Update wasm_bindgen to use crate universe. (#1398)

* Update wasm_bindgen to use crate universe.

* Deleted cargo-raze content and generated crate_universe
diff --git a/examples/wasm/BUILD.bazel b/examples/wasm/BUILD.bazel
index e499c31..8fe0654 100644
--- a/examples/wasm/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/examples/wasm/BUILD.bazel
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-# buildifier: disable=module-docstring
 load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "nodejs_test")
 load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_binary", "rust_shared_library")
 load("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen:wasm_bindgen.bzl", "rust_wasm_bindgen")
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@
     srcs = ["main.rs"],
     edition = "2018",
     deps = [
-        "@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/raze:wasm_bindgen",
+        "@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty:wasm_bindgen",
@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@
     srcs = ["main.rs"],
     edition = "2018",
     deps = [
-        "@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/raze:wasm_bindgen",
+        "@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty:wasm_bindgen",
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/BUILD.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/BUILD.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c316eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/BUILD.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+load("@bazel_skylib//:bzl_library.bzl", "bzl_library")
+load("//crate_universe:defs.bzl", "crate", "crates_vendor")
+load("//wasm_bindgen:repositories.bzl", "WASM_BINDGEN_VERSION")
+    "BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli.bazel",
+    name = "crates_vendor",
+    annotations = {
+        "curl-sys": [crate.annotation(
+            gen_build_script = False,
+        )],
+        "log": [crate.annotation(
+            rustc_flags = [
+                "--cfg=atomic_cas",
+                "--cfg=use_std",
+            ],
+            version = "<5",
+        )],
+        "openssl-sys": [crate.annotation(
+            gen_build_script = False,
+            rustc_flags = [
+                # Vendored openssl is 1.0.2m
+                "--cfg=ossl101",
+                "--cfg=ossl102",
+                "--cfg=ossl102f",
+                "--cfg=ossl102h",
+                "--cfg=ossl110",
+                "--cfg=ossl110f",
+                "--cfg=ossl110g",
+                "--cfg=ossl111",
+                "--cfg=ossl111b",
+                "-l",
+                "dylib=ssl",
+                "-l",
+                "dylib=crypto",
+            ],
+        )],
+        "proc-macro2": [crate.annotation(
+            rustc_flags = ["--cfg=use_proc_macro"],
+        )],
+        "unicase": [crate.annotation(
+            rustc_flags = [
+                "--cfg=__unicase__iter_cmp",
+                "--cfg=__unicase__defauler_hasher",
+            ],
+        )],
+    },
+    manifests = ["@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen_cli//:Cargo.toml"],
+    mode = "remote",
+    packages = {
+        "wasm-bindgen": crate.spec(
+            version = WASM_BINDGEN_VERSION,
+        ),
+    },
+    repository_name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "wasm_bindgen_cli",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen_cli",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+    name = "wasm_bindgen",
+    actual = "//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:wasm-bindgen",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+    name = "bzl_lib",
+    srcs = glob(["**/*.bzl"]) + [
+        "//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:defs.bzl",
+        "//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:crates.bzl",
+    ],
+    visibility = ["//wasm_bindgen:__pkg__"],
+    name = "distro",
+    srcs = glob([
+        "*.bzl",
+        "*.bazel",
+    ]) + [
+        "//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:srcs",
+    ],
+    visibility = ["//wasm_bindgen:__pkg__"],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7900817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_binary")
+load("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen:repositories.bzl", "WASM_BINDGEN_VERSION")
+load("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:defs.bzl", "aliases", "all_crate_deps")
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+    "Cargo.toml",
+# TODO: Comment on bootstrapping
+    name = "wasm-bindgen-cli",
+    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
+    aliases = aliases(),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/bin/wasm-bindgen.rs",
+    data = [],
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = all_crate_deps(proc_macro = True),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # Don't produce warnings for this crate
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    version = WASM_BINDGEN_VERSION,
+    deps = all_crate_deps(),
+    name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen_cli",
+    actual = ":wasm-bindgen-cli",
+    tags = ["manual"],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.aho-corasick-0.7.18.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.aho-corasick-0.7.18.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78563a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.aho-corasick-0.7.18.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Unlicense/MIT
+# ])
+    name = "aho_corasick",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.7.18",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memchr-2.5.0//:memchr",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.anyhow-1.0.57.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.anyhow-1.0.57.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c995af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.anyhow-1.0.57.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "anyhow",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.57",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "anyhow_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "1.0.57",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "anyhow_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.ascii-1.0.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.ascii-1.0.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1cd930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.ascii-1.0.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 / MIT
+# ])
+    name = "ascii",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.assert_cmd-1.0.8.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.assert_cmd-1.0.8.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c505a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.assert_cmd-1.0.8.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_binary",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "assert_cmd",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.8",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bstr-0.2.17//:bstr",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__doc-comment-0.3.3//:doc_comment",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-2.1.1//:predicates",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-core-1.0.3//:predicates_core",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-tree-1.0.5//:predicates_tree",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wait-timeout-0.2.0//:wait_timeout",
+        ],
+    }),
+    name = "bin_fixture__bin",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/bin/bin_fixture.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.8",
+    deps = [
+        ":assert_cmd",
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bstr-0.2.17//:bstr",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__doc-comment-0.3.3//:doc_comment",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-2.1.1//:predicates",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-core-1.0.3//:predicates_core",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-tree-1.0.5//:predicates_tree",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wait-timeout-0.2.0//:wait_timeout",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.atty-0.2.14.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.atty-0.2.14.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19dc22a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.atty-0.2.14.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "atty",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.14",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(target_os = "hermit")
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'cfg(target_os = "hermit")'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"hermit-abi 0.1.19","target":"hermit_abi"}]
+        #
+        # cfg(unix)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        # cfg(windows)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-0.3.9//:winapi",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.autocfg-1.1.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.autocfg-1.1.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cb2b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.autocfg-1.1.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+# ])
+    name = "autocfg",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.1.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.base64-0.13.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.base64-0.13.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3e8c78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.base64-0.13.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "base64",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.13.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.base64-0.9.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.base64-0.9.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4b3d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.base64-0.9.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "base64",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.9.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__byteorder-1.4.3//:byteorder",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__safemem-0.3.3//:safemem",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d4e42f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+    [
+        "cargo-bazel.json",
+        "defs.bzl",
+        "crates.bzl",
+    ] + glob([
+        "*.bazel",
+    ]),
+    name = "srcs",
+    srcs = glob([
+        "*.bazel",
+        "*.bzl",
+    ]),
+# Workspace Member Dependencies
+    name = "anyhow",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "assert_cmd",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__assert_cmd-1.0.8//:assert_cmd",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "curl",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl-0.4.43//:curl",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "diff",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__diff-0.1.12//:diff",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "docopt",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__docopt-1.1.1//:docopt",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "env_logger",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__env_logger-0.8.4//:env_logger",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "log",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log-0.4.17//:log",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "predicates",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-1.0.8//:predicates",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "rayon",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon-1.5.3//:rayon",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "rouille",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rouille-3.5.0//:rouille",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "serde",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde-1.0.137//:serde",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "serde_derive",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_derive-1.0.137//:serde_derive",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "serde_json",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_json-1.0.81//:serde_json",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "tempfile",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tempfile-3.3.0//:tempfile",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "walrus",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus-0.19.0//:walrus",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "wasm-bindgen",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "wasm-bindgen-cli-support",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-cli-support-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_cli_support",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "wasm-bindgen-shared",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_shared",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "wit-printer",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-printer-0.2.0//:wit_printer",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "wit-text",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-text-0.8.0//:wit_text",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "wit-validator",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-validator-0.2.1//:wit_validator",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "wit-walrus",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-walrus-0.6.0//:wit_walrus",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+# Binaries
+    name = "assert_cmd__bin_fixture",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__assert_cmd-1.0.8//:bin_fixture__bin",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "cc__gcc-shim",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cc-1.0.73//:gcc-shim__bin",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "difference__difference",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__difference-2.0.0//:difference__bin",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "docopt__docopt-wordlist",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__docopt-1.1.1//:docopt-wordlist__bin",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "leb128__leb128-repl",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__leb128-0.2.5//:leb128-repl__bin",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "multipart__form_test",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__multipart-0.18.0//:form_test__bin",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "wait-timeout__exit",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wait-timeout-0.2.0//:exit__bin",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "wait-timeout__sleep",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wait-timeout-0.2.0//:sleep__bin",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "wait-timeout__reader",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wait-timeout-0.2.0//:reader__bin",
+    tags = ["manual"],
+    name = "wit-schema-version__wit-schema-version",
+    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-schema-version-0.1.0//:wit-schema-version__bin",
+    tags = ["manual"],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bitflags-1.3.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bitflags-1.3.2.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84d1d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bitflags-1.3.2.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "bitflags",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.3.2",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bstr-0.2.17.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bstr-0.2.17.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23591a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bstr-0.2.17.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "bstr",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "lazy_static",
+        "regex-automata",
+        "std",
+        "unicode",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.17",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static-1.4.0//:lazy_static",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memchr-2.5.0//:memchr",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex-automata-0.1.10//:regex_automata",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.buf_redux-0.8.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.buf_redux-0.8.4.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2e9857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.buf_redux-0.8.4.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "buf_redux",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.8.4",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memchr-2.5.0//:memchr",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__safemem-0.3.3//:safemem",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bumpalo-3.10.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bumpalo-3.10.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17d24b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.bumpalo-3.10.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "bumpalo",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "3.10.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.byteorder-1.4.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.byteorder-1.4.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4997a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.byteorder-1.4.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Unlicense OR MIT
+# ])
+    name = "byteorder",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.4.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.cc-1.0.73.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.cc-1.0.73.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc0ca43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.cc-1.0.73.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_binary",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "cc",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.73",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    name = "gcc-shim__bin",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/bin/gcc-shim.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.73",
+    deps = [
+        ":cc",
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.cfg-if-1.0.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.cfg-if-1.0.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9d990d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.cfg-if-1.0.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "cfg_if",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.chrono-0.4.19.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.chrono-0.4.19.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fd675e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.chrono-0.4.19.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "chrono",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "clock",
+        "libc",
+        "std",
+        "winapi",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.4.19",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(windows)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-0.3.9//:winapi",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num-integer-0.1.45//:num_integer",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num-traits-0.2.15//:num_traits",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num-integer-0.1.45//:num_integer",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num-traits-0.2.15//:num_traits",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.chunked_transfer-1.4.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.chunked_transfer-1.4.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e3a205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.chunked_transfer-1.4.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "chunked_transfer",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.4.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.crossbeam-channel-0.5.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.crossbeam-channel-0.5.4.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0530850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.crossbeam-channel-0.5.4.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "crossbeam_channel",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "crossbeam-utils",
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.5.4",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-utils-0.8.8//:crossbeam_utils",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.crossbeam-deque-0.8.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.crossbeam-deque-0.8.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe18dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.crossbeam-deque-0.8.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "crossbeam_deque",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "crossbeam-epoch",
+        "crossbeam-utils",
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.8.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-epoch-0.9.8//:crossbeam_epoch",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-utils-0.8.8//:crossbeam_utils",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.crossbeam-epoch-0.9.8.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.crossbeam-epoch-0.9.8.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3568142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.crossbeam-epoch-0.9.8.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "crossbeam_epoch",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "alloc",
+        "lazy_static",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.9.8",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-epoch-0.9.8//:build_script_build",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-utils-0.8.8//:crossbeam_utils",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static-1.4.0//:lazy_static",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memoffset-0.6.5//:memoffset",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__scopeguard-1.1.0//:scopeguard",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "crossbeam-epoch_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "alloc",
+        "lazy_static",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.9.8",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__autocfg-1.1.0//:autocfg",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "crossbeam-epoch_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.crossbeam-utils-0.8.8.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.crossbeam-utils-0.8.8.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcd4135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.crossbeam-utils-0.8.8.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "crossbeam_utils",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "lazy_static",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.8.8",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-utils-0.8.8//:build_script_build",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static-1.4.0//:lazy_static",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "crossbeam-utils_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "lazy_static",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.8.8",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "crossbeam-utils_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.curl-0.4.43.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.curl-0.4.43.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..510238f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.curl-0.4.43.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "curl",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "openssl-probe",
+        "openssl-sys",
+        "ssl",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.4.43",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos")))
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__openssl-probe-0.1.5//:openssl_probe",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__openssl-sys-0.9.74//:openssl_sys",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl-0.4.43//:build_script_build",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl-sys-0.4.55-curl-7.83.1//:curl_sys",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__socket2-0.4.4//:socket2",
+        ],
+        # cfg(target_env = "msvc")
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__schannel-0.1.20//:schannel",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-0.3.9//:winapi",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl-0.4.43//:build_script_build",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl-sys-0.4.55-curl-7.83.1//:curl_sys",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__socket2-0.4.4//:socket2",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl-0.4.43//:build_script_build",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl-sys-0.4.55-curl-7.83.1//:curl_sys",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__socket2-0.4.4//:socket2",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "curl_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "openssl-probe",
+        "openssl-sys",
+        "ssl",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.4.43",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl-sys-0.4.55-curl-7.83.1//:curl_sys",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "curl_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.curl-sys-0.4.55+curl-7.83.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.curl-sys-0.4.55+curl-7.83.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82f505b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.curl-sys-0.4.55+curl-7.83.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "curl_sys",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "openssl-sys",
+        "ssl",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.4.55+curl-7.83.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos")))
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__openssl-sys-0.9.74//:openssl_sys",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libz-sys-1.1.8//:libz_sys",
+        ],
+        # cfg(windows)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-0.3.9//:winapi",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libz-sys-1.1.8//:libz_sys",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libz-sys-1.1.8//:libz_sys",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.diff-0.1.12.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.diff-0.1.12.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3886dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.diff-0.1.12.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "diff",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.12",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.difference-2.0.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.difference-2.0.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4694b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.difference-2.0.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_binary",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "difference",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "2.0.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    name = "difference__bin",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/main.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "2.0.0",
+    deps = [
+        ":difference",
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.difflib-0.4.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.difflib-0.4.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..986aae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.difflib-0.4.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "difflib",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.4.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.doc-comment-0.3.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.doc-comment-0.3.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f83e079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.doc-comment-0.3.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "doc_comment",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.3.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__doc-comment-0.3.3//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "doc-comment_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.3.3",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "doc-comment_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.docopt-1.1.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.docopt-1.1.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e6aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.docopt-1.1.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_binary",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Unlicense/MIT
+# ])
+    name = "docopt",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.1.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static-1.4.0//:lazy_static",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex-1.5.6//:regex",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde-1.0.137//:serde",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__strsim-0.10.0//:strsim",
+        ],
+    }),
+    name = "docopt-wordlist__bin",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/wordlist.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.1.1",
+    deps = [
+        ":docopt",
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static-1.4.0//:lazy_static",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex-1.5.6//:regex",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde-1.0.137//:serde",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__strsim-0.10.0//:strsim",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.either-1.6.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.either-1.6.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..405c675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.either-1.6.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "either",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.6.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.env_logger-0.8.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.env_logger-0.8.4.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5b61d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.env_logger-0.8.4.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "env_logger",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "atty",
+        "default",
+        "humantime",
+        "regex",
+        "termcolor",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.8.4",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__atty-0.2.14//:atty",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__humantime-2.1.0//:humantime",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log-0.4.17//:log",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex-1.5.6//:regex",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__termcolor-1.1.3//:termcolor",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.fastrand-1.7.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.fastrand-1.7.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50c8bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.fastrand-1.7.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+# ])
+    name = "fastrand",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.7.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__instant-0.1.12//:instant",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.filetime-0.2.16.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.filetime-0.2.16.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..341d591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.filetime-0.2.16.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "filetime",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.16",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(target_os = "redox")
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'cfg(target_os = "redox")'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"redox_syscall 0.2.13","target":"syscall"}]
+        #
+        # cfg(unix)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+        ],
+        # cfg(windows)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-0.3.9//:winapi",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.float-cmp-0.8.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.float-cmp-0.8.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4c4223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.float-cmp-0.8.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "float_cmp",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "num-traits",
+        "ratio",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.8.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num-traits-0.2.15//:num_traits",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.form_urlencoded-1.0.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.form_urlencoded-1.0.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7124b7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.form_urlencoded-1.0.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "form_urlencoded",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__matches-0.1.9//:matches",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__percent-encoding-2.1.0//:percent_encoding",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.getrandom-0.2.6.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.getrandom-0.2.6.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ef77e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.getrandom-0.2.6.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "getrandom",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.6",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(target_os = "wasi")
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasi-0.10.2-wasi-snapshot-preview1//:wasi",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+        ],
+        # cfg(unix)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.hashbrown-0.11.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.hashbrown-0.11.2.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffb1b1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.hashbrown-0.11.2.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0/MIT
+# ])
+    name = "hashbrown",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "raw",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.11.2",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.heck-0.3.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.heck-0.3.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d494039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.heck-0.3.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "heck",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.3.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode-segmentation-1.9.0//:unicode_segmentation",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.hermit-abi-0.1.19.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.hermit-abi-0.1.19.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9bc3a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.hermit-abi-0.1.19.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "hermit_abi",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.19",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.httparse-1.7.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.httparse-1.7.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98fb138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.httparse-1.7.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "httparse",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.7.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__httparse-1.7.1//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "httparse_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "1.7.1",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "httparse_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.humantime-2.1.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.humantime-2.1.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb09418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.humantime-2.1.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "humantime",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "2.1.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.id-arena-2.2.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.id-arena-2.2.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..777c859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.id-arena-2.2.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "id_arena",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "rayon",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "2.2.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon-1.5.3//:rayon",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.idna-0.2.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.idna-0.2.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37295ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.idna-0.2.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "idna",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__matches-0.1.9//:matches",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode-bidi-0.3.8//:unicode_bidi",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode-normalization-0.1.19//:unicode_normalization",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.indexmap-1.8.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.indexmap-1.8.2.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97be217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.indexmap-1.8.2.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0/MIT
+# ])
+    name = "indexmap",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.8.2",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__hashbrown-0.11.2//:hashbrown",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__indexmap-1.8.2//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "indexmap_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "1.8.2",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__autocfg-1.1.0//:autocfg",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "indexmap_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.instant-0.1.12.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.instant-0.1.12.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3fc14f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.instant-0.1.12.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # BSD-3-Clause
+# ])
+    name = "instant",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.12",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.itertools-0.10.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.itertools-0.10.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f17b2e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.itertools-0.10.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "itertools",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "use_alloc",
