blob: 3f4830147636cc6f95b0cea8b446032cb0096e23 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Rules for generating documentation with `rustdoc` for Bazel built crates"""
load("//rust/private:common.bzl", "rust_common")
load("//rust/private:rustc.bzl", "collect_deps", "collect_inputs", "construct_arguments")
load("//rust/private:utils.bzl", "dedent", "find_cc_toolchain", "find_toolchain")
def _strip_crate_info_output(crate_info):
"""Set the CrateInfo.output to None for a given CrateInfo provider.
crate_info (CrateInfo): A provider
CrateInfo: A modified CrateInfo provider
return rust_common.create_crate_info(
name =,
type = crate_info.type,
root = crate_info.root,
srcs = crate_info.srcs,
deps = crate_info.deps,
proc_macro_deps = crate_info.proc_macro_deps,
aliases = crate_info.aliases,
# This crate info should have no output
output = None,
metadata = None,
edition = crate_info.edition,
rustc_env = crate_info.rustc_env,
rustc_env_files = crate_info.rustc_env_files,
is_test = crate_info.is_test,
compile_data = crate_info.compile_data,
compile_data_targets = crate_info.compile_data_targets,
def rustdoc_compile_action(
output = None,
rustdoc_flags = [],
is_test = False):
"""Create a struct of information needed for a `rustdoc` compile action based on crate passed to the rustdoc rule.
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object.
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The currently configured `rust_toolchain`.
crate_info (CrateInfo): The provider of the crate passed to a rustdoc rule.
output (File, optional): An optional output a `rustdoc` action is intended to produce.
rustdoc_flags (list, optional): A list of `rustdoc` specific flags.
is_test (bool, optional): If True, the action will be configured for `rust_doc_test` targets
struct: A struct of some `` arguments.
# If an output was provided, ensure it's used in rustdoc arguments
if output:
rustdoc_flags = [
] + rustdoc_flags
cc_toolchain, feature_configuration = find_cc_toolchain(ctx)
dep_info, build_info, linkstamps = collect_deps(
deps = crate_info.deps,
proc_macro_deps = crate_info.proc_macro_deps,
aliases = crate_info.aliases,
compile_inputs, out_dir, build_env_files, build_flags_files, linkstamp_outs, ambiguous_libs = collect_inputs(
ctx = ctx,
file = ctx.file,
files = ctx.files,
linkstamps = linkstamps,
toolchain = toolchain,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
crate_info = crate_info,
dep_info = dep_info,
build_info = build_info,
# If this is a rustdoc test, we need to depend on rlibs rather than .rmeta.
force_depend_on_objects = is_test,
# Since this crate is not actually producing the output described by the
# given CrateInfo, this attribute needs to be stripped to allow the rest
# of the rustc functionality in `construct_arguments` to avoid generating
# arguments expecting to do so.
rustdoc_crate_info = _strip_crate_info_output(crate_info)
args, env = construct_arguments(
ctx = ctx,
attr = ctx.attr,
file = ctx.file,
toolchain = toolchain,
tool_path = toolchain.rust_doc.short_path if is_test else toolchain.rust_doc.path,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
crate_info = rustdoc_crate_info,
dep_info = dep_info,
linkstamp_outs = linkstamp_outs,
ambiguous_libs = ambiguous_libs,
output_hash = None,
rust_flags = rustdoc_flags,
out_dir = out_dir,
build_env_files = build_env_files,
build_flags_files = build_flags_files,
emit = [],
remap_path_prefix = None,
force_link = True,
force_depend_on_objects = is_test,
# Because rustdoc tests compile tests outside of the sandbox, the sysroot
# must be updated to the `short_path` equivilant as it will now be
# a part of runfiles.
if is_test:
if "SYSROOT" in env:
env.update({"SYSROOT": "${{pwd}}/{}".format(toolchain.sysroot_short_path)})
if "OUT_DIR" in env:
env.update({"OUT_DIR": "${{pwd}}/{}".format(build_info.out_dir.short_path)})
# `rustdoc` does not support the SYSROOT environment variable. To account
# for this, the flag must be explicitly passed to the `rustdoc` binary.
return struct(
executable = ctx.executable._process_wrapper,
inputs = depset([crate_info.output], transitive = [compile_inputs]),
env = env,
arguments = args.all,
tools = [toolchain.rust_doc],
def _zip_action(ctx, input_dir, output_zip, crate_label):
"""Creates an archive of the generated documentation from `rustdoc`
ctx (ctx): The `rust_doc` rule's context object
input_dir (File): A directory containing the outputs from rustdoc
output_zip (File): The location of the output archive containing generated documentation
crate_label (Label): The label of the crate docs are being generated for.
