blob: ac62460845ca8439fd596961b25d78b6e232011c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Functionality for constructing actions that invoke the Rust compiler"""
load("//rust/private:common.bzl", "rust_common")
load("//rust/private:providers.bzl", _BuildInfo = "BuildInfo")
load("//rust/private:stamp.bzl", "is_stamping_enabled")
BuildInfo = _BuildInfo
AliasableDepInfo = provider(
doc = "A provider mapping an alias name to a Crate's information.",
fields = {
"dep": "CrateInfo",
"name": "str",
_error_format_values = ["human", "json", "short"]
ErrorFormatInfo = provider(
doc = "Set the --error-format flag for all rustc invocations",
fields = {"error_format": "(string) [" + ", ".join(_error_format_values) + "]"},
ExtraRustcFlagsInfo = provider(
doc = "Pass each value as an additional flag to non-exec rustc invocations",
fields = {"extra_rustc_flags": "List[string] Extra flags to pass to rustc in non-exec configuration"},
ExtraExecRustcFlagsInfo = provider(
doc = "Pass each value as an additional flag to exec rustc invocations",
fields = {"extra_exec_rustc_flags": "List[string] Extra flags to pass to rustc in exec configuration"},
def _get_rustc_env(attr, toolchain, crate_name):
"""Gathers rustc environment variables
attr (struct): The current target's attributes
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current target's rust toolchain context
crate_name (str): The name of the crate to be compiled
dict: Rustc environment variables
version = attr.version if hasattr(attr, "version") else "0.0.0"
major, minor, patch = version.split(".", 2)
if "-" in patch:
patch, pre = patch.split("-", 1)
pre = ""
return {
"CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH": toolchain.target_arch,
"CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS": toolchain.os,
"CARGO_CRATE_NAME": crate_name,
def get_compilation_mode_opts(ctx, toolchain):
"""Gathers rustc flags for the current compilation mode (opt/debug)
ctx (ctx): The current rule's context object
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current rule's `rust_toolchain`
struct: See `_rust_toolchain_impl` for more details
comp_mode = ctx.var["COMPILATION_MODE"]
if not comp_mode in toolchain.compilation_mode_opts:
fail("Unrecognized compilation mode {} for toolchain.".format(comp_mode))
return toolchain.compilation_mode_opts[comp_mode]
def _are_linkstamps_supported(feature_configuration, has_grep_includes):
# Are linkstamps supported by the C++ toolchain?
return (cc_common.is_enabled(feature_configuration = feature_configuration, feature_name = "linkstamps") and
# Is Bazel recent enough to support Starlark linkstamps?
hasattr(cc_common, "register_linkstamp_compile_action") and
# The current rule doesn't define _grep_includes attribute; this
# attribute is required for compiling linkstamps.
def _should_use_pic(cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, crate_type):
if crate_type in ("cdylib", "dylib"):
return cc_toolchain.needs_pic_for_dynamic_libraries(feature_configuration = feature_configuration)
return False
def collect_deps(
are_linkstamps_supported = False):
"""Walks through dependencies and collects the transitive dependencies.
deps (list): The deps from ctx.attr.deps.
proc_macro_deps (list): The proc_macro deps from ctx.attr.proc_macro_deps.
aliases (dict): A dict mapping aliased targets to their actual Crate information.
are_linkstamps_supported (bool): Whether the current rule and the toolchain support building linkstamps..
tuple: Returns a tuple of:
linkstamps (depset[CcLinkstamp]): A depset of CcLinkstamps that need to be compiled and linked into all linked binaries.
direct_crates = []
transitive_crates = []
transitive_noncrates = []
transitive_build_infos = []
transitive_link_search_paths = []
build_info = None
linkstamps = []
transitive_crate_outputs = []
aliases = {k.label: v for k, v in aliases.items()}
for dep in depset(transitive = [deps, proc_macro_deps]).to_list():
(crate_info, dep_info) = _get_crate_and_dep_info(dep)
cc_info = _get_cc_info(dep)
dep_build_info = _get_build_info(dep)
if cc_info and are_linkstamps_supported:
if crate_info:
# This dependency is a rust_library
# When crate_info.owner is set, we use it. When the dep type is Target we get the
# label from dep.label
owner = getattr(crate_info, "owner", dep.label if type(dep) == "Target" else None)
name = aliases.get(owner,,
dep = crate_info,
transitive = [] if "proc-macro" in [
] else [dep_info.transitive_crates],
transitive = [] if "proc-macro" in [
] else [dep_info.transitive_crate_outputs],
if "proc-macro" not in [crate_info.type, crate_info.wrapped_crate_type]:
elif cc_info:
# This dependency is a cc_library
elif dep_build_info:
if build_info:
fail("Several deps are providing build information, " +
"only one is allowed in the dependencies")
build_info = dep_build_info
fail("rust targets can only depend on rust_library, rust_*_library or cc_library " +
transitive_crates_depset = depset(transitive = transitive_crates)
return (
direct_crates = depset(direct_crates),
transitive_crates = transitive_crates_depset,
transitive_noncrates = depset(
transitive = transitive_noncrates,
order = "topological", # dylib link flag ordering matters.
transitive_crate_outputs = depset(transitive = transitive_crate_outputs),
transitive_build_infos = depset(transitive = transitive_build_infos),
link_search_path_files = depset(transitive = transitive_link_search_paths),
dep_env = build_info.dep_env if build_info else None,
depset(transitive = linkstamps),
def _collect_libs_from_linker_inputs(linker_inputs, use_pic):
# TODO: We could let the user choose how to link, instead of always preferring to link static libraries.
return [
get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic)
for li in linker_inputs
for lib in li.libraries
def _get_crate_and_dep_info(dep):
if type(dep) == "Target" and rust_common.crate_info in dep:
return (dep[rust_common.crate_info], dep[rust_common.dep_info])
elif type(dep) == "struct" and hasattr(dep, "crate_info"):
return (dep.crate_info, dep.dep_info)
return (None, None)
def _get_cc_info(dep):
if type(dep) == "Target" and CcInfo in dep:
return dep[CcInfo]
elif type(dep) == "struct" and hasattr(dep, "cc_info"):
return dep.cc_info
return None
def _get_build_info(dep):
if type(dep) == "Target" and BuildInfo in dep:
return dep[BuildInfo]
elif type(dep) == "struct" and hasattr(dep, "build_info"):
return dep.build_info
return None
def get_cc_user_link_flags(ctx):
"""Get the current target's linkopt flags
ctx (ctx): The current rule's context object
depset: The flags passed to Bazel by --linkopt option.
