blob: e567c1c5cfb593698832c9d3417ad953fbd863ef [file] [log] [blame]
"""Rules for Cargo build scripts (`` files)"""
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/cc:action_names.bzl", "CPP_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME", "C_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_utils.bzl", "find_cpp_toolchain")
load("//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_common")
# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
load("//rust/private:providers.bzl", _DepInfo = "DepInfo")
# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
load("//rust/private:rustc.bzl", "BuildInfo", "get_compilation_mode_opts", "get_linker_and_args")
# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
load("//rust/private:utils.bzl", "dedent", "expand_dict_value_locations", "find_cc_toolchain", "find_toolchain", _name_to_crate_name = "name_to_crate_name")
# Reexport for cargo_build_script_wrapper.bzl
name_to_crate_name = _name_to_crate_name
def get_cc_compile_args_and_env(cc_toolchain, feature_configuration):
"""Gather cc environment variables from the given `cc_toolchain`
cc_toolchain (cc_toolchain): The current rule's `cc_toolchain`.
feature_configuration (FeatureConfiguration): Class used to construct command lines from CROSSTOOL features.
tuple: A tuple of the following items:
- (sequence): A flattened C command line flags for given action.
- (sequence): A flattened CXX command line flags for given action.
- (dict): C environment variables to be set for given action.
compile_variables = cc_common.create_compile_variables(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
cc_c_args = cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
action_name = C_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME,
variables = compile_variables,
cc_cxx_args = cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
variables = compile_variables,
cc_env = cc_common.get_environment_variables(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
action_name = C_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME,
variables = compile_variables,
return cc_c_args, cc_cxx_args, cc_env
def _pwd_flags(args):
"""Prefix execroot-relative paths of known arguments with ${pwd}.
args (list): List of tool arguments.
list: The modified argument list.
res = []
for arg in args:
s, opt, path = arg.partition("--sysroot=")
if s == "" and not paths.is_absolute(path):
res.append("{}${{pwd}}/{}".format(opt, path))
return res
def _cargo_build_script_impl(ctx):
"""The implementation for the `cargo_build_script` rule.
ctx (ctx): The rules context object
list: A list containing a BuildInfo provider
script = ctx.executable.script
toolchain = find_toolchain(ctx)
out_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory( + ".out_dir")
env_out = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".env")
dep_env_out = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".depenv")
flags_out = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".flags")
link_flags = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".linkflags")
link_search_paths = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".linksearchpaths") # rustc-link-search, propagated from transitive dependencies
manifest_dir = "%s.runfiles/%s/%s" % (script.path, ctx.label.workspace_name or ctx.workspace_name, ctx.label.package)
compilation_mode_opt_level = get_compilation_mode_opts(ctx, toolchain).opt_level
streams = struct(
stdout = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".stdout.log"),
stderr = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".stderr.log"),
pkg_name = name_to_pkg_name(
toolchain_tools = [toolchain.all_files]
cc_toolchain = find_cpp_toolchain(ctx)
# Start with the default shell env, which contains any --action_env
# settings passed in on the command line.
env = dict(ctx.configuration.default_shell_env)
"CARGO_CRATE_NAME": name_to_crate_name(pkg_name),
"CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": manifest_dir,
"CARGO_PKG_NAME": pkg_name,
"HOST": toolchain.exec_triple.str,
"NUM_JOBS": "1",
"OPT_LEVEL": compilation_mode_opt_level,
"RUSTC": toolchain.rustc.path,
"TARGET": toolchain.target_flag_value,
# OUT_DIR is set by the runner itself, rather than on the action.
# This isn't exactly right, but Bazel doesn't have exact views of "debug" and "release", so...
"DEBUG": {"dbg": "true", "fastbuild": "true", "opt": "false"}.get(ctx.var["COMPILATION_MODE"], "true"),
"PROFILE": {"dbg": "debug", "fastbuild": "debug", "opt": "release"}.get(ctx.var["COMPILATION_MODE"], "unknown"),
if ctx.attr.version:
version = ctx.attr.version.split("+")[0].split(".")