+        "use_std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.10.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__either-1.6.1//:either",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.itoa-1.0.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.itoa-1.0.2.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4090fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.itoa-1.0.2.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "itoa",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.2",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.lazy_static-1.4.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.lazy_static-1.4.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5af8b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.lazy_static-1.4.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "lazy_static",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.4.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.leb128-0.2.5.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.leb128-0.2.5.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f2c671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.leb128-0.2.5.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_binary",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0/MIT
+# ])
+    name = "leb128",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.5",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    name = "leb128-repl__bin",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/bin/leb128-repl.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.5",
+    deps = [
+        ":leb128",
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.libc-0.2.126.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.libc-0.2.126.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bce9bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.libc-0.2.126.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "libc",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.126",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "libc_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.2.126",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "libc_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.libz-sys-1.1.8.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.libz-sys-1.1.8.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88dc2e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.libz-sys-1.1.8.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "libz_sys",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "libc",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.1.8",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libz-sys-1.1.8//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "libz-sys_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "libc",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    links = "z",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "1.1.8",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(target_env = "msvc")
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__vcpkg-0.2.15//:vcpkg",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cc-1.0.73//:cc",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__pkg-config-0.3.25//:pkg_config",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cc-1.0.73//:cc",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__pkg-config-0.3.25//:pkg_config",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "libz-sys_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.log-0.4.17.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.log-0.4.17.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bd0952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.log-0.4.17.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "log",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+        # User provided rustc_flags
+        "--cfg=atomic_cas",
+        "--cfg=use_std",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.4.17",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log-0.4.17//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "log_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+        # User provided rustc_flags
+        "--cfg=atomic_cas",
+        "--cfg=use_std",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.4.17",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "log_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.matches-0.1.9.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.matches-0.1.9.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ea40eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.matches-0.1.9.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "matches",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.9",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.memchr-2.5.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.memchr-2.5.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ae0404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.memchr-2.5.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Unlicense/MIT
+# ])
+    name = "memchr",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+        "use_std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "2.5.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memchr-2.5.0//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "memchr_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+        "use_std",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "2.5.0",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "memchr_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.memoffset-0.6.5.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.memoffset-0.6.5.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f0621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.memoffset-0.6.5.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "memoffset",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.6.5",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memoffset-0.6.5//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "memoffset_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.6.5",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__autocfg-1.1.0//:autocfg",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "memoffset_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.mime-0.3.16.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.mime-0.3.16.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffbf047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.mime-0.3.16.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "mime",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.3.16",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.mime_guess-2.0.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.mime_guess-2.0.4.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f84c3e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.mime_guess-2.0.4.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "mime_guess",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "rev-mappings",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "2.0.4",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime-0.3.16//:mime",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime_guess-2.0.4//:build_script_build",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicase-2.6.0//:unicase",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "mime_guess_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "rev-mappings",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "2.0.4",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicase-2.6.0//:unicase",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "mime_guess_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.multipart-0.18.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.multipart-0.18.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b864478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.multipart-0.18.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_binary",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "multipart",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "buf_redux",
+        "httparse",
+        "quick-error",
+        "safemem",
+        "server",
+        "twoway",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.18.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__buf_redux-0.8.4//:buf_redux",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__httparse-1.7.1//:httparse",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log-0.4.17//:log",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime-0.3.16//:mime",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime_guess-2.0.4//:mime_guess",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quick-error-1.2.3//:quick_error",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand-0.8.5//:rand",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__safemem-0.3.3//:safemem",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tempfile-3.3.0//:tempfile",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__twoway-0.1.8//:twoway",
+        ],
+    }),
+    name = "form_test__bin",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "buf_redux",
+        "httparse",
+        "quick-error",
+        "safemem",
+        "server",
+        "twoway",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/bin/form_test.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.18.0",
+    deps = [
+        ":multipart",
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__buf_redux-0.8.4//:buf_redux",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__httparse-1.7.1//:httparse",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log-0.4.17//:log",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime-0.3.16//:mime",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime_guess-2.0.4//:mime_guess",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quick-error-1.2.3//:quick_error",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand-0.8.5//:rand",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__safemem-0.3.3//:safemem",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tempfile-3.3.0//:tempfile",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__twoway-0.1.8//:twoway",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.normalize-line-endings-0.3.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.normalize-line-endings-0.3.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99aeedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.normalize-line-endings-0.3.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "normalize_line_endings",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.3.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.num-integer-0.1.45.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.num-integer-0.1.45.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d63bf34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.num-integer-0.1.45.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "num_integer",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.45",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num-integer-0.1.45//:build_script_build",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num-traits-0.2.15//:num_traits",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "num-integer_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.1.45",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__autocfg-1.1.0//:autocfg",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "num-integer_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.num-traits-0.2.15.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.num-traits-0.2.15.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0298a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.num-traits-0.2.15.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "num_traits",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.15",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num-traits-0.2.15//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "num-traits_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.2.15",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__autocfg-1.1.0//:autocfg",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "num-traits_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.num_cpus-1.13.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.num_cpus-1.13.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..842b348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.num_cpus-1.13.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "num_cpus",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.13.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(all(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "aarch64"), target_os = "hermit"))
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'cfg(all(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "aarch64"), target_os = "hermit"))'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"hermit-abi 0.1.19","target":"hermit_abi"}]
+        #
+        # cfg(not(windows))
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.num_threads-0.1.6.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.num_threads-0.1.6.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acf7dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.num_threads-0.1.6.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "num_threads",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.6",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios", target_os = "freebsd"))
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.openssl-probe-0.1.5.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.openssl-probe-0.1.5.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b18ed4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.openssl-probe-0.1.5.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "openssl_probe",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.5",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.openssl-sys-0.9.74.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.openssl-sys-0.9.74.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e327b51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.openssl-sys-0.9.74.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "openssl_sys",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+        # User provided rustc_flags
+        "--cfg=ossl101",
+        "--cfg=ossl102",
+        "--cfg=ossl102f",
+        "--cfg=ossl102h",
+        "--cfg=ossl110",
+        "--cfg=ossl110f",
+        "--cfg=ossl110g",
+        "--cfg=ossl111",
+        "--cfg=ossl111b",
+        "-l",
+        "dylib=ssl",
+        "-l",
+        "dylib=crypto",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.9.74",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.percent-encoding-2.1.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.percent-encoding-2.1.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9c895a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.percent-encoding-2.1.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "percent_encoding",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "2.1.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.pkg-config-0.3.25.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.pkg-config-0.3.25.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1494a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.pkg-config-0.3.25.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "pkg_config",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.3.25",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.ppv-lite86-0.2.16.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.ppv-lite86-0.2.16.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fd5f5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.ppv-lite86-0.2.16.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "ppv_lite86",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "simd",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.16",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.predicates-1.0.8.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.predicates-1.0.8.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9009ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.predicates-1.0.8.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "predicates",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "difference",
+        "float-cmp",
+        "normalize-line-endings",
+        "regex",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.8",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__difference-2.0.0//:difference",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__float-cmp-0.8.0//:float_cmp",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__normalize-line-endings-0.3.0//:normalize_line_endings",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-core-1.0.3//:predicates_core",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex-1.5.6//:regex",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.predicates-2.1.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.predicates-2.1.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6502948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.predicates-2.1.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "predicates",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "diff",
+        "difflib",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "2.1.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__difflib-0.4.0//:difflib",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__itertools-0.10.3//:itertools",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-core-1.0.3//:predicates_core",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.predicates-core-1.0.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.predicates-core-1.0.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb77b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.predicates-core-1.0.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "predicates_core",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.predicates-tree-1.0.5.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.predicates-tree-1.0.5.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b55953f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.predicates-tree-1.0.5.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "predicates_tree",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.5",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-core-1.0.3//:predicates_core",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__termtree-0.2.4//:termtree",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.proc-macro2-1.0.39.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.proc-macro2-1.0.39.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..316d781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.proc-macro2-1.0.39.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "proc_macro2",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "proc-macro",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+        # User provided rustc_flags
+        "--cfg=use_proc_macro",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.39",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc-macro2-1.0.39//:build_script_build",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode-ident-1.0.0//:unicode_ident",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "proc-macro2_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "proc-macro",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+        # User provided rustc_flags
+        "--cfg=use_proc_macro",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "1.0.39",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "proc-macro2_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.quick-error-1.2.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.quick-error-1.2.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..672b057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.quick-error-1.2.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "quick_error",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.2.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.quote-1.0.18.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.quote-1.0.18.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4e4d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.quote-1.0.18.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "quote",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "proc-macro",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.18",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc-macro2-1.0.39//:proc_macro2",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand-0.8.5.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand-0.8.5.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a365700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand-0.8.5.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "rand",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "alloc",
+        "default",
+        "getrandom",
+        "libc",
+        "rand_chacha",
+        "std",
+        "std_rng",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.8.5",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(unix)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_chacha-0.3.1//:rand_chacha",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_core-0.6.3//:rand_core",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_chacha-0.3.1//:rand_chacha",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_core-0.6.3//:rand_core",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand_chacha-0.3.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand_chacha-0.3.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e59e247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand_chacha-0.3.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "rand_chacha",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.3.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__ppv-lite86-0.2.16//:ppv_lite86",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_core-0.6.3//:rand_core",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand_core-0.6.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand_core-0.6.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53fa696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rand_core-0.6.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "rand_core",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "alloc",
+        "getrandom",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.6.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__getrandom-0.2.6//:getrandom",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rayon-1.5.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rayon-1.5.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3df598d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rayon-1.5.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "rayon",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.5.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-deque-0.8.1//:crossbeam_deque",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__either-1.6.1//:either",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon-1.5.3//:build_script_build",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon-core-1.9.3//:rayon_core",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "rayon_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "1.5.3",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__autocfg-1.1.0//:autocfg",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "rayon_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rayon-core-1.9.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rayon-core-1.9.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21822e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rayon-core-1.9.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "rayon_core",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.9.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-channel-0.5.4//:crossbeam_channel",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-deque-0.8.1//:crossbeam_deque",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-utils-0.8.8//:crossbeam_utils",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_cpus-1.13.1//:num_cpus",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon-core-1.9.3//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "rayon-core_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    links = "rayon-core",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "1.9.3",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "rayon-core_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.redox_syscall-0.2.13.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.redox_syscall-0.2.13.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3dcc3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.redox_syscall-0.2.13.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "syscall",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.13",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bitflags-1.3.2//:bitflags",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-1.5.6.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-1.5.6.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28a0f70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-1.5.6.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "regex",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "aho-corasick",
+        "default",
+        "memchr",
+        "perf",
+        "perf-cache",
+        "perf-dfa",
+        "perf-inline",
+        "perf-literal",
+        "std",
+        "unicode",
+        "unicode-age",
+        "unicode-bool",
+        "unicode-case",
+        "unicode-gencat",
+        "unicode-perl",
+        "unicode-script",
+        "unicode-segment",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.5.6",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__aho-corasick-0.7.18//:aho_corasick",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memchr-2.5.0//:memchr",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex-syntax-0.6.26//:regex_syntax",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-automata-0.1.10.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-automata-0.1.10.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3453931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-automata-0.1.10.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Unlicense/MIT
+# ])
+    name = "regex_automata",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.10",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.26.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.26.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfc5c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.26.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "regex_syntax",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "unicode",
+        "unicode-age",
+        "unicode-bool",
+        "unicode-case",
+        "unicode-gencat",
+        "unicode-perl",
+        "unicode-script",
+        "unicode-segment",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.6.26",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.remove_dir_all-0.5.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.remove_dir_all-0.5.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd4711d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.remove_dir_all-0.5.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "remove_dir_all",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.5.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(windows)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-0.3.9//:winapi",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rouille-3.5.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rouille-3.5.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0788191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rouille-3.5.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "rouille",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_derive-1.0.137//:serde_derive",
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "3.5.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__base64-0.13.0//:base64",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__chrono-0.4.19//:chrono",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__filetime-0.2.16//:filetime",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__multipart-0.18.0//:multipart",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_cpus-1.13.1//:num_cpus",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__percent-encoding-2.1.0//:percent_encoding",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand-0.8.5//:rand",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde-1.0.137//:serde",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_json-1.0.81//:serde_json",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__sha1-0.6.1//:sha1",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__threadpool-1.8.1//:threadpool",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__time-0.3.9//:time",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tiny_http-0.8.2//:tiny_http",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__url-2.2.2//:url",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rustc-demangle-0.1.21.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rustc-demangle-0.1.21.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afcaacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.rustc-demangle-0.1.21.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "rustc_demangle",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.21",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.ryu-1.0.10.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.ryu-1.0.10.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c068c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.ryu-1.0.10.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0
+# ])
+    name = "ryu",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.10",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.safemem-0.3.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.safemem-0.3.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c999b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.safemem-0.3.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "safemem",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.3.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.schannel-0.1.20.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.schannel-0.1.20.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c147158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.schannel-0.1.20.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "schannel",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.20",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static-1.4.0//:lazy_static",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__windows-sys-0.36.1//:windows_sys",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.scopeguard-1.1.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.scopeguard-1.1.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89ee9bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.scopeguard-1.1.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "scopeguard",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.1.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.serde-1.0.137.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.serde-1.0.137.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dbb4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.serde-1.0.137.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "serde",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "derive",
+        "serde_derive",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_derive-1.0.137//:serde_derive",
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.137",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde-1.0.137//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "serde_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "derive",
+        "serde_derive",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "1.0.137",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "serde_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.serde_derive-1.0.137.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.serde_derive-1.0.137.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d2d9d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.serde_derive-1.0.137.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_proc_macro",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "serde_derive",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.137",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc-macro2-1.0.39//:proc_macro2",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote-1.0.18//:quote",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_derive-1.0.137//:build_script_build",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__syn-1.0.96//:syn",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "serde_derive_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "1.0.137",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "serde_derive_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.serde_json-1.0.81.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.serde_json-1.0.81.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b6a2e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.serde_json-1.0.81.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "serde_json",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.81",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__itoa-1.0.2//:itoa",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__ryu-1.0.10//:ryu",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde-1.0.137//:serde",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_json-1.0.81//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "serde_json_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "1.0.81",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "serde_json_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.sha1-0.6.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.sha1-0.6.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8218fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.sha1-0.6.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # BSD-3-Clause
+# ])
+    name = "sha1",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.6.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__sha1_smol-1.0.0//:sha1_smol",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.sha1_smol-1.0.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.sha1_smol-1.0.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b89734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.sha1_smol-1.0.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # BSD-3-Clause
+# ])
+    name = "sha1_smol",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.socket2-0.4.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.socket2-0.4.4.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15b4fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.socket2-0.4.4.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "socket2",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.4.4",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(unix)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        # cfg(windows)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-0.3.9//:winapi",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.strsim-0.10.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.strsim-0.10.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..544f510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.strsim-0.10.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "strsim",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.10.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.syn-1.0.96.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.syn-1.0.96.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dabe39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.syn-1.0.96.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "syn",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "clone-impls",
+        "default",
+        "derive",
+        "extra-traits",
+        "full",
+        "parsing",
+        "printing",
+        "proc-macro",
+        "quote",
+        "visit",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.96",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc-macro2-1.0.39//:proc_macro2",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote-1.0.18//:quote",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__syn-1.0.96//:build_script_build",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode-ident-1.0.0//:unicode_ident",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "syn_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "clone-impls",
+        "default",
+        "derive",
+        "extra-traits",
+        "full",
+        "parsing",
+        "printing",
+        "proc-macro",
+        "quote",
+        "visit",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "1.0.96",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "syn_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.tempfile-3.3.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.tempfile-3.3.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a51e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.tempfile-3.3.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "tempfile",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "3.3.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(any(unix, target_os = "wasi"))
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__fastrand-1.7.0//:fastrand",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__remove_dir_all-0.5.3//:remove_dir_all",
+        ],
+        # cfg(target_os = "redox")
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'cfg(target_os = "redox")'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"redox_syscall 0.2.13","target":"syscall"}]
+        #
+        # cfg(windows)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-0.3.9//:winapi",
+            # Common Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__fastrand-1.7.0//:fastrand",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__remove_dir_all-0.5.3//:remove_dir_all",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__fastrand-1.7.0//:fastrand",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__remove_dir_all-0.5.3//:remove_dir_all",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.termcolor-1.1.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.termcolor-1.1.3.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e472d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.termcolor-1.1.3.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Unlicense OR MIT
+# ])
+    name = "termcolor",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.1.3",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(windows)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-util-0.1.5//:winapi_util",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.termtree-0.2.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.termtree-0.2.4.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16653ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.termtree-0.2.4.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT
+# ])