return ctx.fragments.cpp.linkopts
def get_linker_and_args(ctx, attr, cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, rpaths):
"""Gathers cc_common linker information
ctx (ctx): The current target's context object
attr (struct): Attributes to use in gathering linker args
cc_toolchain (CcToolchain): cc_toolchain for which we are creating build variables.
feature_configuration (FeatureConfiguration): Feature configuration to be queried.
rpaths (depset): Depset of directories where loader will look for libraries at runtime.
tuple: A tuple of the following items:
- (str): The tool path for given action.
- (sequence): A flattened command line flags for given action.
- (dict): Environment variables to be set for given action.
user_link_flags = get_cc_user_link_flags(ctx)
# Add linkopt's from dependencies. This includes linkopts from transitive
# dependencies since they get merged up.
for dep in getattr(attr, "deps", []):
if CcInfo in dep and dep[CcInfo].linking_context:
for linker_input in dep[CcInfo].linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list():
for flag in linker_input.user_link_flags:
link_variables = cc_common.create_link_variables(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
is_linking_dynamic_library = False,
runtime_library_search_directories = rpaths,
user_link_flags = user_link_flags,
link_args = cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
variables = link_variables,
link_env = cc_common.get_environment_variables(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
variables = link_variables,
ld = cc_common.get_tool_for_action(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
return ld, link_args, link_env
def _process_build_scripts(
"""Gathers the outputs from a target's `cargo_build_script` action.
build_info (BuildInfo): The target Build's dependency info.
dep_info (DepInfo): The Depinfo provider form the target Crate's set of inputs.
compile_inputs (depset): A set of all files that will participate in the build.
tuple: A tuple: A tuple of the following items:
- (depset[File]): A list of all build info `OUT_DIR` File objects
- (str): The `OUT_DIR` of the current build info
- (File): An optional path to a generated environment file from a `cargo_build_script` target
- (depset[File]): All direct and transitive build flags from the current build info.
extra_inputs, out_dir, build_env_file, build_flags_files = _create_extra_input_args(build_info, dep_info)
compile_inputs = depset(transitive = [extra_inputs, compile_inputs])
return compile_inputs, out_dir, build_env_file, build_flags_files
def _symlink_for_ambiguous_lib(actions, toolchain, crate_info, lib):
"""Constructs a disambiguating symlink for a library dependency.
actions (Actions): The rule's context actions object.
toolchain: The Rust toolchain object.
crate_info (CrateInfo): The target crate's info.
lib (File): The library to symlink to.
(File): The disambiguating symlink for the library.
# FIXME: Once the relative order part of the native-link-modifiers rustc
# feature is stable, we should be able to eliminate the need to construct
# symlinks by passing the full paths to the libraries.
# Take the absolute value of hash() since it could be negative.
path_hash = abs(hash(lib.path))
lib_name = get_lib_name(lib)
prefix = "lib"
extension = ".a"
if toolchain.os.startswith("windows"):
prefix = ""
extension = ".lib"
# Ensure the symlink follows the lib<name>.a pattern on Unix-like platforms
# or <name>.lib on Windows.
# Add a hash of the original library path to disambiguate libraries with the same basename.
symlink_name = "{}{}-{}{}".format(prefix, lib_name, path_hash, extension)
# Add the symlink to a target crate-specific _ambiguous_libs/ subfolder,
# to avoid possible collisions with sibling crates that may depend on the
# same ambiguous libraries.
symlink = actions.declare_file("_ambiguous_libs/" + crate_info.output.basename + "/" + symlink_name)
output = symlink,
target_file = lib,
progress_message = "Creating symlink to ambiguous lib: {}".format(lib.path),
return symlink
def _disambiguate_libs(actions, toolchain, crate_info, dep_info, use_pic):
"""Constructs disambiguating symlinks for ambiguous library dependencies.
The symlinks are all created in a _ambiguous_libs/ subfolder specific to
the target crate to avoid possible collisions with sibling crates that may
depend on the same ambiguous libraries.
actions (Actions): The rule's context actions object.
toolchain: The Rust toolchain object.
crate_info (CrateInfo): The target crate's info.
dep_info: (DepInfo): The target crate's dependency info.
use_pic: (boolean): Whether the build should use PIC.
dict[String, File]: A mapping from ambiguous library paths to their
disambiguating symlink.
