blob: 6af44b734c5581eb68d8889d541f59f98565626e [file] [log] [blame]
package restart
import (
gogotypes ""
const defaultOldTaskTimeout = time.Minute
type restartedInstance struct {
timestamp time.Time
type instanceRestartInfo struct {
// counter of restarts for this instance.
totalRestarts uint64
// Linked list of restartedInstance structs. Only used when
// Restart.MaxAttempts and Restart.Window are both
// nonzero.
restartedInstances *list.List
// Why is specVersion in this structure and not in the map key? While
// putting it in the key would be a very simple solution, it wouldn't
// be easy to clean up map entries corresponding to old specVersions.
// Making the key version-agnostic and clearing the value whenever the
// version changes avoids the issue of stale map entries for old
// versions.
specVersion api.Version
type delayedStart struct {
// cancel is called to cancel the delayed start.
cancel func()
doneCh chan struct{}
// waiter is set to true if the next restart is waiting for this delay
// to complete.
waiter bool
// Supervisor initiates and manages restarts. It's responsible for
// delaying restarts when applicable.
type Supervisor struct {
mu sync.Mutex
store *store.MemoryStore
delays map[string]*delayedStart
historyByService map[string]map[orchestrator.SlotTuple]*instanceRestartInfo
TaskTimeout time.Duration
// NewSupervisor creates a new RestartSupervisor.
func NewSupervisor(store *store.MemoryStore) *Supervisor {
return &Supervisor{
store: store,
delays: make(map[string]*delayedStart),
historyByService: make(map[string]map[orchestrator.SlotTuple]*instanceRestartInfo),
TaskTimeout: defaultOldTaskTimeout,
func (r *Supervisor) waitRestart(ctx context.Context, oldDelay *delayedStart, cluster *api.Cluster, taskID string) {
// Wait for the last restart delay to elapse.
select {
case <-oldDelay.doneCh:
case <-ctx.Done():
// Start the next restart
err := store.Tx) error {
t := store.GetTask(tx, taskID)
if t == nil {
return nil
if t.DesiredState > api.TaskStateRunning {
return nil
service := store.GetService(tx, t.ServiceID)
if service == nil {
return nil
return r.Restart(ctx, tx, cluster, service, *t)
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("failed to restart task after waiting for previous restart")
// Restart initiates a new task to replace t if appropriate under the service's
// restart policy.
func (r *Supervisor) Restart(ctx context.Context, tx store.Tx, cluster *api.Cluster, service *api.Service, t api.Task) error {
// TODO(aluzzardi): This function should not depend on `service`.
// Is the old task still in the process of restarting? If so, wait for
// its restart delay to elapse, to avoid tight restart loops (for
// example, when the image doesn't exist).
oldDelay, ok := r.delays[t.ID]
if ok {
if !oldDelay.waiter {
oldDelay.waiter = true
go r.waitRestart(ctx, oldDelay, cluster, t.ID)
return nil
// Sanity check: was the task shut down already by a separate call to
// Restart? If so, we must avoid restarting it, because this will create
// an extra task. This should never happen unless there is a bug.
if t.DesiredState > api.TaskStateRunning {
return errors.New("Restart called on task that was already shut down")
t.DesiredState = api.TaskStateShutdown
err := store.UpdateTask(tx, &t)
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("failed to set task desired state to dead")
return err
if !r.shouldRestart(ctx, &t, service) {
return nil
var restartTask *api.Task
if orchestrator.IsReplicatedService(service) {
restartTask = orchestrator.NewTask(cluster, service, t.Slot, "")
} else if orchestrator.IsGlobalService(service) {
restartTask = orchestrator.NewTask(cluster, service, 0, t.NodeID)
} else {
log.G(ctx).Error("service not supported by restart supervisor")
return nil
n := store.GetNode(tx, t.NodeID)
restartTask.DesiredState = api.TaskStateReady
var restartDelay time.Duration
// Restart delay is not applied to drained nodes
if n == nil || n.Spec.Availability != api.NodeAvailabilityDrain {
if t.Spec.Restart != nil && t.Spec.Restart.Delay != nil {
var err error
restartDelay, err = gogotypes.DurationFromProto(t.Spec.Restart.Delay)
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("invalid restart delay; using default")
restartDelay, _ = gogotypes.DurationFromProto(defaults.Service.Task.Restart.Delay)
} else {
restartDelay, _ = gogotypes.DurationFromProto(defaults.Service.Task.Restart.Delay)
waitStop := true
// Normally we wait for the old task to stop running, but we skip this
// if the old task is already dead or the node it's assigned to is down.
