blob: c16436e89283a5d63e1fd0267a11cdc99b242bf8 [file] [log] [blame]
site_name: Docker Documentation
site_url: /
site_description: Documentation for fast and lightweight Docker container based virtualization framework.
site_favicon: img/favicon.png
dev_addr: ''
docs_dir: sources
include_search: true
use_absolute_urls: true
# theme: docker
theme_dir: ./theme/mkdocs/
theme_center_lead: false
include_search: true
copyright: Copyright © 2014, Docker, Inc.
google_analytics: ['UA-6096819-11', '']
# Introduction:
- ['', 'About', 'Docker']
- ['introduction/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['introduction/', 'About', 'Understanding Docker']
- ['introduction/', 'About', 'The Technology']
- ['introduction/', 'About', 'Working with Docker']
- ['introduction/', 'About', 'Get Docker']
# Installation:
- ['installation/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Mac OS X']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Ubuntu']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Gentoo']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Google Cloud Platform']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Rackspace Cloud']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Amazon EC2']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'IBM Softlayer']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Arch Linux']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'FrugalWare']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Fedora']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'openSUSE']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'CRUX Linux']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Microsoft Windows']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Binaries']
# Examples:
- ['use/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['use/', 'Examples', 'First steps with Docker']
- ['examples/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'Hello World']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'Node.js web application']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'Python web application']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'MongoDB service']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'Redis service']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'PostgreSQL service']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'Running a Riak service']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'Running an SSH service']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'CouchDB service']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'Apt-Cacher-ng service']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'Running Docker with HTTPS']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'Using Supervisor']
- ['examples/', 'Examples', 'Process management with CFEngine']
- ['use/', 'Examples', 'Linking containers together']
- ['use/', 'Examples', 'Sharing Directories using volumes']
- ['use/', 'Examples', 'Using Puppet']
- ['use/', 'Examples', 'Using Chef']
- ['use/', 'Examples', 'Working with a Docker Repository']
- ['use/', 'Examples', 'Redirect ports']
- ['use/', 'Examples', 'Cross-Host linking using Ambassador Containers']
- ['use/', 'Examples', 'Automatically starting Containers']
#- ['user-guide/', '**HIDDEN**']
# - ['user-guide/', 'User Guide', 'Writing your docs']
# - ['user-guide/', 'User Guide', 'Styling your docs']
# - ['user-guide/', 'User Guide', 'Configuration']
# ./
# docs:
- ['docker-io/', '**HIDDEN**']
# - ['index/', 'Docker Index', 'Help']
- ['docker-io/', '', 'Accounts']
- ['docker-io/', '', 'Repositories']
- ['docker-io/', '', 'Trusted Builds']
# Reference
- ['reference/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/commandline/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/commandline/', 'Reference', 'Command line']
- ['reference/', 'Reference', 'Dockerfile']
- ['reference/', 'Reference', 'Run Reference']
- ['articles/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['articles/', 'Reference', 'Runtime metrics']
- ['articles/', 'Reference', 'Security']
- ['articles/', 'Reference', 'Creating a Base Image']
- ['use/', 'Reference', 'Advanced networking']
- ['reference/api/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/api/', 'Reference', ' API']
- ['reference/api/', 'Reference', 'Docker Registry API']
- ['reference/api/', 'Reference', 'Registry & Index Spec']
- ['reference/api/', 'Reference', 'Docker Remote API']
- ['reference/api/', 'Reference', 'Docker Remote API v1.11']
- ['reference/api/', 'Reference', 'Docker Remote API v1.10']
- ['reference/api/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/api/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/api/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/api/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/api/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/api/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/api/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/api/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/api/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/api/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['reference/api/', 'Reference', 'Docker Remote API Client Libraries']
- ['reference/api/', 'Reference', 'Docker IO OAuth API']
- ['reference/api/', 'Reference', 'Docker IO Accounts API']
- ['', '**HIDDEN**']
# - ['static_files/', 'static_files', 'README']
- ['terms/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['terms/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['terms/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['terms/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['terms/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['terms/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['terms/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['terms/', '**HIDDEN**']
# TODO: our theme adds a dropdown even for sections that have no subsections.
#- ['', 'FAQ']
# Contribute:
- ['contributing/', '**HIDDEN**']
- ['contributing/', 'Contribute', 'Contributing']
- ['contributing/', 'Contribute', 'Development environment']