# FIXME: Once the relative order part of the native-link-modifiers rustc
# feature is stable, we should be able to eliminate the need to construct
# symlinks by passing the full paths to the libraries.
# A dictionary from file paths of ambiguous libraries to the corresponding
# symlink.
ambiguous_libs = {}
# A dictionary maintaining a mapping from preferred library name to the
# last visited artifact with that name.
visited_libs = {}
for link_input in dep_info.transitive_noncrates.to_list():
for lib in link_input.libraries:
# FIXME: Dynamic libs are not disambiguated right now, there are
# cases where those have a non-standard name with version (e.g.,
# //test/unit/versioned_libs). We hope that the link modifiers
# stabilization will come before we need to make this work.
if _is_dylib(lib):
artifact = get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic)
name = get_lib_name(artifact)
# On Linux-like platforms, normally library base names start with
# `lib`, following the pattern `lib[name].(a|lo)` and we pass
# -lstatic=name.
# On Windows, the base name looks like `name.lib` and we pass
# -lstatic=name.
# FIXME: Under the native-link-modifiers unstable rustc feature,
# we could use -lstatic:+verbatim instead.
needs_symlink_to_standardize_name = (
(toolchain.os.startswith("linux") or toolchain.os.startswith("mac") or toolchain.os.startswith("darwin")) and
artifact.basename.endswith(".a") and not artifact.basename.startswith("lib")
) or (
toolchain.os.startswith("windows") and not artifact.basename.endswith(".lib")
# Detect cases where we need to disambiguate library dependencies
# by constructing symlinks.
if (
needs_symlink_to_standardize_name or
# We have multiple libraries with the same name.
(name in visited_libs and visited_libs[name].path != artifact.path)
# Disambiguate the previously visited library (if we just detected
# that it is ambiguous) and the current library.
if name in visited_libs:
old_path = visited_libs[name].path
if old_path not in ambiguous_libs:
ambiguous_libs[old_path] = _symlink_for_ambiguous_lib(actions, toolchain, crate_info, visited_libs[name])
ambiguous_libs[artifact.path] = _symlink_for_ambiguous_lib(actions, toolchain, crate_info, artifact)
visited_libs[name] = artifact
return ambiguous_libs
def collect_inputs(
stamp = False):
"""Gather's the inputs and required input information for a rustc action
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object.
file (struct): A struct containing files defined in label type attributes marked as `allow_single_file`.
files (list): A list of all inputs (`ctx.files`).
linkstamps (depset): A depset of CcLinkstamps that need to be compiled and linked into all linked binaries.
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current `rust_toolchain`.
cc_toolchain (CcToolchainInfo): The current `cc_toolchain`.
feature_configuration (FeatureConfiguration): Feature configuration to be queried.
crate_info (CrateInfo): The Crate information of the crate to process build scripts for.
dep_info (DepInfo): The target Crate's dependency information.
build_info (BuildInfo): The target Crate's build settings.
stamp (bool, optional): Whether or not workspace status stamping is enabled. For more details see
tuple: A tuple: A tuple of the following items:
- (list): A list of all build info `OUT_DIR` File objects
- (str): The `OUT_DIR` of the current build info
- (File): An optional path to a generated environment file from a `cargo_build_script` target
- (depset[File]): All direct and transitive build flag files from the current build info
- (list[File]): Linkstamp outputs
- (dict[String, File]): Ambiguous libs, see `_disambiguate_libs`.
linker_script = getattr(file, "linker_script") if hasattr(file, "linker_script") else None
linker_depset = cc_toolchain.all_files
use_pic = _should_use_pic(cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, crate_info.type)
# Pass linker inputs only for linking-like actions, not for example where
# the output is rlib. This avoids quadratic behavior where transitive noncrates are
# flattened on each transitive rust_library dependency.
additional_transitive_inputs = []
ambiguous_libs = {}
if crate_info.type in ("staticlib", "proc-macro"):
additional_transitive_inputs = _collect_libs_from_linker_inputs(
elif crate_info.type in ("bin", "dylib", "cdylib"):
linker_inputs = dep_info.transitive_noncrates.to_list()
ambiguous_libs = _disambiguate_libs(ctx.actions, toolchain, crate_info, dep_info, use_pic)
additional_transitive_inputs = _collect_libs_from_linker_inputs(linker_inputs, use_pic) + [
for linker_input in linker_inputs
for additional_input in linker_input.additional_inputs
] + ambiguous_libs.values()
# Compute linkstamps. Use the inputs of the binary as inputs to the
# linkstamp action to ensure linkstamps are rebuilt whenever binary inputs
# change.
linkstamp_outs = []
nolinkstamp_compile_inputs = depset(
getattr(files, "data", []) +
([build_info.rustc_env, build_info.flags] if build_info else []) +
([toolchain.target_json] if toolchain.target_json else []) +
([] if linker_script == None else [linker_script]),
transitive = [
if crate_info.type in ("bin", "cdylib"):
# There is no other way to register an action for each member of a depset than
# flattening the depset as of 2021-10-12. Luckily, usually there is only one linkstamp
# in a build, and we only flatten the list on binary targets that perform transitive linking,
# so it's extremely unlikely that this call to `to_list()` will ever be a performance
# problem.
for linkstamp in linkstamps.to_list():
# The linkstamp output path is based on the binary crate
# name and the input linkstamp path. This is to disambiguate
# the linkstamp outputs produced by multiple binary crates
# that depend on the same linkstamp. We use the same pattern
# for the output name as the one used by native cc rules.
out_name = "_objs/" + crate_info.output.basename + "/" + linkstamp.file().path[:-len(linkstamp.file().extension)] + "o"
linkstamp_out = ctx.actions.declare_file(out_name)
actions = ctx.actions,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
grep_includes = ctx.file._grep_includes,
source_file = linkstamp.file(),
output_file = linkstamp_out,
compilation_inputs = linkstamp.hdrs(),
inputs_for_validation = nolinkstamp_compile_inputs,
label_replacement = str(ctx.label),
output_replacement = crate_info.output.path,
# If stamping is enabled include the volatile status info file
stamp_info = [ctx.version_file] if stamp else []
compile_inputs = depset(
linkstamp_outs + stamp_info,
transitive = [
build_env_files = getattr(files, "rustc_env_files", [])
compile_inputs, out_dir, build_env_file, build_flags_files = _process_build_scripts(build_info, dep_info, compile_inputs)
if build_env_file:
build_env_files = [f for f in build_env_files] + [build_env_file]
compile_inputs = depset(build_env_files, transitive = [compile_inputs])
return compile_inputs, out_dir, build_env_files, build_flags_files, linkstamp_outs, ambiguous_libs
def construct_arguments(
emit = ["dep-info", "link"],
force_all_deps_direct = False,
force_link = False,
stamp = False,
remap_path_prefix = "."):
"""Builds an Args object containing common rustc flags
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object
attr (struct): The attributes for the target. These may be different from ctx.attr in an aspect context.
file (struct): A struct containing files defined in label type attributes marked as `allow_single_file`.
