blob: f82fc139d69bde998dd565bb643e34fbf59b36ed [file] [log] [blame]
package node
import (
bolt ""
const (
stateFilename = "state.json"
roleChangeTimeout = 16 * time.Second
var (
nodeInfo metrics.LabeledGauge
nodeManager metrics.Gauge
errNodeStarted = errors.New("node: already started")
errNodeNotStarted = errors.New("node: not started")
certDirectory = "certificates"
// ErrInvalidUnlockKey is returned when we can't decrypt the TLS certificate
ErrInvalidUnlockKey = errors.New("node is locked, and needs a valid unlock key")
// ErrMandatoryFIPS is returned when the cluster we are joining mandates FIPS, but we are running in non-FIPS mode
ErrMandatoryFIPS = errors.New("node is not FIPS-enabled but cluster requires FIPS")
func init() {
ns := metrics.NewNamespace("swarm", "node", nil)
nodeInfo = ns.NewLabeledGauge("info", "Information related to the swarm", "",
nodeManager = ns.NewGauge("manager", "Whether this node is a manager or not", "")
// Config provides values for a Node.
type Config struct {
// Hostname is the name of host for agent instance.
Hostname string
// JoinAddr specifies node that should be used for the initial connection to
// other manager in cluster. This should be only one address and optional,
// the actual remotes come from the stored state.
JoinAddr string
// StateDir specifies the directory the node uses to keep the state of the
// remote managers and certificates.
StateDir string
// JoinToken is the token to be used on the first certificate request.
JoinToken string
// ExternalCAs is a list of CAs to which a manager node
// will make certificate signing requests for node certificates.
ExternalCAs []*api.ExternalCA
// ForceNewCluster creates a new cluster from current raft state.
ForceNewCluster bool
// ListenControlAPI specifies address the control API should listen on.
ListenControlAPI string
// ListenRemoteAPI specifies the address for the remote API that agents
// and raft members connect to.
ListenRemoteAPI string
// AdvertiseRemoteAPI specifies the address that should be advertised
// for connections to the remote API (including the raft service).
AdvertiseRemoteAPI string
// NetworkConfig stores network related config for the cluster
NetworkConfig *cnmallocator.NetworkConfig
// Executor specifies the executor to use for the agent.
Executor exec.Executor
// ElectionTick defines the amount of ticks needed without
// leader to trigger a new election
ElectionTick uint32
// HeartbeatTick defines the amount of ticks between each
// heartbeat sent to other members for health-check purposes
HeartbeatTick uint32
// AutoLockManagers determines whether or not an unlock key will be generated
// when bootstrapping a new cluster for the first time
AutoLockManagers bool
// UnlockKey is the key to unlock a node - used for decrypting at rest. This
// only applies to nodes that have already joined a cluster.
UnlockKey []byte
// Availability allows a user to control the current scheduling status of a node
Availability api.NodeSpec_Availability
// PluginGetter provides access to docker's plugin inventory.
PluginGetter plugingetter.PluginGetter
// FIPS is a boolean stating whether the node is FIPS enabled
FIPS bool
// Node implements the primary node functionality for a member of a swarm
// cluster. Node handles workloads and may also run as a manager.
type Node struct {
config *Config
remotes *persistentRemotes
connBroker *connectionbroker.Broker
role string
roleCond *sync.Cond
conn *grpc.ClientConn
connCond *sync.Cond
nodeID string
started chan struct{}
startOnce sync.Once
stopped chan struct{}
stopOnce sync.Once
ready chan struct{} // closed when agent has completed registration and manager(if enabled) is ready to receive control requests
closed chan struct{}
err error
agent *agent.Agent
manager *manager.Manager
notifyNodeChange chan *agent.NodeChanges // used by the agent to relay node updates from the dispatcher Session stream to (*Node).run
unlockKey []byte
vxlanUDPPort uint32
type lastSeenRole struct {
role api.NodeRole
// observe notes the latest value of this node role, and returns true if it
// is the first seen value, or is different from the most recently seen value.
func (l *lastSeenRole) observe(newRole api.NodeRole) bool {
changed := l.role != newRole
l.role = newRole
return changed
// RemoteAPIAddr returns address on which remote manager api listens.