+    name = "termtree",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.4",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.threadpool-1.8.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.threadpool-1.8.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac10dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.threadpool-1.8.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "threadpool",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.8.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_cpus-1.13.1//:num_cpus",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.time-0.3.9.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.time-0.3.9.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27b881d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.time-0.3.9.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "time",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "alloc",
+        "default",
+        "local-offset",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.3.9",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(target_family = "unix")
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_threads-0.1.6//:num_threads",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.tiny_http-0.8.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.tiny_http-0.8.2.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6852210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.tiny_http-0.8.2.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "tiny_http",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.8.2",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__ascii-1.0.0//:ascii",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__chrono-0.4.19//:chrono",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__chunked_transfer-1.4.0//:chunked_transfer",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log-0.4.17//:log",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__url-2.2.2//:url",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.tinyvec-1.6.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.tinyvec-1.6.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..007cbc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.tinyvec-1.6.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Zlib OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+# ])
+    name = "tinyvec",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "alloc",
+        "default",
+        "tinyvec_macros",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.6.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tinyvec_macros-0.1.0//:tinyvec_macros",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.tinyvec_macros-0.1.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.tinyvec_macros-0.1.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79a5e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.tinyvec_macros-0.1.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR Zlib
+# ])
+    name = "tinyvec_macros",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.twoway-0.1.8.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.twoway-0.1.8.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03c64d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.twoway-0.1.8.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "twoway",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "use_std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.8",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memchr-2.5.0//:memchr",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicase-2.6.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicase-2.6.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a421b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicase-2.6.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "unicase",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+        # User provided rustc_flags
+        "--cfg=__unicase__iter_cmp",
+        "--cfg=__unicase__defauler_hasher",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "2.6.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicase-2.6.0//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "unicase_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+        # User provided rustc_flags
+        "--cfg=__unicase__iter_cmp",
+        "--cfg=__unicase__defauler_hasher",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "2.6.0",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__version_check-0.9.4//:version_check",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "unicase_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-bidi-0.3.8.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-bidi-0.3.8.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..724c850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-bidi-0.3.8.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "unicode_bidi",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "hardcoded-data",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.3.8",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-ident-1.0.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-ident-1.0.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b466077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-ident-1.0.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "unicode_ident",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.0.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-normalization-0.1.19.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-normalization-0.1.19.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cd45c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-normalization-0.1.19.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "unicode_normalization",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.19",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tinyvec-1.6.0//:tinyvec",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-segmentation-1.9.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-segmentation-1.9.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc699de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.unicode-segmentation-1.9.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "unicode_segmentation",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "1.9.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.url-2.2.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.url-2.2.2.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..635b531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.url-2.2.2.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "url",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "2.2.2",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__form_urlencoded-1.0.1//:form_urlencoded",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__idna-0.2.3//:idna",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__matches-0.1.9//:matches",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__percent-encoding-2.1.0//:percent_encoding",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.vcpkg-0.2.15.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.vcpkg-0.2.15.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c9dab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.vcpkg-0.2.15.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "vcpkg",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.15",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.version_check-0.9.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.version_check-0.9.4.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7371e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.version_check-0.9.4.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "version_check",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.9.4",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wait-timeout-0.2.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wait-timeout-0.2.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0aa8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wait-timeout-0.2.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_binary",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "wait_timeout",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(unix)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    name = "exit__bin",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/bin/exit.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.0",
+    deps = [
+        ":wait_timeout",
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(unix)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    name = "sleep__bin",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/bin/sleep.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.0",
+    deps = [
+        ":wait_timeout",
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(unix)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    name = "reader__bin",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/bin/reader.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.0",
+    deps = [
+        ":wait_timeout",
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(unix)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios-sim",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-linux-androideabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc-0.2.126//:libc",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.walrus-0.19.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.walrus-0.19.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cfb305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.walrus-0.19.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "walrus",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "parallel",
+        "rayon",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus-macro-0.19.0//:walrus_macro",
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.19.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__id-arena-2.2.1//:id_arena",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__leb128-0.2.5//:leb128",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log-0.4.17//:log",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon-1.5.3//:rayon",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasmparser-0.77.0//:wasmparser",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.walrus-macro-0.19.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.walrus-macro-0.19.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f1ab88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.walrus-macro-0.19.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_proc_macro",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "walrus_macro",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.19.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__heck-0.3.3//:heck",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc-macro2-1.0.39//:proc_macro2",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote-1.0.18//:quote",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__syn-1.0.96//:syn",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasi-0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasi-0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e2d6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasi-0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+# ])
+    name = "wasi",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-0.2.78.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f3290d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-0.2.78.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "wasm_bindgen",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "spans",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_macro",
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0//:cfg_if",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-0.2.78//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "wasm-bindgen_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "spans",
+        "std",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "wasm-bindgen_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.78.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c40cd01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.78.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "wasm_bindgen_backend",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "spans",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bumpalo-3.10.0//:bumpalo",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static-1.4.0//:lazy_static",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log-0.4.17//:log",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc-macro2-1.0.39//:proc_macro2",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote-1.0.18//:quote",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__syn-1.0.96//:syn",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_shared",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli-support-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli-support-0.2.78.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb65140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli-support-0.2.78.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "wasm_bindgen_cli_support",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__base64-0.9.3//:base64",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log-0.4.17//:log",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rustc-demangle-0.1.21//:rustc_demangle",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_json-1.0.81//:serde_json",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tempfile-3.3.0//:tempfile",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus-0.19.0//:walrus",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-externref-xform-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_externref_xform",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-multi-value-xform-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_multi_value_xform",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_shared",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-threads-xform-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_threads_xform",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_wasm_conventions",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_wasm_interpreter",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-text-0.8.0//:wit_text",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-validator-0.2.1//:wit_validator",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-walrus-0.6.0//:wit_walrus",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-externref-xform-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-externref-xform-0.2.78.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bcc6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-externref-xform-0.2.78.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "wasm_bindgen_externref_xform",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus-0.19.0//:walrus",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.78.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0119f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.78.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_proc_macro",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "wasm_bindgen_macro",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "spans",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote-1.0.18//:quote",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_macro_support",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.78.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3aa0224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.78.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "wasm_bindgen_macro_support",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "spans",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc-macro2-1.0.39//:proc_macro2",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote-1.0.18//:quote",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__syn-1.0.96//:syn",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_backend",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_shared",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-multi-value-xform-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-multi-value-xform-0.2.78.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a2355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-multi-value-xform-0.2.78.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "wasm_bindgen_multi_value_xform",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus-0.19.0//:walrus",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.78.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4450386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.78.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "wasm_bindgen_shared",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.78//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "wasm-bindgen-shared_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    links = "wasm_bindgen",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "wasm-bindgen-shared_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-threads-xform-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-threads-xform-0.2.78.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faf1ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-threads-xform-0.2.78.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "wasm_bindgen_threads_xform",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus-0.19.0//:walrus",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_wasm_conventions",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions-0.2.78.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce61dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions-0.2.78.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "wasm_bindgen_wasm_conventions",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus-0.19.0//:walrus",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter-0.2.78.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2520dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter-0.2.78.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "wasm_bindgen_wasm_interpreter",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.78",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log-0.4.17//:log",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus-0.19.0//:walrus",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_wasm_conventions",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasmparser-0.59.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasmparser-0.59.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d90d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasmparser-0.59.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# ])
+    name = "wasmparser",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.59.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasmparser-0.77.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasmparser-0.77.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..825aa9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasmparser-0.77.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# ])
+    name = "wasmparser",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.77.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasmparser-0.86.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasmparser-0.86.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39d6853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasmparser-0.86.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# ])
+    name = "wasmparser",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2021",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.86.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__indexmap-1.8.2//:indexmap",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasmprinter-0.2.36.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasmprinter-0.2.36.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e0f3fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wasmprinter-0.2.36.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# ])
+    name = "wasmprinter",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2021",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.36",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasmparser-0.86.0//:wasmparser",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wast-21.0.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wast-21.0.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e103414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wast-21.0.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# ])
+    name = "wast",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "default",
+        "wasm-module",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "21.0.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__leb128-0.2.5//:leb128",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.winapi-0.3.9.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.winapi-0.3.9.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..514e108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.winapi-0.3.9.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "winapi",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "consoleapi",
+        "errhandlingapi",
+        "fileapi",
+        "handleapi",
+        "libloaderapi",
+        "minwinbase",
+        "minwindef",
+        "processenv",
+        "std",
+        "timezoneapi",
+        "winbase",
+        "wincon",
+        "wincrypt",
+        "winerror",
+        "winnt",
+        "winsock2",
+        "ws2def",
+        "ws2ipdef",
+        "ws2tcpip",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.3.9",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # i686-pc-windows-gnu
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'i686-pc-windows-gnu'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0","target":"winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu"}]
+        #
+        # x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'x86_64-pc-windows-gnu'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0","target":"winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu"}]
+        #
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-0.3.9//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "winapi_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "consoleapi",
+        "errhandlingapi",
+        "fileapi",
+        "handleapi",
+        "libloaderapi",
+        "minwinbase",
+        "minwindef",
+        "processenv",
+        "std",
+        "timezoneapi",
+        "winbase",
+        "wincon",
+        "wincrypt",
+        "winerror",
+        "winnt",
+        "winsock2",
+        "ws2def",
+        "ws2ipdef",
+        "ws2tcpip",
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.3.9",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "winapi_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6816415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.4.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.4.0",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.winapi-util-0.1.5.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.winapi-util-0.1.5.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e80a0fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.winapi-util-0.1.5.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Unlicense/MIT
+# ])
+    name = "winapi_util",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.5",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # cfg(windows)
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-0.3.9//:winapi",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..966b9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT/Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.4.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2015",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.4.0",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows-sys-0.36.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows-sys-0.36.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a179ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows-sys-0.36.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "windows_sys",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+        "Win32",
+        "Win32_Foundation",
+        "Win32_Security",
+        "Win32_Security_Authentication",
+        "Win32_Security_Authentication_Identity",
+        "Win32_Security_Credentials",
+        "Win32_Security_Cryptography",
+        "Win32_System",
+        "Win32_System_Memory",
+        "default",
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.36.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        # aarch64-pc-windows-msvc
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'aarch64-pc-windows-msvc'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"windows_aarch64_msvc 0.36.1","target":"windows_aarch64_msvc"}]
+        #
+        # aarch64-uwp-windows-msvc
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'aarch64-uwp-windows-msvc'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"windows_aarch64_msvc 0.36.1","target":"windows_aarch64_msvc"}]
+        #
+        # i686-pc-windows-gnu
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'i686-pc-windows-gnu'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"windows_i686_gnu 0.36.1","target":"windows_i686_gnu"}]
+        #
+        # i686-pc-windows-msvc
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__windows_i686_msvc-0.36.1//:windows_i686_msvc",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        # i686-uwp-windows-gnu
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'i686-uwp-windows-gnu'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"windows_i686_gnu 0.36.1","target":"windows_i686_gnu"}]
+        #
+        # i686-uwp-windows-msvc
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'i686-uwp-windows-msvc'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"windows_i686_msvc 0.36.1","target":"windows_i686_msvc"}]
+        #
+        # x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'x86_64-pc-windows-gnu'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"windows_x86_64_gnu 0.36.1","target":"windows_x86_64_gnu"}]
+        #
+        # x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
+        (
+            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
+        ): [
+            # Target Deps
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__windows_x86_64_msvc-0.36.1//:windows_x86_64_msvc",
+            # Common Deps
+        ],
+        # x86_64-uwp-windows-gnu
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'x86_64-uwp-windows-gnu'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"windows_x86_64_gnu 0.36.1","target":"windows_x86_64_gnu"}]
+        #
+        # x86_64-uwp-windows-msvc
+        #
+        # No supported platform triples for cfg: 'x86_64-uwp-windows-msvc'
+        # Skipped dependencies: [{"id":"windows_x86_64_msvc 0.36.1","target":"windows_x86_64_msvc"}]
+        #
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_aarch64_msvc-0.36.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_aarch64_msvc-0.36.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d4bb97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_aarch64_msvc-0.36.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "windows_aarch64_msvc",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.36.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__windows_aarch64_msvc-0.36.1//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "windows_aarch64_msvc_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.36.1",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "windows_aarch64_msvc_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_i686_gnu-0.36.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_i686_gnu-0.36.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99b9a83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_i686_gnu-0.36.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "windows_i686_gnu",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.36.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__windows_i686_gnu-0.36.1//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "windows_i686_gnu_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.36.1",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "windows_i686_gnu_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_i686_msvc-0.36.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_i686_msvc-0.36.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18e5a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_i686_msvc-0.36.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "windows_i686_msvc",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.36.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__windows_i686_msvc-0.36.1//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "windows_i686_msvc_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.36.1",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "windows_i686_msvc_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_x86_64_gnu-0.36.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_x86_64_gnu-0.36.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b19f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_x86_64_gnu-0.36.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "windows_x86_64_gnu",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.36.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__windows_x86_64_gnu-0.36.1//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "windows_x86_64_gnu_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.36.1",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "windows_x86_64_gnu_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_x86_64_msvc-0.36.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_x86_64_msvc-0.36.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12aaad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.windows_x86_64_msvc-0.36.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+    "@rules_rust//cargo:defs.bzl",
+    "cargo_build_script",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # MIT OR Apache-2.0
+# ])
+    name = "windows_x86_64_msvc",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.36.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__windows_x86_64_msvc-0.36.1//:build_script_build",
+        ],
+    }),
+    # See comment associated with alias. Do not change this name
+    name = "windows_x86_64_msvc_build_script",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    build_script_env = {
+    },
+    compile_data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_name = "build_script_build",
+    crate_root = "build.rs",
+    data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    tools = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    version = "0.36.1",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    # Because `cargo_build_script` does some invisible target name mutating to
+    # determine the package and crate name for a build script, the Bazel
+    # target namename of any build script cannot be the Cargo canonical name
+    # of `build_script_build` without losing out on having certain Cargo
+    # environment variables set.
+    name = "build_script_build",
+    actual = "windows_x86_64_msvc_build_script",
+    tags = [
+        "manual",
+    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-parser-0.2.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-parser-0.2.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9383fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-parser-0.2.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# ])
+    name = "wit_parser",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__leb128-0.2.5//:leb128",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-schema-version-0.1.0//:wit_schema_version",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-printer-0.2.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-printer-0.2.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40bfd4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-printer-0.2.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# ])
+    name = "wit_printer",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasmprinter-0.2.36//:wasmprinter",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-parser-0.2.0//:wit_parser",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-schema-version-0.1.0//:wit_schema_version",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-schema-version-0.1.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-schema-version-0.1.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ec015a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-schema-version-0.1.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_binary",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# ])
+    name = "wit_schema_version",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    name = "wit-schema-version__bin",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/main.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.1.0",
+    deps = [
+        ":wit_schema_version",
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-text-0.8.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-text-0.8.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fff5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-text-0.8.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# ])
+    name = "wit_text",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.8.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wast-21.0.0//:wast",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-writer-0.2.0//:wit_writer",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-validator-0.2.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-validator-0.2.1.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afcea67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-validator-0.2.1.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# ])
+    name = "wit_validator",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.1",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasmparser-0.59.0//:wasmparser",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-parser-0.2.0//:wit_parser",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-schema-version-0.1.0//:wit_schema_version",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-walrus-0.6.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-walrus-0.6.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f72c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-walrus-0.6.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# ])
+    name = "wit_walrus",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.6.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__id-arena-2.2.1//:id_arena",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus-0.19.0//:walrus",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-parser-0.2.0//:wit_parser",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-schema-version-0.1.0//:wit_schema_version",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-writer-0.2.0//:wit_writer",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-writer-0.2.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-writer-0.2.0.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..735eadc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/BUILD.wit-writer-0.2.0.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+    "@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl",
+    "selects",
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:selects.bzl", "select_with_or")
+    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
+    "rust_library",
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+# licenses([
+#     "TODO",  # Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# ])
+    name = "wit_writer",
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = [
+            "**/*.rs",
+        ],
+        exclude = [
+        ],
+    ),
+    aliases = selects.with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": {
+        },
+    }),
+    compile_data = glob(["**"]) + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    crate_features = [
+    ],
+    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
+    data = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    edition = "2018",
+    proc_macro_deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_env = {
+    },
+    rustc_env_files = select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+        ],
+    }),
+    rustc_flags = [
+        # In most cases, warnings in 3rd party crates are not interesting as
+        # they're out of the control of consumers. The flag here silences
+        # warnings. For more details see:
+        # https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/levels.html
+        "--cap-lints=allow",
+    ],
+    tags = [
+        "cargo-bazel",
+        "manual",
+        "noclippy",
+        "norustfmt",
+    ],
+    version = "0.2.0",
+    deps = [
+    ] + select_with_or({
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__leb128-0.2.5//:leb128",
+            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-schema-version-0.1.0//:wit_schema_version",
+        ],
+    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/crates.bzl b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/crates.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ae804d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/crates.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+"""Rules for defining repositories for remote `crates_vendor` repositories"""
+load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "maybe")
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//crate_universe/private:crates_vendor.bzl", "crates_vendor_remote_repository")
+# buildifier: disable=bzl-visibility
+load("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:defs.bzl", _crate_repositories = "crate_repositories")
+def crate_repositories():
+    maybe(
+        crates_vendor_remote_repository,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.bazel"),
+        defs_module = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:defs.bzl"),
+    )
+    _crate_repositories()
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/defs.bzl b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/defs.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..170e3bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates/defs.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,1932 @@
+# @generated
+# This file is auto-generated by the cargo-bazel tool.
+# DO NOT MODIFY: Local changes may be replaced in future executions.
+# `crates_repository` API
+- [aliases](#aliases)
+- [crate_deps](#crate_deps)
+- [all_crate_deps](#all_crate_deps)
+- [crate_repositories](#crate_repositories)
+load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
+load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
+load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "maybe")
+# An identifier that represent common dependencies (unconditional).
+def _flatten_dependency_maps(all_dependency_maps):
+    """Flatten a list of dependency maps into one dictionary.
+    Dependency maps have the following structure:
+    ```python
+        # The first key in the map is a Bazel package
+        # name of the workspace this file is defined in.
+        "workspace_member_package": {
+            # Not all dependnecies are supported for all platforms.
+            # the condition key is the condition required to be true
+            # on the host platform.
+            "condition": {
+                # An alias to a crate target.     # The label of the crate target the
+                # Aliases are only crate names.   # package name refers to.