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current target's `rust_toolchain`
tool_path (str): Path to rustc
cc_toolchain (CcToolchain): The CcToolchain for the current target.
feature_configuration (FeatureConfiguration): Class used to construct command lines from CROSSTOOL features.
crate_info (CrateInfo): The CrateInfo provider of the target crate
dep_info (DepInfo): The DepInfo provider of the target crate
linkstamp_outs (list): Linkstamp outputs of native dependencies
ambiguous_libs (dict): Ambiguous libs, see `_disambiguate_libs`
output_hash (str): The hashed path of the crate root
rust_flags (list): Additional flags to pass to rustc
out_dir (str): The path to the output directory for the target Crate.
build_env_files (list): Files containing rustc environment variables, for instance from `cargo_build_script` actions.
build_flags_files (depset): The output files of a `cargo_build_script` actions containing rustc build flags
emit (list): Values for the --emit flag to rustc.
force_all_deps_direct (bool, optional): Whether to pass the transitive rlibs with --extern
to the commandline as opposed to -L.
force_link (bool, optional): Whether to add link flags to the command regardless of `emit`.
stamp (bool, optional): Whether or not workspace status stamping is enabled. For more details see
remap_path_prefix (str, optional): A value used to remap `${pwd}` to. If set to a falsey value, no prefix will be set.
tuple: A tuple of the following items
- (struct): A struct of arguments used to run the `Rustc` action
- process_wrapper_flags (Args): Arguments for the process wrapper
- rustc_path (Args): Arguments for invoking rustc via the process wrapper
- rustc_flags (Args): Rust flags for the Rust compiler
- all (list): A list of all `Args` objects in the order listed above.
This is to be passed to the `arguments` parameter of actions
- (dict): Common rustc environment variables
output_dir = getattr(crate_info.output, "dirname", None)
linker_script = getattr(file, "linker_script", None)
env = _get_rustc_env(attr, toolchain,
# Wrapper args first
process_wrapper_flags = ctx.actions.args()
for build_env_file in build_env_files:
process_wrapper_flags.add("--env-file", build_env_file)
process_wrapper_flags.add_all(build_flags_files, before_each = "--arg-file")
# Certain rust build processes expect to find files from the environment
# variable `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR`. Examples of this include pest, tera,
# asakuma.
# The compiler and by extension proc-macros see the current working
# directory as the Bazel exec root. This is what `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR`
# would default to but is often the wrong value (e.g. if the source is in a
# sub-package or if we are building something in an external repository).
# Hence, we need to set `CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` explicitly.
# Since we cannot get the `exec_root` from starlark, we cheat a little and
# use `${pwd}` which resolves the `exec_root` at action execution time.
process_wrapper_flags.add("--subst", "pwd=${pwd}")
# If stamping is enabled, enable the functionality in the process wrapper
if stamp:
process_wrapper_flags.add("--volatile-status-file", ctx.version_file)
# Both ctx.label.workspace_root and ctx.label.package are relative paths
# and either can be empty strings. Avoid trailing/double slashes in the path.
components = "${{pwd}}/{}/{}".format(ctx.label.workspace_root, ctx.label.package).split("/")
env["CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"] = "/".join([c for c in components if c])
if out_dir != None:
env["OUT_DIR"] = "${pwd}/" + out_dir
# Handle that the binary name and crate name may be different.
# If a target name contains a - then cargo (and rules_rust) will generate a
# crate name with _ instead. Accordingly, rustc will generate a output
# file (executable, or rlib, or whatever) with _ not -. But when cargo
# puts a binary in the target/${config} directory, and sets environment
# variables like `CARGO_BIN_EXE_${binary_name}` it will use the - version
# not the _ version. So we rename the rustc-generated file (with _s) to
# have -s if needed.
emit_with_paths = emit
if crate_info.type == "bin" and crate_info.output != None:
generated_file = + toolchain.binary_ext
src = "/".join([crate_info.output.dirname, generated_file])
dst = crate_info.output.path
if src != dst:
emit_with_paths = [("link=" + dst if val == "link" else val) for val in emit]
# Arguments for launching rustc from the process wrapper
rustc_path = ctx.actions.args()
# Rustc arguments
rustc_flags = ctx.actions.args()
rustc_flags.use_param_file("@%s", use_always = False)
rustc_flags.add("--crate-name=" +
rustc_flags.add("--crate-type=" + crate_info.type)
if hasattr(attr, "_error_format"):
rustc_flags.add("--error-format=" + attr._error_format[ErrorFormatInfo].error_format)