// Returns nil if node is not manager.
func (n *Node) RemoteAPIAddr() (string, error) {
defer n.RUnlock()
if n.manager == nil {
return "", errors.New("manager is not running")
addr := n.manager.Addr()
if addr == "" {
return "", errors.New("manager addr is not set")
return addr, nil
// New returns new Node instance.
func New(c *Config) (*Node, error) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(c.StateDir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, err
stateFile := filepath.Join(c.StateDir, stateFilename)
dt, err := ioutil.ReadFile(stateFile)
var p []api.Peer
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, err
if err == nil {
if err := json.Unmarshal(dt, &p); err != nil {
return nil, err
n := &Node{
remotes: newPersistentRemotes(stateFile, p...),
role: ca.WorkerRole,
config: c,
started: make(chan struct{}),
stopped: make(chan struct{}),
closed: make(chan struct{}),
ready: make(chan struct{}),
notifyNodeChange: make(chan *agent.NodeChanges, 1),
unlockKey: c.UnlockKey,
if n.config.JoinAddr != "" || n.config.ForceNewCluster {
n.remotes = newPersistentRemotes(filepath.Join(n.config.StateDir, stateFilename))
if n.config.JoinAddr != "" {
n.remotes.Observe(api.Peer{Addr: n.config.JoinAddr}, remotes.DefaultObservationWeight)
n.connBroker = connectionbroker.New(n.remotes)
n.roleCond = sync.NewCond(n.RLocker())
n.connCond = sync.NewCond(n.RLocker())
return n, nil
// BindRemote starts a listener that exposes the remote API.
func (n *Node) BindRemote(ctx context.Context, listenAddr string, advertiseAddr string) error {
defer n.RUnlock()
if n.manager == nil {
return errors.New("manager is not running")
return n.manager.BindRemote(ctx, manager.RemoteAddrs{
ListenAddr: listenAddr,
AdvertiseAddr: advertiseAddr,
// Start starts a node instance.
func (n *Node) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
err := errNodeStarted
n.startOnce.Do(func() {
err = nil // clear error above, only once.
return err
func (n *Node) currentRole() api.NodeRole {
currentRole := api.NodeRoleWorker
if n.role == ca.ManagerRole {
currentRole = api.NodeRoleManager
return currentRole
// configVXLANUDPPort sets vxlan port in libnetwork
func configVXLANUDPPort(ctx context.Context, vxlanUDPPort uint32) {
if err := overlayutils.ConfigVXLANUDPPort(vxlanUDPPort); err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("failed to configure VXLAN UDP port")
logrus.Infof("initialized VXLAN UDP port to %d ", vxlanUDPPort)
func (n *Node) run(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer func() {
n.err = err
// close the n.closed channel to indicate that the Node has completely
// terminated
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
ctx = log.WithModule(ctx, "node")
// set up a goroutine to monitor the stop channel, and cancel the run
// context when the node is stopped
go func(ctx context.Context) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-n.stopped:
// First thing's first: get the SecurityConfig for this node. This includes
// the certificate information, and the root CA. It also returns a cancel
// function. This is needed because the SecurityConfig is a live object,
// and provides a watch queue so that caller can observe changes to the
// security config. This watch queue has to be closed, which is done by the
// secConfigCancel function.
// It's also noteworthy that loading the security config with the node's
// loadSecurityConfig method has the side effect of setting the node's ID
// and role fields, meaning it isn't until after that point that node knows
// its ID
paths := ca.NewConfigPaths(filepath.Join(n.config.StateDir, certDirectory))
securityConfig, secConfigCancel, err := n.loadSecurityConfig(ctx, paths)
if err != nil {
return err
defer secConfigCancel()
// Now that we have the security config, we can get a TLSRenewer, which is
// a live component handling certificate rotation.
renewer := ca.NewTLSRenewer(securityConfig, n.connBroker, paths.RootCA)
// Now that we have the security goop all loaded, we know the Node's ID and
// can add that to our logging context.
ctx = log.WithLogger(ctx, log.G(ctx).WithField("", n.NodeID()))
// Next, set up the task database. The task database is used by the agent
// to keep a persistent local record of its tasks. Since every manager also
// has an agent, every node needs a task database, so we do this regardless
// of role.
taskDBPath := filepath.Join(n.config.StateDir, "worker", "tasks.db")
// Doing os.MkdirAll will create the necessary directory path for the task
// database if it doesn't already exist, and if it does already exist, no
// error will be returned, so we use this regardless of whether this node
// is new or not.
