blob: e892be155a286747dacb5b263400ba9b8a4144db [file] [log] [blame]
// Package gc experiments with providing central gc tooling to ensure
// deterministic resource removal within containerd.
// For now, we just have a single exported implementation that can be used
// under certain use cases.
package gc
import (
// Resourcetype represents type of resource at a node
type ResourceType uint8
// Node presents a resource which has a type and key,
// this node can be used to lookup other nodes.
type Node struct {
Type ResourceType
Namespace string
Key string
// Tricolor implements basic, single-thread tri-color GC. Given the roots, the
// complete set and a refs function, this function returns a map of all
// reachable objects.
// Correct usage requires that the caller not allow the arguments to change
// until the result is used to delete objects in the system.
// It will allocate memory proportional to the size of the reachable set.
// We can probably use this to inform a design for incremental GC by injecting
// callbacks to the set modification algorithms.
func Tricolor(roots []Node, refs func(ref Node) ([]Node, error)) (map[Node]struct{}, error) {
var (
grays []Node // maintain a gray "stack"
seen = map[Node]struct{}{} // or not "white", basically "seen"
reachable = map[Node]struct{}{} // or "block", in tri-color parlance
grays = append(grays, roots...)
for len(grays) > 0 {
// Pick any gray object
id := grays[len(grays)-1] // effectively "depth first" because first element
grays = grays[:len(grays)-1]
seen[id] = struct{}{} // post-mark this as not-white
rs, err := refs(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// mark all the referenced objects as gray
for _, target := range rs {
if _, ok := seen[target]; !ok {
grays = append(grays, target)
// mark as black when done
reachable[id] = struct{}{}
return reachable, nil
// ConcurrentMark implements simple, concurrent GC. All the roots are scanned
// and the complete set of references is formed by calling the refs function
// for each seen object. This function returns a map of all object reachable
// from a root.
// Correct usage requires that the caller not allow the arguments to change
// until the result is used to delete objects in the system.
// It will allocate memory proportional to the size of the reachable set.
func ConcurrentMark(ctx context.Context, root <-chan Node, refs func(context.Context, Node, func(Node)) error) (map[Node]struct{}, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
var (
grays = make(chan Node)
seen = map[Node]struct{}{} // or not "white", basically "seen"
wg sync.WaitGroup
errOnce sync.Once
refErr error
go func() {
for gray := range grays {
if _, ok := seen[gray]; ok {
seen[gray] = struct{}{} // post-mark this as non-white
go func(gray Node) {
defer wg.Done()
send := func(n Node) {
select {
case grays <- n:
case <-ctx.Done():
if err := refs(ctx, gray, send); err != nil {
errOnce.Do(func() {
refErr = err
for r := range root {
select {
case grays <- r:
case <-ctx.Done():
// Wait for outstanding grays to be processed
if refErr != nil {
return nil, refErr
if cErr := ctx.Err(); cErr != nil {
return nil, cErr
return seen, nil
// Sweep removes all nodes returned through the channel which are not in
// the reachable set by calling the provided remove function.
func Sweep(reachable map[Node]struct{}, all <-chan Node, remove func(Node) error) error {
// All black objects are now reachable, and all white objects are
// unreachable. Free those that are white!
for node := range all {
if _, ok := reachable[node]; !ok {
if err := remove(node); err != nil {
return err
return nil