blob: 6b9af1d410e1bbeac152a7448c5ab8f950f114b9 [file] [log] [blame]
package containerd
import (
goruntime "runtime"
google_protobuf ""
digest ""
ocispec ""
specs ""
// UnknownExitStatus is returned when containerd is unable to
// determine the exit status of a process. This can happen if the process never starts
// or if an error was encountered when obtaining the exit status, it is set to 255.
const UnknownExitStatus = 255
const (
checkpointDateFormat = "01-02-2006-15:04:05"
checkpointNameFormat = ""
// Status returns process status and exit information
type Status struct {
// Status of the process
Status ProcessStatus
// ExitStatus returned by the process
ExitStatus uint32
// ExitedTime is the time at which the process died
ExitTime time.Time
type ProcessInfo struct {
// Pid is the process ID
Pid uint32
// Info includes additional process information
// Info varies by platform
Info *google_protobuf.Any
// ProcessStatus returns a human readable status for the Process representing its current status
type ProcessStatus string
const (
// Running indicates the process is currently executing
Running ProcessStatus = "running"
// Created indicates the process has been created within containerd but the
// user's defined process has not started
Created ProcessStatus = "created"
// Stopped indicates that the process has ran and exited
Stopped ProcessStatus = "stopped"
// Paused indicates that the process is currently paused
Paused ProcessStatus = "paused"
// Pausing indicates that the process is currently switching from a
// running state into a paused state
Pausing ProcessStatus = "pausing"
// Unknown indicates that we could not determine the status from the runtime
Unknown ProcessStatus = "unknown"
// IOCloseInfo allows specific io pipes to be closed on a process
type IOCloseInfo struct {
Stdin bool
// IOCloserOpts allows the caller to set specific pipes as closed on a process
type IOCloserOpts func(*IOCloseInfo)
// WithStdinCloser closes the stdin of a process
func WithStdinCloser(r *IOCloseInfo) {
r.Stdin = true
// CheckpointTaskInfo allows specific checkpoint information to be set for the task
type CheckpointTaskInfo struct {
Name string
// ParentCheckpoint is the digest of a parent checkpoint
ParentCheckpoint digest.Digest
// Options hold runtime specific settings for checkpointing a task
Options interface{}
// CheckpointTaskOpts allows the caller to set checkpoint options
type CheckpointTaskOpts func(*CheckpointTaskInfo) error
// TaskInfo sets options for task creation
type TaskInfo struct {
// Checkpoint is the Descriptor for an existing checkpoint that can be used
// to restore a task's runtime and memory state
Checkpoint *types.Descriptor
// RootFS is a list of mounts to use as the task's root filesystem
RootFS []mount.Mount
// Options hold runtime specific settings for task creation
Options interface{}
// Task is the executable object within containerd
type Task interface {
// Pause suspends the execution of the task
Pause(context.Context) error
// Resume the execution of the task
Resume(context.Context) error
// Exec creates a new process inside the task
Exec(context.Context, string, *specs.Process, IOCreation) (Process, error)
// Pids returns a list of system specific process ids inside the task
Pids(context.Context) ([]ProcessInfo, error)
// Checkpoint serializes the runtime and memory information of a task into an
// OCI Index that can be push and pulled from a remote resource.
// Additional software like CRIU maybe required to checkpoint and restore tasks
Checkpoint(context.Context, ...CheckpointTaskOpts) (Image, error)
// Update modifies executing tasks with updated settings
Update(context.Context, ...UpdateTaskOpts) error
// LoadProcess loads a previously created exec'd process
LoadProcess(context.Context, string, IOAttach) (Process, error)
// Metrics returns task metrics for runtime specific metrics
// The metric types are generic to containerd and change depending on the runtime
// For the built in Linux runtime,
// are returned in protobuf format
Metrics(context.Context) (*types.Metric, error)
var _ = (Task)(&task{})
type task struct {
client *Client
io IO
id string
pid uint32
mu sync.Mutex
// Pid returns the pid or process id for the task
func (t *task) Pid() uint32 {
func (t *task) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
r, err := t.client.TaskService().Start(ctx, &tasks.StartRequest{
if err != nil {
return errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
} = r.Pid
return nil
func (t *task) Kill(ctx context.Context, s syscall.Signal, opts ...KillOpts) error {
var i KillInfo
for _, o := range opts {
if err := o(ctx, t, &i); err != nil {
return err
_, err := t.client.TaskService().Kill(ctx, &tasks.KillRequest{
Signal: uint32(s),
All: i.All,
if err != nil {
return errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
return nil
func (t *task) Pause(ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := t.client.TaskService().Pause(ctx, &tasks.PauseTaskRequest{
return errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
func (t *task) Resume(ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := t.client.TaskService().Resume(ctx, &tasks.ResumeTaskRequest{
return errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
func (t *task) Status(ctx context.Context) (Status, error) {
r, err := t.client.TaskService().Get(ctx, &tasks.GetRequest{
if err != nil {
return Status{}, errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
return Status{
Status: ProcessStatus(strings.ToLower(r.Process.Status.String())),
ExitStatus: r.Process.ExitStatus,
ExitTime: r.Process.ExitedAt,
}, nil
func (t *task) Wait(ctx context.Context) (<-chan ExitStatus, error) {
c := make(chan ExitStatus, 1)
go func() {
defer close(c)
r, err := t.client.TaskService().Wait(ctx, &tasks.WaitRequest{
if err != nil {
c <- ExitStatus{
code: UnknownExitStatus,
err: err,
c <- ExitStatus{
code: r.ExitStatus,
exitedAt: r.ExitedAt,
return c, nil
// Delete deletes the task and its runtime state
// it returns the exit status of the task and any errors that were encountered
// during cleanup
func (t *task) Delete(ctx context.Context, opts ...ProcessDeleteOpts) (*ExitStatus, error) {
for _, o := range opts {
if err := o(ctx, t); err != nil {
return nil, err
status, err := t.Status(ctx)
if err != nil && errdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, err
switch status.Status {
case Stopped, Unknown, "":
case Created:
if t.client.runtime == fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", plugin.RuntimePlugin, "windows") {
// On windows Created is akin to Stopped
return nil, errors.Wrapf(errdefs.ErrFailedPrecondition, "task must be stopped before deletion: %s", status.Status)
if != nil {
r, err := t.client.TaskService().Delete(ctx, &tasks.DeleteTaskRequest{
if err != nil {
return nil, errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
return &ExitStatus{code: r.ExitStatus, exitedAt: r.ExitedAt}, nil
func (t *task) Exec(ctx context.Context, id string, spec *specs.Process, ioCreate IOCreation) (Process, error) {
if id == "" {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(errdefs.ErrInvalidArgument, "exec id must not be empty")
i, err := ioCreate(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
any, err := typeurl.MarshalAny(spec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cfg := i.Config()
request := &tasks.ExecProcessRequest{
ExecID: id,
Terminal: cfg.Terminal,
Stdin: cfg.Stdin,
Stdout: cfg.Stdout,
Stderr: cfg.Stderr,
Spec: any,
if _, err := t.client.TaskService().Exec(ctx, request); err != nil {
return nil, errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
return &process{
id: id,
task: t,
io: i,
}, nil
func (t *task) Pids(ctx context.Context) ([]ProcessInfo, error) {
response, err := t.client.TaskService().ListPids(ctx, &tasks.ListPidsRequest{
if err != nil {
return nil, errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
var processList []ProcessInfo
for _, p := range response.Processes {
processList = append(processList, ProcessInfo{
Pid: p.Pid,
Info: p.Info,
return processList, nil
func (t *task) CloseIO(ctx context.Context, opts ...IOCloserOpts) error {
r := &tasks.CloseIORequest{
var i IOCloseInfo
for _, o := range opts {
r.Stdin = i.Stdin
_, err := t.client.TaskService().CloseIO(ctx, r)
return errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
func (t *task) IO() IO {
func (t *task) Resize(ctx context.Context, w, h uint32) error {
_, err := t.client.TaskService().ResizePty(ctx, &tasks.ResizePtyRequest{
Width: w,
Height: h,
return errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
func (t *task) Checkpoint(ctx context.Context, opts ...CheckpointTaskOpts) (Image, error) {
request := &tasks.CheckpointTaskRequest{
var i CheckpointTaskInfo
for _, o := range opts {
if err := o(&i); err != nil {
return nil, err
// set a default name
if i.Name == "" {
i.Name = fmt.Sprintf(checkpointNameFormat,, time.Now().Format(checkpointDateFormat))
request.ParentCheckpoint = i.ParentCheckpoint
if i.Options != nil {
any, err := typeurl.MarshalAny(i.Options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
request.Options = any
// make sure we pause it and resume after all other filesystem operations are completed
if err := t.Pause(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer t.Resume(ctx)
cr, err := t.client.ContainerService().Get(ctx,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
index := v1.Index{
Annotations: make(map[string]string),
// make sure we clear the gc root labels reguardless of success
var clearRoots []ocispec.Descriptor
defer func() {
for _, r := range append(index.Manifests, clearRoots...) {
if err := clearRootGCLabel(ctx, t.client, r); err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).WithField("dgst", r.Digest).Warnf("failed to remove root marker")
if err := t.checkpointTask(ctx, &index, request); err != nil {
return nil, err
if cr.Image != "" {