if (n != nil && n.Status.State == api.NodeStatus_DOWN) || t.Status.State > api.TaskStateRunning {
waitStop = false
if err := store.CreateTask(tx, restartTask); err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).WithField("", restartTask.ID).Error("task create failed")
return err
tuple := orchestrator.SlotTuple{
Slot: restartTask.Slot,
ServiceID: restartTask.ServiceID,
NodeID: restartTask.NodeID,
r.RecordRestartHistory(tuple, restartTask)
r.DelayStart(ctx, tx, &t, restartTask.ID, restartDelay, waitStop)
return nil
// shouldRestart returns true if a task should be restarted according to the
// restart policy.
func (r *Supervisor) shouldRestart(ctx context.Context, t *api.Task, service *api.Service) bool {
// TODO(aluzzardi): This function should not depend on `service`.
condition := orchestrator.RestartCondition(t)
if condition != api.RestartOnAny &&
(condition != api.RestartOnFailure || t.Status.State == api.TaskStateCompleted) {
return false
if t.Spec.Restart == nil || t.Spec.Restart.MaxAttempts == 0 {
return true
instanceTuple := orchestrator.SlotTuple{
Slot: t.Slot,
ServiceID: t.ServiceID,
// Slot is not meaningful for "global" tasks, so they need to be
// indexed by NodeID.
if orchestrator.IsGlobalService(service) {
instanceTuple.NodeID = t.NodeID
restartInfo := r.historyByService[t.ServiceID][instanceTuple]
if restartInfo == nil || (t.SpecVersion != nil && *t.SpecVersion != restartInfo.specVersion) {
return true
if t.Spec.Restart.Window == nil || (t.Spec.Restart.Window.Seconds == 0 && t.Spec.Restart.Window.Nanos == 0) {
return restartInfo.totalRestarts < t.Spec.Restart.MaxAttempts
if restartInfo.restartedInstances == nil {
return true
window, err := gogotypes.DurationFromProto(t.Spec.Restart.Window)
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("invalid restart lookback window")
return restartInfo.totalRestarts < t.Spec.Restart.MaxAttempts
var timestamp time.Time
// Prefer the manager's timestamp over the agent's, since manager
// clocks are more trustworthy.
if t.Status.AppliedAt != nil {
timestamp, err = gogotypes.TimestampFromProto(t.Status.AppliedAt)
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("invalid task status AppliedAt timestamp")
return restartInfo.totalRestarts < t.Spec.Restart.MaxAttempts
} else {
// It's safe to call TimestampFromProto with a nil timestamp
timestamp, err = gogotypes.TimestampFromProto(t.Status.Timestamp)
if t.Status.Timestamp == nil || err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Error("invalid task completion timestamp")
return restartInfo.totalRestarts < t.Spec.Restart.MaxAttempts
lookback := timestamp.Add(-window)
numRestarts := uint64(restartInfo.restartedInstances.Len())
// Disregard any restarts that happened before the lookback window,
// and remove them from the linked list since they will no longer
// be relevant to figuring out if tasks should be restarted going
// forward.
var next *list.Element
for e := restartInfo.restartedInstances.Front(); e != nil; e = next {
next = e.Next()
if e.Value.(restartedInstance).timestamp.After(lookback) {
// Ignore restarts that didn't happen before the task we're looking at.
for e2 := restartInfo.restartedInstances.Back(); e2 != nil; e2 = e2.Prev() {
if e2.Value.(restartedInstance).timestamp.Before(timestamp) {
if restartInfo.restartedInstances.Len() == 0 {
restartInfo.restartedInstances = nil
return numRestarts < t.Spec.Restart.MaxAttempts
// UpdatableTasksInSlot returns the set of tasks that should be passed to the
// updater from this slot, or an empty slice if none should be. An updatable
// slot has either at least one task that with desired state <= RUNNING, or its
// most recent task has stopped running and should not be restarted. The latter
// case is for making sure that tasks that shouldn't normally be restarted will
// still be handled by rolling updates when they become outdated. There is a
// special case for rollbacks to make sure that a rollback always takes the
// service to a converged state, instead of ignoring tasks with the original
// spec that stopped running and shouldn't be restarted according to the
// restart policy.
func (r *Supervisor) UpdatableTasksInSlot(ctx context.Context, slot orchestrator.Slot, service *api.Service) orchestrator.Slot {
if len(slot) < 1 {
return nil
var updatable orchestrator.Slot
for _, t := range slot {
if t.DesiredState <= api.TaskStateRunning {
updatable = append(updatable, t)
if len(updatable) > 0 {
return updatable
if service.UpdateStatus != nil && service.UpdateStatus.State == api.UpdateStatus_ROLLBACK_STARTED {
return nil
// Find most recent task
byTimestamp := orchestrator.TasksByTimestamp(slot)
newestIndex := 0
for i := 1; i != len(slot); i++ {
if byTimestamp.Less(newestIndex, i) {
newestIndex = i
if !r.shouldRestart(ctx, slot[newestIndex], service) {
return orchestrator.Slot{slot[newestIndex]}
return nil
// RecordRestartHistory updates the historyByService map to reflect the restart
// of restartedTask.