+                "package_name":                   "@full//:label",
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ```
+    Args:
+        all_dependency_maps (list): A list of dicts as described above
+    Returns:
+        dict: A dictionary as described above
+    """
+    dependencies = {}
+    for workspace_deps_map in all_dependency_maps:
+        for pkg_name, conditional_deps_map in workspace_deps_map.items():
+            if pkg_name not in dependencies:
+                non_frozen_map = dict()
+                for key, values in conditional_deps_map.items():
+                    non_frozen_map.update({key: dict(values.items())})
+                dependencies.setdefault(pkg_name, non_frozen_map)
+                continue
+            for condition, deps_map in conditional_deps_map.items():
+                # If the condition has not been recorded, do so and continue
+                if condition not in dependencies[pkg_name]:
+                    dependencies[pkg_name].setdefault(condition, dict(deps_map.items()))
+                    continue
+                # Alert on any miss-matched dependencies
+                inconsistent_entries = []
+                for crate_name, crate_label in deps_map.items():
+                    existing = dependencies[pkg_name][condition].get(crate_name)
+                    if existing and existing != crate_label:
+                        inconsistent_entries.append((crate_name, existing, crate_label))
+                    dependencies[pkg_name][condition].update({crate_name: crate_label})
+    return dependencies
+def crate_deps(deps, package_name = None):
+    """Finds the fully qualified label of the requested crates for the package where this macro is called.
+    Args:
+        deps (list): The desired list of crate targets.
+        package_name (str, optional): The package name of the set of dependencies to look up.
+            Defaults to `native.package_name()`.
+    Returns:
+        list: A list of labels to generated rust targets (str)
+    """
+    if not deps:
+        return []
+    if package_name == None:
+        package_name = native.package_name()
+    # Join both sets of dependencies
+    dependencies = _flatten_dependency_maps([
+    ]).pop(package_name, {})
+    # Combine all conditional packages so we can easily index over a flat list
+    # TODO: Perhaps this should actually return select statements and maintain
+    # the conditionals of the dependencies
+    flat_deps = {}
+    for deps_set in dependencies.values():
+        for crate_name, crate_label in deps_set.items():
+            flat_deps.update({crate_name: crate_label})
+    missing_crates = []
+    crate_targets = []
+    for crate_target in deps:
+        if crate_target not in flat_deps:
+            missing_crates.append(crate_target)
+        else:
+            crate_targets.append(flat_deps[crate_target])
+    if missing_crates:
+        fail("Could not find crates `{}` among dependencies of `{}`. Available dependencies were `{}`".format(
+            missing_crates,
+            package_name,
+            dependencies,
+        ))
+    return crate_targets
+def all_crate_deps(
+        normal = False,
+        normal_dev = False,
+        proc_macro = False,
+        proc_macro_dev = False,
+        build = False,
+        build_proc_macro = False,
+        package_name = None):
+    """Finds the fully qualified label of all requested direct crate dependencies \
+    for the package where this macro is called.
+    If no parameters are set, all normal dependencies are returned. Setting any one flag will
+    otherwise impact the contents of the returned list.
+    Args:
+        normal (bool, optional): If True, normal dependencies are included in the
+            output list.
+        normal_dev (bool, optional): If True, normla dev dependencies will be
+            included in the output list..
+        proc_macro (bool, optional): If True, proc_macro dependencies are included
+            in the output list.
+        proc_macro_dev (bool, optional): If True, dev proc_macro dependencies are
+            included in the output list.
+        build (bool, optional): If True, build dependencies are included
+            in the output list.
+        build_proc_macro (bool, optional): If True, build proc_macro dependencies are
+            included in the output list.
+        package_name (str, optional): The package name of the set of dependencies to look up.
+            Defaults to `native.package_name()` when unset.
+    Returns:
+        list: A list of labels to generated rust targets (str)
+    """
+    if package_name == None:
+        package_name = native.package_name()
+    # Determine the relevant maps to use
+    all_dependency_maps = []
+    if normal:
+        all_dependency_maps.append(_NORMAL_DEPENDENCIES)
+    if normal_dev:
+        all_dependency_maps.append(_NORMAL_DEV_DEPENDENCIES)
+    if proc_macro:
+        all_dependency_maps.append(_PROC_MACRO_DEPENDENCIES)
+    if proc_macro_dev:
+        all_dependency_maps.append(_PROC_MACRO_DEV_DEPENDENCIES)
+    if build:
+        all_dependency_maps.append(_BUILD_DEPENDENCIES)
+    if build_proc_macro:
+        all_dependency_maps.append(_BUILD_PROC_MACRO_DEPENDENCIES)
+    # Default to always using normal dependencies
+    if not all_dependency_maps:
+        all_dependency_maps.append(_NORMAL_DEPENDENCIES)
+    dependencies = _flatten_dependency_maps(all_dependency_maps).pop(package_name, None)
+    if not dependencies:
+        if dependencies == None:
+            fail("Tried to get all_crate_deps for package " + package_name + " but that package had no Cargo.toml file")
+        else:
+            return []
+    crate_deps = list(dependencies.pop(_COMMON_CONDITION, {}).values())
+    for condition, deps in dependencies.items():
+        crate_deps += selects.with_or({_CONDITIONS[condition]: deps.values()})
+    return crate_deps
+def aliases(
+        normal = False,
+        normal_dev = False,
+        proc_macro = False,
+        proc_macro_dev = False,
+        build = False,
+        build_proc_macro = False,
+        package_name = None):
+    """Produces a map of Crate alias names to their original label
+    If no dependency kinds are specified, `normal` and `proc_macro` are used by default.
+    Setting any one flag will otherwise determine the contents of the returned dict.
+    Args:
+        normal (bool, optional): If True, normal dependencies are included in the
+            output list.
+        normal_dev (bool, optional): If True, normla dev dependencies will be
+            included in the output list..
+        proc_macro (bool, optional): If True, proc_macro dependencies are included
+            in the output list.
+        proc_macro_dev (bool, optional): If True, dev proc_macro dependencies are
+            included in the output list.
+        build (bool, optional): If True, build dependencies are included
+            in the output list.
+        build_proc_macro (bool, optional): If True, build proc_macro dependencies are
+            included in the output list.
+        package_name (str, optional): The package name of the set of dependencies to look up.
+            Defaults to `native.package_name()` when unset.
+    Returns:
+        dict: The aliases of all associated packages
+    """
+    if package_name == None:
+        package_name = native.package_name()
+    # Determine the relevant maps to use
+    all_aliases_maps = []
+    if normal:
+        all_aliases_maps.append(_NORMAL_ALIASES)
+    if normal_dev:
+        all_aliases_maps.append(_NORMAL_DEV_ALIASES)
+    if proc_macro:
+        all_aliases_maps.append(_PROC_MACRO_ALIASES)
+    if proc_macro_dev:
+        all_aliases_maps.append(_PROC_MACRO_DEV_ALIASES)
+    if build:
+        all_aliases_maps.append(_BUILD_ALIASES)
+    if build_proc_macro:
+        all_aliases_maps.append(_BUILD_PROC_MACRO_ALIASES)
+    # Default to always using normal aliases
+    if not all_aliases_maps:
+        all_aliases_maps.append(_NORMAL_ALIASES)
+        all_aliases_maps.append(_PROC_MACRO_ALIASES)
+    aliases = _flatten_dependency_maps(all_aliases_maps).pop(package_name, None)
+    if not aliases:
+        return dict()
+    common_items = aliases.pop(_COMMON_CONDITION, {}).items()
+    # If there are only common items in the dictionary, immediately return them
+    if not len(aliases.keys()) == 1:
+        return dict(common_items)
+    # Build a single select statement where each conditional has accounted for the
+    # common set of aliases.
+    crate_aliases = {"//conditions:default": common_items}
+    for condition, deps in aliases.items():
+        condition_triples = _CONDITIONS[condition]
+        if condition_triples in crate_aliases:
+            crate_aliases[condition_triples].update(deps)
+        else:
+            crate_aliases.update({_CONDITIONS[condition]: dict(deps.items() + common_items)})
+    return selects.with_or(crate_aliases)
+    "": {
+            "anyhow": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57//:anyhow",
+            "curl": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl-0.4.43//:curl",
+            "docopt": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__docopt-1.1.1//:docopt",
+            "env_logger": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__env_logger-0.8.4//:env_logger",
+            "log": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log-0.4.17//:log",
+            "rouille": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rouille-3.5.0//:rouille",
+            "serde": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde-1.0.137//:serde",
+            "serde_json": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_json-1.0.81//:serde_json",
+            "walrus": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus-0.19.0//:walrus",
+            "wasm-bindgen": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen",
+            "wasm-bindgen-cli-support": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-cli-support-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_cli_support",
+            "wasm-bindgen-shared": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.78//:wasm_bindgen_shared",
+        },
+    },
+    "": {
+        },
+    },
+    "": {
+            "assert_cmd": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__assert_cmd-1.0.8//:assert_cmd",
+            "diff": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__diff-0.1.12//:diff",
+            "predicates": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-1.0.8//:predicates",
+            "rayon": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon-1.5.3//:rayon",
+            "tempfile": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tempfile-3.3.0//:tempfile",
+            "wit-printer": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-printer-0.2.0//:wit_printer",
+            "wit-text": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-text-0.8.0//:wit_text",
+            "wit-validator": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-validator-0.2.1//:wit_validator",
+            "wit-walrus": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-walrus-0.6.0//:wit_walrus",
+        },
+    },
+    "": {
+        },
+    },
+    "": {
+            "serde_derive": "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_derive-1.0.137//:serde_derive",
+        },
+    },
+    "": {
+    },
+    "": {
+    },
+    "": {
+        },
+    },
+    "": {
+    },
+    "": {
+    },
+    "": {
+    },
+    "": {
+    },
+    "aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": [],
+    "aarch64-uwp-windows-msvc": [],
+    "cfg(all(any(target_arch = \"x86_64\", target_arch = \"aarch64\"), target_os = \"hermit\"))": [],
+    "cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = \"macos\")))": ["aarch64-apple-ios", "aarch64-apple-ios-sim", "aarch64-linux-android", "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "armv7-linux-androideabi", "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "i686-linux-android", "i686-unknown-freebsd", "i686-unknown-linux-gnu", "powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu", "s390x-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64-apple-ios", "x86_64-linux-android", "x86_64-unknown-freebsd", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"],
+    "cfg(any(target_os = \"macos\", target_os = \"ios\", target_os = \"freebsd\"))": ["aarch64-apple-darwin", "aarch64-apple-ios", "aarch64-apple-ios-sim", "i686-apple-darwin", "i686-unknown-freebsd", "x86_64-apple-darwin", "x86_64-apple-ios", "x86_64-unknown-freebsd"],
+    "cfg(any(unix, target_os = \"wasi\"))": ["aarch64-apple-darwin", "aarch64-apple-ios", "aarch64-apple-ios-sim", "aarch64-linux-android", "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "armv7-linux-androideabi", "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "i686-apple-darwin", "i686-linux-android", "i686-unknown-freebsd", "i686-unknown-linux-gnu", "powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu", "s390x-unknown-linux-gnu", "wasm32-wasi", "x86_64-apple-darwin", "x86_64-apple-ios", "x86_64-linux-android", "x86_64-unknown-freebsd", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"],
+    "cfg(not(windows))": ["aarch64-apple-darwin", "aarch64-apple-ios", "aarch64-apple-ios-sim", "aarch64-linux-android", "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "armv7-linux-androideabi", "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "i686-apple-darwin", "i686-linux-android", "i686-unknown-freebsd", "i686-unknown-linux-gnu", "powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu", "riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf", "s390x-unknown-linux-gnu", "wasm32-unknown-unknown", "wasm32-wasi", "x86_64-apple-darwin", "x86_64-apple-ios", "x86_64-linux-android", "x86_64-unknown-freebsd", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"],
+    "cfg(target_arch = \"wasm32\")": ["wasm32-unknown-unknown", "wasm32-wasi"],
+    "cfg(target_env = \"msvc\")": ["i686-pc-windows-msvc", "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"],
+    "cfg(target_family = \"unix\")": ["aarch64-apple-darwin", "aarch64-apple-ios", "aarch64-apple-ios-sim", "aarch64-linux-android", "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "armv7-linux-androideabi", "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "i686-apple-darwin", "i686-linux-android", "i686-unknown-freebsd", "i686-unknown-linux-gnu", "powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu", "s390x-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64-apple-darwin", "x86_64-apple-ios", "x86_64-linux-android", "x86_64-unknown-freebsd", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"],
+    "cfg(target_os = \"hermit\")": [],
+    "cfg(target_os = \"redox\")": [],
+    "cfg(target_os = \"wasi\")": ["wasm32-wasi"],
+    "cfg(unix)": ["aarch64-apple-darwin", "aarch64-apple-ios", "aarch64-apple-ios-sim", "aarch64-linux-android", "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu", "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "armv7-linux-androideabi", "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "i686-apple-darwin", "i686-linux-android", "i686-unknown-freebsd", "i686-unknown-linux-gnu", "powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu", "s390x-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64-apple-darwin", "x86_64-apple-ios", "x86_64-linux-android", "x86_64-unknown-freebsd", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"],
+    "cfg(windows)": ["i686-pc-windows-msvc", "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"],
+    "i686-pc-windows-gnu": [],
+    "i686-pc-windows-msvc": ["i686-pc-windows-msvc"],
+    "i686-uwp-windows-gnu": [],
+    "i686-uwp-windows-msvc": [],
+    "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu": [],
+    "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": ["x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"],
+    "x86_64-uwp-windows-gnu": [],
+    "x86_64-uwp-windows-msvc": [],
+def crate_repositories():
+    """A macro for defining repositories for all generated crates"""
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__aho-corasick-0.7.18",
+        sha256 = "1e37cfd5e7657ada45f742d6e99ca5788580b5c529dc78faf11ece6dc702656f",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/aho-corasick/0.7.18/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "aho-corasick-0.7.18",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.aho-corasick-0.7.18.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow-1.0.57",
+        sha256 = "08f9b8508dccb7687a1d6c4ce66b2b0ecef467c94667de27d8d7fe1f8d2a9cdc",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/anyhow/1.0.57/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "anyhow-1.0.57",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.anyhow-1.0.57.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__ascii-1.0.0",
+        sha256 = "bbf56136a5198c7b01a49e3afcbef6cf84597273d298f54432926024107b0109",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/ascii/1.0.0/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "ascii-1.0.0",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.ascii-1.0.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__assert_cmd-1.0.8",
+        sha256 = "c98233c6673d8601ab23e77eb38f999c51100d46c5703b17288c57fddf3a1ffe",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/assert_cmd/1.0.8/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "assert_cmd-1.0.8",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.assert_cmd-1.0.8.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__atty-0.2.14",
+        sha256 = "d9b39be18770d11421cdb1b9947a45dd3f37e93092cbf377614828a319d5fee8",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/atty/0.2.14/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "atty-0.2.14",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.atty-0.2.14.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__autocfg-1.1.0",
+        sha256 = "d468802bab17cbc0cc575e9b053f41e72aa36bfa6b7f55e3529ffa43161b97fa",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/autocfg/1.1.0/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "autocfg-1.1.0",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.autocfg-1.1.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__base64-0.13.0",
+        sha256 = "904dfeac50f3cdaba28fc6f57fdcddb75f49ed61346676a78c4ffe55877802fd",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/base64/0.13.0/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "base64-0.13.0",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.base64-0.13.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__base64-0.9.3",
+        sha256 = "489d6c0ed21b11d038c31b6ceccca973e65d73ba3bd8ecb9a2babf5546164643",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/base64/0.9.3/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "base64-0.9.3",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.base64-0.9.3.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bitflags-1.3.2",
+        sha256 = "bef38d45163c2f1dde094a7dfd33ccf595c92905c8f8f4fdc18d06fb1037718a",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/bitflags/1.3.2/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "bitflags-1.3.2",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.bitflags-1.3.2.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bstr-0.2.17",
+        sha256 = "ba3569f383e8f1598449f1a423e72e99569137b47740b1da11ef19af3d5c3223",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/bstr/0.2.17/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "bstr-0.2.17",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.bstr-0.2.17.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__buf_redux-0.8.4",
+        sha256 = "b953a6887648bb07a535631f2bc00fbdb2a2216f135552cb3f534ed136b9c07f",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/buf_redux/0.8.4/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "buf_redux-0.8.4",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.buf_redux-0.8.4.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bumpalo-3.10.0",
+        sha256 = "37ccbd214614c6783386c1af30caf03192f17891059cecc394b4fb119e363de3",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/bumpalo/3.10.0/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "bumpalo-3.10.0",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.bumpalo-3.10.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__byteorder-1.4.3",
+        sha256 = "14c189c53d098945499cdfa7ecc63567cf3886b3332b312a5b4585d8d3a6a610",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/byteorder/1.4.3/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "byteorder-1.4.3",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.byteorder-1.4.3.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cc-1.0.73",
+        sha256 = "2fff2a6927b3bb87f9595d67196a70493f627687a71d87a0d692242c33f58c11",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/cc/1.0.73/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "cc-1.0.73",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.cc-1.0.73.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg-if-1.0.0",
+        sha256 = "baf1de4339761588bc0619e3cbc0120ee582ebb74b53b4efbf79117bd2da40fd",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/cfg-if/1.0.0/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "cfg-if-1.0.0",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.cfg-if-1.0.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__chrono-0.4.19",
+        sha256 = "670ad68c9088c2a963aaa298cb369688cf3f9465ce5e2d4ca10e6e0098a1ce73",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/chrono/0.4.19/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "chrono-0.4.19",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.chrono-0.4.19.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__chunked_transfer-1.4.0",
+        sha256 = "fff857943da45f546682664a79488be82e69e43c1a7a2307679ab9afb3a66d2e",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/chunked_transfer/1.4.0/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "chunked_transfer-1.4.0",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.chunked_transfer-1.4.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-channel-0.5.4",
+        sha256 = "5aaa7bd5fb665c6864b5f963dd9097905c54125909c7aa94c9e18507cdbe6c53",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/crossbeam-channel/0.5.4/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "crossbeam-channel-0.5.4",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.crossbeam-channel-0.5.4.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-deque-0.8.1",
+        sha256 = "6455c0ca19f0d2fbf751b908d5c55c1f5cbc65e03c4225427254b46890bdde1e",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/crossbeam-deque/0.8.1/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "crossbeam-deque-0.8.1",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.crossbeam-deque-0.8.1.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-epoch-0.9.8",
+        sha256 = "1145cf131a2c6ba0615079ab6a638f7e1973ac9c2634fcbeaaad6114246efe8c",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/crossbeam-epoch/0.9.8/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "crossbeam-epoch-0.9.8",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.crossbeam-epoch-0.9.8.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam-utils-0.8.8",
+        sha256 = "0bf124c720b7686e3c2663cf54062ab0f68a88af2fb6a030e87e30bf721fcb38",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/crossbeam-utils/0.8.8/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "crossbeam-utils-0.8.8",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.crossbeam-utils-0.8.8.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl-0.4.43",
+        sha256 = "37d855aeef205b43f65a5001e0997d81f8efca7badad4fad7d897aa7f0d0651f",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/curl/0.4.43/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "curl-0.4.43",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.curl-0.4.43.bazel"),
+    )
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+    )
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+    )
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+    )
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.openssl-probe-0.1.5.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__openssl-sys-0.9.74",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.openssl-sys-0.9.74.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__percent-encoding-2.1.0",
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+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/percent-encoding/2.1.0/download"],
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.percent-encoding-2.1.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__pkg-config-0.3.25",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.pkg-config-0.3.25.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__ppv-lite86-0.2.16",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.ppv-lite86-0.2.16.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-1.0.8",
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-core-1.0.3",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.predicates-core-1.0.3.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates-tree-1.0.5",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.predicates-tree-1.0.5.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc-macro2-1.0.39",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.proc-macro2-1.0.39.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quick-error-1.2.3",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.quick-error-1.2.3.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote-1.0.18",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.quote-1.0.18.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand-0.8.5",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.rand-0.8.5.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_chacha-0.3.1",
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+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rand_chacha/0.3.1/download"],
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.rand_chacha-0.3.1.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_core-0.6.3",
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+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rand_core/0.6.3/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "rand_core-0.6.3",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.rand_core-0.6.3.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon-1.5.3",
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+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rayon/1.5.3/download"],
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.rayon-1.5.3.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon-core-1.9.3",
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+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rayon-core/1.9.3/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "rayon-core-1.9.3",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.rayon-core-1.9.3.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__redox_syscall-0.2.13",
+        sha256 = "62f25bc4c7e55e0b0b7a1d43fb893f4fa1361d0abe38b9ce4f323c2adfe6ef42",
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+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/redox_syscall/0.2.13/download"],
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.redox_syscall-0.2.13.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex-1.5.6",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.regex-1.5.6.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex-automata-0.1.10",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.regex-automata-0.1.10.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex-syntax-0.6.26",
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__remove_dir_all-0.5.3",
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rouille-3.5.0",
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rustc-demangle-0.1.21",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.rustc-demangle-0.1.21.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.ryu-1.0.10.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__vcpkg-0.2.15",
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__version_check-0.9.4",
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+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wait-timeout-0.2.0",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.wait-timeout-0.2.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus-0.19.0",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.walrus-0.19.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus-macro-0.19.0",
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasi-0.10.2-wasi-snapshot-preview1",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.wasi-0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    maybe(
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+    )
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+    maybe(
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+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+    )
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+    maybe(
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+    )
+    maybe(
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+        strip_prefix = "windows_i686_gnu-0.36.1",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.windows_i686_gnu-0.36.1.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__windows_i686_msvc-0.36.1",
+        sha256 = "e2e7917148b2812d1eeafaeb22a97e4813dfa60a3f8f78ebe204bcc88f12f024",
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+        strip_prefix = "windows_i686_msvc-0.36.1",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.windows_i686_msvc-0.36.1.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__windows_x86_64_gnu-0.36.1",
+        sha256 = "4dcd171b8776c41b97521e5da127a2d86ad280114807d0b2ab1e462bc764d9e1",
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+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/windows_x86_64_gnu/0.36.1/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "windows_x86_64_gnu-0.36.1",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.windows_x86_64_gnu-0.36.1.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__windows_x86_64_msvc-0.36.1",
+        sha256 = "c811ca4a8c853ef420abd8592ba53ddbbac90410fab6903b3e79972a631f7680",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.windows_x86_64_msvc-0.36.1.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-parser-0.2.0",
+        sha256 = "3f5fd97866f4b9c8e1ed57bcf9446f3d0d8ba37e2dd01c3c612c046c053b06f7",
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+        strip_prefix = "wit-parser-0.2.0",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.wit-parser-0.2.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-printer-0.2.0",
+        sha256 = "93f19ca44555a3c14d69acee6447a6e4f52771b0c6e5d8db3e42db3b90f6fce9",
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+        strip_prefix = "wit-printer-0.2.0",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.wit-printer-0.2.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-schema-version-0.1.0",
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+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.wit-schema-version-0.1.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-text-0.8.0",
+        sha256 = "33358e95c77d660f1c7c07f4a93c2bd89768965e844e3c50730bb4b42658df5f",
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+        strip_prefix = "wit-text-0.8.0",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.wit-text-0.8.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-validator-0.2.1",
+        sha256 = "3c11d93d925420e7872b226c4161849c32be38385ccab026b88df99d8ddc6ba6",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wit-validator/0.2.1/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "wit-validator-0.2.1",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.wit-validator-0.2.1.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-walrus-0.6.0",
+        sha256 = "ad559e3e4c6404b2a6a675d44129d62a3836e3b951b90112fa1c5feb852757cd",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wit-walrus/0.6.0/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "wit-walrus-0.6.0",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.wit-walrus-0.6.0.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit-writer-0.2.0",
+        sha256 = "c2ad01ba5e9cbcff799a0689e56a153776ea694cec777f605938cb9880d41a09",
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wit-writer/0.2.0/download"],
+        strip_prefix = "wit-writer-0.2.0",
+        build_file = Label("@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:BUILD.wit-writer-0.2.0.bazel"),
+    )
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/BUILD.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/BUILD.bazel
index 65b6f74..0145d42 100644
--- a/wasm_bindgen/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/BUILD.bazel
@@ -7,23 +7,26 @@
     name = "bzl_lib",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.bzl"]) + ["//wasm_bindgen/raze:crates.bzl"],
-    deps = ["//rust:bzl_lib"],
+    srcs = glob(["**/*.bzl"]),
+    deps = [
+        "//rust:bzl_lib",
+        "//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty:bzl_lib",
+    ],
     name = "distro",
     srcs = glob(["*.bzl"]) + [
-        "//wasm_bindgen/raze:srcs",
-        "//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:srcs",
+        "//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty:distro",
+        "//wasm_bindgen/raze:distro",
     visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"],
     name = "default_wasm_bindgen_toolchain_impl",
-    bindgen = "//wasm_bindgen/raze:cargo_bin_wasm_bindgen",
+    bindgen = "@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty:wasm_bindgen_cli",
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/BUILD.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/BUILD.bazel
index cb53fcf..38bf8f7 100644
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/raze/BUILD.bazel
@@ -1,247 +1,21 @@
-cargo-raze generated Bazel file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-    "notice",  # See individual crates for specific licenses
-# Aliased targets
-    name = "anyhow",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "assert_cmd",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__assert_cmd__1_0_8//:assert_cmd",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "curl",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl__0_4_40//:curl",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "diff",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__diff__0_1_12//:diff",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "docopt",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__docopt__1_1_1//:docopt",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "env_logger",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__env_logger__0_8_4//:env_logger",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "log",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14//:log",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "predicates",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates__1_0_8//:predicates",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "rayon",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon__1_5_1//:rayon",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "rouille",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rouille__3_4_0//:rouille",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "serde",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde__1_0_130//:serde",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "serde_derive",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_derive__1_0_130//:serde_derive",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "serde_json",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_json__1_0_69//:serde_json",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "tempfile",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tempfile__3_2_0//:tempfile",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "walrus",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus__0_19_0//:walrus",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
     name = "wasm_bindgen",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
+    actual = "//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty:wasm_bindgen",
+    deprecation = "instead use `@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty:wasm_bindgen",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
     name = "cargo_bin_wasm_bindgen",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_cli__0_2_78//:cargo_bin_wasm_bindgen",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_cli",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_cli__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_cli",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_cli_support",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_cli_support__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_cli_support",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_shared",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_shared__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_shared",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "wit_printer",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_printer__0_2_0//:wit_printer",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "wit_text",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_text__0_8_0//:wit_text",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "wit_validator",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_validator__0_2_1//:wit_validator",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "wit_walrus",
-    actual = "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_walrus__0_6_0//:wit_walrus",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-# Export file for Stardoc support
-    glob([
-        "**/*.bazel",
-        "**/*.bzl",
-    ]),
+    actual = "//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty:wasm_bindgen_cli",
+    deprecation = "instead use `@rules_rust//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty:wasm_bindgen_cli",
     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-    name = "srcs",
-    srcs = glob([
-        "**/*.bazel",
-        "**/*.bzl",
-    ]),
-    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+    name = "distro",
+    srcs = [
+        "BUILD.bazel",
+    ],
+    visibility = ["//wasm_bindgen:__pkg__"],
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/Cargo.raze.lock
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1372 +0,0 @@
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-# It is not intended for manual editing.
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-cargo-raze generated Bazel file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
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-    )