if err := t.checkpointImage(ctx, &index, cr.Image); err != nil {
return nil, err
index.Annotations[""] = cr.Image
if cr.SnapshotKey != "" {
if err := t.checkpointRWSnapshot(ctx, &index, cr.Snapshotter, cr.SnapshotKey); err != nil {
return nil, err
desc, err := t.writeIndex(ctx, &index)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clearRoots = append(clearRoots, desc)
im := images.Image{
Name: i.Name,
Target: desc,
Labels: map[string]string{
"": "true",
if im, err = t.client.ImageService().Create(ctx, im); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &image{
client: t.client,
i: im,
}, nil
// UpdateTaskInfo allows updated specific settings to be changed on a task
type UpdateTaskInfo struct {
// Resources updates a tasks resource constraints
Resources interface{}
// UpdateTaskOpts allows a caller to update task settings
type UpdateTaskOpts func(context.Context, *Client, *UpdateTaskInfo) error
func (t *task) Update(ctx context.Context, opts ...UpdateTaskOpts) error {
request := &tasks.UpdateTaskRequest{
var i UpdateTaskInfo
for _, o := range opts {
if err := o(ctx, t.client, &i); err != nil {
return err
if i.Resources != nil {
any, err := typeurl.MarshalAny(i.Resources)
if err != nil {
return err
request.Resources = any
_, err := t.client.TaskService().Update(ctx, request)
return errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
func (t *task) LoadProcess(ctx context.Context, id string, ioAttach IOAttach) (Process, error) {
response, err := t.client.TaskService().Get(ctx, &tasks.GetRequest{
ExecID: id,
if err != nil {
err = errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
if errdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "no running process found")
return nil, err
var i IO
if ioAttach != nil {
if i, err = attachExistingIO(response, ioAttach); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &process{
id: id,
task: t,
io: i,
}, nil
func (t *task) Metrics(ctx context.Context) (*types.Metric, error) {
response, err := t.client.TaskService().Metrics(ctx, &tasks.MetricsRequest{
Filters: []string{
"id==" +,
if err != nil {
return nil, errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
if response.Metrics == nil {
_, err := t.Status(ctx)
if err != nil && errdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, err
return nil, errors.New("no metrics received")
return response.Metrics[0], nil
func (t *task) checkpointTask(ctx context.Context, index *v1.Index, request *tasks.CheckpointTaskRequest) error {
response, err := t.client.TaskService().Checkpoint(ctx, request)
if err != nil {
return errdefs.FromGRPC(err)
// add the checkpoint descriptors to the index
for _, d := range response.Descriptors {
index.Manifests = append(index.Manifests, v1.Descriptor{
MediaType: d.MediaType,
Size: d.Size_,
Digest: d.Digest,
Platform: &v1.Platform{
OS: goruntime.GOOS,
Architecture: goruntime.GOARCH,
return nil
func (t *task) checkpointRWSnapshot(ctx context.Context, index *v1.Index, snapshotterName string, id string) error {
opts := []diff.Opt{
diff.WithReference(fmt.Sprintf("checkpoint-rw-%s", id)),
"": time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
rw, err := rootfs.Diff(ctx, id, t.client.SnapshotService(snapshotterName), t.client.DiffService(), opts...)
if err != nil {
return err
rw.Platform = &v1.Platform{
OS: goruntime.GOOS,
Architecture: goruntime.GOARCH,
index.Manifests = append(index.Manifests, rw)
return nil
func (t *task) checkpointImage(ctx context.Context, index *v1.Index, image string) error {
if image == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot checkpoint image with empty name")
ir, err := t.client.ImageService().Get(ctx, image)
if err != nil {
return err
index.Manifests = append(index.Manifests, ir.Target)
return nil
func (t *task) writeIndex(ctx context.Context, index *v1.Index) (d v1.Descriptor, err error) {
labels := map[string]string{
"": time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
for i, m := range index.Manifests {
labels[fmt.Sprintf("", i)] = m.Digest.String()
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if err := json.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(index); err != nil {
return v1.Descriptor{}, err
return writeContent(ctx, t.client.ContentStore(), v1.MediaTypeImageIndex,, buf, content.WithLabels(labels))
func writeContent(ctx context.Context, store content.Store, mediaType, ref string, r io.Reader, opts ...content.Opt) (d v1.Descriptor, err error) {
writer, err := store.Writer(ctx, ref, 0, "")
if err != nil {
return d, err
defer writer.Close()
size, err := io.Copy(writer, r)
if err != nil {
return d, err
if err := writer.Commit(ctx, size, "", opts...); err != nil {
return d, err
return v1.Descriptor{
MediaType: mediaType,
Digest: writer.Digest(),
Size: size,
}, nil
func clearRootGCLabel(ctx context.Context, client *Client, desc ocispec.Descriptor) error {
info := content.Info{Digest: desc.Digest}
_, err := client.ContentStore().Update(ctx, info, "")
return err