# Mangle symbols to disambiguate crates with the same name. This could
# happen only for non-final artifacts where we compute an output_hash,
# e.g., rust_library.
# For "final" artifacts and ones intended for distribution outside of
# Bazel, such as rust_binary, rust_static_library and rust_shared_library,
# where output_hash is None we don't need to add these flags.
if output_hash:
extra_filename = "-" + output_hash
rustc_flags.add("--codegen=metadata=" + extra_filename)
rustc_flags.add("--codegen=extra-filename=" + extra_filename)
if output_dir:
rustc_flags.add("--out-dir=" + output_dir)
compilation_mode = get_compilation_mode_opts(ctx, toolchain)
rustc_flags.add("--codegen=opt-level=" + compilation_mode.opt_level)
rustc_flags.add("--codegen=debuginfo=" + compilation_mode.debug_info)
# For determinism to help with build distribution and such
if remap_path_prefix:
if emit:
rustc_flags.add("--emit=" + ",".join(emit_with_paths))
rustc_flags.add("--target=" + toolchain.target_flag_value)
if hasattr(attr, "crate_features"):
rustc_flags.add_all(getattr(attr, "crate_features"), before_each = "--cfg", format_each = 'feature="%s"')
if linker_script:
rustc_flags.add(linker_script.path, format = "--codegen=link-arg=-T%s")
# Gets the paths to the folders containing the standard library (or libcore)
rust_std_paths = toolchain.rust_std_paths.to_list()
# Tell Rustc where to find the standard library
rustc_flags.add_all(rust_std_paths, before_each = "-L", format_each = "%s")
# Deduplicate data paths due to
data_paths = depset(direct = getattr(attr, "data", []) + getattr(attr, "compile_data", [])).to_list()
getattr(attr, "rustc_flags", []),
add_edition_flags(rustc_flags, crate_info)
# Link!
if ("link" in emit and crate_info.type not in ["rlib", "lib"]) or force_link:
# Rust's built-in linker can handle linking wasm files. We don't want to attempt to use the cc
# linker since it won't understand.
if toolchain.target_arch != "wasm32":
if output_dir:
use_pic = _should_use_pic(cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, crate_info.type)
rpaths = _compute_rpaths(toolchain, output_dir, dep_info, use_pic)
rpaths = depset([])
ld, link_args, link_env = get_linker_and_args(ctx, attr, cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, rpaths)
rustc_flags.add("--codegen=linker=" + ld)
rustc_flags.add_joined("--codegen", link_args, join_with = " ", format_joined = "link-args=%s")
_add_native_link_flags(rustc_flags, dep_info, linkstamp_outs, ambiguous_libs, crate_info.type, toolchain, cc_toolchain, feature_configuration)
# These always need to be added, even if not linking this crate.
add_crate_link_flags(rustc_flags, dep_info, force_all_deps_direct)
needs_extern_proc_macro_flag = "proc-macro" in [crate_info.type, crate_info.wrapped_crate_type] and \
crate_info.edition != "2015"
if needs_extern_proc_macro_flag:
# Make bin crate data deps available to tests.
for data in getattr(attr, "data", []):
if rust_common.crate_info in data:
dep_crate_info = data[rust_common.crate_info]
if dep_crate_info.type == "bin":
# Trying to make CARGO_BIN_EXE_{} canonical across platform by strip out extension if exists
env_basename = dep_crate_info.output.basename[:-(1 + len(dep_crate_info.output.extension))] if len(dep_crate_info.output.extension) > 0 else dep_crate_info.output.basename
env["CARGO_BIN_EXE_" + env_basename] = dep_crate_info.output.short_path
# Update environment with user provided variables.
# Ensure the sysroot is set for the target platform
env["SYSROOT"] = toolchain.sysroot
if toolchain._rename_first_party_crates:
env["RULES_RUST_THIRD_PARTY_DIR"] = toolchain._third_party_dir
# extra_rustc_flags apply to the target configuration, not the exec configuration.
if hasattr(ctx.attr, "_extra_rustc_flags") and not is_exec_configuration(ctx):
if hasattr(ctx.attr, "_extra_exec_rustc_flags") and is_exec_configuration(ctx):
# Create a struct which keeps the arguments separate so each may be tuned or
# replaced where necessary
args = struct(
process_wrapper_flags = process_wrapper_flags,
rustc_path = rustc_path,
rustc_flags = rustc_flags,
all = [process_wrapper_flags, rustc_path, rustc_flags],
return args, env
def rustc_compile_action(
output_hash = None,
rust_flags = [],
force_all_deps_direct = False):
"""Create and run a rustc compile action based on the current rule's attributes
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object
attr (struct): Attributes to use for the rust compile action
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current `rust_toolchain`
crate_info (CrateInfo): The CrateInfo provider for the current target.
output_hash (str, optional): The hashed path of the crate root. Defaults to None.
rust_flags (list, optional): Additional flags to pass to rustc. Defaults to [].
force_all_deps_direct (bool, optional): Whether to pass the transitive rlibs with --extern
to the commandline as opposed to -L.
list: A list of the following providers:
- (CrateInfo): info for the crate we just built; same as `crate_info` parameter.
- (DepInfo): The transitive dependencies of this crate.
- (DefaultInfo): The output file for this crate, and its runfiles.
cc_toolchain, feature_configuration = find_cc_toolchain(ctx)
dep_info, build_info, linkstamps = collect_deps(
deps = crate_info.deps,
proc_macro_deps = crate_info.proc_macro_deps,
aliases = crate_info.aliases,
are_linkstamps_supported = _are_linkstamps_supported(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
has_grep_includes = hasattr(ctx.attr, "_grep_includes"),
# Determine if the build is currently running with --stamp
stamp = is_stamping_enabled(attr)
compile_inputs, out_dir, build_env_files, build_flags_files, linkstamp_outs, ambiguous_libs = collect_inputs(
ctx = ctx,
file = ctx.file,
files = ctx.files,
linkstamps = linkstamps,
toolchain = toolchain,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
crate_info = crate_info,
dep_info = dep_info,
build_info = build_info,
stamp = stamp,
args, env_from_args = construct_arguments(
ctx = ctx,
attr = attr,
file = ctx.file,
toolchain = toolchain,
tool_path = toolchain.rustc.path,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
crate_info = crate_info,
dep_info = dep_info,
linkstamp_outs = linkstamp_outs,
ambiguous_libs = ambiguous_libs,
output_hash = output_hash,
rust_flags = rust_flags,
out_dir = out_dir,
build_env_files = build_env_files,
build_flags_files = build_flags_files,
force_all_deps_direct = force_all_deps_direct,
stamp = stamp,
env = dict(ctx.configuration.default_shell_env)
if hasattr(attr, "version") and attr.version != "0.0.0":
formatted_version = " v{}".format(attr.version)
formatted_version = ""
outputs = [crate_info.output]