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-        strip_prefix = "anyhow-1.0.45",
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-    )
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-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__ascii__1_0_0",
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-    )
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-        http_archive,
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-    )
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-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__autocfg__1_0_1",
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-        strip_prefix = "autocfg-1.0.1",
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-    )
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-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__base64__0_13_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/base64/0.13.0/download",
-        type = "tar.gz",
-        sha256 = "904dfeac50f3cdaba28fc6f57fdcddb75f49ed61346676a78c4ffe55877802fd",
-        strip_prefix = "base64-0.13.0",
-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.base64-0.13.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__base64__0_9_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/base64/0.9.3/download",
-        type = "tar.gz",
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-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bitflags__1_3_2",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/bitflags/1.3.2/download",
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-        http_archive,
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.bstr-0.2.17.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__buf_redux__0_8_4",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/buf_redux/0.8.4/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.buf_redux-0.8.4.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bumpalo__3_8_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/bumpalo/3.8.0/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/byteorder/1.4.3/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/cc/1.0.71/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.cc-1.0.71.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg_if__1_0_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/cfg-if/1.0.0/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__chrono__0_4_19",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/chrono/0.4.19/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__chunked_transfer__1_4_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/chunked_transfer/1.4.0/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam_channel__0_5_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/crossbeam-channel/0.5.1/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.crossbeam-channel-0.5.1.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam_deque__0_8_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/crossbeam-deque/0.8.1/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.crossbeam-deque-0.8.1.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam_epoch__0_9_5",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/crossbeam-epoch/0.9.5/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.crossbeam-epoch-0.9.5.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam_utils__0_8_5",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/crossbeam-utils/0.8.5/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.crossbeam-utils-0.8.5.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl__0_4_40",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/curl/0.4.40/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.curl-0.4.40.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl_sys__0_4_50_curl_7_79_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/curl-sys/0.4.50+curl-7.79.1/download",
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-        strip_prefix = "curl-sys-0.4.50+curl-7.79.1",
-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.curl-sys-0.4.50+curl-7.79.1.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__diff__0_1_12",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/diff/0.1.12/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.diff-0.1.12.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__difference__2_0_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/difference/2.0.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.difference-2.0.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__difflib__0_4_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/difflib/0.4.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.difflib-0.4.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__doc_comment__0_3_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/doc-comment/0.3.3/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__docopt__1_1_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/docopt/1.1.1/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__either__1_6_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/either/1.6.1/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.either-1.6.1.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__env_logger__0_8_4",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/env_logger/0.8.4/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.env_logger-0.8.4.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__filetime__0_2_15",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/filetime/0.2.15/download",
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-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/float-cmp/0.8.0/download",
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-        http_archive,
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/form_urlencoded/1.0.1/download",
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-    )
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-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__getrandom__0_2_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/getrandom/0.2.3/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__heck__0_3_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/heck/0.3.3/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.heck-0.3.3.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__hermit_abi__0_1_19",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/hermit-abi/0.1.19/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.hermit-abi-0.1.19.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__httparse__1_5_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/httparse/1.5.1/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.httparse-1.5.1.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__humantime__2_1_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/humantime/2.1.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.humantime-2.1.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__id_arena__2_2_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/id-arena/2.2.1/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.id-arena-2.2.1.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__idna__0_2_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/idna/0.2.3/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.idna-0.2.3.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__itertools__0_10_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/itertools/0.10.1/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.itertools-0.10.1.bazel"),
-    )
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-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__itoa__0_4_8",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/itoa/0.4.8/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.itoa-0.4.8.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static__1_4_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/lazy_static/1.4.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.lazy_static-1.4.0.bazel"),
-    )
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-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__leb128__0_2_5",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/leb128/0.2.5/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.leb128-0.2.5.bazel"),
-    )
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-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/libc/0.2.107/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.libc-0.2.107.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libz_sys__1_1_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/libz-sys/1.1.3/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.libz-sys-1.1.3.bazel"),
-    )
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-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/log/0.4.14/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.log-0.4.14.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__matches__0_1_9",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/matches/0.1.9/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memchr__2_4_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/memchr/2.4.1/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.memchr-2.4.1.bazel"),
-    )
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-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memoffset__0_6_4",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/memoffset/0.6.4/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.memoffset-0.6.4.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime__0_3_16",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/mime/0.3.16/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.mime-0.3.16.bazel"),
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-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime_guess__2_0_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/mime_guess/2.0.3/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.mime_guess-2.0.3.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__multipart__0_18_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/multipart/0.18.0/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__normalize_line_endings__0_3_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/normalize-line-endings/0.3.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.normalize-line-endings-0.3.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_integer__0_1_44",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/num-integer/0.1.44/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_traits__0_2_14",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/num-traits/0.2.14/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_cpus__1_13_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/num_cpus/1.13.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.num_cpus-1.13.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__openssl_probe__0_1_4",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/openssl-probe/0.1.4/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__openssl_sys__0_9_70",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/openssl-sys/0.9.70/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.openssl-sys-0.9.70.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__percent_encoding__2_1_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/percent-encoding/2.1.0/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__pkg_config__0_3_22",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/pkg-config/0.3.22/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.pkg-config-0.3.22.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__ppv_lite86__0_2_15",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/ppv-lite86/0.2.15/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.ppv-lite86-0.2.15.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates__1_0_8",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/predicates/1.0.8/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.predicates-1.0.8.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates__2_0_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/predicates/2.0.3/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.predicates-2.0.3.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates_core__1_0_2",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/predicates-core/1.0.2/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.predicates-core-1.0.2.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates_tree__1_0_4",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/predicates-tree/1.0.4/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.predicates-tree-1.0.4.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc_macro2__1_0_32",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/proc-macro2/1.0.32/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.proc-macro2-1.0.32.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quick_error__1_2_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/quick-error/1.2.3/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.quick-error-1.2.3.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote__1_0_10",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/quote/1.0.10/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.quote-1.0.10.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand__0_8_4",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rand/0.8.4/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.rand-0.8.4.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_chacha__0_3_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rand_chacha/0.3.1/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.rand_chacha-0.3.1.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_core__0_6_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rand_core/0.6.3/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.rand_core-0.6.3.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_hc__0_3_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rand_hc/0.3.1/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.rand_hc-0.3.1.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon__1_5_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rayon/1.5.1/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.rayon-1.5.1.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon_core__1_9_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rayon-core/1.9.1/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.rayon-core-1.9.1.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__redox_syscall__0_2_10",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/redox_syscall/0.2.10/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.redox_syscall-0.2.10.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex__1_5_4",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/regex/1.5.4/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.regex-1.5.4.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex_automata__0_1_10",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/regex-automata/0.1.10/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.regex-automata-0.1.10.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex_syntax__0_6_25",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/regex-syntax/0.6.25/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.25.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__remove_dir_all__0_5_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/remove_dir_all/0.5.3/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.remove_dir_all-0.5.3.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rouille__3_4_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rouille/3.4.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.rouille-3.4.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rustc_demangle__0_1_21",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/rustc-demangle/0.1.21/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.rustc-demangle-0.1.21.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__ryu__1_0_5",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/ryu/1.0.5/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.ryu-1.0.5.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__safemem__0_3_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/safemem/0.3.3/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.safemem-0.3.3.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__schannel__0_1_19",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/schannel/0.1.19/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.schannel-0.1.19.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__scopeguard__1_1_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/scopeguard/1.1.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.scopeguard-1.1.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde__1_0_130",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/serde/1.0.130/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.serde-1.0.130.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_derive__1_0_130",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/serde_derive/1.0.130/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.serde_derive-1.0.130.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_json__1_0_69",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/serde_json/1.0.69/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.serde_json-1.0.69.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__sha1__0_6_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/sha1/0.6.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.sha1-0.6.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__socket2__0_4_2",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/socket2/0.4.2/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.socket2-0.4.2.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__strsim__0_10_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/strsim/0.10.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.strsim-0.10.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__syn__1_0_81",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/syn/1.0.81/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.syn-1.0.81.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/unicase/2.6.0/download",
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-    )
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-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode_bidi__0_3_7",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/unicode-bidi/0.3.7/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/unicode-normalization/0.1.19/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode_segmentation__1_8_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/unicode-segmentation/1.8.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.unicode-segmentation-1.8.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode_xid__0_2_2",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/unicode-xid/0.2.2/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.unicode-xid-0.2.2.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__url__2_2_2",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/url/2.2.2/download",
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-        http_archive,
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/vcpkg/0.2.15/download",
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-    )
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-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__version_check__0_9_3",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/version_check/0.9.3/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wait_timeout__0_2_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wait-timeout/0.2.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.wait-timeout-0.2.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus__0_19_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/walrus/0.19.0/download",
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-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus_macro__0_19_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/walrus-macro/0.19.0/download",
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-    )
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-        http_archive,
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasm-bindgen/0.2.78/download",
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-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_backend__0_2_78",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasm-bindgen-backend/0.2.78/download",
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-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_cli__0_2_78",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasm-bindgen-cli/0.2.78/download",
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasm-bindgen-cli-support/0.2.78/download",
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasm-bindgen-externref-xform/0.2.78/download",
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-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_macro__0_2_78",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasm-bindgen-macro/0.2.78/download",
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-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_macro_support__0_2_78",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasm-bindgen-macro-support/0.2.78/download",
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-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_multi_value_xform__0_2_78",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasm-bindgen-multi-value-xform/0.2.78/download",
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-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_shared__0_2_78",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasm-bindgen-shared/0.2.78/download",
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-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_threads_xform__0_2_78",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasm-bindgen-threads-xform/0.2.78/download",
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions/0.2.78/download",
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-    )
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-        http_archive,
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasmparser/0.59.0/download",
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasmparser/0.77.0/download",
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasmparser/0.81.0/download",
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wast/21.0.0/download",
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/winapi/0.3.9/download",
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu/0.4.0/download",
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-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel"),
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-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/winapi-util/0.1.5/download",
-        type = "tar.gz",
-        sha256 = "70ec6ce85bb158151cae5e5c87f95a8e97d2c0c4b001223f33a334e3ce5de178",
-        strip_prefix = "winapi-util-0.1.5",
-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.winapi-util-0.1.5.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu__0_4_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/0.4.0/download",
-        type = "tar.gz",
-        sha256 = "712e227841d057c1ee1cd2fb22fa7e5a5461ae8e48fa2ca79ec42cfc1931183f",
-        strip_prefix = "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0",
-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_parser__0_2_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wit-parser/0.2.0/download",
-        type = "tar.gz",
-        sha256 = "3f5fd97866f4b9c8e1ed57bcf9446f3d0d8ba37e2dd01c3c612c046c053b06f7",
-        strip_prefix = "wit-parser-0.2.0",
-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.wit-parser-0.2.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_printer__0_2_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wit-printer/0.2.0/download",
-        type = "tar.gz",
-        sha256 = "93f19ca44555a3c14d69acee6447a6e4f52771b0c6e5d8db3e42db3b90f6fce9",
-        strip_prefix = "wit-printer-0.2.0",
-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.wit-printer-0.2.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_schema_version__0_1_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wit-schema-version/0.1.0/download",
-        type = "tar.gz",
-        sha256 = "bfee4a6a4716eefa0682e7a3b836152e894a3e4f34a9d6c2c3e1c94429bfe36a",
-        strip_prefix = "wit-schema-version-0.1.0",
-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.wit-schema-version-0.1.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_text__0_8_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wit-text/0.8.0/download",
-        type = "tar.gz",
-        sha256 = "33358e95c77d660f1c7c07f4a93c2bd89768965e844e3c50730bb4b42658df5f",
-        strip_prefix = "wit-text-0.8.0",
-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.wit-text-0.8.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_validator__0_2_1",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wit-validator/0.2.1/download",
-        type = "tar.gz",
-        sha256 = "3c11d93d925420e7872b226c4161849c32be38385ccab026b88df99d8ddc6ba6",
-        strip_prefix = "wit-validator-0.2.1",
-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.wit-validator-0.2.1.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_walrus__0_6_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wit-walrus/0.6.0/download",
-        type = "tar.gz",
-        sha256 = "ad559e3e4c6404b2a6a675d44129d62a3836e3b951b90112fa1c5feb852757cd",
-        strip_prefix = "wit-walrus-0.6.0",
-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.wit-walrus-0.6.0.bazel"),
-    )
-    maybe(
-        http_archive,
-        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_writer__0_2_0",
-        url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wit-writer/0.2.0/download",
-        type = "tar.gz",
-        sha256 = "c2ad01ba5e9cbcff799a0689e56a153776ea694cec777f605938cb9880d41a09",
-        strip_prefix = "wit-writer-0.2.0",
-        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/raze/remote:BUILD.wit-writer-0.2.0.bazel"),
-    )
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.aho-corasick-0.7.18.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.aho-corasick-0.7.18.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index be34412..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.aho-corasick-0.7.18.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "unencumbered",  # Unlicense from expression "Unlicense OR MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "aho_corasick",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=aho_corasick",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.7.18",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memchr__2_4_1//:memchr",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.anyhow-1.0.45.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.anyhow-1.0.45.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index fdc19ef..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.anyhow-1.0.45.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "anyhow_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.45",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "anyhow",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=anyhow",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.45",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":anyhow_build_script",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "compiletest" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_autotrait" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_backtrace" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_boxed" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_chain" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_context" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_convert" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_downcast" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_ffi" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_fmt" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_macros" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_repr" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_source" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.ascii-1.0.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.ascii-1.0.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index af1194d..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.ascii-1.0.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "ascii",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=ascii",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "tests" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.assert_cmd-1.0.8.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.assert_cmd-1.0.8.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index ae101dd..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.assert_cmd-1.0.8.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_bin_fixture",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/bin/bin_fixture.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=bin_fixture",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.8",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":assert_cmd",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bstr__0_2_17//:bstr",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__doc_comment__0_3_3//:doc_comment",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates__2_0_3//:predicates",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates_core__1_0_2//:predicates_core",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates_tree__1_0_4//:predicates_tree",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wait_timeout__0_2_0//:wait_timeout",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "example_fixture" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "assert_cmd",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=assert_cmd",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.8",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bstr__0_2_17//:bstr",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__doc_comment__0_3_3//:doc_comment",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates__2_0_3//:predicates",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates_core__1_0_2//:predicates_core",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates_tree__1_0_4//:predicates_tree",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wait_timeout__0_2_0//:wait_timeout",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "assert" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "cargo" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "examples" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.atty-0.2.14.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.atty-0.2.14.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index f9e489e..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.atty-0.2.14.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "atty" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "atty",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=atty",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.14",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(unix)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }) + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(windows)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi__0_3_9//:winapi",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.autocfg-1.0.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.autocfg-1.0.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 849610c..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.autocfg-1.0.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "integers" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "paths" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "traits" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "versions" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "autocfg",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=autocfg",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "rustflags" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.base64-0.13.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.base64-0.13.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 77e3fc2..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.base64-0.13.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "benchmarks" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "base64" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "make_tables" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "base64",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=base64",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.13.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "decode" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "encode" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "helpers" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "tests" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.base64-0.9.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.base64-0.9.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f0373..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.base64-0.9.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "benchmarks" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "make_tables" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "base64",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=base64",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.9.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__byteorder__1_4_3//:byteorder",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__safemem__0_3_3//:safemem",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "decode" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "encode" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "helpers" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "tests" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index b49fb68..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Export file for Stardoc support
-    glob([
-        "**/*.bazel",
-        "**/*.bzl",
-    ]),
-    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-    name = "srcs",
-    srcs = glob([
-        "**/*.bazel",
-        "**/*.bzl",
-    ]),
-    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.bitflags-1.3.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.bitflags-1.3.2.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 031898e..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.bitflags-1.3.2.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "bitflags",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=bitflags",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.3.2",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "basic" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "compile" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.bstr-0.2.17.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.bstr-0.2.17.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cf1c87..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.bstr-0.2.17.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "graphemes" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "graphemes-std" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "lines" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "lines-std" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "uppercase" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "uppercase-std" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "words" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "words-std" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "bstr",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "lazy_static",
-        "regex-automata",
-        "std",
-        "unicode",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=bstr",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.17",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memchr__2_4_1//:memchr",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex_automata__0_1_10//:regex_automata",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.buf_redux-0.8.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.buf_redux-0.8.4.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aac288..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.buf_redux-0.8.4.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "buf_redux",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=buf_redux",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.8.4",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memchr__2_4_1//:memchr",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__safemem__0_3_3//:safemem",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.bumpalo-3.8.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.bumpalo-3.8.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index d08f011..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.bumpalo-3.8.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "benches" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "bumpalo",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=bumpalo",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "3.8.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "try_alloc" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.byteorder-1.4.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.byteorder-1.4.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index c33fd67..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.byteorder-1.4.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "unencumbered",  # Unlicense from expression "Unlicense OR MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "bench" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "byteorder",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=byteorder",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.4.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.cc-1.0.71.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.cc-1.0.71.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index f7b8e52..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.cc-1.0.71.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_gcc_shim",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/bin/gcc-shim.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=gcc-shim",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.71",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":cc",
-    ],