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(taskDBPath), 0777); err != nil {
return err
db, err := bolt.Open(taskDBPath, 0666, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
defer db.Close()
// agentDone is a channel that represents the agent having exited. We start
// the agent in a goroutine a few blocks down, and before that goroutine
// exits, it closes this channel to signal to the goroutine just below to
// terminate.
agentDone := make(chan struct{})
// This goroutine is the node changes loop. The n.notifyNodeChange
// channel is passed to the agent. When an new node object gets sent down
// to the agent, it gets passed back up to this node object, so that we can
// check if a role update or a root certificate rotation is required. This
// handles root rotation, but the renewer handles regular certification
// rotation.
go func() {
// lastNodeDesiredRole is the last-seen value of Node.Spec.DesiredRole,
// used to make role changes "edge triggered" and avoid renewal loops.
lastNodeDesiredRole := lastSeenRole{role: n.currentRole()}
for {
select {
case <-agentDone:
case nodeChanges := <-n.notifyNodeChange:
if nodeChanges.Node != nil {
if nodeChanges.Node.VXLANUDPPort != 0 {
n.vxlanUDPPort = nodeChanges.Node.VXLANUDPPort
configVXLANUDPPort(ctx, n.vxlanUDPPort)
// This is a bit complex to be backward compatible with older CAs that
// don't support the Node.Role field. They only use what's presently
// called DesiredRole.
// 1) If DesiredRole changes, kick off a certificate renewal. The renewal
// is delayed slightly to give Role time to change as well if this is
// a newer CA. If the certificate we get back doesn't have the expected
// role, we continue renewing with exponential backoff.
// 2) If the server is sending us IssuanceStateRotate, renew the cert as
// requested by the CA.
desiredRoleChanged := lastNodeDesiredRole.observe(nodeChanges.Node.Spec.DesiredRole)
if desiredRoleChanged {
switch nodeChanges.Node.Spec.DesiredRole {
case api.NodeRoleManager:
case api.NodeRoleWorker:
if desiredRoleChanged || nodeChanges.Node.Certificate.Status.State == api.IssuanceStateRotate {
if nodeChanges.RootCert != nil {
if bytes.Equal(nodeChanges.RootCert, securityConfig.RootCA().Certs) {
newRootCA, err := ca.NewRootCA(nodeChanges.RootCert, nil, nil, ca.DefaultNodeCertExpiration, nil)
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("invalid new root certificate from the dispatcher")
if err := securityConfig.UpdateRootCA(&newRootCA); err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("could not use new root CA from dispatcher")
if err := ca.SaveRootCA(newRootCA, paths.RootCA); err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("could not save new root certificate from the dispatcher")
// Now we're going to launch the main component goroutines, the Agent, the
// Manager (maybe) and the certificate updates loop. We shouldn't exit
// the node object until all 3 of these components have terminated, so we
// create a waitgroup to block termination of the node until then
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// These two blocks update some of the metrics settings.
if n.currentRole() == api.NodeRoleManager {
} else {
// We created the renewer way up when we were creating the SecurityConfig
// at the beginning of run, but now we're ready to start receiving
// CertificateUpdates, and launch a goroutine to handle this. Updates is a
// channel we iterate containing the results of certificate renewals.
updates := renewer.Start(ctx)
go func() {
for certUpdate := range updates {
if certUpdate.Err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("error renewing TLS certificate: %v", certUpdate.Err)
// Set the new role, and notify our waiting role changing logic
// that the role has changed.
n.role = certUpdate.Role
// Export the new role for metrics
if n.currentRole() == api.NodeRoleManager {
} else {
// and, finally, start the two main components: the manager and the agent
role := n.role
// Channels to signal when these respective components are up and ready to
// go.
managerReady := make(chan struct{})
agentReady := make(chan struct{})
// these variables are defined in this scope so that they're closed on by
// respective goroutines below.
var managerErr error
var agentErr error
go func() {
// superviseManager is a routine that watches our manager role
managerErr = n.superviseManager(ctx, securityConfig, paths.RootCA, managerReady, renewer) // store err and loop
go func() {
agentErr = n.runAgent(ctx, db, securityConfig, agentReady)
// This goroutine is what signals that the node has fully started by
// closing the n.ready channel. First, it waits for the agent to start.
