blob: bbd262f37ce2114495453bb6300b75659b01d335 [file] [log] [blame]
package storage
import (
// ErrNoWAL is returned if there are no WALs on disk
var ErrNoWAL = errors.New("no WAL present")
type walSnapDirs struct {
wal string
snap string
// the wal/snap directories in decreasing order of preference/version
var versionedWALSnapDirs = []walSnapDirs{
{wal: "wal-v3-encrypted", snap: "snap-v3-encrypted"},
{wal: "wal-v3", snap: "snap-v3"},
{wal: "wal", snap: "snap"},
// EncryptedRaftLogger saves raft data to disk
type EncryptedRaftLogger struct {
StateDir string
EncryptionKey []byte
// FIPS specifies whether the encryption should be FIPS-compliant
FIPS bool
// mutex is locked for writing only when we need to replace the wal object and snapshotter
// object, not when we're writing snapshots or wals (in which case it's locked for reading)
encoderMu sync.RWMutex
wal WAL
snapshotter Snapshotter
// BootstrapFromDisk creates a new snapshotter and wal, and also reads the latest snapshot and WALs from disk
func (e *EncryptedRaftLogger) BootstrapFromDisk(ctx context.Context, oldEncryptionKeys ...[]byte) (*raftpb.Snapshot, WALData, error) {
defer e.encoderMu.Unlock()
walDir := e.walDir()
snapDir := e.snapDir()
encrypter, decrypter := encryption.Defaults(e.EncryptionKey, e.FIPS)
if oldEncryptionKeys != nil {
decrypters := []encryption.Decrypter{decrypter}
for _, key := range oldEncryptionKeys {
_, d := encryption.Defaults(key, e.FIPS)
decrypters = append(decrypters, d)
decrypter = encryption.NewMultiDecrypter(decrypters...)
snapFactory := NewSnapFactory(encrypter, decrypter)
if !fileutil.Exist(snapDir) {
// If snapshots created by the etcd-v2 code exist, or by swarmkit development version,
// read the latest snapshot and write it encoded to the new path. The new path
// prevents etc-v2 creating snapshots that are visible to us, but not encoded and
// out of sync with our WALs, after a downgrade.
for _, dirs := range versionedWALSnapDirs[1:] {
legacySnapDir := filepath.Join(e.StateDir, dirs.snap)
if fileutil.Exist(legacySnapDir) {
if err := MigrateSnapshot(legacySnapDir, snapDir, OriginalSnap, snapFactory); err != nil {
return nil, WALData{}, err
// ensure the new directory exists
if err := os.MkdirAll(snapDir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, WALData{}, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create snapshot directory")
var (
snapshotter Snapshotter
walObj WAL
err error
// Create a snapshotter and load snapshot data
snapshotter = snapFactory.New(snapDir)
snapshot, err := snapshotter.Load()
if err != nil && err != snap.ErrNoSnapshot {
return nil, WALData{}, err
walFactory := NewWALFactory(encrypter, decrypter)
var walsnap walpb.Snapshot
if snapshot != nil {
walsnap.Index = snapshot.Metadata.Index
walsnap.Term = snapshot.Metadata.Term
if !wal.Exist(walDir) {
var walExists bool
// If wals created by the etcd-v2 wal code exist, read the latest ones based
// on this snapshot and encode them to wals in the new path to avoid adding
// backwards-incompatible entries to those files.
for _, dirs := range versionedWALSnapDirs[1:] {
legacyWALDir := filepath.Join(e.StateDir, dirs.wal)
if !wal.Exist(legacyWALDir) {
if err = MigrateWALs(ctx, legacyWALDir, walDir, OriginalWAL, walFactory, walsnap); err != nil {
return nil, WALData{}, err
walExists = true
if !walExists {
return nil, WALData{}, ErrNoWAL
walObj, waldata, err := ReadRepairWAL(ctx, walDir, walsnap, walFactory)
if err != nil {
return nil, WALData{}, err
e.snapshotter = snapshotter
e.wal = walObj
return snapshot, waldata, nil
// BootstrapNew creates a new snapshotter and WAL writer, expecting that there is nothing on disk
func (e *EncryptedRaftLogger) BootstrapNew(metadata []byte) error {
defer e.encoderMu.Unlock()
encrypter, decrypter := encryption.Defaults(e.EncryptionKey, e.FIPS)
walFactory := NewWALFactory(encrypter, decrypter)
for _, dirpath := range []string{filepath.Dir(e.walDir()), e.snapDir()} {
if err := os.MkdirAll(dirpath, 0700); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create %s", dirpath)
var err error
// the wal directory must not already exist upon creation
e.wal, err = walFactory.Create(e.walDir(), metadata)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create WAL")
e.snapshotter = NewSnapFactory(encrypter, decrypter).New(e.snapDir())
return nil
func (e *EncryptedRaftLogger) walDir() string {
return filepath.Join(e.StateDir, versionedWALSnapDirs[0].wal)
func (e *EncryptedRaftLogger) snapDir() string {
return filepath.Join(e.StateDir, versionedWALSnapDirs[0].snap)
// RotateEncryptionKey swaps out the encoders and decoders used by the wal and snapshotter
func (e *EncryptedRaftLogger) RotateEncryptionKey(newKey []byte) {
defer e.encoderMu.Unlock()
if e.wal != nil { // if the wal exists, the snapshotter exists
// We don't want to have to close the WAL, because we can't open a new one.