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add_all([input_dir], expand_directories = True)
executable = ctx.executable._dir_zipper,
inputs = [input_dir],
outputs = [output_zip],
arguments = [args],
mnemonic = "RustdocZip",
progress_message = "Creating RustdocZip for {}".format(crate_label),
tools = [ctx.executable._zipper],
def _rust_doc_impl(ctx):
"""The implementation of the `rust_doc` rule
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object
crate = ctx.attr.crate
crate_info = crate[rust_common.crate_info]
output_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory("{}.rustdoc".format(
# Add the current crate as an extern for the compile action
rustdoc_flags = [
"{}={}".format(, crate_info.output.path),
action = rustdoc_compile_action(
ctx = ctx,
toolchain = find_toolchain(ctx),
crate_info = crate_info,
output = output_dir,
rustdoc_flags = rustdoc_flags,
mnemonic = "Rustdoc",
progress_message = "Generating Rustdoc for {}".format(crate.label),
outputs = [output_dir],
executable = action.executable,
inputs = action.inputs,
env = action.env,
arguments = action.arguments,
tools =,
# This rule does nothing without a single-file output, though the directory should've sufficed.
_zip_action(ctx, output_dir, ctx.outputs.rust_doc_zip, crate.label)
return [
files = depset([ctx.outputs.rust_doc_zip]),
rustdoc_dir = depset([output_dir]),
rustdoc_zip = depset([ctx.outputs.rust_doc_zip]),
rust_doc = rule(
doc = dedent("""\
Generates code documentation.
Suppose you have the following directory structure for a Rust library crate:
To build [`rustdoc`][rustdoc] documentation for the `hello_lib` crate, define \
a `rust_doc` rule that depends on the the `hello_lib` `rust_library` target:
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_doc")
name = "hello_lib",
srcs = ["src/"],
name = "hello_lib_doc",
crate = ":hello_lib",
Running `bazel build //hello_lib:hello_lib_doc` will build a zip file containing \
the documentation for the `hello_lib` library crate generated by `rustdoc`.
implementation = _rust_doc_impl,
attrs = {
"crate": attr.label(
doc = (
"The label of the target to generate code documentation for.\n" +
"\n" +
"`rust_doc` can generate HTML code documentation for the source files of " +
"`rust_library` or `rust_binary` targets."
providers = [rust_common.crate_info],
mandatory = True,
"html_after_content": attr.label(
doc = "File to add in `<body>`, after content.",
allow_single_file = [".html", ".md"],
"html_before_content": attr.label(
doc = "File to add in `<body>`, before content.",
allow_single_file = [".html", ".md"],
"html_in_header": attr.label(
doc = "File to add to `<head>`.",
allow_single_file = [".html", ".md"],
"markdown_css": attr.label_list(
doc = "CSS files to include via `<link>` in a rendered Markdown file.",
allow_files = [".css"],
"rustc_flags": attr.string_list(
doc = dedent("""\
List of compiler flags passed to `rustc`.
These strings are subject to Make variable expansion for predefined
source/output path variables like `$location`, `$execpath`, and
`$rootpath`. This expansion is useful if you wish to pass a generated
file of arguments to rustc: `@$(location //package:target)`.
"_cc_toolchain": attr.label(
doc = "In order to use find_cpp_toolchain, you must define the '_cc_toolchain' attribute on your rule or aspect.",
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain"),
"_dir_zipper": attr.label(
doc = "A tool that orchestrates the creation of zip archives for rustdoc outputs.",
default = Label("//util/dir_zipper"),
cfg = "exec",
executable = True,
"_process_wrapper": attr.label(
doc = "A process wrapper for running rustdoc on all platforms",
default = Label("@rules_rust//util/process_wrapper"),
executable = True,
allow_single_file = True,
cfg = "exec",
"_zipper": attr.label(
doc = "A Bazel provided tool for creating archives",
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
cfg = "exec",
executable = True,
fragments = ["cpp"],
host_fragments = ["cpp"],
outputs = {
"rust_doc_zip": "%{name}.zip",
toolchains = [
incompatible_use_toolchain_transition = True,