blob: 9ae8bbeb5ff68c5f323d2c3e9a0048c12762d857 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright The containerd Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package plugin
import (
var (
// ErrNoType is returned when no type is specified
ErrNoType = errors.New("plugin: no type")
// ErrNoPluginID is returned when no id is specified
ErrNoPluginID = errors.New("plugin: no id")
// ErrSkipPlugin is used when a plugin is not initialized and should not be loaded,
// this allows the plugin loader differentiate between a plugin which is configured
// not to load and one that fails to load.
ErrSkipPlugin = errors.New("skip plugin")
// ErrInvalidRequires will be thrown if the requirements for a plugin are
// defined in an invalid manner.
ErrInvalidRequires = errors.New("invalid requires")
// IsSkipPlugin returns true if the error is skipping the plugin
func IsSkipPlugin(err error) bool {
return errors.Cause(err) == ErrSkipPlugin
// Type is the type of the plugin
type Type string
func (t Type) String() string { return string(t) }
const (
// InternalPlugin implements an internal plugin to containerd
InternalPlugin Type = "io.containerd.internal.v1"
// RuntimePlugin implements a runtime
RuntimePlugin Type = "io.containerd.runtime.v1"
// RuntimePluginV2 implements a runtime v2
RuntimePluginV2 Type = "io.containerd.runtime.v2"
// ServicePlugin implements a internal service
ServicePlugin Type = "io.containerd.service.v1"
// GRPCPlugin implements a grpc service
GRPCPlugin Type = "io.containerd.grpc.v1"
// SnapshotPlugin implements a snapshotter
SnapshotPlugin Type = "io.containerd.snapshotter.v1"
// TaskMonitorPlugin implements a task monitor
TaskMonitorPlugin Type = "io.containerd.monitor.v1"
// DiffPlugin implements a differ
DiffPlugin Type = "io.containerd.differ.v1"
// MetadataPlugin implements a metadata store
MetadataPlugin Type = "io.containerd.metadata.v1"
// ContentPlugin implements a content store
ContentPlugin Type = "io.containerd.content.v1"
// GCPlugin implements garbage collection policy
GCPlugin Type = "io.containerd.gc.v1"
const (
// RuntimeLinuxV1 is the legacy linux runtime
RuntimeLinuxV1 = "io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux"
// RuntimeRuncV1 is the runc runtime that supports a single container
RuntimeRuncV1 = "io.containerd.runc.v1"
// RuntimeRuncV2 is the runc runtime that supports multiple containers per shim
RuntimeRuncV2 = "io.containerd.runc.v2"
// Registration contains information for registering a plugin
type Registration struct {
// Type of the plugin
Type Type
// ID of the plugin
ID string
// Config specific to the plugin
Config interface{}
// Requires is a list of plugins that the registered plugin requires to be available
Requires []Type
// InitFn is called when initializing a plugin. The registration and
// context are passed in. The init function may modify the registration to
// add exports, capabilities and platform support declarations.
InitFn func(*InitContext) (interface{}, error)
// Init the registered plugin
func (r *Registration) Init(ic *InitContext) *Plugin {
p, err := r.InitFn(ic)
return &Plugin{
Registration: r,
Config: ic.Config,
Meta: ic.Meta,
instance: p,
err: err,
// URI returns the full plugin URI
func (r *Registration) URI() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", r.Type, r.ID)
// Service allows GRPC services to be registered with the underlying server
type Service interface {
Register(*grpc.Server) error
// TTRPCService allows TTRPC services to be registered with the underlying server
type TTRPCService interface {
RegisterTTRPC(*ttrpc.Server) error
// TCPService allows GRPC services to be registered with the underlying tcp server
type TCPService interface {
RegisterTCP(*grpc.Server) error
var register = struct {
r []*Registration
// Load loads all plugins at the provided path into containerd
func Load(path string) (err error) {
defer func() {
if v := recover(); v != nil {
rerr, ok := v.(error)
if !ok {
rerr = fmt.Errorf("%s", v)
err = rerr
return loadPlugins(path)
// Register allows plugins to register
func Register(r *Registration) {
defer register.Unlock()
if r.Type == "" {
if r.ID == "" {
var last bool
for _, requires := range r.Requires {
if requires == "*" {
last = true
if last && len(r.Requires) != 1 {
register.r = append(register.r, r)
// Graph returns an ordered list of registered plugins for initialization.
// Plugins in disableList specified by id will be disabled.
func Graph(disableList []string) (ordered []*Registration) {
defer register.RUnlock()
for _, d := range disableList {
for i, r := range register.r {
if r.ID == d {
register.r = append(register.r[:i], register.r[i+1:]...)
added := map[*Registration]bool{}
for _, r := range register.r {
children(r.ID, r.Requires, added, &ordered)
if !added[r] {
ordered = append(ordered, r)
added[r] = true
return ordered
func children(id string, types []Type, added map[*Registration]bool, ordered *[]*Registration) {
for _, t := range types {
for _, r := range register.r {
if r.ID != id && (t == "*" || r.Type == t) {
children(r.ID, r.Requires, added, ordered)
if !added[r] {
*ordered = append(*ordered, r)
added[r] = true