patch = version[2].split("-") if len(version) > 2 else [""]
env["CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR"] = version[0]
env["CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR"] = version[1] if len(version) > 1 else ""
env["CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH"] = patch[0]
env["CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE"] = patch[1] if len(patch) > 1 else ""
env["CARGO_PKG_VERSION"] = ctx.attr.version
# Pull in env vars which may be required for the cc_toolchain to work (e.g. on OSX, the SDK version).
# We hope that the linker env is sufficient for the whole cc_toolchain.
cc_toolchain, feature_configuration = find_cc_toolchain(ctx)
linker, link_args, linker_env = get_linker_and_args(ctx, ctx.attr, "bin", cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, None)
env["LD"] = linker
env["LDFLAGS"] = " ".join(_pwd_flags(link_args))
# MSVC requires INCLUDE to be set
cc_c_args, cc_cxx_args, cc_env = get_cc_compile_args_and_env(cc_toolchain, feature_configuration)
include = cc_env.get("INCLUDE")
if include:
env["INCLUDE"] = include
if cc_toolchain:
cc_executable = cc_toolchain.compiler_executable
if cc_executable:
env["CC"] = cc_executable
env["CXX"] = cc_executable
ar_executable = cc_toolchain.ar_executable
if ar_executable:
env["AR"] = ar_executable
# Populate CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS that cc-rs relies on when building from source, in particular
# to determine the deployment target when building for apple platforms (`macosx-version-min`
# for example, itself derived from the `macos_minimum_os` Bazel argument).
env["CFLAGS"] = " ".join(_pwd_flags(cc_c_args))
env["CXXFLAGS"] = " ".join(_pwd_flags(cc_cxx_args))
# Inform build scripts of rustc flags
env["CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS"] = "\\x1f".join([
# Allow build scripts to locate the generated sysroot
] + ctx.attr.rustc_flags)
for f in ctx.attr.crate_features:
env["CARGO_FEATURE_" + f.upper().replace("-", "_")] = "1"
# Add environment variables from the Rust toolchain.
# Gather data from the `toolchains` attribute.
for target in ctx.attr.toolchains:
if DefaultInfo in target:
if platform_common.ToolchainInfo in target:
all_files = getattr(target[platform_common.ToolchainInfo], "all_files", depset([]))
if type(all_files) == "list":
all_files = depset(all_files)
_merge_env_dict(env, expand_dict_value_locations(
getattr(ctx.attr, "data", []) +
getattr(ctx.attr, "compile_data", []) +
getattr(ctx.attr, "tools", []),
tools = depset(
direct = [
] + + + ([toolchain.target_json] if toolchain.target_json else []),
transitive = toolchain_tools,
links = ctx.attr.links or ""
# dep_env_file contains additional environment variables coming from
# direct dependency sys-crates' build scripts. These need to be made
# available to the current crate build script.
# See
# for details.
args = ctx.actions.args()
build_script_inputs = []
for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
if rust_common.dep_info in dep and dep[rust_common.dep_info].dep_env:
dep_env_file = dep[rust_common.dep_info].dep_env
for dep_build_info in dep[rust_common.dep_info].transitive_build_infos.to_list():
executable = ctx.executable._cargo_build_script_runner,
arguments = [args],
outputs = [out_dir, env_out, flags_out, link_flags, link_search_paths, dep_env_out, streams.stdout, streams.stderr],
tools = tools,
inputs = build_script_inputs,
mnemonic = "CargoBuildScriptRun",
progress_message = "Running Cargo build script {}".format(pkg_name),
env = env,
return [
out_dir = out_dir,
rustc_env = env_out,
dep_env = dep_env_out,
flags = flags_out,
link_flags = link_flags,
link_search_paths = link_search_paths,
streams = depset([streams.stdout, streams.stderr]),
out_dir = depset([out_dir]),
cargo_build_script = rule(
doc = (
"A rule for running a crate's `` files to generate build information " +
"which is then used to determine how to compile said crate."
implementation = _cargo_build_script_impl,
attrs = {
"build_script_env": attr.string_dict(
doc = "Environment variables for build scripts.",
"crate_features": attr.string_list(
doc = "The list of rust features that the build script should consider activated.",
"data": attr.label_list(
doc = "Data required by the build script.",
allow_files = True,
"deps": attr.label_list(
doc = "The Rust dependencies of the crate",
providers = [rust_common.dep_info],
cfg = "exec",
"links": attr.string(
doc = "The name of the native library this crate links against.",
"rustc_flags": attr.string_list(
doc = dedent("""\
List of compiler flags passed to `rustc`.
