blob: 96ab7da1d636dbc6e71c381648cc394b5fa19792 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package tuf defines the core TUF logic around manipulating a repo.
package tuf
import (
// ErrSigVerifyFail - signature verification failed
type ErrSigVerifyFail struct{}
func (e ErrSigVerifyFail) Error() string {
return "Error: Signature verification failed"
// ErrMetaExpired - metadata file has expired
type ErrMetaExpired struct{}
func (e ErrMetaExpired) Error() string {
return "Error: Metadata has expired"
// ErrLocalRootExpired - the local root file is out of date
type ErrLocalRootExpired struct{}
func (e ErrLocalRootExpired) Error() string {
return "Error: Local Root Has Expired"
// ErrNotLoaded - attempted to access data that has not been loaded into
// the repo
type ErrNotLoaded struct {
role string
func (err ErrNotLoaded) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s role has not been loaded", err.role)
// Repo is an in memory representation of the TUF Repo.
// It operates at the data.Signed level, accepting and producing
// data.Signed objects. Users of a Repo are responsible for
// fetching raw JSON and using the Set* functions to populate
// the Repo instance.
type Repo struct {
Root *data.SignedRoot
Targets map[string]*data.SignedTargets
Snapshot *data.SignedSnapshot
Timestamp *data.SignedTimestamp
keysDB *keys.KeyDB
cryptoService signed.CryptoService
// NewRepo initializes a Repo instance with a keysDB and a signer.
// If the Repo will only be used for reading, the signer should be nil.
func NewRepo(keysDB *keys.KeyDB, cryptoService signed.CryptoService) *Repo {
repo := &Repo{
Targets: make(map[string]*data.SignedTargets),
keysDB: keysDB,
cryptoService: cryptoService,
return repo
// AddBaseKeys is used to add keys to the role in root.json
func (tr *Repo) AddBaseKeys(role string, keys error {
if tr.Root == nil {
return ErrNotLoaded{role: "root"}
ids := []string{}
for _, k := range keys {
// Store only the public portion
tr.Root.Signed.Keys[k.ID()] = k
tr.Root.Signed.Roles[role].KeyIDs = append(tr.Root.Signed.Roles[role].KeyIDs, k.ID())
ids = append(ids, k.ID())
r, err := data.NewRole(
if err != nil {
return err
tr.Root.Dirty = true
// also, whichever role was switched out needs to be re-signed
// root has already been marked dirty
switch role {
case data.CanonicalSnapshotRole:
if tr.Snapshot != nil {
tr.Snapshot.Dirty = true
case data.CanonicalTargetsRole:
if target, ok := tr.Targets[data.CanonicalTargetsRole]; ok {
target.Dirty = true
case data.CanonicalTimestampRole:
if tr.Timestamp != nil {
tr.Timestamp.Dirty = true
return nil
// ReplaceBaseKeys is used to replace all keys for the given role with the new keys
func (tr *Repo) ReplaceBaseKeys(role string, keys error {
r := tr.keysDB.GetRole(role)
err := tr.RemoveBaseKeys(role, r.KeyIDs...)
if err != nil {
return err
return tr.AddBaseKeys(role, keys...)
