here, or otherwise we risk blocking forever on the message
// send.
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case messageChan <- m:
return messageChan, nil
func (daemon *Daemon) getLogger(container *container.Container) (logger.Logger, error) {
if container.LogDriver != nil && container.IsRunning() {
return container.LogDriver, nil
return container.StartLogger()
// mergeLogConfig merges the daemon log config to the container's log config if the container's log driver is not specified.
func (daemon *Daemon) mergeAndVerifyLogConfig(cfg *containertypes.LogConfig) error {
if cfg.Type == "" {
cfg.Type = daemon.defaultLogConfig.Type
if cfg.Config == nil {
cfg.Config = make(map[string]string)
if cfg.Type == daemon.defaultLogConfig.Type {
for k, v := range daemon.defaultLogConfig.Config {
if _, ok := cfg.Config[k]; !ok {
cfg.Config[k] = v
return logger.ValidateLogOpts(cfg.Type, cfg.Config)