# For a cdylib that might be added as a dependency to a cc_* target on Windows, it is important to include the
# interface library that rustc generates in the output files.
interface_library = None
if toolchain.os == "windows" and crate_info.type == "cdylib":
# Rustc generates the import library with a `.dll.lib` extension rather than the usual `.lib` one that msvc
# expects (see for more context).
interface_library = ctx.actions.declare_file(crate_info.output.basename + ".lib", sibling = crate_info.output)
# The action might generate extra output that we don't want to include in the `DefaultInfo` files.
action_outputs = list(outputs)
# Rustc generates a pdb file (on Windows) or a dsym folder (on macos) so provide it in an output group for crate
# types that benefit from having debug information in a separate file.
pdb_file = None
dsym_folder = None
if crate_info.type in ("cdylib", "bin") and not crate_info.is_test:
if toolchain.os == "windows":
pdb_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(crate_info.output.basename[:-len(crate_info.output.extension)] + "pdb", sibling = crate_info.output)
elif toolchain.os == "darwin":
dsym_folder = ctx.actions.declare_directory(crate_info.output.basename + ".dSYM", sibling = crate_info.output)
if ctx.executable._process_wrapper:
# Run as normal
executable = ctx.executable._process_wrapper,
inputs = compile_inputs,
outputs = action_outputs,
env = env,
arguments = args.all,
mnemonic = "Rustc",
progress_message = "Compiling Rust {} {}{} ({} files)".format(
# Run without process_wrapper
if build_env_files or build_flags_files or stamp:
fail("build_env_files, build_flags_files, stamp are not supported when building without process_wrapper")
executable = toolchain.rustc,
inputs = compile_inputs,
outputs = action_outputs,
env = env,
arguments = [args.rustc_flags],
mnemonic = "Rustc",
progress_message = "Compiling Rust (without process_wrapper) {} {}{} ({} files)".format(
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
files = getattr(ctx.files, "data", []),
collect_data = True,
# TODO: Remove after some resolution to
out_binary = getattr(attr, "out_binary", False)
providers = [
# nb. This field is required for cc_library to depend on our output.
files = depset(outputs),
runfiles = runfiles,
executable = crate_info.output if crate_info.type == "bin" or crate_info.is_test or out_binary else None,
if crate_info.type in ["staticlib", "cdylib"]:
# These rules are not supposed to be depended on by other rust targets, and
# as such they shouldn't provide a CrateInfo. However, one may still want to
# write a rust_test for them, so we provide the CrateInfo wrapped in a provider
# that rust_test understands.
providers.extend([rust_common.test_crate_info(crate = crate_info), dep_info])
providers.extend([crate_info, dep_info])
if toolchain.target_arch != "wasm32":
providers += establish_cc_info(ctx, attr, crate_info, toolchain, cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, interface_library)
if pdb_file:
providers.append(OutputGroupInfo(pdb_file = depset([pdb_file])))
if dsym_folder:
providers.append(OutputGroupInfo(dsym_folder = depset([dsym_folder])))
return providers
def _is_dylib(dep):
return not bool(dep.static_library or dep.pic_static_library)
def _collect_nonstatic_linker_inputs(cc_info):
shared_linker_inputs = []
for linker_input in cc_info.linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list():
dylibs = [
for lib in linker_input.libraries
if _is_dylib(lib)
if dylibs:
owner = linker_input.owner,
libraries = depset(dylibs),
return shared_linker_inputs
def establish_cc_info(ctx, attr, crate_info, toolchain, cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, interface_library):
"""If the produced crate is suitable yield a CcInfo to allow for interop with cc rules
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object
attr (struct): Attributes to use in gathering CcInfo
crate_info (CrateInfo): The CrateInfo provider of the target crate
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current `rust_toolchain`
cc_toolchain (CcToolchainInfo): The current `CcToolchainInfo`
feature_configuration (FeatureConfiguration): Feature configuration to be queried.
interface_library (File): Optional interface library for cdylib crates on Windows.
list: A list containing the CcInfo provider
# A test will not need to produce CcInfo as nothing can depend on test targets
if crate_info.is_test:
return []
# Only generate CcInfo for particular crate types
if crate_info.type not in ("staticlib", "cdylib", "rlib", "lib"):
return []
# TODO: Remove after some resolution to
if getattr(attr, "out_binary", False):
return []
if crate_info.type == "staticlib":
library_to_link = cc_common.create_library_to_link(
actions = ctx.actions,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
static_library = crate_info.output,
# TODO(hlopko): handle PIC/NOPIC correctly
pic_static_library = crate_info.output,
elif crate_info.type in ("rlib", "lib"):
# bazel hard-codes a check for endswith((".a", ".pic.a",
# ".lib")) in create_library_to_link, so we work around that
# by creating a symlink to the .rlib with a .a extension.
dot_a = make_static_lib_symlink(ctx.actions, crate_info.output)
# TODO(hlopko): handle PIC/NOPIC correctly
library_to_link = cc_common.create_library_to_link(
actions = ctx.actions,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
static_library = dot_a,
# TODO(hlopko): handle PIC/NOPIC correctly
pic_static_library = dot_a,
elif crate_info.type == "cdylib":
library_to_link = cc_common.create_library_to_link(
actions = ctx.actions,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
dynamic_library = crate_info.output,
interface_library = interface_library,
fail("Unexpected case")
link_input = cc_common.create_linker_input(
owner = ctx.label,
libraries = depset([library_to_link]),
linking_context = cc_common.create_linking_context(
# TODO - What to do for no_std?
linker_inputs = depset([link_input]),
cc_infos = [
CcInfo(linking_context = linking_context),
for dep in getattr(attr, "deps", []):
if CcInfo in dep:
# A Rust staticlib or shared library doesn't need to propagate linker inputs
# of its dependencies, except for shared libraries.
if crate_info.type in ["cdylib", "staticlib"]:
shared_linker_inputs = _collect_nonstatic_linker_inputs(dep[CcInfo])
if shared_linker_inputs:
linking_context = cc_common.create_linking_context(
linker_inputs = depset(shared_linker_inputs),
cc_infos.append(CcInfo(linking_context = linking_context))
if crate_info.type in ("rlib", "lib") and toolchain.libstd_and_allocator_ccinfo:
# TODO: if we already have an rlib in our deps, we could skip this
return [cc_common.merge_cc_infos(cc_infos = cc_infos)]
def add_edition_flags(args, crate):
"""Adds the Rust edition flag to an arguments object reference
args (Args): A reference to an Args object
crate (CrateInfo): A CrateInfo provider
if crate.edition != "2015":
def _create_extra_input_args(build_info, dep_info):
"""Gather additional input arguments from transitive dependencies
build_info (BuildInfo): The BuildInfo provider from the target Crate's set of inputs.