// RemoveBaseKeys is used to remove keys from the roles in root.json
func (tr *Repo) RemoveBaseKeys(role string, keyIDs ...string) error {
if tr.Root == nil {
return ErrNotLoaded{role: "root"}
var keep []string
toDelete := make(map[string]struct{})
// remove keys from specified role
for _, k := range keyIDs {
toDelete[k] = struct{}{}
for _, rk := range tr.Root.Signed.Roles[role].KeyIDs {
if k != rk {
keep = append(keep, rk)
tr.Root.Signed.Roles[role].KeyIDs = keep
// determine which keys are no longer in use by any roles
for roleName, r := range tr.Root.Signed.Roles {
if roleName == role {
for _, rk := range r.KeyIDs {
if _, ok := toDelete[rk]; ok {
delete(toDelete, rk)
// remove keys no longer in use by any roles
for k := range toDelete {
delete(tr.Root.Signed.Keys, k)
// remove the signing key from the cryptoservice if it
// isn't a root key. Root keys must be kept for rotation
// signing
if role != data.CanonicalRootRole {
tr.Root.Dirty = true
return nil
// GetAllLoadedRoles returns a list of all role entries loaded in this TUF repo, could be empty
func (tr *Repo) GetAllLoadedRoles() []*data.Role {
return tr.keysDB.GetAllRoles()
// GetDelegation finds the role entry representing the provided
// role name or ErrInvalidRole
func (tr *Repo) GetDelegation(role string) (*data.Role, error) {
r := data.Role{Name: role}
if !r.IsDelegation() {
return nil, data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: role, Reason: "not a valid delegated role"}
parent := path.Dir(role)
// check the parent role
if parentRole := tr.keysDB.GetRole(parent); parentRole == nil {
return nil, data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: role, Reason: "parent role not found"}
// check the parent role's metadata
p, ok := tr.Targets[parent]
if !ok { // the parent targetfile may not exist yet, so it can't be in the list
return nil, data.ErrNoSuchRole{Role: role}
foundAt := utils.FindRoleIndex(p.Signed.Delegations.Roles, role)
if foundAt < 0 {
return nil, data.ErrNoSuchRole{Role: role}
return p.Signed.Delegations.Roles[foundAt], nil
// UpdateDelegations updates the appropriate delegations, either adding
// a new delegation or updating an existing one. If keys are
// provided, the IDs will be added to the role (if they do not exist
// there already), and the keys will be added to the targets file.
func (tr *Repo) UpdateDelegations(role *data.Role, keys []data.PublicKey) error {
if !role.IsDelegation() || !role.IsValid() {
return data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: role.Name, Reason: "not a valid delegated role"}
parent := path.Dir(role.Name)
if err := tr.VerifyCanSign(parent); err != nil {
return err
// check the parent role's metadata
p, ok := tr.Targets[parent]
if !ok { // the parent targetfile may not exist yet - if not, then create it
var err error
p, err = tr.InitTargets(parent)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, k := range keys {
if !utils.StrSliceContains(role.KeyIDs, k.ID()) {
role.KeyIDs = append(role.KeyIDs, k.ID())
p.Signed.Delegations.Keys[k.ID()] = k
// if the role has fewer keys than the threshold, it
// will never be able to create a valid targets file
// and should be considered invalid.
if len(role.KeyIDs) < role.Threshold {
return data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: role.Name, Reason: "insufficient keys to meet threshold"}
foundAt := utils.FindRoleIndex(p.Signed.Delegations.Roles, role.Name)
if foundAt >= 0 {
p.Signed.Delegations.Roles[foundAt] = role
} else {
p.Signed.Delegations.Roles = append(p.Signed.Delegations.Roles, role)
// We've made a change to parent. Set it to dirty
p.Dirty = true
// We don't actually want to create the new delegation metadata yet.
// When we add a delegation, it may only be signable by a key we don't have
// (hence we are delegating signing).
return nil
// DeleteDelegation removes a delegated targets role from its parent
// targets object. It also deletes the delegation from the snapshot.
// DeleteDelegation will only make use of the role Name field.
func (tr *Repo) DeleteDelegation(role data.Role) error {
if !role.IsDelegation() {
return data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: role.Name, Reason: "not a valid delegated role"}
// the role variable must not be used past this assignment for safety
name := role.Name
parent := path.Dir(name)
if err := tr.VerifyCanSign(parent); err != nil {
return err
// delete delegated data from Targets map and Snapshot - if they don't
// exist, these are no-op
delete(tr.Targets, name)
p, ok := tr.Targets[parent]
if !ok {
// if there is no parent metadata (the role exists though), then this
// is as good as done.
return nil
foundAt := utils.FindRoleIndex(p.Signed.Delegations.Roles, name)
if foundAt >= 0 {
var roles []*data.Role
// slice out deleted role
roles = append(roles, p.Signed.Delegations.Roles[:foundAt]...)
if foundAt+1 < len(p.Signed.Delegations.Roles) {
roles = append(roles, p.Signed.Delegations.Roles[foundAt+1:]...)