// We need to know the previous snapshot, because when you open a WAL you
// have to read out all the entries from a particular snapshot, or you can't
// write. So just rotate the encoders out from under it. We already
// have a lock on writing to snapshots and WALs.
wrapped, ok := e.wal.(*wrappedWAL)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("EncryptedRaftLogger's WAL is not a wrappedWAL"))
wrapped.encrypter, wrapped.decrypter = encryption.Defaults(newKey, e.FIPS)
e.snapshotter = NewSnapFactory(wrapped.encrypter, wrapped.decrypter).New(e.snapDir())
e.EncryptionKey = newKey
// SaveSnapshot actually saves a given snapshot to both the WAL and the snapshot.
func (e *EncryptedRaftLogger) SaveSnapshot(snapshot raftpb.Snapshot) error {
walsnap := walpb.Snapshot{
Index: snapshot.Metadata.Index,
Term: snapshot.Metadata.Term,
if err := e.wal.SaveSnapshot(walsnap); err != nil {
return err
snapshotter := e.snapshotter
if err := snapshotter.SaveSnap(snapshot); err != nil {
return err
return e.wal.ReleaseLockTo(snapshot.Metadata.Index)
// GC garbage collects snapshots and wals older than the provided index and term
func (e *EncryptedRaftLogger) GC(index uint64, term uint64, keepOldSnapshots uint64) error {
// Delete any older snapshots
curSnapshot := fmt.Sprintf("%016x-%016x%s", term, index, ".snap")
snapshots, err := ListSnapshots(e.snapDir())
if err != nil {
return err
// Ignore any snapshots that are older than the current snapshot.
// Delete the others. Rather than doing lexical comparisons, we look
// at what exists before/after the current snapshot in the slice.
// This means that if the current snapshot doesn't appear in the
// directory for some strange reason, we won't delete anything, which
// is the safe behavior.
curSnapshotIdx := -1
var (
removeErr error
oldestSnapshot string
for i, snapFile := range snapshots {
if curSnapshotIdx >= 0 && i > curSnapshotIdx {
if uint64(i-curSnapshotIdx) > keepOldSnapshots {
err := os.Remove(filepath.Join(e.snapDir(), snapFile))
if err != nil && removeErr == nil {
removeErr = err
} else if snapFile == curSnapshot {
curSnapshotIdx = i
oldestSnapshot = snapFile
if removeErr != nil {
return removeErr
// Remove any WAL files that only contain data from before the oldest
// remaining snapshot.
if oldestSnapshot == "" {
return nil
// Parse index out of oldest snapshot's filename
var snapTerm, snapIndex uint64
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(oldestSnapshot, "%016x-%016x.snap", &snapTerm, &snapIndex)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "malformed snapshot filename %s", oldestSnapshot)
wals, err := ListWALs(e.walDir())
if err != nil {
return err
found := false
deleteUntil := -1
for i, walName := range wals {
var walSeq, walIndex uint64
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(walName, "%016x-%016x.wal", &walSeq, &walIndex)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "could not parse WAL name %s", walName)
if walIndex >= snapIndex {
deleteUntil = i - 1
found = true
// If all WAL files started with indices below the oldest snapshot's
// index, we can delete all but the newest WAL file.
if !found && len(wals) != 0 {
deleteUntil = len(wals) - 1
for i := 0; i < deleteUntil; i++ {
walPath := filepath.Join(e.walDir(), wals[i])
l, err := fileutil.TryLockFile(walPath, os.O_WRONLY, fileutil.PrivateFileMode)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "could not lock old WAL file %s for removal", wals[i])
err = os.Remove(walPath)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error removing old WAL file %s", wals[i])
return nil
// SaveEntries saves only entries to disk
func (e *EncryptedRaftLogger) SaveEntries(st raftpb.HardState, entries []raftpb.Entry) error {
defer e.encoderMu.RUnlock()
if e.wal == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("raft WAL has either been closed or has never been created")
return e.wal.Save(st, entries)
// Close closes the logger - it will have to be bootstrapped again to start writing
func (e *EncryptedRaftLogger) Close(ctx context.Context) {
defer e.encoderMu.Unlock()
if e.wal != nil {
if err := e.wal.Close(); err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("error closing raft WAL")
e.wal = nil
e.snapshotter = nil
// Clear closes the existing WAL and removes the WAL and snapshot.
func (e *EncryptedRaftLogger) Clear(ctx context.Context) error {
defer e.encoderMu.Unlock()
if e.wal != nil {
if err := e.wal.Close(); err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("error closing raft WAL")
e.snapshotter = nil
return nil