-    name = "cc",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=cc",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.71",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "cc_env" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "cflags" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "cxxflags" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.cfg-if-1.0.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.cfg-if-1.0.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index d038039..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.cfg-if-1.0.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "cfg_if",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=cfg-if",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "xcrate" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.chrono-0.4.19.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.chrono-0.4.19.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 778b355..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.chrono-0.4.19.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "chrono" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "serde" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "chrono",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "clock",
-        "libc",
-        "std",
-        "winapi",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=chrono",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.19",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_integer__0_1_44//:num_integer",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_traits__0_2_14//:num_traits",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(windows)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi__0_3_9//:winapi",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
-# Unsupported target "wasm" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.chunked_transfer-1.4.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.chunked_transfer-1.4.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ad9dfd..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.chunked_transfer-1.4.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "encode" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "chunked_transfer",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=chunked_transfer",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.4.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.crossbeam-channel-0.5.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.crossbeam-channel-0.5.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 113347e..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.crossbeam-channel-0.5.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "crossbeam" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "fibonacci" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "matching" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "stopwatch" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "crossbeam_channel",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "crossbeam-utils",
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=crossbeam-channel",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.5.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam_utils__0_8_5//:crossbeam_utils",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "after" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "array" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "golang" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "iter" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "list" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "mpsc" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "never" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "ready" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "same_channel" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "select" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "select_macro" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "thread_locals" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "tick" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "zero" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.crossbeam-deque-0.8.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.crossbeam-deque-0.8.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 150efd3..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.crossbeam-deque-0.8.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "crossbeam_deque",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "crossbeam-epoch",
-        "crossbeam-utils",
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=crossbeam-deque",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.8.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam_epoch__0_9_5//:crossbeam_epoch",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam_utils__0_8_5//:crossbeam_utils",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "fifo" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "injector" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "lifo" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "steal" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.crossbeam-epoch-0.9.5.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.crossbeam-epoch-0.9.5.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 339ef36..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.crossbeam-epoch-0.9.5.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "crossbeam_epoch_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "alloc",
-        "lazy_static",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.9.5",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "defer" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "flush" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "pin" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "sanitize" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "crossbeam_epoch",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "alloc",
-        "lazy_static",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=crossbeam-epoch",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.9.5",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":crossbeam_epoch_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam_utils__0_8_5//:crossbeam_utils",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memoffset__0_6_4//:memoffset",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__scopeguard__1_1_0//:scopeguard",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "loom" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.crossbeam-utils-0.8.5.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.crossbeam-utils-0.8.5.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 58606cf..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.crossbeam-utils-0.8.5.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "crossbeam_utils_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "lazy_static",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.8.5",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "atomic_cell" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "crossbeam_utils",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "lazy_static",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=crossbeam-utils",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.8.5",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":crossbeam_utils_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "atomic_cell" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "cache_padded" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "parker" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "sharded_lock" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "thread" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "wait_group" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.curl-0.4.40.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.curl-0.4.40.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f80d79..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.curl-0.4.40.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "curl_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "openssl-probe",
-        "openssl-sys",
-        "ssl",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.40",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl_sys__0_4_50_curl_7_79_1//:curl_sys",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos")))
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__openssl_sys__0_9_70//:openssl_sys",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }) + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(target_env = "msvc")
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
-# Unsupported target "aws_sigv4" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "ssl_cert_blob" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "ssl_proxy" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "curl",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "openssl-probe",
-        "openssl-sys",
-        "ssl",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=curl",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.40",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":curl_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl_sys__0_4_50_curl_7_79_1//:curl_sys",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__socket2__0_4_2//:socket2",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos")))
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__openssl_probe__0_1_4//:openssl_probe",
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__openssl_sys__0_9_70//:openssl_sys",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }) + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(target_env = "msvc")
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__schannel__0_1_19//:schannel",
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi__0_3_9//:winapi",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
-# Unsupported target "atexit" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "easy" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "multi" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "post" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "protocols" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.curl-sys-0.4.50+curl-7.79.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.curl-sys-0.4.50+curl-7.79.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 891a3f7..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.curl-sys-0.4.50+curl-7.79.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "build-script-build" with type "custom-build" omitted
-    name = "curl_sys",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "openssl-sys",
-        "ssl",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=curl_sys",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.50+curl-7.79.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libz_sys__1_1_3//:libz_sys",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos")))
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__openssl_sys__0_9_70//:openssl_sys",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }) + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(target_env = "msvc")
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }) + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(windows)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi__0_3_9//:winapi",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.diff-0.1.12.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.diff-0.1.12.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index a2373cc..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.diff-0.1.12.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "benches" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "simple" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "diff",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=diff",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.12",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "tests" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.difference-2.0.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.difference-2.0.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index b74e574..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.difference-2.0.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_difference",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/main.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=difference",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.0.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":difference",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "github-style" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "line-by-line" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "underline-words" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "difference",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=difference",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.0.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "quickcheck" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.difflib-0.4.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.difflib-0.4.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 219feef..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.difflib-0.4.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "example" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "difflib",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=difflib",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "tests" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.doc-comment-0.3.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.doc-comment-0.3.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e4aefc..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.doc-comment-0.3.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "doc_comment_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.3",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "doc_comment",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=doc_comment",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":doc_comment_build_script",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.docopt-1.1.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.docopt-1.1.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 46cf525..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.docopt-1.1.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "unencumbered",  # Unlicense from expression "Unlicense OR MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_docopt_wordlist",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/wordlist.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=docopt-wordlist",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.1.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":docopt",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex__1_5_4//:regex",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde__1_0_130//:serde",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__strsim__0_10_0//:strsim",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "cargo" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "cp" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "decode" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "hashmap" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "optional_command" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "verbose_multiple" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "docopt",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=docopt",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.1.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex__1_5_4//:regex",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde__1_0_130//:serde",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__strsim__0_10_0//:strsim",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.either-1.6.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.either-1.6.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c5a05d..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.either-1.6.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "either",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=either",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.6.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.env_logger-0.8.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.env_logger-0.8.4.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fc3113..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.env_logger-0.8.4.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "env_logger",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "atty",
-        "default",
-        "humantime",
-        "regex",
-        "termcolor",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=env_logger",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.8.4",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__atty__0_2_14//:atty",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__humantime__2_1_0//:humantime",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14//:log",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex__1_5_4//:regex",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__termcolor__1_1_2//:termcolor",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "init-twice-retains-filter" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "log-in-log" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "log_tls_dtors" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "regexp_filter" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.filetime-0.2.15.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.filetime-0.2.15.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 52c3c8a..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.filetime-0.2.15.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "filetime",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=filetime",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.15",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(unix)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }) + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(windows)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi__0_3_9//:winapi",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.float-cmp-0.8.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.float-cmp-0.8.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 3300197..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.float-cmp-0.8.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "float_cmp",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "num-traits",
-        "ratio",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=float_cmp",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.8.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_traits__0_2_14//:num_traits",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.form_urlencoded-1.0.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.form_urlencoded-1.0.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ab0c50..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.form_urlencoded-1.0.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "form_urlencoded",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=form_urlencoded",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__matches__0_1_9//:matches",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__percent_encoding__2_1_0//:percent_encoding",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.getrandom-0.2.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.getrandom-0.2.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 0055cbb..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.getrandom-0.2.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "mod" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "getrandom",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=getrandom",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(target_os = "wasi")
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasi__0_10_2_wasi_snapshot_preview1//:wasi",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }) + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(unix)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
-# Unsupported target "custom" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "normal" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "rdrand" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.heck-0.3.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.heck-0.3.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index a57a496..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.heck-0.3.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "heck",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=heck",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode_segmentation__1_8_0//:unicode_segmentation",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.hermit-abi-0.1.19.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.hermit-abi-0.1.19.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index c0c7542..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.hermit-abi-0.1.19.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "hermit_abi",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=hermit-abi",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.19",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.httparse-1.5.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.httparse-1.5.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 29ddfd4..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.httparse-1.5.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "httparse_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.5.1",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "parse" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "httparse",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=httparse",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.5.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":httparse_build_script",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "uri" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.humantime-2.1.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.humantime-2.1.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 313904b..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.humantime-2.1.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "datetime_format" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "datetime_parse" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "humantime",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=humantime",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.1.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.id-arena-2.2.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.id-arena-2.2.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 4319022..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.id-arena-2.2.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "id_arena",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "rayon",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=id-arena",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.2.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon__1_5_1//:rayon",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "readme_up_to_date" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.idna-0.2.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.idna-0.2.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index fb491a8..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.idna-0.2.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "all" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "idna",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=idna",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__matches__0_1_9//:matches",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode_bidi__0_3_7//:unicode_bidi",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode_normalization__0_1_19//:unicode_normalization",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "tests" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "unit" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.itertools-0.10.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.itertools-0.10.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 85de9ea..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.itertools-0.10.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "bench1" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "combinations" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "combinations_with_replacement" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "fold_specialization" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "powerset" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "tree_fold1" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "tuple_combinations" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "tuples" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "iris" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "itertools",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "use_alloc",
-        "use_std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=itertools",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.10.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__either__1_6_1//:either",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "adaptors_no_collect" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "flatten_ok" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "fold_specialization" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "macros_hygiene" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "merge_join" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "peeking_take_while" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "quick" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "specializations" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_core" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_std" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "tuples" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "zip" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.itoa-0.4.8.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.itoa-0.4.8.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a52180..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.itoa-0.4.8.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "bench" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "itoa",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=itoa",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.8",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "test" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.lazy_static-1.4.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.lazy_static-1.4.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index a5ce769..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.lazy_static-1.4.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "lazy_static",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=lazy_static",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.4.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "no_std" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.leb128-0.2.5.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.leb128-0.2.5.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index b39ef44..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.leb128-0.2.5.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "bench" with type "bench" omitted
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_leb128_repl",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/bin/leb128-repl.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=leb128-repl",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.5",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":leb128",
-    ],
-    name = "leb128",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=leb128",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.5",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "quickchecks" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.libc-0.2.107.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.libc-0.2.107.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fd6249..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.libc-0.2.107.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "libc_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.107",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "libc",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=libc",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.107",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":libc_build_script",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "const_fn" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.libz-sys-1.1.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.libz-sys-1.1.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ef05da..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.libz-sys-1.1.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "libz_sys_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "libc",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    links = "z",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.1.3",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cc__1_0_71//:cc",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__pkg_config__0_3_22//:pkg_config",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(target_env = "msvc")
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__vcpkg__0_2_15//:vcpkg",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
-    name = "libz_sys",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "libc",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=libz-sys",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.1.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":libz_sys_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(target_env = "msvc")
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.log-0.4.14.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.log-0.4.14.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e0c95a..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.log-0.4.14.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "log_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-        "--cfg=atomic_cas",
-        "--cfg=use_std",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.14",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "value" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "log",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-        "--cfg=atomic_cas",
-        "--cfg=use_std",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=log",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.14",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":log_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "filters" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "macros" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.matches-0.1.9.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.matches-0.1.9.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 636626f..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.matches-0.1.9.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "matches",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=matches",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.9",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "macro_use_one" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "use_star" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.memchr-2.4.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.memchr-2.4.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index b457c0b..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.memchr-2.4.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "unencumbered",  # Unlicense from expression "Unlicense OR MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "memchr_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-        "use_std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.4.1",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "memchr",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-        "use_std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=memchr",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.4.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":memchr_build_script",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.memoffset-0.6.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.memoffset-0.6.4.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 692cc15..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.memoffset-0.6.4.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "memoffset_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.6.4",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__autocfg__1_0_1//:autocfg",
-    ],
-    name = "memoffset",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=memoffset",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.6.4",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":memoffset_build_script",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.mime-0.3.16.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.mime-0.3.16.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ae6629..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.mime-0.3.16.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "cmp" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "fmt" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "parse" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "mime",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=mime",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.16",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.mime_guess-2.0.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.mime_guess-2.0.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 1591518..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.mime_guess-2.0.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "mime_guess_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "rev-mappings",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.0.3",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicase__2_6_0//:unicase",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "benchmark" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "rev_map" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "mime_guess",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "rev-mappings",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=mime_guess",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.0.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":mime_guess_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime__0_3_16//:mime",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicase__2_6_0//:unicase",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.multipart-0.18.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.multipart-0.18.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index a664bee..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.multipart-0.18.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_form_test",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "buf_redux",
-        "httparse",
-        "quick-error",
-        "safemem",
-        "server",
-        "twoway",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/bin/form_test.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=form_test",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.18.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":multipart",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__buf_redux__0_8_4//:buf_redux",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__httparse__1_5_1//:httparse",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14//:log",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime__0_3_16//:mime",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime_guess__2_0_3//:mime_guess",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quick_error__1_2_3//:quick_error",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand__0_8_4//:rand",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__safemem__0_3_3//:safemem",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tempfile__3_2_0//:tempfile",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__twoway__0_1_8//:twoway",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "hyper_client" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "hyper_reqbuilder" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "hyper_server" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "iron" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "iron_intercept" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "nickel" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "rocket" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "tiny_http" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "multipart",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "buf_redux",
-        "httparse",
-        "quick-error",
-        "safemem",
-        "server",
-        "twoway",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=multipart",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.18.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__buf_redux__0_8_4//:buf_redux",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__httparse__1_5_1//:httparse",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14//:log",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime__0_3_16//:mime",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__mime_guess__2_0_3//:mime_guess",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quick_error__1_2_3//:quick_error",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand__0_8_4//:rand",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__safemem__0_3_3//:safemem",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tempfile__3_2_0//:tempfile",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__twoway__0_1_8//:twoway",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.normalize-line-endings-0.3.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.normalize-line-endings-0.3.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 3133094..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.normalize-line-endings-0.3.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "normalize_line_endings",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=normalize-line-endings",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.num-integer-0.1.44.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.num-integer-0.1.44.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 31f98e5..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.num-integer-0.1.44.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "num_integer_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.44",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__autocfg__1_0_1//:autocfg",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "average" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "gcd" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "roots" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "num_integer",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=num-integer",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.44",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":num_integer_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_traits__0_2_14//:num_traits",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "average" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "roots" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.num-traits-0.2.14.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.num-traits-0.2.14.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 9db1e80..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.num-traits-0.2.14.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "num_traits_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.14",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__autocfg__1_0_1//:autocfg",