func (r *Supervisor) RecordRestartHistory(tuple orchestrator.SlotTuple, replacementTask *api.Task) {
if replacementTask.Spec.Restart == nil || replacementTask.Spec.Restart.MaxAttempts == 0 {
// No limit on the number of restarts, so no need to record
// history.
serviceID := replacementTask.ServiceID
if r.historyByService[serviceID] == nil {
r.historyByService[serviceID] = make(map[orchestrator.SlotTuple]*instanceRestartInfo)
if r.historyByService[serviceID][tuple] == nil {
r.historyByService[serviceID][tuple] = &instanceRestartInfo{}
restartInfo := r.historyByService[serviceID][tuple]
if replacementTask.SpecVersion != nil && *replacementTask.SpecVersion != restartInfo.specVersion {
// This task has a different SpecVersion from the one we're
// tracking. Most likely, the service was updated. Past failures
// shouldn't count against the new service definition, so clear
// the history for this instance.
*restartInfo = instanceRestartInfo{
specVersion: *replacementTask.SpecVersion,
if replacementTask.Spec.Restart.Window != nil && (replacementTask.Spec.Restart.Window.Seconds != 0 || replacementTask.Spec.Restart.Window.Nanos != 0) {
if restartInfo.restartedInstances == nil {
restartInfo.restartedInstances = list.New()
// it's okay to call TimestampFromProto with a nil argument
timestamp, err := gogotypes.TimestampFromProto(replacementTask.Meta.CreatedAt)
if replacementTask.Meta.CreatedAt == nil || err != nil {
timestamp = time.Now()
restartedInstance := restartedInstance{
timestamp: timestamp,
// DelayStart starts a timer that moves the task from READY to RUNNING once:
// - The restart delay has elapsed (if applicable)
// - The old task that it's replacing has stopped running (or this times out)
// It must be called during an Update transaction to ensure that it does not
// miss events. The purpose of the store.Tx argument is to avoid accidental
// calls outside an Update transaction.
func (r *Supervisor) DelayStart(ctx context.Context, _ store.Tx, oldTask *api.Task, newTaskID string, delay time.Duration, waitStop bool) <-chan struct{} {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
for {
oldDelay, ok := r.delays[newTaskID]
if !ok {
// Note that this channel read should only block for a very
// short time, because we cancelled the existing delay and
// that should cause it to stop immediately.
r.delays[newTaskID] = &delayedStart{cancel: cancel, doneCh: doneCh}
var watch chan events.Event
cancelWatch := func() {}
waitForTask := waitStop && oldTask != nil && oldTask.Status.State <= api.TaskStateRunning
if waitForTask {
// Wait for either the old task to complete, or the old task's
// node to become unavailable.
watch, cancelWatch = state.Watch(,
Task: &api.Task{ID: oldTask.ID, Status: api.TaskStatus{State: api.TaskStateRunning}},
Checks: []api.TaskCheckFunc{api.TaskCheckID, state.TaskCheckStateGreaterThan},
Node: &api.Node{ID: oldTask.NodeID, Status: api.NodeStatus{State: api.NodeStatus_DOWN}},
Checks: []api.NodeCheckFunc{api.NodeCheckID, state.NodeCheckState},
Node: &api.Node{ID: oldTask.NodeID},
Checks: []api.NodeCheckFunc{api.NodeCheckID},
go func() {
defer func() {
delete(r.delays, newTaskID)
oldTaskTimer := time.NewTimer(r.TaskTimeout)
defer oldTaskTimer.Stop()
// Wait for the delay to elapse, if one is specified.
if delay != 0 {
select {
case <-time.After(delay):
case <-ctx.Done():
if waitForTask {
select {
case <-watch:
case <-oldTaskTimer.C:
case <-ctx.Done():
err := store.Tx) error {
err := r.StartNow(tx, newTaskID)
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).WithField("", newTaskID).Error("moving task out of delayed state failed")
return nil
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).WithField("", newTaskID).Error("task restart transaction failed")
return doneCh
// StartNow moves the task into the RUNNING state so it will proceed to start
// up.
func (r *Supervisor) StartNow(tx store.Tx, taskID string) error {
t := store.GetTask(tx, taskID)
if t == nil || t.DesiredState >= api.TaskStateRunning {
return nil
t.DesiredState = api.TaskStateRunning
return store.UpdateTask(tx, t)
// Cancel cancels a pending restart.
func (r *Supervisor) Cancel(taskID string) {
delay, ok := r.delays[taskID]
if !ok {
// CancelAll aborts all pending restarts and waits for any instances of
// StartNow that have already triggered to complete.
func (r *Supervisor) CancelAll() {
var cancelled []delayedStart
for _, delay := range r.delays {
for _, delay := range cancelled {
// ClearServiceHistory forgets restart history related to a given service ID.
func (r *Supervisor) ClearServiceHistory(serviceID string) {
delete(r.historyByService, serviceID)