dep_info (DepInfo): The Depinfo provider form the target Crate's set of inputs.
tuple: A tuple of the following items:
- (depset[File]): A list of all build info `OUT_DIR` File objects
- (str): The `OUT_DIR` of the current build info
- (File): An optional generated environment file from a `cargo_build_script` target
- (depset[File]): All direct and transitive build flag files from the current build info.
input_files = []
# Arguments to the commandline line wrapper that are going to be used
# to create the final command line
out_dir = None
build_env_file = None
build_flags_files = []
if build_info:
out_dir = build_info.out_dir.path
build_env_file = build_info.rustc_env
return (
depset(input_files, transitive = [dep_info.link_search_path_files]),
depset(build_flags_files, transitive = [dep_info.link_search_path_files]),
def _compute_rpaths(toolchain, output_dir, dep_info, use_pic):
"""Determine the artifact's rpaths relative to the bazel root for runtime linking of shared libraries.
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current `rust_toolchain`
output_dir (str): The output directory of the current target
dep_info (DepInfo): The current target's dependency info
use_pic: If set, prefers pic_static_library over static_library.
depset: A set of relative paths from the output directory to each dependency
# Windows has no rpath equivalent, so always return an empty depset.
if toolchain.os == "windows":
return depset([])
dylibs = [
get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic)
for linker_input in dep_info.transitive_noncrates.to_list()
for lib in linker_input.libraries
if _is_dylib(lib)
if not dylibs:
return depset([])
# For darwin, dylibs compiled by Bazel will fail to be resolved at runtime
# without a version of Bazel that includes
# This is known to not be
# included in Bazel 4.1 and below.
if toolchain.os != "linux" and toolchain.os != "darwin":
fail("Runtime linking is not supported on {}, but found {}".format(
# Multiple dylibs can be present in the same directory, so deduplicate them.
return depset([
relativize(lib_dir, output_dir)
for lib_dir in _get_dir_names(dylibs)
def _get_dir_names(files):
"""Returns a list of directory names from the given list of File objects
files (list): A list of File objects
list: A list of directory names for all files
dirs = {}
for f in files:
dirs[f.dirname] = None
return dirs.keys()
def add_crate_link_flags(args, dep_info, force_all_deps_direct = False):
"""Adds link flags to an Args object reference
args (Args): An arguments object reference
dep_info (DepInfo): The current target's dependency info
force_all_deps_direct (bool, optional): Whether to pass the transitive rlibs with --extern
to the commandline as opposed to -L.
if force_all_deps_direct:
transitive = [
uniquify = True,
map_each = _crate_to_link_flag,
# nb. Direct crates are linked via --extern regardless of their crate_type
args.add_all(dep_info.direct_crates, map_each = _crate_to_link_flag)
map_each = _get_crate_dirname,
uniquify = True,
format_each = "-Ldependency=%s",
def _crate_to_link_flag(crate):
"""A helper macro used by `add_crate_link_flags` for adding crate link flags to a Arg object
crate (CrateInfo|AliasableDepInfo): A CrateInfo or an AliasableDepInfo provider
list: Link flags for the given provider
# This is AliasableDepInfo, we should use the alias as a crate name
if hasattr(crate, "dep"):
name =
crate_info = crate.dep
name =
crate_info = crate
return ["--extern={}={}".format(name, crate_info.output.path)]
def _get_crate_dirname(crate):
"""A helper macro used by `add_crate_link_flags` for getting the directory name of the current crate's output path
crate (CrateInfo): A CrateInfo provider from the current rule
str: The directory name of the the output File that will be produced.
return crate.output.dirname
def _portable_link_flags(lib, use_pic, ambiguous_libs):
artifact = get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic)
if ambiguous_libs and artifact.path in ambiguous_libs:
artifact = ambiguous_libs[artifact.path]
if lib.static_library or lib.pic_static_library:
# To ensure appropriate linker library argument order, in the presence
# of both native libraries that depend on rlibs and rlibs that depend
# on native libraries, we use an approach where we "sandwich" the
# rust libraries between two similar sections of all of native
# libraries:
# n1 n2 ... r1 r2 ... n1 n2 ...
# A B C
# This way any dependency from a native library to a rust library
# is resolved from A to B, and any dependency from a rust library to
# a native one is resolved from B to C.
# The question of resolving dependencies from a native library from A
# to any rust library is addressed in a different place, where we
# create symlinks to the rlibs, pretending they are native libraries,
# and adding references to these symlinks in the native section A.
# We rely in the behavior of -Clink-arg to put the linker args
# at the end of the linker invocation constructed by rustc.
return [
"-lstatic=%s" % get_lib_name(artifact),
"-Clink-arg=-l%s" % get_lib_name(artifact),
elif _is_dylib(lib):
return [
"-ldylib=%s" % get_lib_name(artifact),
return []
def _make_link_flags_windows(linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs):
linker_input, use_pic, ambiguous_libs = linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs
ret = []
for lib in linker_input.libraries:
if lib.alwayslink:
ret.extend(["-C", "link-arg=/WHOLEARCHIVE:%s" % get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic).path])
ret.extend(_portable_link_flags(lib, use_pic, ambiguous_libs))
return ret
def _make_link_flags_darwin(linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs):
linker_input, use_pic, ambiguous_libs = linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs
ret = []
for lib in linker_input.libraries:
if lib.alwayslink:
("link-arg=-Wl,-force_load,%s" % get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic).path),
ret.extend(_portable_link_flags(lib, use_pic, ambiguous_libs))
return ret
def _make_link_flags_default(linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs):
linker_input, use_pic, ambiguous_libs = linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs
ret = []
for lib in linker_input.libraries:
if lib.alwayslink:
("link-arg=%s" % get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic).path),
ret.extend(_portable_link_flags(lib, use_pic, ambiguous_libs))
return ret
def _libraries_dirnames(linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs):
link_input, use_pic, _ = linker_input_and_use_pic_and_ambiguous_libs
# De-duplicate names.
return depset([get_preferred_artifact(lib, use_pic).dirname for lib in link_input.libraries]).to_list()
def _add_native_link_flags(args, dep_info, linkstamp_outs, ambiguous_libs, crate_type, toolchain, cc_toolchain, feature_configuration):
"""Adds linker flags for all dependencies of the current target.
args (Args): The Args struct for a ctx.action
dep_info (DepInfo): Dependency Info provider
linkstamp_outs (list): Linkstamp outputs of native dependencies
ambiguous_libs (dict): Ambiguous libs, see `_disambiguate_libs`
crate_type: Crate type of the current target
toolchain (rust_toolchain): The current `rust_toolchain`
cc_toolchain (CcToolchainInfo): The current `cc_toolchain`
feature_configuration (FeatureConfiguration): feature configuration to use with cc_toolchain
if crate_type in ["lib", "rlib"]:
use_pic = _should_use_pic(cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, crate_type)
if toolchain.os == "windows":
make_link_flags = _make_link_flags_windows
elif toolchain.os.startswith("mac") or toolchain.os.startswith("darwin"):
make_link_flags = _make_link_flags_darwin
make_link_flags = _make_link_flags_default
# TODO(hlopko): Remove depset flattening by using lambdas once we are on >=Bazel 5.0
args_and_pic_and_ambiguous_libs = [(arg, use_pic, ambiguous_libs) for arg in dep_info.transitive_noncrates.to_list()]
args.add_all(args_and_pic_and_ambiguous_libs, map_each = _libraries_dirnames, uniquify = True, format_each = "-Lnative=%s")
if ambiguous_libs:
# If there are ambiguous libs, the disambiguation symlinks to them are
# all created in the same directory. Add it to the library search path.
ambiguous_libs_dirname = ambiguous_libs.values()[0].dirname
args.add_all(args_and_pic_and_ambiguous_libs, map_each = make_link_flags)
for linkstamp_out in linkstamp_outs:
args.add_all(["-C", "link-arg=%s" % linkstamp_out.path])
if crate_type in ["dylib", "cdylib"]:
# For shared libraries we want to link C++ runtime library dynamically
# (for example or
cc_toolchain.dynamic_runtime_lib(feature_configuration = feature_configuration),
map_each = _get_dirname,
format_each = "-Lnative=%s",
cc_toolchain.dynamic_runtime_lib(feature_configuration = feature_configuration),
map_each = get_lib_name,
format_each = "-ldylib=%s",
# For all other crate types we want to link C++ runtime library statically
# (for example libstdc++.a or libc++.a).
cc_toolchain.static_runtime_lib(feature_configuration = feature_configuration),
map_each = _get_dirname,
format_each = "-Lnative=%s",
cc_toolchain.static_runtime_lib(feature_configuration = feature_configuration),
map_each = get_lib_name,
format_each = "-lstatic=%s",
def _get_dirname(file):
"""A helper function for `_add_native_link_flags`.
file (File): The target file
str: Directory name of `file`
return file.dirname
def _error_format_impl(ctx):
"""Implementation of the `error_format` rule
ctx (ctx): The rule's context object
list: A list containing the ErrorFormatInfo provider
raw = ctx.build_setting_value
if raw not in _error_format_values:
fail("{} expected a value in `{}` but got `{}`".format(
return [ErrorFormatInfo(error_format = raw)]
error_format = rule(
doc = (
"Change the [--error-format]( " +
"flag from the command line with `--@rules_rust//:error_format`. See rustc documentation for valid values."
implementation = _error_format_impl,
build_setting = config.string(flag = True),
def _extra_rustc_flags_impl(ctx):
return ExtraRustcFlagsInfo(extra_rustc_flags = ctx.build_setting_value)
extra_rustc_flags = rule(
doc = (
"Add additional rustc_flags from the command line with `--@rules_rust//:extra_rustc_flags`. " +
"This flag should only be used for flags that need to be applied across the entire build. For options that " +
"apply to individual crates, use the rustc_flags attribute on the individual crate's rule instead. NOTE: " +
"These flags not applied to the exec configuration (proc-macros, cargo_build_script, etc); " +
"use `--@rules_rust//:extra_exec_rustc_flags` to apply flags to the exec configuration."
implementation = _extra_rustc_flags_impl,
build_setting = config.string_list(flag = True),
def _extra_exec_rustc_flags_impl(ctx):
return ExtraExecRustcFlagsInfo(extra_exec_rustc_flags = ctx.build_setting_value)
extra_exec_rustc_flags = rule(
doc = (
"Add additional rustc_flags in the exec configuration from the command line with `--@rules_rust//:extra_exec_rustc_flags`. " +
"This flag should only be used for flags that need to be applied across the entire build. " +
"These flags only apply to the exec configuration (proc-macros, cargo_build_script, etc)."
implementation = _extra_exec_rustc_flags_impl,
build_setting = config.string_list(flag = True),