-    ],
-    name = "num_traits",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=num-traits",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.14",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":num_traits_build_script",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "cast" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.num_cpus-1.13.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.num_cpus-1.13.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd2249..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.num_cpus-1.13.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "values" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "num_cpus",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=num_cpus",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.13.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.openssl-probe-0.1.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.openssl-probe-0.1.4.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b8b015..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.openssl-probe-0.1.4.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "openssl_probe",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=openssl-probe",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.4",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.openssl-sys-0.9.70.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.openssl-sys-0.9.70.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 05f1dc8..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.openssl-sys-0.9.70.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "build-script-main" with type "custom-build" omitted
-    name = "openssl_sys",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-        "--cfg=ossl101",
-        "--cfg=ossl102",
-        "--cfg=ossl102f",
-        "--cfg=ossl102h",
-        "--cfg=ossl110",
-        "--cfg=ossl110f",
-        "--cfg=ossl110g",
-        "--cfg=ossl111",
-        "--cfg=ossl111b",
-        "-l",
-        "dylib=ssl",
-        "-l",
-        "dylib=crypto",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=openssl-sys",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.9.70",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(target_env = "msvc")
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.percent-encoding-2.1.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.percent-encoding-2.1.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 07453dc..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.percent-encoding-2.1.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "percent_encoding",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=percent-encoding",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.1.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.pkg-config-0.3.22.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.pkg-config-0.3.22.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 2959db6..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.pkg-config-0.3.22.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "pkg_config",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=pkg-config",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.22",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "test" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.ppv-lite86-0.2.15.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.ppv-lite86-0.2.15.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 24abb52..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.ppv-lite86-0.2.15.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "ppv_lite86",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "simd",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=ppv-lite86",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.15",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.predicates-1.0.8.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.predicates-1.0.8.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 3482ae2..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.predicates-1.0.8.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "case_tree" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "predicates",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "difference",
-        "float-cmp",
-        "normalize-line-endings",
-        "regex",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=predicates",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.8",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__difference__2_0_0//:difference",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__float_cmp__0_8_0//:float_cmp",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__normalize_line_endings__0_3_0//:normalize_line_endings",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates_core__1_0_2//:predicates_core",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex__1_5_4//:regex",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.predicates-2.0.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.predicates-2.0.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 99c70dd..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.predicates-2.0.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "case_tree" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "predicates",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "diff",
-        "difflib",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=predicates",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.0.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__difflib__0_4_0//:difflib",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__itertools__0_10_1//:itertools",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates_core__1_0_2//:predicates_core",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.predicates-core-1.0.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.predicates-core-1.0.2.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 2039990..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.predicates-core-1.0.2.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "predicates_core",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=predicates-core",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.2",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.predicates-tree-1.0.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.predicates-tree-1.0.4.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index f5ce3fe..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.predicates-tree-1.0.4.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "failures" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "predicates_tree",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=predicates-tree",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.4",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__predicates_core__1_0_2//:predicates_core",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__termtree__0_2_3//:termtree",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.proc-macro2-1.0.32.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.proc-macro2-1.0.32.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 217c917..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.proc-macro2-1.0.32.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "proc_macro2_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "proc-macro",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-        "--cfg=use_proc_macro",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.32",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "proc_macro2",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "proc-macro",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-        "--cfg=use_proc_macro",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=proc-macro2",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.32",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":proc_macro2_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode_xid__0_2_2//:unicode_xid",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "comments" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "features" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "marker" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_fmt" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.quick-error-1.2.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.quick-error-1.2.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 26fd2fe..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.quick-error-1.2.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "context" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "quick_error",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=quick-error",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.2.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.quote-1.0.10.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.quote-1.0.10.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index d94711c..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.quote-1.0.10.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "bench" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "quote",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "proc-macro",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=quote",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.10",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc_macro2__1_0_32//:proc_macro2",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "compiletest" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rand-0.8.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rand-0.8.4.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fb741d..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rand-0.8.4.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "rand",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "alloc",
-        "default",
-        "getrandom",
-        "libc",
-        "rand_chacha",
-        "rand_hc",
-        "std",
-        "std_rng",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=rand",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.8.4",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_core__0_6_3//:rand_core",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(not(target_os = "emscripten"))
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-unknown-unknown",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:wasm32-wasi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_chacha__0_3_1//:rand_chacha",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }) + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(unix)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rand_chacha-0.3.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rand_chacha-0.3.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index a175829..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rand_chacha-0.3.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "rand_chacha",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=rand_chacha",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__ppv_lite86__0_2_15//:ppv_lite86",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_core__0_6_3//:rand_core",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rand_core-0.6.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rand_core-0.6.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c1aaca..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rand_core-0.6.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "rand_core",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "alloc",
-        "getrandom",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=rand_core",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.6.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__getrandom__0_2_3//:getrandom",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rand_hc-0.3.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rand_hc-0.3.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 3abc363..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rand_hc-0.3.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "rand_hc",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=rand_hc",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand_core__0_6_3//:rand_core",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rayon-1.5.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rayon-1.5.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e8563d..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rayon-1.5.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "rayon_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.5.1",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__autocfg__1_0_1//:autocfg",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "cpu_monitor" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "rayon",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=rayon",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.5.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":rayon_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam_deque__0_8_1//:crossbeam_deque",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__either__1_6_1//:either",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon_core__1_9_1//:rayon_core",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "chars" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "clones" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "collect" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "cross-pool" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "debug" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "intersperse" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "issue671" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "issue671-unzip" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "iter_panic" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "named-threads" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "octillion" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "producer_split_at" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "sort-panic-safe" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "str" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rayon-core-1.9.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rayon-core-1.9.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 02a2ddd..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rayon-core-1.9.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "rayon_core_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    links = "rayon-core",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.9.1",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "rayon_core",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=rayon-core",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.9.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":rayon_core_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam_channel__0_5_1//:crossbeam_channel",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam_deque__0_8_1//:crossbeam_deque",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__crossbeam_utils__0_8_5//:crossbeam_utils",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_cpus__1_13_0//:num_cpus",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "double_init_fail" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "init_zero_threads" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "scope_join" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "scoped_threadpool" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "simple_panic" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "stack_overflow_crash" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.redox_syscall-0.2.10.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.redox_syscall-0.2.10.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index a0fbe88..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.redox_syscall-0.2.10.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "redox_syscall",
-    actual = ":syscall",
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    name = "syscall",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=syscall",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.10",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bitflags__1_3_2//:bitflags",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.regex-1.5.4.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.regex-1.5.4.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 60dec47..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.regex-1.5.4.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "shootout-regex-dna" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "shootout-regex-dna-bytes" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "shootout-regex-dna-cheat" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "shootout-regex-dna-replace" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "shootout-regex-dna-single" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "shootout-regex-dna-single-cheat" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "regex",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "aho-corasick",
-        "default",
-        "memchr",
-        "perf",
-        "perf-cache",
-        "perf-dfa",
-        "perf-inline",
-        "perf-literal",
-        "std",
-        "unicode",
-        "unicode-age",
-        "unicode-bool",
-        "unicode-case",
-        "unicode-gencat",
-        "unicode-perl",
-        "unicode-script",
-        "unicode-segment",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=regex",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.5.4",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__aho_corasick__0_7_18//:aho_corasick",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memchr__2_4_1//:memchr",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__regex_syntax__0_6_25//:regex_syntax",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "backtrack" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "backtrack-bytes" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "backtrack-utf8bytes" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "crates-regex" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "default" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "default-bytes" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "nfa" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "nfa-bytes" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "nfa-utf8bytes" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.regex-automata-0.1.10.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.regex-automata-0.1.10.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index bdd9274..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.regex-automata-0.1.10.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "unencumbered",  # Unlicense from expression "Unlicense OR MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "regex_automata",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=regex-automata",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.10",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "default" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.25.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.25.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 6badbff..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.25.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "bench" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "regex_syntax",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "unicode",
-        "unicode-age",
-        "unicode-bool",
-        "unicode-case",
-        "unicode-gencat",
-        "unicode-perl",
-        "unicode-script",
-        "unicode-segment",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=regex-syntax",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.6.25",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.remove_dir_all-0.5.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.remove_dir_all-0.5.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b12224..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.remove_dir_all-0.5.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "remove_dir_all",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=remove_dir_all",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.5.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(windows)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi__0_3_9//:winapi",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rouille-3.4.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rouille-3.4.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index f96464e..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rouille-3.4.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "database" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "git-http-backend" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "hello-world" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "login-session" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "php" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "reverse-proxy" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "simple-form" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "static-files" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "websocket" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "rouille",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    proc_macro_deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_derive__1_0_130//:serde_derive",
-    ],
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=rouille",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "3.4.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__base64__0_13_0//:base64",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__chrono__0_4_19//:chrono",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__filetime__0_2_15//:filetime",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__multipart__0_18_0//:multipart",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_cpus__1_13_0//:num_cpus",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__percent_encoding__2_1_0//:percent_encoding",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand__0_8_4//:rand",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde__1_0_130//:serde",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_json__1_0_69//:serde_json",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__sha1__0_6_0//:sha1",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__threadpool__1_8_1//:threadpool",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__time__0_3_2//:time",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tiny_http__0_8_2//:tiny_http",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__url__2_2_2//:url",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rustc-demangle-0.1.21.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rustc-demangle-0.1.21.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index cfc266d..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.rustc-demangle-0.1.21.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "rustc_demangle",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=rustc-demangle",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.21",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.ryu-1.0.5.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.ryu-1.0.5.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index f58b2c2..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.ryu-1.0.5.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "ryu_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.5",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "bench" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "upstream_benchmark" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "ryu",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=ryu",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.5",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":ryu_build_script",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "common_test" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "d2s_table_test" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "d2s_test" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "exhaustive" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "f2s_test" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "s2d_test" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "s2f_test" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.safemem-0.3.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.safemem-0.3.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ec0cfb..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.safemem-0.3.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "safemem",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=safemem",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.schannel-0.1.19.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.schannel-0.1.19.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index fd9207f..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.schannel-0.1.19.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "schannel",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=schannel",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.19",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi__0_3_9//:winapi",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.scopeguard-1.1.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.scopeguard-1.1.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 61d1235..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.scopeguard-1.1.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "readme" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "scopeguard",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=scopeguard",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.1.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.serde-1.0.130.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.serde-1.0.130.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index df423e2..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.serde-1.0.130.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "serde_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "derive",
-        "serde_derive",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.130",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "serde",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "derive",
-        "serde_derive",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    proc_macro_deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_derive__1_0_130//:serde_derive",
-    ],
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=serde",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.130",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":serde_build_script",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.serde_derive-1.0.130.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.serde_derive-1.0.130.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index b9a267e..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.serde_derive-1.0.130.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "serde_derive_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.130",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "serde_derive",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=serde_derive",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.130",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":serde_derive_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc_macro2__1_0_32//:proc_macro2",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote__1_0_10//:quote",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__syn__1_0_81//:syn",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.serde_json-1.0.69.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.serde_json-1.0.69.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index b41e282..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.serde_json-1.0.69.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "serde_json_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.69",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "serde_json",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=serde_json",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.69",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":serde_json_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__itoa__0_4_8//:itoa",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__ryu__1_0_5//:ryu",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde__1_0_130//:serde",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.sha1-0.6.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.sha1-0.6.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 117df36..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.sha1-0.6.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # BSD-3-Clause from expression "BSD-3-Clause"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "sha1",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=sha1",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.6.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.socket2-0.4.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.socket2-0.4.2.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 896257b..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.socket2-0.4.2.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "socket2",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=socket2",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.2",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(unix)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }) + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(windows)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi__0_3_9//:winapi",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.strsim-0.10.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.strsim-0.10.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index b8fd79f..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.strsim-0.10.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "benches" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "strsim",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=strsim",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.10.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "lib" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.syn-1.0.81.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.syn-1.0.81.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 509d66d..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.syn-1.0.81.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "syn_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "clone-impls",
-        "default",
-        "derive",
-        "extra-traits",
-        "full",
-        "parsing",
-        "printing",
-        "proc-macro",
-        "quote",
-        "visit",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.81",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "file" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "rust" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "syn",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "clone-impls",
-        "default",
-        "derive",
-        "extra-traits",
-        "full",
-        "parsing",
-        "printing",
-        "proc-macro",
-        "quote",
-        "visit",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=syn",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.0.81",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":syn_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc_macro2__1_0_32//:proc_macro2",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote__1_0_10//:quote",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__unicode_xid__0_2_2//:unicode_xid",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "test_asyncness" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_attribute" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_derive_input" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_expr" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_generics" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_grouping" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_ident" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_item" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_iterators" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_lit" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_meta" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_parse_buffer" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_parse_stream" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_pat" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_path" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_precedence" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_receiver" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_round_trip" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_shebang" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_should_parse" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_size" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_stmt" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_token_trees" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_ty" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "test_visibility" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "zzz_stable" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.tempfile-3.2.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.tempfile-3.2.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index da6290d..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.tempfile-3.2.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "tempfile",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=tempfile",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "3.2.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rand__0_8_4//:rand",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__remove_dir_all__0_5_3//:remove_dir_all",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(unix)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }) + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(windows)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi__0_3_9//:winapi",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
-# Unsupported target "namedtempfile" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "spooled" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "tempdir" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "tempfile" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.termcolor-1.1.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.termcolor-1.1.2.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d82e0b..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.termcolor-1.1.2.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "unencumbered",  # Unlicense from expression "Unlicense OR MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "termcolor",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=termcolor",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.1.2",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(windows)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi_util__0_1_5//:winapi_util",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.termtree-0.2.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.termtree-0.2.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f3aab1..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.termtree-0.2.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "tree" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "termtree",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=termtree",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.threadpool-1.8.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.threadpool-1.8.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f0c97b..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.threadpool-1.8.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "threadpool",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=threadpool",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.8.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__num_cpus__1_13_0//:num_cpus",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.time-0.3.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.time-0.3.2.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 98d46e5..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.time-0.3.2.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "benchmarks" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "time",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "alloc",
-        "default",
-        "local-offset",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=time",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.2",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.tiny_http-0.8.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.tiny_http-0.8.2.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c83aa5..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.tiny_http-0.8.2.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "bench" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "hello-world" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "php-cgi" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "readme-example" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "serve-root" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "ssl" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "websockets" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "tiny_http",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=tiny_http",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.8.2",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__ascii__1_0_0//:ascii",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__chrono__0_4_19//:chrono",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__chunked_transfer__1_4_0//:chunked_transfer",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14//:log",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__url__2_2_2//:url",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "input-tests" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "network" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "non-chunked-buffering" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "simple-test" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "unblock-test" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.tinyvec-1.5.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.tinyvec-1.5.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index a4ddfc5..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.tinyvec-1.5.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Zlib from expression "Zlib OR (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "macros" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "tinyvec",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "alloc",