// Then, if this node is a manager, it will wait on either the manager
// starting, or the node role changing. This ensures that if the node is
// demoted before the manager starts, it doesn't get stuck.
go func() {
if role == ca.ManagerRole {
workerRole := make(chan struct{})
waitRoleCtx, waitRoleCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
go func() {
if n.waitRole(waitRoleCtx, ca.WorkerRole) == nil {
select {
case <-managerReady:
case <-workerRole:
// And, finally, we park and wait for the node to close up. If we get any
// error other than context canceled, we return it.
if managerErr != nil && errors.Cause(managerErr) != context.Canceled {
return managerErr
if agentErr != nil && errors.Cause(agentErr) != context.Canceled {
return agentErr
// NOTE(dperny): we return err here, but the last time I can see err being
// set is when we open the boltdb way up in this method, so I don't know
// what returning err is supposed to do.
return err
// Stop stops node execution
func (n *Node) Stop(ctx context.Context) error {
select {
case <-n.started:
return errNodeNotStarted
// ask agent to clean up assignments
if n.agent != nil {
if err := n.agent.Leave(ctx); err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("agent failed to clean up assignments")
n.stopOnce.Do(func() {
select {
case <-n.closed:
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// Err returns the error that caused the node to shutdown or nil. Err blocks
// until the node has fully shut down.
func (n *Node) Err(ctx context.Context) error {
select {
case <-n.closed:
return n.err
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// runAgent starts the node's agent. When the agent has started, the provided
// ready channel is closed. When the agent exits, this will return the error
// that caused it.
func (n *Node) runAgent(ctx context.Context, db *bolt.DB, securityConfig *ca.SecurityConfig, ready chan<- struct{}) error {
// First, get a channel for knowing when a remote peer has been selected.
// The value returned from the remotesCh is ignored, we just need to know
// when the peer is selected
remotesCh := n.remotes.WaitSelect(ctx)
// then, we set up a new context to pass specifically to
// ListenControlSocket, and start that method to wait on a connection on
// the cluster control API.
waitCtx, waitCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
controlCh := n.ListenControlSocket(waitCtx)
// The goal here to wait either until we have a remote peer selected, or
// connection to the control
// socket. These are both ways to connect the
// agent to a manager, and we need to wait until one or the other is
// available to start the agent
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
break waitPeer
case <-remotesCh:
break waitPeer
case conn := <-controlCh:
// conn will probably be nil the first time we call this, probably,
// but only a non-nil conn represent an actual connection.
if conn != nil {
break waitPeer
// We can stop listening for new control socket connections once we're
// ready
// NOTE(dperny): not sure why we need to recheck the context here. I guess
// it avoids a race if the context was canceled at the same time that a
// connection or peer was available. I think it's just an optimization.
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// Now we can go ahead and configure, create, and start the agent.
secChangesCh, secChangesCancel := securityConfig.Watch()
defer secChangesCancel()
rootCA := securityConfig.RootCA()
issuer := securityConfig.IssuerInfo()
agentConfig := &agent.Config{
Hostname: n.config.Hostname,
ConnBroker: n.connBroker,
Executor: n.config.Executor,
DB: db,
NotifyNodeChange: n.notifyNodeChange,
NotifyTLSChange: secChangesCh,
Credentials: securityConfig.ClientTLSCreds,
NodeTLSInfo: &api.NodeTLSInfo{
TrustRoot: rootCA.Certs,
CertIssuerPublicKey: issuer.PublicKey,
CertIssuerSubject: issuer.Subject,
FIPS: n.config.FIPS,
// if a join address has been specified, then if the agent fails to connect
// due to a TLS error, fail fast - don't keep re-trying to join
if n.config.JoinAddr != "" {
agentConfig.SessionTracker = &firstSessionErrorTracker{}
a, err := agent.New(agentConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := a.Start(ctx); err != nil {
return err
n.agent = a
defer func() {
n.agent = nil
// when the agent indicates that it is ready, we close the ready channel.
go func() {
// todo: manually call stop on context cancellation?
return a.Err(context.Background())
// Ready returns a channel that is closed after node's initialization has
// completes for the first time.
func (n *Node) Ready() <-chan struct{} {
return n.ready
func (n *Node) setControlSocket(conn *grpc.ClientConn) {
if n.conn != nil {
n.conn = conn
// ListenControlSocket listens changes of a connection for managing the
// cluster control api
func (n *Node) ListenControlSocket(ctx context.Context) <-chan *grpc.ClientConn {
c := make(chan *grpc.ClientConn, 1)
conn := n.conn
c <- conn
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-done:
go func() {
defer close(c)
defer close(done)
defer n.RUnlock()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if conn == n.conn {
conn = n.conn
select {
case c <- conn:
case <-ctx.Done():
return c
// NodeID returns current node's ID. May be empty if not set.
func (n *Node) NodeID() string {
defer n.RUnlock()
return n.nodeID
// Manager returns manager instance started by node. May be nil.