These strings are subject to Make variable expansion for predefined
source/output path variables like `$location`, `$execpath`, and
`$rootpath`. This expansion is useful if you wish to pass a generated
file of arguments to rustc: `@$(location //package:target)`.
# The source of truth will be the `cargo_build_script` macro until stardoc
# implements documentation inheritence. See
"script": attr.label(
doc = "The binary script to run, generally a `rust_binary` target.",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
mandatory = True,
cfg = "exec",
"tools": attr.label_list(
doc = "Tools required by the build script.",
allow_files = True,
cfg = "exec",
"version": attr.string(
doc = "The semantic version (semver) of the crate",
"_cargo_build_script_runner": attr.label(
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
default = Label("//cargo/cargo_build_script_runner:cargo_build_script_runner"),
cfg = "exec",
"_cc_toolchain": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain"),
fragments = ["cpp"],
toolchains = [
incompatible_use_toolchain_transition = True,
def _merge_env_dict(prefix_dict, suffix_dict):
"""Merges suffix_dict into prefix_dict, appending rather than replacing certain env vars."""
for key in ["CFLAGS", "CXXFLAGS", "LDFLAGS"]:
if key in prefix_dict and key in suffix_dict and prefix_dict[key]:
prefix_dict[key] += " " + suffix_dict.pop(key)
def name_to_pkg_name(name):
"""Sanitize the name of cargo_build_script targets.
name (str): The name value pass to the `cargo_build_script` wrapper.
str: A cleaned up name for a build script target.
if name.endswith("_build_script"):
return name[:-len("_build_script")]
return name
def _cargo_dep_env_implementation(ctx):
empty_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".empty_file")
empty_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory( + ".empty_dir")
output = empty_file,
content = "",
outputs = [empty_dir],
executable = "true",
build_infos = []
out_dir = ctx.file.out_dir
if out_dir:
if not out_dir.is_directory:
fail("out_dir must be a directory artifact")
# BuildInfos in this list are collected up for all transitive cargo_build_script
# dependencies. This is important for any flags set in `dep_env` which reference this
# `out_dir`.
# TLDR: This BuildInfo propagates up build script dependencies.
dep_env = empty_file,
flags = empty_file,
link_flags = empty_file,
link_search_paths = empty_file,
out_dir = out_dir,
rustc_env = empty_file,
return [
DefaultInfo(files = depset(ctx.files.src)),
# Parts of this BuildInfo is used when building all transitive dependencies
# (cargo_build_script and otherwise), alongside the DepInfo. This is how other rules
# identify this one as a valid dependency, but we don't otherwise have a use for it.
# TLDR: This BuildInfo propagates up normal (non build script) depenencies.
# In the future, we could consider setting rustc_env here, and also propagating dep_dir
# so files in it can be referenced there.
dep_env = empty_file,
flags = empty_file,
link_flags = empty_file,
link_search_paths = empty_file,
out_dir = empty_dir,
rustc_env = empty_file,
# Information here is used directly by dependencies, and it is an error to have more than
# one dependency which sets this. This is the main way to specify information from build
# scripts, which is what we're looking to do.
dep_env = ctx.file.src,
direct_crates = depset(),
link_search_path_files = depset(),
transitive_build_infos = depset(direct = build_infos),
transitive_crate_outputs = depset(),
transitive_crates = depset(),
transitive_noncrates = depset(),
cargo_dep_env = rule(
implementation = _cargo_dep_env_implementation,
doc = (
"A rule for generating variables for dependent `cargo_build_script`s " +
"without a build script. This is useful for using Bazel rules instead " +
"of a build script, while also generating configuration information " +
"for build scripts which depend on this crate."
attrs = {
"out_dir": attr.label(
doc = dedent("""\
Folder containing additional inputs when building all direct dependencies.
This has the same effect as a `cargo_build_script` which prints
puts files into `$OUT_DIR`, but without requiring a build script.
allow_single_file = True,
mandatory = False,
"src": attr.label(
doc = dedent("""\
File containing additional environment variables to set for build scripts of direct dependencies.
This has the same effect as a `cargo_build_script` which prints
`cargo:VAR=VALUE` lines, but without requiring a build script.
This files should contain a single variable per line, of format
`NAME=value`, and newlines may be included in a value by ending a
line with a trailing back-slash (`\\\\`).
allow_single_file = True,
mandatory = True,