-        "default",
-        "tinyvec_macros",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=tinyvec",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.5.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tinyvec_macros__0_1_0//:tinyvec_macros",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "arrayvec" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "tinyvec" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.tinyvec_macros-0.1.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.tinyvec_macros-0.1.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c55b43..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.tinyvec_macros-0.1.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR (Apache-2.0 OR Zlib)"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "tinyvec_macros",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=tinyvec_macros",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.twoway-0.1.8.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.twoway-0.1.8.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 6015b6f..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.twoway-0.1.8.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "pathology" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "twoway",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "use_std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=twoway",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.8",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__memchr__2_4_1//:memchr",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "quick" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicase-2.6.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicase-2.6.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index fafa061..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicase-2.6.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "unicase_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-        "--cfg=__unicase__iter_cmp",
-        "--cfg=__unicase__defauler_hasher",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.6.0",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__version_check__0_9_3//:version_check",
-    ],
-    name = "unicase",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-        "--cfg=__unicase__iter_cmp",
-        "--cfg=__unicase__defauler_hasher",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=unicase",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.6.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":unicase_build_script",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicode-bidi-0.3.7.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicode-bidi-0.3.7.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index edd5588..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicode-bidi-0.3.7.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "unicode_bidi",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=unicode_bidi",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.7",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicode-normalization-0.1.19.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicode-normalization-0.1.19.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c9f620..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicode-normalization-0.1.19.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "bench" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "unicode_normalization",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=unicode-normalization",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.19",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tinyvec__1_5_0//:tinyvec",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicode-segmentation-1.8.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicode-segmentation-1.8.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 431cddf..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicode-segmentation-1.8.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "graphemes" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "unicode_words" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "word_bounds" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "unicode_segmentation",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=unicode-segmentation",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "1.8.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicode-xid-0.2.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicode-xid-0.2.2.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index ad8203c..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.unicode-xid-0.2.2.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "xid" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "unicode_xid",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=unicode-xid",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.2",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "exhaustive_tests" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.url-2.2.2.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.url-2.2.2.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 83a8438..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.url-2.2.2.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "parse_url" with type "bench" omitted
-    name = "url",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=url",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "2.2.2",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__form_urlencoded__1_0_1//:form_urlencoded",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__idna__0_2_3//:idna",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__matches__0_1_9//:matches",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__percent_encoding__2_1_0//:percent_encoding",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "data" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "unit" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.vcpkg-0.2.15.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.vcpkg-0.2.15.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d02de7..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.vcpkg-0.2.15.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "vcpkg",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=vcpkg",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.15",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.version_check-0.9.3.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.version_check-0.9.3.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index e455d9c..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.version_check-0.9.3.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "version_check",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=version_check",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.9.3",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wait-timeout-0.2.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wait-timeout-0.2.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e9e115..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wait-timeout-0.2.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_exit",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/bin/exit.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=exit",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":wait_timeout",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(unix)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_reader",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/bin/reader.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=reader",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":wait_timeout",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(unix)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_sleep",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/bin/sleep.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=sleep",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":wait_timeout",
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(unix)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
-    name = "wait_timeout",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wait-timeout",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(unix)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-darwin",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-unknown-freebsd",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:s390x-unknown-linux-gnu",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-ios",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-linux-android",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__libc__0_2_107//:libc",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
-# Unsupported target "smoke" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.walrus-0.19.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.walrus-0.19.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 6274809..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.walrus-0.19.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "benches" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "build-wasm-from-scratch" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "parse" with type "example" omitted
-# Unsupported target "round-trip" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "walrus",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "parallel",
-        "rayon",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    proc_macro_deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus_macro__0_19_0//:walrus_macro",
-    ],
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=walrus",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.19.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__id_arena__2_2_1//:id_arena",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__leb128__0_2_5//:leb128",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14//:log",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rayon__1_5_1//:rayon",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasmparser__0_77_0//:wasmparser",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.walrus-macro-0.19.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.walrus-macro-0.19.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index c38706b..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.walrus-macro-0.19.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "walrus_macro",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=walrus-macro",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.19.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__heck__0_3_3//:heck",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc_macro2__1_0_32//:proc_macro2",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote__1_0_10//:quote",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__syn__1_0_81//:syn",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasi-0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasi-0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 61eea80..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasi-0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0 OR (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wasi",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasi",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-0.2.78.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b19411..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-0.2.78.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "spans",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "wasm_bindgen",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "spans",
-        "std",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    proc_macro_deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_macro__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_macro",
-    ],
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":wasm_bindgen_build_script",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "headless" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "must_use" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "non_wasm" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "std-crate-no-std-dep" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "unwrap_throw" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "wasm" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.78.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index cb60802..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.78.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_backend",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "spans",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen-backend",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__bumpalo__3_8_0//:bumpalo",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14//:log",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc_macro2__1_0_32//:proc_macro2",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote__1_0_10//:quote",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__syn__1_0_81//:syn",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_shared__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_shared",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli-0.2.78.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index b3a79eb..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli-0.2.78.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_wasm_bindgen",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/bin/wasm-bindgen.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    proc_macro_deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_derive__1_0_130//:serde_derive",
-    ],
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl__0_4_40//:curl",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__docopt__1_1_1//:docopt",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__env_logger__0_8_4//:env_logger",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14//:log",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rouille__3_4_0//:rouille",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde__1_0_130//:serde",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_json__1_0_69//:serde_json",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus__0_19_0//:walrus",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_cli_support__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_cli_support",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_shared__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_shared",
-    ],
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_wasm_bindgen_test_runner",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/bin/wasm-bindgen-test-runner/main.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    proc_macro_deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_derive__1_0_130//:serde_derive",
-    ],
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen-test-runner",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl__0_4_40//:curl",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__docopt__1_1_1//:docopt",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__env_logger__0_8_4//:env_logger",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14//:log",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rouille__3_4_0//:rouille",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde__1_0_130//:serde",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_json__1_0_69//:serde_json",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus__0_19_0//:walrus",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_cli_support__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_cli_support",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_shared__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_shared",
-    ],
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_wasm2es6js",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/bin/wasm2es6js.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    proc_macro_deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_derive__1_0_130//:serde_derive",
-    ],
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm2es6js",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__curl__0_4_40//:curl",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__docopt__1_1_1//:docopt",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__env_logger__0_8_4//:env_logger",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14//:log",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rouille__3_4_0//:rouille",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde__1_0_130//:serde",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_json__1_0_69//:serde_json",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus__0_19_0//:walrus",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_cli_support__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_cli_support",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_shared__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_shared",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "interface-types" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "reference" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "wasm-bindgen" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli-support-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli-support-0.2.78.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index b8fe72e..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli-support-0.2.78.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_cli_support",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen-cli-support",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__base64__0_9_3//:base64",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14//:log",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__rustc_demangle__0_1_21//:rustc_demangle",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__serde_json__1_0_69//:serde_json",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__tempfile__3_2_0//:tempfile",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus__0_19_0//:walrus",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_externref_xform__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_externref_xform",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_multi_value_xform__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_multi_value_xform",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_shared__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_shared",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_threads_xform__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_threads_xform",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_wasm_conventions__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_wasm_conventions",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_wasm_interpreter__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_wasm_interpreter",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_text__0_8_0//:wit_text",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_validator__0_2_1//:wit_validator",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_walrus__0_6_0//:wit_walrus",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-externref-xform-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-externref-xform-0.2.78.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 31246a9..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-externref-xform-0.2.78.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_externref_xform",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen-externref-xform",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus__0_19_0//:walrus",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "all" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.78.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 0088fd4..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.78.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_macro",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "spans",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen-macro",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote__1_0_10//:quote",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_macro_support__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_macro_support",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "ui" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.78.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c933cc..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.78.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_macro_support",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "spans",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen-macro-support",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__proc_macro2__1_0_32//:proc_macro2",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__quote__1_0_10//:quote",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__syn__1_0_81//:syn",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_backend__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_backend",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_shared__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_shared",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-multi-value-xform-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-multi-value-xform-0.2.78.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index e7b21d1..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-multi-value-xform-0.2.78.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_multi_value_xform",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen-multi-value-xform",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus__0_19_0//:walrus",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "all" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.78.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index c1b67ae..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.78.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_shared_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2018",
-    links = "wasm_bindgen",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_shared",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen-shared",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":wasm_bindgen_shared_build_script",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-threads-xform-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-threads-xform-0.2.78.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f50358..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-threads-xform-0.2.78.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_threads_xform",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen-threads-xform",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus__0_19_0//:walrus",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_wasm_conventions__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_wasm_conventions",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions-0.2.78.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index f2f1306..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions-0.2.78.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_wasm_conventions",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen-wasm-conventions",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus__0_19_0//:walrus",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter-0.2.78.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter-0.2.78.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index ca0c333..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter-0.2.78.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wasm_bindgen_wasm_interpreter",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.78",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__log__0_4_14//:log",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus__0_19_0//:walrus",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasm_bindgen_wasm_conventions__0_2_78//:wasm_bindgen_wasm_conventions",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "smoke" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasmparser-0.59.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasmparser-0.59.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index fffff07..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasmparser-0.59.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "benchmark" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "simple" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "wasmparser",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasmparser",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.59.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasmparser-0.77.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasmparser-0.77.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index ce1213b..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasmparser-0.77.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "benchmark" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "simple" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "wasmparser",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasmparser",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.77.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasmparser-0.81.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasmparser-0.81.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 75282f6..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasmparser-0.81.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "benchmark" with type "bench" omitted
-# Unsupported target "simple" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "wasmparser",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasmparser",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.81.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasmprinter-0.2.31.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasmprinter-0.2.31.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 7845222..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wasmprinter-0.2.31.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wasmprinter",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wasmprinter",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.31",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasmparser__0_81_0//:wasmparser",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "all" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wast-21.0.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wast-21.0.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index a80b690..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wast-21.0.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wast",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "default",
-        "wasm-module",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wast",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "21.0.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__leb128__0_2_5//:leb128",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "annotations" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "comments" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "parse-fail" with type "test" omitted
-# Unsupported target "recursive" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.winapi-0.3.9.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.winapi-0.3.9.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index e684604..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.winapi-0.3.9.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "winapi_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-        "consoleapi",
-        "errhandlingapi",
-        "fileapi",
-        "handleapi",
-        "libloaderapi",
-        "lmcons",
-        "minschannel",
-        "minwinbase",
-        "minwindef",
-        "processenv",
-        "schannel",
-        "securitybaseapi",
-        "sspi",
-        "std",
-        "sysinfoapi",
-        "timezoneapi",
-        "winbase",
-        "wincon",
-        "wincrypt",
-        "winerror",
-        "winnt",
-        "winsock2",
-        "ws2def",
-        "ws2ipdef",
-        "ws2tcpip",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.9",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "winapi",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-        "consoleapi",
-        "errhandlingapi",
-        "fileapi",
-        "handleapi",
-        "libloaderapi",
-        "lmcons",
-        "minschannel",
-        "minwinbase",
-        "minwindef",
-        "processenv",
-        "schannel",
-        "securitybaseapi",
-        "sspi",
-        "std",
-        "sysinfoapi",
-        "timezoneapi",
-        "winbase",
-        "wincon",
-        "wincrypt",
-        "winerror",
-        "winnt",
-        "winsock2",
-        "ws2def",
-        "ws2ipdef",
-        "ws2tcpip",
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=winapi",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.3.9",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":winapi_build_script",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index c86cc76..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.0",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu_build_script",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.winapi-util-0.1.5.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.winapi-util-0.1.5.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index a9168a7..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.winapi-util-0.1.5.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "unencumbered",  # Unlicense from expression "Unlicense OR MIT"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "winapi_util",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    aliases = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=winapi-util",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.5",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ] + selects.with_or({
-        # cfg(windows)
-        (
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:i686-pc-windows-msvc",
-            "@rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
-        ): [
-            "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__winapi__0_3_9//:winapi",
-        ],
-        "//conditions:default": [],
-    }),
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ed1d4c..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
-# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
-    "@rules_rust//cargo:cargo_build_script.bzl",
-    "cargo_build_script",
-    name = "winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu_build_script",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    build_script_env = {
-    },
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "build.rs",
-    data = glob(["**"]),
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.0",
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    deps = [
-    ],
-    name = "winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2015",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.4.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu_build_script",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-parser-0.2.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-parser-0.2.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f90121..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-parser-0.2.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wit_parser",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wit-parser",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__leb128__0_2_5//:leb128",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_schema_version__0_1_0//:wit_schema_version",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-printer-0.2.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-printer-0.2.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b95612..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-printer-0.2.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "wasm2wat" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "wit_printer",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wit-printer",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasmprinter__0_2_31//:wasmprinter",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_parser__0_2_0//:wit_parser",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_schema_version__0_1_0//:wit_schema_version",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-schema-version-0.1.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-schema-version-0.1.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ae97f4..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-schema-version-0.1.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    # Prefix bin name to disambiguate from (probable) collision with lib name
-    # N.B.: The exact form of this is subject to change.
-    name = "cargo_bin_wit_schema_version",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/main.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wit-schema-version",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        ":wit_schema_version",
-    ],
-    name = "wit_schema_version",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wit-schema-version",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.1.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-text-0.8.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-text-0.8.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cb67db..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-text-0.8.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-# Unsupported target "wat2wasm" with type "example" omitted
-    name = "wit_text",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wit-text",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.8.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wast__21_0_0//:wast",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_writer__0_2_0//:wit_writer",
-    ],
-# Unsupported target "all" with type "test" omitted
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-validator-0.2.1.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-validator-0.2.1.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a70df4..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-validator-0.2.1.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wit_validator",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wit-validator",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.1",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wasmparser__0_59_0//:wasmparser",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_parser__0_2_0//:wit_parser",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_schema_version__0_1_0//:wit_schema_version",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-walrus-0.6.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-walrus-0.6.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index e18db68..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-walrus-0.6.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wit_walrus",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wit-walrus",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.6.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__anyhow__1_0_45//:anyhow",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__id_arena__2_2_1//:id_arena",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__walrus__0_19_0//:walrus",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_parser__0_2_0//:wit_parser",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_schema_version__0_1_0//:wit_schema_version",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_writer__0_2_0//:wit_writer",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-writer-0.2.0.bazel b/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-writer-0.2.0.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index f58407b..0000000
--- a/wasm_bindgen/raze/remote/BUILD.wit-writer-0.2.0.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-cargo-raze crate build file.
-DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
-# buildifier: disable=load
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
-# buildifier: disable=load
-    "@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl",
-    "rust_binary",
-    "rust_library",
-    "rust_proc_macro",
-    "rust_test",
-package(default_visibility = [
-    # Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
-    #
-    # Prefer access through "//wasm_bindgen/raze", which limits external
-    # visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
-    "//visibility:public",
-    "notice",  # Apache-2.0 from expression "Apache-2.0"
-# Generated Targets
-    name = "wit_writer",
-    srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
-    crate_features = [
-    ],
-    crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
-    data = [],
-    edition = "2018",
-    rustc_flags = [
-        "--cap-lints=allow",
-    ],
-    tags = [
-        "cargo-raze",
-        "crate-name=wit-writer",
-        "manual",
-    ],
-    version = "0.2.0",
-    # buildifier: leave-alone
-    deps = [
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__leb128__0_2_5//:leb128",
-        "@rules_rust_wasm_bindgen__wit_schema_version__0_1_0//:wit_schema_version",
-    ],
diff --git a/wasm_bindgen/repositories.bzl b/wasm_bindgen/repositories.bzl
index fd05ba6..56cbfce 100644
--- a/wasm_bindgen/repositories.bzl
+++ b/wasm_bindgen/repositories.bzl
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
 # buildifier: disable=module-docstring
 load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
 load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "maybe")
-load("//wasm_bindgen/raze:crates.bzl", "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen_fetch_remote_crates")
+load("//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty/crates:defs.bzl", "crate_repositories")
 # buildifier: disable=unnamed-macro
 def rust_wasm_bindgen_dependencies():
@@ -26,12 +28,22 @@
+        name = "rules_rust_wasm_bindgen_cli",
+        sha256 = "262a79690c18f5160ca109e839814783e29b71f1fd28448f80838145f93c08b6",
+        urls = ["https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasm-bindgen-cli/{}/download".format(WASM_BINDGEN_VERSION)],
+        type = "tar.gz",
+        strip_prefix = "wasm-bindgen-cli-{}".format(WASM_BINDGEN_VERSION),
+        build_file = Label("//wasm_bindgen/3rdparty:BUILD.wasm-bindgen-cli.bazel"),
+    )
+    maybe(
+        http_archive,
         name = "rules_nodejs",
         sha256 = "26766278d815a6e2c43d2f6c9c72fde3fec8729e84138ffa4dabee47edc7702a",
         urls = ["https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/releases/download/5.4.2/rules_nodejs-core-5.4.2.tar.gz"],
-    rules_rust_wasm_bindgen_fetch_remote_crates()
+    crate_repositories()
 # buildifier: disable=unnamed-macro
 def rust_wasm_bindgen_register_toolchains(register_toolchains = True):