func (n *Node) Manager() *manager.Manager {
defer n.RUnlock()
return n.manager
// Agent returns agent instance started by node. May be nil.
func (n *Node) Agent() *agent.Agent {
defer n.RUnlock()
return n.agent
// IsStateDirty returns true if any objects have been added to raft which make
// the state "dirty". Currently, the existence of any object other than the
// default cluster or the local node implies a dirty state.
func (n *Node) IsStateDirty() (bool, error) {
defer n.RUnlock()
if n.manager == nil {
return false, errors.New("node is not a manager")
return n.manager.IsStateDirty()
// Remotes returns a list of known peers known to node.
func (n *Node) Remotes() []api.Peer {
weights := n.remotes.Weights()
remotes := make([]api.Peer, 0, len(weights))
for p := range weights {
remotes = append(remotes, p)
return remotes
// Given a cluster ID, returns whether the cluster ID indicates that the cluster
// mandates FIPS mode. These cluster IDs start with "FIPS." as a prefix.
func isMandatoryFIPSClusterID(securityConfig *ca.SecurityConfig) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(securityConfig.ClientTLSCreds.Organization(), "FIPS.")
// Given a join token, returns whether it indicates that the cluster mandates FIPS
// mode.
func isMandatoryFIPSClusterJoinToken(joinToken string) bool {
if parsed, err := ca.ParseJoinToken(joinToken); err == nil {
return parsed.FIPS
return false
func generateFIPSClusterID() string {
return "FIPS." + identity.NewID()
func (n *Node) loadSecurityConfig(ctx context.Context, paths *ca.SecurityConfigPaths) (*ca.SecurityConfig, func() error, error) {
var (
securityConfig *ca.SecurityConfig
cancel func() error
krw := ca.NewKeyReadWriter(paths.Node, n.unlockKey, &manager.RaftDEKData{FIPS: n.config.FIPS})
// if FIPS is required, we want to make sure our key is stored in PKCS8 format
if n.config.FIPS {
if err := krw.Migrate(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Check if we already have a valid certificates on disk.
rootCA, err := ca.GetLocalRootCA(paths.RootCA)
if err != nil && err != ca.ErrNoLocalRootCA {
return nil, nil, err
if err == nil {
// if forcing a new cluster, we allow the certificates to be expired - a new set will be generated
securityConfig, cancel, err = ca.LoadSecurityConfig(ctx, rootCA, krw, n.config.ForceNewCluster)
if err != nil {
_, isInvalidKEK := errors.Cause(err).(ca.ErrInvalidKEK)
if isInvalidKEK {
return nil, nil, ErrInvalidUnlockKey
} else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error while loading TLS certificate in %s", paths.Node.Cert)
if securityConfig == nil {
if n.config.JoinAddr == "" {
// if we're not joining a cluster, bootstrap a new one - and we have to set the unlock key
n.unlockKey = nil
if n.config.AutoLockManagers {
n.unlockKey = encryption.GenerateSecretKey()
krw = ca.NewKeyReadWriter(paths.Node, n.unlockKey, &manager.RaftDEKData{FIPS: n.config.FIPS})
rootCA, err = ca.CreateRootCA(ca.DefaultRootCN)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if err := ca.SaveRootCA(rootCA, paths.RootCA); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
log.G(ctx).Debug("generated CA key and certificate")
} else if err == ca.ErrNoLocalRootCA { // from previous error loading the root CA from disk
// if we are attempting to join another cluster, which has a FIPS join token, and we are not FIPS, error
if n.config.JoinAddr != "" && isMandatoryFIPSClusterJoinToken(n.config.JoinToken) && !n.config.FIPS {
return nil, nil, ErrMandatoryFIPS
rootCA, err = ca.DownloadRootCA(ctx, paths.RootCA, n.config.JoinToken, n.connBroker)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
log.G(ctx).Debug("downloaded CA certificate")
// Obtain new certs and setup TLS certificates renewal for this node:
// - If certificates weren't present on disk, we call CreateSecurityConfig, which blocks
// until a valid certificate has been issued.
// - We wait for CreateSecurityConfig to finish since we need a certificate to operate.