p.Signed.Delegations.Roles = roles
p.Dirty = true
} // if the role wasn't found, it's a good as deleted
return nil
// InitRepo creates the base files for a repo. It inspects data.BaseRoles and
// data.ValidTypes to determine what the role names and filename should be. It
// also relies on the keysDB having already been populated with the keys and
// roles.
func (tr *Repo) InitRepo(consistent bool) error {
if err := tr.InitRoot(consistent); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := tr.InitTargets(data.CanonicalTargetsRole); err != nil {
return err
if err := tr.InitSnapshot(); err != nil {
return err
return tr.InitTimestamp()
// InitRoot initializes an empty root file with the 4 core roles based
// on the current content of th ekey db
func (tr *Repo) InitRoot(consistent bool) error {
rootRoles := make(map[string]*data.RootRole)
rootKeys := make(map[string]data.PublicKey)
for _, r := range data.BaseRoles {
role := tr.keysDB.GetRole(r)
if role == nil {
return data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: data.CanonicalRootRole, Reason: "root role not initialized in key database"}
rootRoles[r] = &role.RootRole
for _, kid := range role.KeyIDs {
// don't need to check if GetKey returns nil, Key presence was
// checked by KeyDB when role was added.
key := tr.keysDB.GetKey(kid)
rootKeys[kid] = key
root, err := data.NewRoot(rootKeys, rootRoles, consistent)
if err != nil {
return err
tr.Root = root
return nil
// InitTargets initializes an empty targets, and returns the new empty target
func (tr *Repo) InitTargets(role string) (*data.SignedTargets, error) {
r := data.Role{Name: role}
if !r.IsDelegation() && role != data.CanonicalTargetsRole {
return nil, data.ErrInvalidRole{
Role: role,
Reason: fmt.Sprintf("role is not a valid targets role name: %s", role),
targets := data.NewTargets()
tr.Targets[role] = targets
return targets, nil
// InitSnapshot initializes a snapshot based on the current root and targets
func (tr *Repo) InitSnapshot() error {
if tr.Root == nil {
return ErrNotLoaded{role: "root"}
root, err := tr.Root.ToSigned()
if err != nil {
return err
if _, ok := tr.Targets[data.CanonicalTargetsRole]; !ok {
return ErrNotLoaded{role: "targets"}
targets, err := tr.Targets[data.CanonicalTargetsRole].ToSigned()
if err != nil {
return err
snapshot, err := data.NewSnapshot(root, targets)
if err != nil {
return err
tr.Snapshot = snapshot
return nil
// InitTimestamp initializes a timestamp based on the current snapshot
func (tr *Repo) InitTimestamp() error {
snap, err := tr.Snapshot.ToSigned()
if err != nil {
return err
timestamp, err := data.NewTimestamp(snap)
if err != nil {
return err
tr.Timestamp = timestamp
return nil
// SetRoot parses the Signed object into a SignedRoot object, sets
// the keys and roles in the KeyDB, and sets the Repo.Root field
// to the SignedRoot object.
func (tr *Repo) SetRoot(s *data.SignedRoot) error {
for _, key := range s.Signed.Keys {
logrus.Debug("Adding key ", key.ID())
for roleName, role := range s.Signed.Roles {
logrus.Debugf("Adding role %s with keys %s", roleName, strings.Join(role.KeyIDs, ","))
baseRole, err := data.NewRole(
if err != nil {
return err
err = tr.keysDB.AddRole(baseRole)
if err != nil {
return err
tr.Root = s
return nil
// SetTimestamp parses the Signed object into a SignedTimestamp object
// and sets the Repo.Timestamp field.
func (tr *Repo) SetTimestamp(s *data.SignedTimestamp) error {
tr.Timestamp = s
return nil
// SetSnapshot parses the Signed object into a SignedSnapshots object
// and sets the Repo.Snapshot field.
func (tr *Repo) SetSnapshot(s *data.SignedSnapshot) error {
tr.Snapshot = s
return nil
// SetTargets parses the Signed object into a SignedTargets object,
// reads the delegated roles and keys into the KeyDB, and sets the
// SignedTargets object agaist the role in the Repo.Targets map.
func (tr *Repo) SetTargets(role string, s *data.SignedTargets) error {
for _, k := range s.Signed.Delegations.Keys {
for _, r := range s.Signed.Delegations.Roles {
tr.Targets[role] = s
return nil
// TargetMeta returns the FileMeta entry for the given path in the
// targets file associated with the given role. This may be nil if
// the target isn't found in the targets file.
func (tr Repo) TargetMeta(role, path string) *data.FileMeta {
if t, ok := tr.Targets[role]; ok {
if m, ok := t.Signed.Targets[path]; ok {
return &m
return nil
// TargetDelegations returns a slice of Roles that are valid publishers
// for the target path provided.
func (tr Repo) TargetDelegations(role, path, pathHex string) []*data.Role {
if pathHex == "" {
pathDigest := sha256.Sum256([]byte(path))
pathHex = hex.EncodeToString(pathDigest[:])
var roles []*data.Role
if t, ok := tr.Targets[role]; ok {
for _, r := range t.Signed.Delegations.Roles {
if r.CheckPrefixes(pathHex) || r.CheckPaths(path) {
roles = append(roles, r)
return roles
// FindTarget attempts to find the target represented by the given
// path by starting at the top targets file and traversing
// appropriate delegations until the first entry is found or it
// runs out of locations to search.
// N.B. Multiple entries may exist in different delegated roles
// for the same target. Only the first one encountered is returned.
func (tr Repo) FindTarget(path string) *data.FileMeta {
pathDigest := sha256.Sum256([]byte(path))
pathHex := hex.EncodeToString(pathDigest[:])
var walkTargets func(role string) *data.FileMeta
walkTargets = func(role string) *data.FileMeta {
if m := tr.TargetMeta(role, path); m != nil {
return m
// Depth first search of delegations based on order
// as presented in current targets file for role:
for _, r := range tr.TargetDelegations(role, path, pathHex) {
if m := walkTargets(r.Name); m != nil {
return m
return nil
return walkTargets("targets")
// VerifyCanSign returns nil if the role exists and we have at least one
// signing key for the role, false otherwise. This does not check that we have
// enough signing keys to meet the threshold, since we want to support the use
// case of multiple signers for a role. It returns an error if the role doesn't
// exist or if there are no signing keys.
func (tr *Repo) VerifyCanSign(roleName string) error {
role := tr.keysDB.GetRole(roleName)
if role == nil {
return data.ErrInvalidRole{Role: roleName, Reason: "does not exist"}
for _, keyID := range role.KeyIDs {
k := tr.keysDB.GetKey(keyID)
canonicalID, err := utils.CanonicalKeyID(k)
check := []string{keyID}
if err == nil {
check = append(check, canonicalID)
for _, id := range check {
p, _, err := tr.cryptoService.GetPrivateKey(id)
if err == nil && p != nil {
return nil
return signed.ErrNoKeys{KeyIDs: role.KeyIDs}
// AddTargets will attempt to add the given targets specifically to
// the directed role. If the metadata for the role doesn't exist yet,
// AddTargets will create one.
func (tr *Repo) AddTargets(role string, targets data.Files) (data.Files, error) {
err := tr.VerifyCanSign(role)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// check the role's metadata
t, ok := tr.Targets[role]
if !ok { // the targetfile may not exist yet - if not, then create it
var err error
t, err = tr.InitTargets(role)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// VerifyCanSign already makes sure this is not nil
r := tr.keysDB.GetRole(role)
invalid := make(data.Files)
for path, target := range targets {
pathDigest := sha256.Sum256([]byte(path))
pathHex := hex.EncodeToString(pathDigest[:])
if role == data.CanonicalTargetsRole || (r.CheckPaths(path) || r.CheckPrefixes(pathHex)) {
t.Signed.Targets[path] = target
} else {
invalid[path] = target
t.Dirty = true
if len(invalid) > 0 {
return invalid, fmt.Errorf("Could not add all targets")
return nil, nil
// RemoveTargets removes the given target (paths) from the given target role (delegation)
func (tr *Repo) RemoveTargets(role string, targets ...string) error {
if err := tr.VerifyCanSign(role); err != nil {
return err
// if the role exists but metadata does not yet, then our work is done
t, ok := tr.Targets[role]
if ok {
for _, path := range targets {
delete(t.Signed.Targets, path)
t.Dirty = true
return nil
// UpdateSnapshot updates the FileMeta for the given role based on the Signed object
func (tr *Repo) UpdateSnapshot(role string, s *data.Signed) error {
jsonData, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
return err
meta, err := data.NewFileMeta(bytes.NewReader(jsonData), "sha256")
if err != nil {
return err
tr.Snapshot.Signed.Meta[role] = meta
tr.Snapshot.Dirty = true
return nil
// UpdateTimestamp updates the snapshot meta in the timestamp based on the Signed object
func (tr *Repo) UpdateTimestamp(s *data.Signed) error {
jsonData, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
return err
meta, err := data.NewFileMeta(bytes.NewReader(jsonData), "sha256")
if err != nil {
return err
tr.Timestamp.Signed.Meta["snapshot"] = meta
tr.Timestamp.Dirty = true
return nil
// SignRoot signs the root
func (tr *Repo) SignRoot(expires time.Time) (*data.Signed, error) {
logrus.Debug("signing root...")