// Attempt to load certificate from disk
securityConfig, cancel, err = ca.LoadSecurityConfig(ctx, rootCA, krw, n.config.ForceNewCluster)
if err == nil {
"": securityConfig.ClientTLSCreds.NodeID(),
}).Debugf("loaded TLS certificate")
} else {
if _, ok := errors.Cause(err).(ca.ErrInvalidKEK); ok {
return nil, nil, ErrInvalidUnlockKey
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Debugf("no node credentials found in: %s", krw.Target())
// if we are attempting to join another cluster, which has a FIPS join token, and we are not FIPS, error
if n.config.JoinAddr != "" && isMandatoryFIPSClusterJoinToken(n.config.JoinToken) && !n.config.FIPS {
return nil, nil, ErrMandatoryFIPS
requestConfig := ca.CertificateRequestConfig{
Token: n.config.JoinToken,
Availability: n.config.Availability,
ConnBroker: n.connBroker,
// If this is a new cluster, we want to name the cluster ID "FIPS-something"
if n.config.FIPS {
requestConfig.Organization = generateFIPSClusterID()
securityConfig, cancel, err = rootCA.CreateSecurityConfig(ctx, krw, requestConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if isMandatoryFIPSClusterID(securityConfig) && !n.config.FIPS {
return nil, nil, ErrMandatoryFIPS
n.role = securityConfig.ClientTLSCreds.Role()
n.nodeID = securityConfig.ClientTLSCreds.NodeID()
return securityConfig, cancel, nil
func (n *Node) initManagerConnection(ctx context.Context, ready chan<- struct{}) error {
opts := []grpc.DialOption{
insecureCreds := credentials.NewTLS(&tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true})
opts = append(opts, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecureCreds))
addr := n.config.ListenControlAPI
opts = append(opts, grpc.WithDialer(
func(addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
return xnet.DialTimeoutLocal(addr, timeout)
conn, err := grpc.Dial(addr, opts...)
if err != nil {
return err
client := api.NewHealthClient(conn)
for {
resp, err := client.Check(ctx, &api.HealthCheckRequest{Service: "ControlAPI"})
if err != nil {
return err
if resp.Status == api.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING {
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
if ready != nil {
return nil
// waitRole takes a context and a role. it the blocks until the context is
// canceled or the node's role updates to the provided role. returns nil when
// the node has acquired the provided role, or ctx.Err() if the context is
// canceled
func (n *Node) waitRole(ctx context.Context, role string) error {
if role == n.role {
return nil
finishCh := make(chan struct{})
defer close(finishCh)
go func() {
select {
case <-finishCh:
case <-ctx.Done():
// call broadcast to shutdown this function
defer n.roleCond.L.Unlock()
for role != n.role {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return nil
// runManager runs the manager on this node. It returns a boolean indicating if
// the stoppage was due to a role change, and an error indicating why the
// manager stopped
func (n *Node) runManager(ctx context.Context, securityConfig *ca.SecurityConfig, rootPaths ca.CertPaths, ready chan struct{}, workerRole <-chan struct{}) (bool, error) {
// First, set up this manager's advertise and listen addresses, if
// provided. they might not be provided if this node is joining the cluster
// instead of creating a new one.
var remoteAPI *manager.RemoteAddrs
if n.config.ListenRemoteAPI != "" {
remoteAPI = &manager.RemoteAddrs{
ListenAddr: n.config.ListenRemoteAPI,
AdvertiseAddr: n.config.AdvertiseRemoteAPI,
joinAddr := n.config.JoinAddr
if joinAddr == "" {
remoteAddr, err := n.remotes.Select(n.NodeID())
if err == nil {
joinAddr = remoteAddr.Addr
m, err := manager.New(&manager.Config{
ForceNewCluster: n.config.ForceNewCluster,
RemoteAPI: remoteAPI,
ControlAPI: n.config.ListenControlAPI,
SecurityConfig: securityConfig,
ExternalCAs: n.config.ExternalCAs,
JoinRaft: joinAddr,
ForceJoin: n.config.JoinAddr != "",
StateDir: n.config.StateDir,
HeartbeatTick: n.config.HeartbeatTick,
ElectionTick: n.config.ElectionTick,
AutoLockManagers: n.config.AutoLockManagers,
UnlockKey: n.unlockKey,
Availability: n.config.Availability,
PluginGetter: n.config.PluginGetter,
RootCAPaths: rootPaths,
FIPS: n.config.FIPS,
NetworkConfig: n.config.NetworkConfig,
if err != nil {
return false, err
// The done channel is used to signal that the manager has exited.
done := make(chan struct{})
// runErr is an error value set by the goroutine that runs the manager
var runErr error
// The context used to start this might have a logger associated with it
// that we'd like to reuse, but we don't want to use that context, so we
// pass to the goroutine only the logger, and create a new context with
//that logger.
go func(logger *logrus.Entry) {
if err := m.Run(log.WithLogger(context.Background(), logger)); err != nil {
runErr = err
// clearData is set in the select below, and is used to signal why the
// manager is stopping, and indicate whether or not to delete raft data and
// keys when stopping the manager.
var clearData bool
defer func() {
n.manager = nil
m.Stop(ctx, clearData)
n.manager = m
connCtx, connCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer connCancel()
// launch a goroutine that will manage our local connection to the manager
// from the agent. Remember the managerReady channel created way back in
// run? This is actually where we close it. Not when the manager starts,
// but when a connection to the control socket has been established.
go n.initManagerConnection(connCtx, ready)
// wait for manager stop or for role change
// The manager can be stopped one of 4 ways:
// 1. The manager may have errored out and returned an error, closing the
// done channel in the process
// 2. The node may have been demoted to a worker. In this case, we're gonna
// have to stop the manager ourselves, setting clearData to true so the
// local raft data, certs, keys, etc, are nuked.
// 3. The manager may have been booted from raft. This could happen if it's
// removed from the raft quorum but the role update hasn't registered
// yet. The fact that there is more than 1 code path to cause the
// manager to exit is a possible source of bugs.
// 4. The context may have been canceled from above, in which case we
// should stop the manager ourselves, but indicate that this is NOT a
// demotion.
select {
case <-done:
return false, runErr
case <-workerRole:
log.G(ctx).Info("role changed to worker, stopping manager")
clearData = true
case <-m.RemovedFromRaft():
log.G(ctx).Info("manager removed from raft cluster, stopping manager")
clearData = true
case <-ctx.Done():
return false, ctx.Err()
return clearData, nil
// superviseManager controls whether or not we are running a manager on this
// node
func (n *Node) superviseManager(ctx context.Context, securityConfig *ca.SecurityConfig, rootPaths ca.CertPaths, ready chan struct{}, renewer *ca.TLSRenewer) error {
// superviseManager is a loop, because we can come in and out of being a
// manager, and need to appropriately handle that without disrupting the
// node functionality.
for {
// if we're not a manager, we're just gonna park here and wait until we
// are. For normal agent nodes, we'll stay here forever, as intended.
if err := n.waitRole(ctx, ca.ManagerRole); err != nil {
return err
// Once we know we are a manager, we get ourselves ready for when we
// lose that role. we create a channel to signal that we've become a
// worker, and close it when n.waitRole completes.
workerRole := make(chan struct{})
waitRoleCtx, waitRoleCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
go func() {
if n.waitRole(waitRoleCtx, ca.WorkerRole) == nil {
// the ready channel passed to superviseManager is in turn passed down
// to the runManager function. It's used to signal to the caller that
// the manager has started.
wasRemoved, err := n.runManager(ctx, securityConfig, rootPaths, ready, workerRole)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "manager stopped")
// If the manager stopped running and our role is still
// "manager", it's possible that the manager was demoted and
// the agent hasn't realized this yet. We should wait for the
// role to change instead of restarting the manager immediately.
err = func() error {
timer := time.NewTimer(roleChangeTimeout)
defer timer.Stop()
defer waitRoleCancel()
select {
case <-timer.C:
case <-workerRole:
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
if !wasRemoved {
log.G(ctx).Warn("failed to get worker role after manager stop, restarting manager")
return nil
// We need to be extra careful about restarting the
// manager. It may cause the node to wrongly join under
// a new Raft ID. Since we didn't see a role change
// yet, force a certificate renewal. If the certificate
// comes back with a worker role, we know we shouldn't
// restart the manager. However, if we don't see
// workerRole get closed, it means we didn't switch to
// a worker certificate, either because we couldn't
// contact a working CA, or because we've been
// re-promoted. In this case, we must assume we were
// re-promoted, and restart the manager.
log.G(ctx).Warn("failed to get worker role after manager stop, forcing certificate renewal")
// We can safely reset this timer without stopping/draining the timer
// first because the only way the code has reached this point is if the timer
// has already expired - if the role changed or the context were canceled,
// then we would have returned already.