tr.Root.Signed.Expires = expires
root := tr.keysDB.GetRole(data.CanonicalRootRole)
signed, err := tr.Root.ToSigned()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
signed, err = tr.sign(signed, *root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tr.Root.Signatures = signed.Signatures
return signed, nil
// SignTargets signs the targets file for the given top level or delegated targets role
func (tr *Repo) SignTargets(role string, expires time.Time) (*data.Signed, error) {
logrus.Debugf("sign targets called for role %s", role)
if _, ok := tr.Targets[role]; !ok {
return nil, data.ErrInvalidRole{
Role: role,
Reason: "SignTargets called with non-existant targets role",
tr.Targets[role].Signed.Expires = expires
signed, err := tr.Targets[role].ToSigned()
if err != nil {
logrus.Debug("errored getting targets data.Signed object")
return nil, err
targets := tr.keysDB.GetRole(role)
signed, err = tr.sign(signed, *targets)
if err != nil {
logrus.Debug("errored signing ", role)
return nil, err
tr.Targets[role].Signatures = signed.Signatures
return signed, nil
// SignSnapshot updates the snapshot based on the current targets and root then signs it
func (tr *Repo) SignSnapshot(expires time.Time) (*data.Signed, error) {
logrus.Debug("signing snapshot...")
signedRoot, err := tr.Root.ToSigned()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = tr.UpdateSnapshot("root", signedRoot)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tr.Root.Dirty = false // root dirty until changes captures in snapshot
for role, targets := range tr.Targets {
signedTargets, err := targets.ToSigned()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = tr.UpdateSnapshot(role, signedTargets)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
targets.Dirty = false
tr.Snapshot.Signed.Expires = expires
signed, err := tr.Snapshot.ToSigned()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
snapshot := tr.keysDB.GetRole(data.CanonicalSnapshotRole)
signed, err = tr.sign(signed, *snapshot)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tr.Snapshot.Signatures = signed.Signatures
return signed, nil
// SignTimestamp updates the timestamp based on the current snapshot then signs it
func (tr *Repo) SignTimestamp(expires time.Time) (*data.Signed, error) {
signedSnapshot, err := tr.Snapshot.ToSigned()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = tr.UpdateTimestamp(signedSnapshot)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tr.Timestamp.Signed.Expires = expires
signed, err := tr.Timestamp.ToSigned()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
timestamp := tr.keysDB.GetRole(data.CanonicalTimestampRole)
signed, err = tr.sign(signed, *timestamp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tr.Timestamp.Signatures = signed.Signatures
tr.Snapshot.Dirty = false // snapshot is dirty until changes have been captured in timestamp
return signed, nil
func (tr Repo) sign(signedData *data.Signed, role data.Role) (*data.Signed, error) {
ks := make([]data.PublicKey, 0, len(role.KeyIDs))
for _, kid := range role.KeyIDs {
k := tr.keysDB.GetKey(kid)
if k == nil {
ks = append(ks, k)
if len(ks) < 1 {
return nil, keys.ErrInvalidKey
err := signed.Sign(tr.cryptoService, signedData, ks...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return signedData, nil