// Now that the renewal request has been sent to the
// renewal goroutine, wait for a change in role.
select {
case <-timer.C:
log.G(ctx).Warn("failed to get worker role after manager stop, restarting manager")
case <-workerRole:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// set ready to nil after the first time we've gone through this, as we
// don't need to signal after the first time that the manager is ready.
ready = nil
// DowngradeKey reverts the node key to older format so that it can
// run on older version of swarmkit
func (n *Node) DowngradeKey() error {
paths := ca.NewConfigPaths(filepath.Join(n.config.StateDir, certDirectory))
krw := ca.NewKeyReadWriter(paths.Node, n.config.UnlockKey, nil)
return krw.DowngradeKey()
type persistentRemotes struct {
c *sync.Cond
storePath string
lastSavedState []api.Peer
func newPersistentRemotes(f string, peers ...api.Peer) *persistentRemotes {
pr := &persistentRemotes{
storePath: f,
Remotes: remotes.NewRemotes(peers...),
pr.c = sync.NewCond(pr.RLocker())
return pr
func (s *persistentRemotes) Observe(peer api.Peer, weight int) {
defer s.Unlock()
s.Remotes.Observe(peer, weight)
if err :=; err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("error writing cluster state file: %v", err)
func (s *persistentRemotes) Remove(peers ...api.Peer) {
defer s.Unlock()
if err :=; err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("error writing cluster state file: %v", err)
func (s *persistentRemotes) save() error {
weights := s.Weights()
remotes := make([]api.Peer, 0, len(weights))
for r := range weights {
remotes = append(remotes, r)
if reflect.DeepEqual(remotes, s.lastSavedState) {
return nil
dt, err := json.Marshal(remotes)
if err != nil {
return err
s.lastSavedState = remotes
return ioutils.AtomicWriteFile(s.storePath, dt, 0600)
// WaitSelect waits until at least one remote becomes available and then selects one.
func (s *persistentRemotes) WaitSelect(ctx context.Context) <-chan api.Peer {
c := make(chan api.Peer, 1)
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-done:
go func() {
defer s.RUnlock()
defer close(c)
defer close(done)
for {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
p, err := s.Select()
if err == nil {
c <- p
return c
// sortablePeers is a sort wrapper for []api.Peer
type sortablePeers []api.Peer
func (sp sortablePeers) Less(i, j int) bool { return sp[i].NodeID < sp[j].NodeID }
func (sp sortablePeers) Len() int { return len(sp) }
func (sp sortablePeers) Swap(i, j int) { sp[i], sp[j] = sp[j], sp[i] }
// firstSessionErrorTracker is a utility that helps determine whether the agent should exit after
// a TLS failure on establishing the first session. This should only happen if a join address
// is specified. If establishing the first session succeeds, but later on some session fails
// because of a TLS error, we don't want to exit the agent because a previously successful
// session indicates that the TLS error may be a transient issue.
type firstSessionErrorTracker struct {
mu sync.Mutex
pastFirstSession bool
err error
func (fs *firstSessionErrorTracker) SessionEstablished() {
fs.pastFirstSession = true
func (fs *firstSessionErrorTracker) SessionError(err error) {
fs.err = err
// SessionClosed returns an error if we haven't yet established a session, and
// we get a gprc error as a result of an X509 failure.
func (fs *firstSessionErrorTracker) SessionClosed() error {
// if we've successfully established at least 1 session, never return
// errors
if fs.pastFirstSession {
return nil
// get the GRPC status from the error, because we only care about GRPC
// errors
grpcStatus, ok := status.FromError(fs.err)
// if this isn't a GRPC error, it's not an error we return from this method
if !ok {
return nil
// NOTE(dperny, cyli): grpc does not expose the error type, which means we have
// to string matching to figure out if it's an x509 error.
// The error we're looking for has "connection error:", then says
// "transport:" and finally has "x509:"
// specifically, the connection error description reads:
// transport: authentication handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
// This string matching has caused trouble in the past. specifically, at
// some point between grpc versions 1.3.0 and 1.7.5, the string we were
// matching changed from "transport: x509" to "transport: authentication
// handshake failed: x509", which was an issue because we were matching for
// string "transport: x509:".
// In GRPC >= 1.10.x, transient errors like TLS errors became hidden by the
// load balancing that GRPC does. In GRPC 1.11.x, they were exposed again
// (usually) in RPC calls, but the error string then became:
// rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure, latest connection error: connection error: desc = "transport: authentication handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"
// It also went from an Internal error to an Unavailable error. So we're just going
// to search for the string: "transport: authentication handshake failed: x509:" since
// we want to fail for ALL x509 failures, not just unknown authority errors.
if !strings.Contains(grpcStatus.Message(), "connection error") ||
!strings.Contains(grpcStatus.Message(), "transport: authentication handshake failed: x509:") {
return nil
return fs.err